Rob at LAX 04/26/2009

From Bauer Griffin Online. more at the source, please go and give them hits :) .(hope this makes them happy and they don't tell on me to blogger this time, I mean no harm :))

We have the untagged ones one here.


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Anna said...

So damn beautiful... oh, Rob. You WILL be the death of me.

Yvonne said...

woo hooo! I got lucky today (no, not that way) and I happen to be here when there are new pics! I usually miss everything!

Who's the lady on the escalator? How cute Rob looks chatting with her. It looks like he's helping her with her bag maybe? Nice view of the cute butt, too :) Made my day!

Emmes said...

OH, so bummed out, Little Ashes already sold out in Miami Gay Film Fest (ObVIOUSLy) :(((

I think I need to touch my screen innapropriately to recover :((((

Yvonne said...

Emmes...we are going on the 29th in Ft. Lauderdale..maybe that will work for you?

Lynnes said...

Is it petty to be jealous of that lady on the escalator? Coz I am....

lostinphilly57 said...

It's official - the yummy butt looks awesome in black pants also! (still love those tight jeans better, Rob!)LittleBear, you said it..SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL.......does this man ever take a bad picture??? I don't think so!!!

Maryann said...

I have to laugh at the source's comment about the lady on the escalator though LOL. Apparently this dude has noticed that Rob has an universal age appeal to women lol.

OMRobsessed said...

Oh, we love you Rob :)

Emmes said...

OH YVV! That would've been AWESOME but I'm just flying up for this weekend :(((

Stacy said...

He looks great! Is there a way to get this pic saved? I didn't see it on here ...

Yvonne said...

oh no :( Oh well.

Stacy said...

Ehh, never mind, I'm blind and exhausted from dealing with my 3 year old. I see it!

Stacy said...

I'm loling at some of the comments at the source. There's a crazy R/K shipper talking about "Kristin playing the Summit game this weekend." How pathetic.

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

Aah he's helping that lady!Such a gentleman. I wonder does she know who he is??

Silmarienn said...

the lady is carrying his suitcase.

Little Momma said...

That lady has to be some kind of chaperone or agent or something. If you look really close...a par t of her is in EVERY picture. Shoulder mostly.

I dont even have words for Rob anymore. My brain goes totally a good way...everytime I see him.

Little Momma said...

Okay...she is in very pic except the one where he is signing that autograph...

Julie Alencar said...

the lady is helping him???

Come on Rob???


Unknown said...

Maybe the woman carring his suitcase is his mom!!!
Or another family parent, she seems really close to him!!!

Little Momma said...

Danni - His mom is actually alot younger looking than that. And she has longer hair. They were actaully both on the Ellen the audience...back in Oct or Nov. You should look for it on YouTube...I was so intrigued by them...trying to figure out which one Rob looked more like!

elaine said...

He is so beautiful~sorry to keep repeating myself. That looks like his mom.

cathysue said...

she could just be a stranger who happened to be on the escalator at the same time. nice shot. just finding this place(blog) for some reason and prolly about to be fired whilst thumbing through all the yumminess :)

Little Momma said...

Anonymous said...

The woman looks like granny Pattz!
Were are your manners Rob allowing her to carry your bag (that yellow thing is his, right?)
And does he wear the same cloth as on the arrival pics from she-who-must-not-be-named?

Unknown said...

Little Momma!
I watched this show back then, and i'm watching againg right now and is defenitelly not her!!!
Maybe an aunt then!!!
I'm just kidding....Maybe is just a fan, and she insisted to carry his suitcase!!!

Melissa said...

GAH! The pursing of the lips is going to be the death of me!!!!!!!

Yeah, well anyhoo...He looks amazing...LOVE IT! :-)

Little Momma said...

I just noticed in the first pic where he looks to be just getting out of the car...she is there to the far left of the pic. She is reading that little red book...and he seems to be following behind her the whole time in the rest of the pics...he shoulder always in the bottom left corner of the pics...but thats just me...she could be related...
oh btw...HI!

Lexie said...

The little red book is a UK passport.

Stacy said...

She's prolly with his management team or something, since she's in every pic. I doubt he's making her carry his stuff, lol!

Little Momma said...

Thanks Pixie! I wouldnt have ever known.... :)

WinWin said...

