Can you Handle More?

A HUGE thanks to SplahNewsOnline, A Socialitelife, Just Jared, and [info]brandnewluv in [info]pattinsonlife for the pictures :))


Kate said...

I'm almost as excited at you being back as I am at seeing Rob Shirtless!!!!!!!!!!!
Today is a good day !!!

Kelli said...


this day just keeps getting better and better. i wish i was the person in charge of attaching all those CGI things on him....whoa

miss you goz!

Martina said...

Rob will put me on a heart transplant list.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I can't take anymore...but please don't stop!! Welcome back, Goz. I love this place, it's my homepage so I can see all your Rob goodness as soon as I get do not disappoint.

Tenneil said...


I dont know how much more i can take... seriously???

i am awesome-o said...

Keep them coming babe! lol

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Now we know why RP has been sporting such deceptive, loose-fitting shirts, as of late: he was shrouding the treasure, like bullet-proof glass protecting the Mona Lisa....

Melanie said...

I may have two ear infections, a sore throat and a horrible headache, but I have a smile on my face due to Rob and his happy trail.

(Oh, and Goz, I hope that you are doing well. We've all missed you.)

Suz said...



Ciara said...

sweet baby jesus!!!!!!!!! I'm a puddle!!!!

thank you thank you thank you!!


Suz said...


PattzCrak is better than Zpak!


Feel better soon.

showme said...

THank you so much Godze for putting up with our constant posts...and as i said several threads glad to have you back!!!!

ESP on this momentous day. and i'll keep refreshing til my fingers are numb

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Hey, hey, hey, ladies...What's this on the other thread that suggests I need my head checked????? I don't feel the love here!!! :))))))

Anonymous said...

goz :) welcome back!!! hope all is well with your family.

and what a day to return!

Brandy said...

Holy SHIT!!! ive been gone all day and this is the first thing i see. mama gotta..
okay, not so much anymore. gonna be stuck at robsessed until well after midnight! IS IT NOVEMBER YET???

ps: good to see you goz!

Ciara said...

I hate to be a buzz kill but I think the six pack is make-up. what do you guys think?

if it is im very jealous of the lucky make up lady!!

Oyster-Eater said...


I am at work and just embarrassed the crap out of myself by screaming outloud! This is...just...too...much....

I am blushing.

Suz said...

why am I crying?

Anonymous said...

now about that v...and the six pack. holy fucking hell that man is a god! i knew he was looking buff...but to actually see it...

Anonymous said...

suz me too!! no kidding.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Hey 30! What's up with you???

Suz said...

TS, I wish to thank you.

I ran through the door (from Dr appt) threw my purse across the floor and went straight for the laptop!

I wish he lived next door.. he is the only thing that makes me forget to.. eat.

I'd be a tiny thing if he was around here...

Brandy said...

Suz, 30...I'm so feelin' ya ladies. All I can keep thinking is...THERE IS A GOD...and HE LOVES ME! why else would there be such awesomeness on my computer screen right now?

HookedonCullen said...

OME!!!!! I am in tears! I can not wait for New Moon! Rob makes me feel like a teenage girl all over again. Thank you Rob and thank you Goz!

I have 5 daughters and NONE of them are Twilight fans or Rob fans. ( The defect must come from dads side of the family) I love reading everyones comments. It makes my day, and Its good to know I'm not the only 30something woman in love with this guy!

Suz said...

i don't know Brandy...

He is just one more thing I have to add to my NO NO list.

Chocolate - No
Alcohol - NO
Fried Foods - No
Salty Food - No
Recreational Drugs - No...

Ahh fuck it.. I igg most of those anyway..


Title of Suz's Life Story

Deprivation, Indulgence, Guilt.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Suz - I'd totally read that story.

Mariya said...

Whoa...!!! I'm not sure I can handle more of shirthless Rob.

Mochachino said...

OHHHH MYYYY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Aitch said...

