Disqus Is Being A Brat

Just a quick FYI for everyone to let you know that if you make a comment and it doesn't instantly appear on the blog please don't think we are not accepting it for some reason. Disqus seems to be acting up and kicking LOTS of comments into spam.


We're not sure why but we're working on fixing it.
It just means that we manually have to approve some of the comments, so bear with us.
Hopefully it will sort itself out soon but we just wanted to let you know what was going on in case there was any confusion about it.

We are sending DuRob in to fix the situation, we know he's up to the job! ;-)



Gozde said...

Oh no you didn't, you guys let DuRob out? Somebody's in troooooouble....... Disqus say hello to a our little friend!!!!

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