Maybe he was carrying her bag?

On another note, not sure if Danni or Gozde are still here. I saw an interesting article. Nikki's bro making a documentary about celebs

SummerGirl said...

Defo British!

In the second pic (at the source), she is holding a British passport.

Surely this means more likely friend or relation than agent or chaperone.

I saw his folks at the London "LAshes" screening, and on the YT Ellen, and concur that it is not his Mother. Aunt? Granny? Friend? Dog walker?

Hey, why didn't she bring Patty!!!

Hannah said...

There's a woman on the escalator with him?? Jeez I was too distracted by The Butt to notice..

Silmarienn said...

she is carrying his passport too( first picture) so she cant be stranger. she must be working for his agent.

Maryann said...

LMAO Hannah!! I cannot blame ya for that

Silmarienn said...

the bag which is the lady carrying, definitely rob's. i saw that suitcase with him heaps of times.

SummerGirl said...

Eliz -- could it be HER British passport?

Unknown said...

Ok, she is looking at his passaport!
I guess she's from Summit, that's why the papz didn't care taking her pictures

TooFarGone said...

The old lady is in every photo and is carrying Rob's bag! Maybe that's Nikki's mom!! Did you hear that Nikki's brother is making a documentary about 'Glorification of Celebrities’ based on the Twilight phenomenon? I really don't like how Nikki has created all this gossip about her and Rob and using Rob and Kristen to get in the spot light. She doesn't have much talent and this is the only way for her to get the pubilicity, by latching on to
Rob and staying close to Kristen. I really hope Rob finds someone as talented and amazing as he is. He should trust his instints. Sorry I can't stand her...

TooFarGone said...

The old lady is in every photo and is carrying Rob's bag! Maybe that's Nikki's mom!! Did you hear that Nikki's brother is making a documentary about 'Glorification of Celebrities’ based on the Twilight phenomenon? I really don't like how Nikki has created all this gossip about her and Rob and using Rob and Kristen to get in the spot light. She doesn't have much talent and this is the only way for her to get the pubilicity, by latching on to
Rob and staying close to Kristen. I really hope Rob finds someone as talented and amazing as he is. He should trust his instints. Sorry I can't stand her...

Little Momma said...

Since Rob isnt a US citizen...doesnt he still need a passport to fly? Plus he was going from Canada to US as well...

SummerGirl said...

what colour are US passports please?

Little Momma said...

Danni...i agree...

Little Momma said...

Dark Blue

Little Momma said...

Well mine is

SummerGirl said...

I don't think she is necessarily that old.......I think the hair is fair/blonde, not grey.

Darn it, why isn't there a shot of the face?

Silmarienn said...

yes, its his passport.

and he need it even travel from canada to u.s

SummerGirl said...

Thanks Little Momma :)

At the source they are asking about the red book, and I just thought "passport".

Somebody over there IDed it, but I would not recognise a US passport.

Use your passport Rob, come back to London for a mini break!!!!

SummerGirl said...

Or HER passport!

Silmarienn said...


yes its british passport

Tenneil said...

Honestly... I love my new avatar... afternoon ladies...

and see Rob here made me think of... okay I changed the words "love in a escaltor" okay I know its elevator..... what can I say...this is what he does to me..

Anna said...

if it was her passport, wouldn't she have been with him when he arrived in Vancouver? I don't recall seeing her in the pictures

lol, I can't believe we're going all Sherlock Holmes on some random middle-aged lady... the things Ro does to us ;)

Little Momma said...

Little Bear - LOL! Sherlock Holmes!

Anna said...

that was "Rob". I shall not leave His Name with a typo.

Mariya said...

OMG Rob!!!

He is so gorgeous that he is gonna be the death of me too very soon. Everytime i see a new pic my heart skips a beat and i think i might be developing some heart problems.He's just too sexy!

Stacy said...

Seriously, lol. I'm wondering why it matters!

Lynnes said...

Tenneil~there are no words for your avatar.
That has to be part of the Robcasso. Not that I want to attempt that hot mess again.

Hannah said...

Tenneil - I heart your avatar!! ;)

Come on, who are we kidding.. all the signs are there. You can see their body language and Rob has always said he like older woman. They are obviously a couple


Tenneil said...

Lynnnes~ why thank you....
Robcasso...lmfao... I love robisms..