The kissing pictures are my favorite because I am SO PRETENDING I AM HER!!!

Suz said...

KK, I am on a mission to see that its a fucking good read...


; )

Anonymous said...

WELCOME BACK Gozde!! And I agree--what a great welcome back present this is!!

I am just...there are no words.

I was really afraid that Summit would have the set locked down to the extent that we would see nothing from these scenes, but I think the paps knew that if they could score these photos all hell would break loose. Soooo happy that they were able to get these shots!

In the words of many others out there: I. AM. DIED. It's just too much.

This movie is going to be soooo beyond better than Twilight.

Redlulu said...

OK, so May 27,2009 is definitely getting marked in my book as "Best Day Ever"...

Emily said...

Goz, can we handle more? No. But do we care? Absolutely not. Welcome back!

Rob looks amazing. Exactly how Edward should look in that scene. I don't care if his abs are helped out a little by make-up. It just makes me hate the person who got to apply it. Look at those arms too!
Atta girl Kristen...yank on that hair! Make us proud.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I bet that Summit wasn't trying too hard to keep photogs out of this. Look at the publicity NM is getting already because of these pics. Anticipation has skyrocketed through the roof!!!!!!!

Mariya said...

Keep them comming,we all want more...hihi

Nicky said...

oh my God, I am speechless - honestly!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (OK maybe not speechless exactly) HOLY CRAP!!!!

Suz said...

Chris W..

is fucking BRINGING IT!

I hope they see all the positive things people are saying....


Brandy said...


What is life without a little indulgence, a little guilt? lol.

my new favorite word PATZCRACK. possibly my new favorite anything as well. needless to say, the patzcrack is now my computer background....sighs.

Anonymous said...

Pass the box of tissues...

These are amazing! I am so excited to see the movie. The movie poster is already up at the theaters here.

My daughter has pictures up all over her room of Rob. She is 15 but I am more excited then she is. Nothing like feeling like a teen again.

Thank you Goz for sharing these wonderful shots!! It sure is worth coming here everyday!!

And thank you Robert, Your amazing!!

Unknown said...

sweet baby jesus....

Brandy said...

and BTW...dont so much care about the rest of the freakin movie but im going to see it about 50 times just to see that scene on the big screen!

just thinking about it...I AM DYING. DEAD.

Oana said...

Oh My Edward!
I can't believe i was on that exact same spot two days ago! I hope i left my scent there :)))))))))
Thank God there's a thunder storm in Montepulciano right now cause these pics have refueled my madness and I need all of Edward's self-control not to run out screaming and chasing Rob wildly around...
I'm crouched for the hunt...
Welcome back Goz, we missed you!

Suz said...

I have copywrite protection on my Suzisms as Alie called them...

PatzzCrack ©

also trying to get the

"Patent" son © on the kid.


Yvonne said...

GOZ!!! Welcome back bb :) And what a day to come back to! The gods have bestowed gifts upon us all :))

Hope all is well in your corner of the world, been thinking about you . XO

Nicky said...

OK, so I thought I was speechless but maybe not so one question: how did the little bugger get so six pack in a couple of months...I am a Robsessed fan, I saw the pictures from when he was in London in February and he looked skinny and gangly almost. I am seriously impressed with his dedication to work his ass off!!!!! And of course, having Taylor's eight pack to look at in the media in the months leading up to this shoot, would have also been a source of inspiration for Rob, but who cares - WELL DONE BUDDY!!!!! YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!!! :)

Emily said...

Just think of the little black spots all over his body as lots and lots of mole porn.

Is that the beefy bodyguard with his hands on Rob's back again? :) Down boy, it's just Kristen, she's supposed to be there.

Anonymous said...

suz ;) anytime i can oblige with a quick head's up, you know i will! and i know you would do the same! xoxo

kk! :) hope you had an awesome trip to chi town & got lots of writing accomplished!!

gotta go girls...big brother is watching...haha i'm @ work.

Martina said...

to the man who is touching our robbie: Back off!!!

Brandy said...

id like to be the first to volunteer to help remove those pesky dots later on tonight....

Anonymous said...

Actually, I don't think he is wearing any underwear?!?!

That's it officially falling off of chair now!

Celtibera said...

Gozde, you want to give me a heart attack today? Every time I refresh the page, I see more of that sixpack... Are you still posting pics or have I lost my mind? (The latter is quite a plausible explanation). If you're still posting pictures, thank you!!

Unknown said...

This is a good day!

Rob shirtless, what else is there to say?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh sweet jesus!This has been the best Rob/New Moon day ever!!! My heart has not stopped pounding once since these started showing up all over the place. I have died & gone to heaven!

Emily said...

limey - yeah, that was the first thought that crossed my mind, too. Those pants are hanging dangerously low on his hips and I'm pretty sure there isn't an elastic waistband anywhere in sight. Not that I'm complaining. Score for the wardrobe department.

Martina said...

without underwear? :S
but he must have a zipper in his pants. wouldn`t that hurt? :/

Oana said...

Martina, Emily: the bodyguard is there only to keep Rob from falling on his back like a turtle when Kristen throws herself at him. I wish there was a bodyguard to protect him when she does that in real life :)))))))))

annycullen said...

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! i think i just fainted. ah you made my dreams come trueeee! look at his bodd! oh jeez i feel light headedd!

annycullen said...

i think i have to learn how to breathe again..

Stacy said...

Good lord.

Ok, so ... she runs into his arms, jumps him, hugs him, and then plants one on him, right? That's what it looks like to him.

Celtibera said...

Yup, Oana, in one of the pics, he almost fell down. Poor thing!

showme said...

the guy with his hands on rob's back is there so rob won't fall backward when kristen jumps in his arms....

remember, he's supposed to be like steel, unmovable when she jumps on him...

Suz said...

Thanks for that reminder Nicky..

we will have to sit through 2 hours of TayCob before we get the sweet relief of shirtless Edward..

we will have sooooooo deserved it!

showme said...

btw....LOVE the Patzcrack...LOL

cullenluv said...

Tears actually welled up in my eyes when I first saw pic #3. I can't believe those got out but YEAH!!!!! He is so beautiful!
Hope you're ok Goz...thinking of you.XXOO

Unknown said...

I'm a bit confused here. Clearly he's been working out and not eating at all. But did they spray-tan his abs? It looks like that to me. :/

margot said...

GOZDE :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

hope you can see the world in better light ?

today is the day : we dropped dead, then pulled ourselves but not 100% successfully :))) with alll incoming picks

I'm happy you're back !

Rocio said...

you can see his cute lil butt line...ahh!!!!!

marya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sara said...

I've already gone through all the motions of: shock, swoon, drool, stop breathing, thud.
With witnesses from here too, how embarrassing!

It does look like he got help from the make-up department like people are speculating on other sites, but it's painfully obvious Rob has actually beefed up. The arms, the shoulders, the neck, the upper chest, the V!!
I think his abs would've probably looked better without enhancement, but idk, maybe it's comes across on camera better this way.

Either way, dead excited for it!

margot said...

yeah ... this guy is helping the "marble chest effect"

Melissa said...

Yeah. I'm pretty sure I just died and went to heaven. HOLY HALE!

This is like Christmas in May!!


I mean, wow. Just WOW.

This day cannot get any better.

He is AMAZING!!!

And KStew??? OMG...she is one lucky bitch! :-)



cherylmmm said...

what i'd give to be the bald guy who has his hands right above robs gorgeous butt!!!

i'm useless yet again today - like ROBkill on the side of the highway!!!

gahhhhhhhhh!!! thanks Goz!

Melissa said...


Welcome back, Goz!!

We all missed you!


Lizalou said...

hmmmmm, imagine jumping into those arms, girls...