Hes is fine....perfection..

Little Momma said...

Lynnes...are you talking about the original Robcasso...the one that lasted like 4 hours long??? Lets not even go there! LOL!

Anna said...

Damn right Hannah. We should let Ted C. know he's on the wrong track!

Tenneil said...

Hannah~ thanks ....

Okay where was your LOL after that statement?? no new rumors please... cant handle the lies...LOL

SummerGirl said...

I know it is a British passport!

I have one!

My point is that is could be HERS not HIS!

Trying to find out if he has a friend or relation visiting him -- which would make me happy :)

But as Stacey says -- does it really matter?

Mochachino said...

GAHHH! Too much today. Thanks for the daily hit Gozde!
Jaw/sideburns/jaw/lips/jaw...I'm dying.
How can people think about anything else at a time like this?
I swear I used to be a normal person.

Tenneil..niiice pic

Smitten_Vixen said...

Goodness. I am such a Baby. I have to work in Vancouver this weekend ( which is good news)... but I am all by my lonesome, wheres the fun in that?!!!

Anyone in Vancouver this w/e? I Promise Im not a crazy axe murderer who has a thing for killing

Anna said...

I just noticed he signs that autograph with his left hand - is he a leftie?!

(this goes in the "incredibly mundane yet oddly fascinating" file)

Tenneil said... niiiice of you to notice... well hard not too...

damn did I say hard... Iam spent!!

Hannah said...

Tenneil - I think I was too distracted by your avatar ;)

Please note a delayed LOL for my previous comment!!

LOL! ;)

Kathy#1 said...

Is Rob left handed since he is signing that pic with his left hand (on the original site). Or perhaps that was just his free hand.

Tenneil said...


{{hugs}} atta girl....

sorry for the blindless my avatar might cause... should I put a warning up???LOL

WinWin said...

Darn, I need to brush up on my Robsessing skills. I know his clothing (I think) but never paid attention to what he is carrying. He's very distracting. For example Tenneil's avatar, very distracting.

Maryann said...

US passports from what I have seen traveling are dark blue, UK ones are dark red if I remember correctly and yes Rob would need his passport to travel anywhere in US and Canada. His work visa is probably in it as well (to work in US he has to have a special visa for actors (there is one for athletes, artists, entertainers, actors etc).

Not sure about Canada lol. I looked but couldn't find anything. Not sure if UK have some sort of agreement with Canada either when it comes to working there.

Yes I am bored, I looked this up, the US stuff I knew before cos I have looked up ALOT of US visa info for myself a while ago hehe.

Mochachino said...

Ten ~ I can't even spell anymore I'm all excited here. Seriously, how can you guys focus on the passport?

Tenneil said...

WW~ sorry gurl.... but its the only angle I had of him where he wasnt talking to himself or someone...LOL

One of the best IMO... there are lots to name tho...

Tenneil said...

Erin~ take two of these and call me in the morning

not sure if it will help tho...

Chicago girl now in LA said...

It is so nice to see Rob...possibly he had meetings to attend to about his new film? Perhaps this is Rob's Passport and the lady is from his American or British representation? I don't think it is likely any family members would come so far only for the weekend.

Yvonne~About Sanpaku...I posted more details on that thread from yesterday that you were mentioning this on...if you are interested.

Anonymous said...

my, my, my this is a speculatin' bunch isn't it? lol

who's passport? who's the lady? is that rob's luggage?

is he going commando? oh wait, that's my question

t: your avatar... no words

Tenneil said...

TS~ for me its all about my avatar.. no spec... here... I heart much...and all I know is he not coming home to ...dont care...

{{HUGS}} missed you...

Melanie said...

Yes, I agree. Tenneil--Thank you for your avatar!!!!!!

Tenneil said...

Melanie~ thanks.. I have had so many compliments.. I am blushing...

Mochachino said...

Ten ~ YOU'RE KILLING ME WOMAN! THX, no complaints :)


Anonymous said...

t: {{hugs}}

he's not coming home to you?... was this your weekend off?

meg said...

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ...........the last one.............. oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh beautiful. Will some one scrap me off the floor before my dh comes home.

Tenneil said...

TS~ yes damn clause in the contract... i hate sharing....LOL

tinababy1 said...