Yup, mama needs a drink now and a ciggie...

margot said...

OK, I'm resending my Thank You List, again - let's be grateful :

Thank you :

1. Mrs Mum and Mr Dad (creating and bringing up)
2. SMeyer (creating and writing)
3. KRISTEN (choosing)
4. Cathrine (choosing, employing, bringing Edward and Bella to my eyes)
5. Gozde and Dani (we all know for what!) mwwwaaahhhh !
6. Stephanie the Agent
7. BigBear BG
8. New Moon's director (for upgrading, except the fugly pants)

after closer inspection on photos ... I wanna thak fugly pants for fallin' down the happy trail to the .... .... ehhh

feel free to add

marya said...

is the six pack real?? some pics it looks like they painted the six pack on his body...haha he still looks soooo much better!! oh those arms...
sooo yummy...

~~Swept Away~~ said...

Welcome back Goz!

Can someone please call 911... I can't breathe!!

MandyW said...

WOW... just wow.

Do I need to say more.

Lizalou said...

Well if the six pack isn't real, marya, i'd like to be the bugger who gets to wash the makeup off.
How 'bout you? ;p

SarahBella said...

I uh....he's not wearing a....
pecs...six hair...jaw porn.....::spontaneously combusts::

OH-MY-GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! In response to the headline...I can't handle this, no. But thanks for asking. ::whimpering:: The one thing I DIDN'T think he had was a body. And I was alright with that. But look at him! He looks so good I don't even know what to do with myself. I've officially concluded that Robert Pattinson actually IS a freakin vampire. Perfect in every way. Dazzling every woman in the universe. And it's torture!

If Kristen was on the fence about Rob before, she's probably at home reevaluating things RIGHT freakin now. How could she not!? She hugged shirtless, sexy buff Rob a dozen different times. Seriously!!

And I saw the paparazzi pics below where he was walking to the car in his plaid shirt...and he had the sweetest and most genuine smile and wave for the fans. You're KILLING me Rob. freakin killing me!!! Please do something to make yourself look like an ass so I can get over you!!! :(

Stacy said...

I think the six pack is enhanced/contoured, because it needs to show up on camera, but it's obvious that Rob has some muscle there, especially on the side pics. He's definitely beefed up.

marya said...

by the way im hearing fireworks outside...
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry monika! hahaha
sorry of topic...
back to shirtless gorgeous rob...

Lizalou said...

I don't give a fug about six-packs anyway - I was happy when he was soft. This is just an added bonus!

You knew they'd have to find a way to tear him down when he looks so beautiful.

IZA76 said...

why his IMBD profile said that he is dating Kristen?? so all the rumors are true?? I hope not.

ambikakinz said...

I just died.
A little.
In my pants..

SarahBella said...

And welcome back, Goz! You're awesome!! I hope all is well with you.

Unknown said...

This day just got a million times more amazing!
Holy Shit!!!!!
I'm at a loss for words!

Stacy said...

Whoever did his imbd profile is either an idiot, or a shipper, or both.

They aren't dating ... (unless it's totally in the closet, and I don't think it is) and they've certainly never come out and said they are.

cherylmmm said...

what i'd give to be the bald guy who has his hands right above robs gorgeous butt!!!

i'm useless yet again today - like ROBkill on the side of the highway!!!

gahhhhhhhhh!!! thanks Goz!

marya said...

lizalou- oh i agree...i was just pointing out something...i mean whatever makes rob look prettier (which is already impossible) is fine by me!!!
dont girls put on make up????
well let rob have his six pack...real or not...its AWESOME...and the rest of him is just as perfect if not more...:D

Christy said...

I have seen the face of God and it is on Robert Pattinson's chest. Amen.

showme said...

i just told my trainer i'd trade my house to have any kinds of relations with that....delicious, suculent, cerebral, hysterical, mesmerizing, devestatingly charming, beautiful perfection of a man...

i don't care that he's 23. I have officially decided 34 is not too old for a 23 year old.... daydreams will continue.

margot said...

now you know why he was so smiling yesterday :
well done
and ... picture of us dead in heaps and scattered around the world

Stacy said...

I feel ya:) I am 32 and sometimes feel like a cougar, lol, but eff it.

I think Rob needs an older woman anyway!

izzy said...

OK first sorry Christiano Ronaldo....maybe next time we'll win.
That said....I'm having so many impure thoughts.....GOD forgive me.....ohh hubby is so not even gonna make it to the doorstep...;).

I would've luv'd to be that makeup artist....damn! I would've peed in my pants....when applying makeup to this Adonis! specilally on that happy trail of his!ayy q' pecado! or maybe Kristen's leg right in between his....agggrrr....stop it,stop it *she slaps and pinches herself * This hypocrite body of mine...u know u want it...slurp..slurp! gasp

izzy said...

Hi ladies! anyone recovered yet?

izzy said...

oxygen mask please!

margot said...

f**** unbelievable ....

I have forgotten my bank account number ... needed 30 sec to remember, can't believe it, ROBlobotomy anything else

do not laugh, that's a serious condition, I may be cut off my money

MrsFierceShoes said...

Sweet lord. Just give me a chance...I'd f**k him 90 ways to Sunday and make him the happiest man on earth.

shelbi (: said...

dear god almighty.

Mochachino said...

32, 34? Definitely not too old! I honestly find it easy to forget that Rob is just 23.

I hadn't even thought of the make up artist's job 'til now...but now can't stop thinking about it

LovetheLips said...



Showme8900 - how about 40?? Is that too old???

These are better than I ever imagined....

I'm not coherent right now...will be back on later....

Anonymous said...

Today was most definitely a day when my thoughts meandered to the naughty. I lived an episode of When Good Anons Go Bad.

MandyW said...

I don't know if I'll ever recover from this. Holy Moly, If I die right now at least I'll die happy.

Jennifer said...

Yeah, I can die happy now.

MandyW said...

I'm 30 almost 31 and eight years isn't such a big difference right? I don't think any of us are too old.

Tenneil said...

Hell to the no... I have a edward/rob induced headache/heartache...

izzy said...

Ladies I'm very serious qhen I eyes are literraly all watery. My ass husrt from sitting here all day..f***. I need a change of underware...lmfao. can't take this. this day will go down in history. God must really be missing that angel....DAMN he's HOT!That buttcrack, those abs, those arms...did you see those mouth is watering...yes really, it is!


izzy said...


MandyW said...

My 8 year old daughter and her friend just walked into the room while I was looking at these pictures and they both started to scream. It was so damn funny. I guess Robsession can hit at any age.

MandyW said...

Janny- How are you this fine Rob filled day?

Shani said...

Sadly, that Luck that Kristen has is being wasted on her. Because on that day of all days that's the time you say FUCK THE BOYFRIEND it's time to FUCK MY CO-STAR.LOL

kk said...


izzy said...

Ladies may I just say how I absolutely love this blog. I really like all of you, have so much fun and enjoy ur every comment. I'm glas I'm not the only 30something woman out there feeling like a teenager all over again....and LUVIN' IT!

thanx goz

Lizalou said...

None of us are too damned old! He's old enough to die in war, have a beer in the States - he's old enough for us ;p

Btw, now about that makeup artist who got to airbrush him.. do you suppose the lucky gal had to get on her knees in front of him? i'm thinking so....

izzy said...

OMG...SPEECHLESS...never thought I would say that. But yeah I have no words and then again too many! nothing is good enought to describe Rob. As if he couldn't get any better....and here he comes with that BODY....GOD DAMN BOY! He's got it all!

Shani said...

Mandy- You didn't know?? Robsession starts at age 8 and ends until death. LOL

That's why our mantra is:


izzy said...

hahahaha listen I'm sorry I was just reading to what I've posted and realized. I'm getting dyslexic....WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME ROB!*sighs*

Lizalou said...