Maryann - Need UK passport to enter Canada. Ours are also Dark Blue

meg said...

I can't even use correct grammar, "some one"

Tenneil said...

Erin~ compliments of Rob... any song I am sure could lead back to him...

Tenneil said...

Hi Tina~ *waves*...

tinababy1 said...

hi Ten!!

Suz said...

Ten ~ I'd eat dinner off your avatar...

A fricken masterpiece.

Tenneil said...

Suz~ mortal beloved... tru dat!!


Anonymous said...

hi tina :) hi suz :)

t: hmmm my weekend is coming up soon

meg said...

Hi Momma, still there? How r things in the south? It's finally warm up here.

How is you your Robsession going, haven't seen you here very much. Have you found a cure? If so do tell, I would really like my life back.

Suz said...

TS! Hello darlin'


Tenneil said...

TS~ marking the calendar with BIG red x's...just cause....

tinababy1 said...

Suz - Loved your little "shopping expedition" in NYC. Get anything good??

hee hee

Suz said...

Yes, Tina..
there was this model called..


Just had to have it!

Suz said...

Suz {hearts} Tina

tinababy1 said...

Does it have a "drunk" setting?

tinababy1 said...

Tina "hearts" you back babe

Suz said...

Of course..

The Settings:

Shy/Gentle (as if)
slightly pissed
more pissed (takes longer)
Sex Drive Hard

meg said...

Littlebear - Lefties rule, not mundane. Sure hope he is, I am.

Anonymous said...

wait, did someone say they had a cure for robsession? do not leak this to my dh.

meg said...

Momma left didn't she, DAMN I always miss her.

tinababy1 said...

What about tongue attachment?

tinababy1 said...

30 - My cure for Robsession would be to have him htaken under the wing of Tom Cruise.

That would destroy me FOREVER!!

Suz said...

Tina, that cost extra....

Tenneil said...

Suz~ have you been holding out on me... the robinator??? you got two right??? mine in the mail???

what about the setting stated "closer"??


tinababy1 said...

Suz - But worth every penny, I'm sure.

Better get over to ebay ASAP

Little Momma said...

meg are you still there?

Tenneil said...

tina~ ebay... OMG hell didnt just say that...EWWWW

Suz said...

lol @ Tina...

he seems more the buddhist type to me...

TomKat STAY AwaY!

(he is a fan...)

tinababy1 said...

Ten - NEW IN BOX ONLY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Divinesally said...

I swear if I was behind him on that escalator, I'd be so tempted to smack/tap that ass and run my fingers through that lovely hair, while wrapping my lips 'round his manly jaw...all the while having his long beautiful pianist hands ripping me off his back while cops detain me...ahhh, a girl can only wish. Definitely worth the police record. =)

Suz said...

Ten ~ MB

After all we've been through.. you have to ask?

Suz said...

TS... for the love of Robsessors everywhere..

why the hell not!

; )

Tenneil said...

DS~ roflmao!!! tap it...hmmmm mmmmm

Suz said...

DS.. whatever you do...

don't leave a mark..

Divinesally said...

Tenneil~ I noticed the leftie signing as well. Perhaps the talented mofo can add ambidextrous to his skillz list. Darkward would be jealous.

Tenneil said...

Tina~ be careful.... still laughing BTW!!

Suz~ its all good.... {{hugs}}
I trust you...

tinababy1 said...

Suz - Kinky Buddhist?

Def know what to do with kinky englishman. Have studied every episode of "Secret Diary of a Call Girl"

Can be very "Belle"

Suz said...

the lefie signature is his

"fu*k you"

to the dude who is about to make money off Rob's sexy azzzz

that signed pic is already up on doubt.


Tenneil said...

DS~ skillzzz yes but too many to list!! that man has mad skillzzz...

tinababy1 said...

Leftie grip does not look natural.

Suz said...

Ten ~ MB


Tenneil said...

Suz~ Lmfao...been doing alot of that today...

Suz said...

Tina.. I know what all BRITs want.

I have my doctorate on the subject

Divinesally said...

Ten~Mad skillez to pizay the billz.

Suz~I can't promise anything...

meg said...

Girls, everyone knows the only cure for the Robsessed disease is to HAVE HIM, the real thing. Then you could breath a sigh of relief and go on with your life. Every once and awhile reminisce that experience....... Wait, what am I talking about, if THAT happened you would become a young vampire and crave HIM forever. You would become a monster:()

Tenneil said...