AfuckingMEN about Kstew! Screw the g'damned bf (not literally) - I would have been bruised and abused if I was her today - and not because I jumped on Rob in the square...

Shani said...

Lizalou- I was thinking the same thing. Down on knees or bent over.

LovetheLips said...

Shani - "that's the time you say FUCK THE BOYFRIEND it's time to FUCK MY CO-STAR."

How could you not??? That man is sooooooooo beautiful!

Lizalou said...

I'm thinking knees... she had to be eyelevel to do it right, dontcha think? ;p

MandyW said...

Shani- Thanks for the info, I didn't know that, man it is not fair there were not any celebs this HOT when I was 8.

Shani said...

Lizalou- Sore and bruised in the good way.

izzy said...

I'm sorry, but I can't believe K is passing on THAT PIECE OF MAN! can't, I know I would be all over that!sorry Michael...just keeping it real here. boyfriend or no boyfriend....maybe that's why she has that face on some of the pictures...I would feel so mentally and sexually bothered just by looking at him like that....let alone press my body to his....arrgghhh...sorry I can't take it today....if my computer doesn't stop dead on it's tracks my heart will.

Lizalou said...


Yup. The makeup artists would not have been happy having to cover up those marks on me today...
or the ones left on Rob, either ;p

Shani said...

Lizalou- It's eyelevel either way. Plant eyes right on crotch.

izzy said...

DO IT KRISTEN, DO HIM NOW!nobody will hate you for it.lmfao

SarahBella said...

Anyone notice that Kristen can't even make eye contact with him between takes? Shouldn't be too hard for someone who isn't remotely interested. You know how it is when a guy looks so good that you can't even look at him?? Let me stop. But I'm just saying ;)

And seeing these pics made me realize how freakin ecstatic I'm going to be when New Moon comes out. I'm going to want to squeal like a little girl in the theater...but I will probably be surrounded by little girls doing the exact same thing. Awkward! I might get a temporary case of turrets and unconciously cat call or mutter obscene things...and I don't want to do that around the kiddies.

Suggestion...can there PLEASE be a New Moon screening for grown ass people over the age of 21?! Someone? Somewhere? (Preferably the San Diego/LA area)? I don't want to watch the movie with pre-teens! I'm 26 and too old for that. Lol. I want to be around other grown ass people so I can swoon over him among my peers, damnit. Who's with me??! ::passes out petition::

Lizalou said...

you're right. Damn. I would have been thrown off of the set if I was in charge of airbrushing - I would have been compelled to touch... how could you resist?

margot said...

Dear Ladies I officially do not write any f*** comment more tonight, I can't

night night

margot said...

Dear Ladies I officially do not write any f*** comment more tonight, I can't

night night

SarahBella said...

Shani!!! THANK YOU! I totally agree that Kristen is wasting her damn good luck! I personally would have passed on Oregano and moved on to Mr. Sugar, Spice and everything nice. Mmmmm mmmm ;)

izzy said...


THANK YOU! my feeling exactly.She can't even look at him.....and I would feel the same way.

LovetheLips said...

SarahBella - I'm so with you on the over21 screening!!! I saw Twilight on opening night with a bunch of screaming teens - they don't shut up so you can't hear the dialogue...not only that, they squee and giggle thru the serious kissing scenes and kill my buzz!!!

These pics are KILLING ME!! They look so true to the book, with a bonus reunion kiss to boot! Robward looks HAWT, HAWT, HAWT!!!!!!

izzy said...


Thanx for letting me know, I was planning on going...but don't want anything killing my buzz that day!

Shani said...

janny- So true. You know it's killing her ass. A part of her and you know which, is hurting real bad. What she is probably feeling is the end all be all sexual frustration. Too bad no MA around. Poor girl will have these memories in her head for a long damn time. Hell, poor MA. If she wasn't thinking about Rob's hot ass before she will be now. LOL

Lizalou said...

SarahBella, Janny,

I agree. She can't even look at him. I don't think I could have, either - spontaneous combustion would have occurred.
Can you just imagine the sexual tension between those two while they were filming those scenes?

SarahBella said...

Hell, if I was Kristen...I would find a way to fuck up EVERY single take!!! It would be a looong day of me jumping on him and making out with better believe it. I would have advised the crew to bring their lawnchairs cause it would be a looong freakin day for them!

izzy said...


HOW COULD SHE NOT!when it comes to Rob, Kristen must be a better person than I am. I wouldn't be able to hold myself back. I would find the way,time,moment,get him drunk, whatever it took.MA sorry dude.She's gotta be thinking about him LIKE THAT! now.anyone would.

MandyW said...

I totally would have screwed up every scene too, probably to the point that everyone would think I'm an idiot, but who would care if you got to be close to that for hours at a time.

Stacy said...

LOL girls. I'm sure Kristin is hot and bothered by Rob, but I think she honestly loves her bf:)

And yeah, it's very hard to remember that Rob is only 23 ... he seems a hell of a lot more mature then any 23 year olds I ever knew.

It's good to know I'm not the only adult that has been sitting around all day drooling and obsessing over these pics. I still can't get over the hotness, and the emotion.

And hell yeah on the over 21 screening. That would be awesome!

izzy said...

Hahahaha those sneakers would be scoosh scoosh all day and they would have to get me some extra sneakers.Don't mind getting all wet..OVER & OVER AGAIN...OOPS did I say that?...yeah I did.I meant the sneakers!...hahaha..NOT!

Shani said...

SB- Hell, I would fuck up the scene so bad they would have to claim Italian citizenship.

SarahBella said...

Why can't all of you lovely ladies live in the same city as me? We could have pooled our money and reserved half a damn theatre to block out all the kiddie tickets. ::sigh:: I seriously don't know if i can watch New Moon with a bunch of screaming teenagers. It'll ruin my Rob buzz....wait....that's a lie. It'll lessen my Rob buzz and make me feel old :( I was 3 months late on Twilight so when I ended up watching it, there weren't too many other people around.

Cosign on Kristen being a better woman than a lot of us. I'm sure she loves her boyfriend....but how can you be around Rob all the time and NOT have conflicting feelings? Look at him! It's not just some regular guy-next-door. He's the whole freakin package. Talk about temptation.

Shani said...

Y'all I'm in the other Window trying to tweet on twitter and nothings going through. It said too many tweets. I wonder if a lot of people are tweeting about Shirtless Rob and it's overloading the system??? LOL

Stacy said...

I hear ya ... all my Twilight friends are online, so I have no one but myself to go see the movie with.

It sucks, cause I want to go to the midnight showing, and I hate teenagers, lol. And tweens.

SarahBella said...

LMAO@Shani!!! I LIKE you, girl!! You always have me crackin up over here! Haha :)

Shani said...

SB- Really, I think that's why she has been eye fucking him this whole time. Since she can't bring herself to cheat on MA. "It's safe".LOL

Oh and yeah she sure couldn't look at him. It does hurt to look at the pretty sometimes.:))))

Shani said...

SB- I<3 U too.

SarahBella said...

I feel you, Stacy. I was watching Twilight and this Tween was sitting there LOUDLY munching on popcorn like she hadn't eaten in days. The only time she would stop eating were the times that she would lick every single one of her fingers. I kept glaring over at her like "Damn! It's supposed to be a SNACK!" I refuse to see it with teens. Do they really have midnight showings? I'm going to have the biggest smile on my face when the tower scene comes up. It'll make the smile I had when Edward first walked into the cafteria look like a damn frown.....

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

You guys are crazy today!!!! Just reading your comments. I'm the one who's supposed to get her head checked, remember? You all crack me up. Glad you are all getting what you've been wishing for...makes me feel all kinds of happy for you awesome ladies!! :)

Shani said...