Suz~ okay butt crack santa

Little Momma said...


meg said...

Still here Momma, HI!!!!!!!!

Suz said...

DS.. why did that suddenly turn me on?

; )



meg said...

Sorry I'm so slow at typing.

Little Momma said...

Oh good you saw me!
Yeah I am doing okay...sorry I dont get in here and chat much during the day. Not too much at night...well not as much...

Suz said...


"is that what you dream about? Becoming a Monster?"

; )

Divinesally said...

Meg~what if his wanker doesn't add up to the rest of his deliciousness?

...sorry, but it's a possibility.

***runs as fast as her two little legs can take her and ducks for cover from Robsessors***

meg said...

are you still robsessed as ever

Tenneil said...

Suz ~ doctorate... wow I will never underestimate (sp) you again ever...

Anna said...

Meg - so, what you're saying is, there's no cure, and we're all doomed to Robsessing forever and ever...

YAY !!!

Mochachino said...

meg...there must be some alternative! I cannot continue like this indefinitely! I will end up unemployed and crippled from years of obsessing on this site

Little Momma said...

Meg are you on Facebook?

Hmm as for a cure...

Suz said...


he is so mad sexy .. we'd be DONE before we started...

(cue A & O DH scene)

Suz said...

Ten ~ my one and only MB...

have you under-estimated me in the past?

"As if you could out-run me"

Tenneil said...

I know this wasnt to me...but

I dream of being with you forever...sorry...

*hides in corner*

meg said...

Divin - I really don't think that's even possible Rob not living us to THAT!!!

Little Momma said...

Still Robsessed??? If you want to know if I still love Rob...and still want his body....then YES!

The need to come on the blog...hmmm...well its too much torture for me...trying to form legitimate words about Rob....

meg said...

OOPS, living up to that!!!

Gemgirl65 said...

I give up, you ladies are too smart for me! I've been having an affair with Rob for years and that's me with the old lady wig on to throw off the paps. I was holding his bag while he signed auitographs. I'd give you details about other things of his I was holding earlier in the weekend but I don't kiss and tell. ;)

OMG...the conjecture kills me. So entertaining. All the conspiracy theories about Kristen "staging" a weekend with her own boyfriend, and Rob POSSIBLY visiting Nikki in LA over the weekend, as some weird ploy from Summit to keep people from finding out the supposed "truth" that Robsten are a couple? Wow...people have too much time on their hands to dream up that sh*t.

I am confused about the timeline the fan pics were taken in Vancouver Friday night, and the airport pics were taken Saturday and Sunday? Whatever, Rob looks devastatingly beautiful AND exhausted at the same time, as only a 22-year-old can do.

He's right-handed. Either the pic was "flipped" or he was in a hurry and just scribbled an illegible autograph with his left hand. Wouldn't surprise me if he's ambidextrous. I can think of a few ways to test out that theory....

Anonymous said...

lb... @ yay! haha at least we have each other to share the robsession with.

Mochachino said...

Divine...not possible. I've, uh, inspected that area in a LOT of pics/videos

Divinesally said...

I'm a little turned on (butt sore) myself. The DH had me Domward style this weekend. If YA know what I mean, and I think you do.... ;)

Suz said...

Ten ~ MB

"isn't it enough.. just to have a long and happy life with me?"

meg said...

Momma, yah I understand. Sometimes it feels like it's too much.

meg said...

Divin - Wow naughty little thing aren't you:)

Tenneil said...

Suz~ never

everything about me invited you in...

Leann~ theories... have a few of those myself...LOL compare notes???

Suz said...

Ten ~ MB

Is it my
my face
or my smell?

All of the above?

Divinesally said...

Erin and Leann~ROTFL

I like the way you chicks think.

Suz and Meg~*ROBkisses!*

meg said...

Suz, yes it IS what I dream about becoming a monster. So what:()

tinababy1 said...

Div - Blasphemy to even speculate such nonsense!!!

Robwang MUST most definitely be as perfect as rest of Rob.

Suz said...

Meg! I am right there with you!


Suz said...

well Tina....

if that was somehow.. umm
you know.. not up to.. ummm

Could end some 'sessing...

just sayin'

Tenneil said...

Suz~ i like watching you sleep!!

Divinesally said...

Tina~hahahahahahaha, ROBwang, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaROBrobhahahahahahahahahahha

Loisada said...

I think our chivalrous man is apologizing to the fellow Brit who happened to check in in front of him and got bombarded with flashbulb slaps all the way to the gate. At least she was a good enough sport that the two of them could laugh about it, cause apart from that little interaction he still looks wickedly handsome but plain wiped out.

Suz said...

Ten ~ MB

I can NEVER loose control with you.

Tenneil said...


meg said...

Tina and Suz bit your tongue. Think about what your saying.

tinababy1 said...

Suz - doesn't behave as if it's not up to par.

Not loud, Ferrari driving, look-at-me type.

DRIVES CLOWN CAR!! ergo.....

see what I mean?

Suz said...

Tina..I was just trying to throw some of these bitches off track...



Divinesally said...

Actually Tina, good effin point. He doesn't have to compensate for anything lacking...down below.

tinababy1 said...

Oh , ok.

Yeah, I've seen it. It looks like a matchstick (wink)

Suz said...

Ten ~ MB

"since I'm already going to hell"

Divinesally said...

I think it's too early, I'm having really dirty and naughty thoughts. I feel, almost, wrong.

Suz said...

one time... at band camp...

I met a match stick....

and I said, oh excuse me, I left something on my car..

Yea MY AZZ I left!

tinababy1 said...

Meg - can't help biting tongue. It's always hanging out of my mouth.

Unknown said...

.......... hmmmmmmmmmm thanks so much for the last pic.
Sexy behind!!!

Suz said...

DS.. it durty.. it feels wrong..


Tenneil said...

Tina~ matchstick...LOL

Suz~ smart move...I actually just spelled smut...LOL

Your not going to leave this alone are you??

tinababy1 said...

Div - come on, it's nearly 5:00

That's sexy-time. Plus it doesn't hurt that it's 85 freaking degrees out.

Gemgirl65 said...

"Robwang" LMAO! Suz, that's blasphemy...of course it's "up" to par...but dammit, I swore I wouldn't kiss and tell!

Where is this Robinator of which you speak...I like the settings, but can we add a "superhuman vampire speed" setting? Or maybe that would kill us all....

Suz said...

Ten ~ MB

"You hit your head.. you're confused"

tinababy1 said...

Noel??? do we have a guy in here?????

meg said...

Hear that Tina. My dh is home better go before his eyes start rolling.

Momma sorry didn't talk much, maybe see you tonight.


tinababy1 said...

Leann - Superhuman vampire speed????

OMG - he could get to all of us in one night...EVERY night

Tenneil said...

Suz~ I had an adrenline rush ...its happens all the time can google it...

Suz said...

I did a mini VLOG in NYC when I went to see HTB... whilst in line, we stood across a block long sex shop.. so of course it made the Vlog....


(I can send link if interested, also had Q & A from Cast/crew)

Gemgirl65 said...

Tina, LOL---that'd give a whole new meaning to the term "quickie"

tinababy1 said...

Does everyone else get a total buzz when they are on here??

Mochachino said...

"yeah, that makes it better. Feel dirty, feel like its wrong"

My head is full of Robrod thoughts and its barely past lunchtime for me!

bye meg!

crazy said...

Hi everybodeeeee! what's going on? any schmexy talk about Rob in an airport?

Suz said...

Leann, that setting is suicidal! but what a way to goooooooooooooooooo

tinababy1 said...

Hello Noel??? Come out, come out, wherever you are.

We don't bite, much.

Divinesally said...

Suz~whipping bench?flogger? yes please!

tina~I don't do well under these sweaty situations...unless, it's involving Rob and/ the DH....

Oh shite, I think I just jizzed in my pants o_O

Gemgirl65 said...

"block long sex shop"...good Lord, LOL! Sure Suz, I'd love a link! I prob won't be able to see that movie until it's on DVD, living in podunk midwest as I do.

Tenneil said...

Sorry meg...bye bye...

tinababy1 said...

Aw Crazy - I'm going to go have supper soon bb.

Suz said...

Crayyyyy zayyyyy!


sex, airport? Mile Hi?

s'allll good

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