Damn my twitter comment from an hour ago still hasn't went through. Damn hot shirtless Rob ass.

Anonymous said...


The Arclight in LA often does 21+ screenings for movies where you can have drinks beforehand.

Let's pester them. I want to see this movie sans children.

MandyW said...

I hate to admit it, but by the time I read Twilight and the rest of them, the movie was already out of the theaters and I had to wait like a month for it to release on DVD.So I didn't have to put up with a bunch of silly little girls screaming... only me. Wait did I actually say that, crap I did . Oh well the cats out of the bag now.

SarahBella said...

I feel you, Mandy. I was so late that there were only 8 other people in the theater....and that was fine by me!

A/LA THANK YOU!! I will seriously look into that. I don't mind driving up to LA for a more mature viewing experience. Appreciate it!

Anonymous said...


Stacy said...


EWW. I prolly would have said something to her. That's just disgusting. I just hate listening to them giggle and run around like idiots.

Yep, they have midnight showings. I went to the Twilight one, in Cedar Rapids, and even here in Iowa it was madness. I told myself I wasn't going to go to the NM midnight showing, but after seeing these, who am I kidding, lol?

SarahBella said...

And the first time I watched the movie was in the comfort of my own home in a tiny You-tube size box on screen on a hypothetical chinese bootleg website. What?

Sorry for the constant posting ladies. I just had my coffee, I'm hyper, I'm hot and bothered...and the combination is making me entirely too chatty. I'm going to pry myself off of here.

But let me say this...after shooting THIS scene, and a few months of absence letting the heart grow fonder, I wouldn't be surprised to see a future Robsten pairing. I don't know if I'd like much as I would like a SaRob pairing....Robarah pairing....RobSar pairing? Hmm. But ya, I wouldn't be surprised.

Stacy said...

Lol Sarah ... I dunno. I personally think both Rob and Kristin are just good actors that are able to channel their chemistry well, but that's just me.

And dang, I can't believe the first time you saw Twilight was on the computer!

Aitch said...

wow wow wow wow wow--- f***ing wow

SarahBella said...

Stacy...I don't knoooow. I'm sure they're good actors (at least Rob is). But Kristen is also a human being that works in close proximity to THAT! :)

My first time watching Twilight was on a comp....yes. So sad. But I certainly made up for it by seeing in the theaters...twice. Haha.

nova43 said...

ladies, iam 43jear old and sitting here in the ealy morning germany at 1.18 am....and i really need a heardtransplantation...NOW.
if god is listen to me, please send him to me for five houers and i woud show him some he alreaddy dont know....ahhhhh, i would give him everithing i know or can do....iam so blown away, and i dont care if he is 23jears or older,because HE IS IST....always..!!!

nova43 said...

sorry if my english isn´t that good

Treasure_7 said...

Wow....Thud!! Just want more though! Can't get enough of Rob!!

THIRTYGIRL2009 said...


CoyoteUgly said...

OMG yes I can handle more bring them on and please keep them coming; O how I wish those were my hands holding Rob be The man has no idea how I crave

noisefaidaus said...

I don't think I can take anymore, my heart is racing and I am hyperventilating. Today is a very good day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

redvamp said...

look how big his feet are!!!! holy shit!!!! wow....i'd like to see the rest of him!!!!! He is just unbelivable.......ultra fine...... unreal.... wow!

Anonymous said...

I yelled so loud when I saw the first post that I made the dog bark.. she is big it is late, the windows are open and I don't think my neighbors will be happy with the dog or me tomorrow.
So do you think that a pic of Robward without a shirt will make them feel better. I know it would me. :)

monika said...

lots and lots of pics here

Babs said...

I don't know if I can handle more but keep bringing them on!! I can't wait to see that scene in the movie, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna moan LOL
November 20th will never come soon enough

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