Cannes in High Quality

A Big Thanks to [info]kittyglam and [info]pattinsonlife for the pictures :)


Sam said...

man he is sooo thin- hey if you put up some pics of him right before he started to film- pix of him leaving the gym in LA- i think night time with a gym bag... and a pix of him and KS in the parking lot of sorts from maybe a couple of weeks ago- he is sooo emaciated looking. The pic i am thinking of is with some black man in a cowboy hat outside a hotel maybe... put those two pix together and you can see how thin he is now.

Sam said...

and what the heck is up with the waist grabbing body guard- he acts like rob can't even walk or something

Unknown said...

his bodyguard is so touchy :P he cant take his hands off our beloved Rob :))) i want to apply for that job! ;D
and yes Rob is very thin

Unknown said...

and also Rob needs to buy himself some new shoes cuz i dont like the ones he's wearing.

Sam said...

yeah agata- i'm in the wrong business! hhaa

Maryann said...

I noticed that too about the body guard, very touchy feely lol. Serously I know they gotta do their job but THAT close? Rob kinda looks like "er hands OFF me please?" lol.

Anonymous said...

i'm kinda happy the bodyguard is there... i can much more easily deal with someone like that touching him in protection than some crazed fans mauling him...

and does anyone else agree with me that his suit is the recycled oscars tux? same cut & stitching on the lapel in my opinion and the lining says "dg"... love rob's wardrobe ;)

Melanie said...

If anyone knows where I can apply to be a bodyguard for Rob, please let me know so that I can put in my two weeks notice! :) It looks like the bodyguard is afraid that Rob is going to run off! (And lesamara--I agree Rob looks very thin. He has evidently been to busy to eat!) He still looks great though!!!

riddleinside said...

the bodyguard is cracking me!!! in some pictures he looks like he's ready to carry Rob like a baby and run with him at any moment!

riddleinside said...


yeah I noticed that too yesterday, he seems really thin!

Rachell said...

I love it when he has two eyebrows.

Kathi said...

I don´t like, how this bodyguard is touching him. Sometimes it looks like the bodyguards are putting him in jail.
After the filming of Twilight he was skinny too, because, he needed to look like a 17-year-old teenager.
He will have to stay like this until Eclipse is finished, probably.

Melissa said...

HOLY HALE!! The man looks smokin' hot!!

AND what IS UP with the touchy-feely bodyguard? Is that really necessary? Is that like, a FRENCH thing or what?? IDK. Whatevs.

Get your hands off the goods, dude. Women everywhere are jealous.


Maria said...

You guys are funny! Love to come in and read. I love the comments about the touchy bodyguard. LOL I'm seriously lmao

Christy said...

OMg that one picture with the bodyguard practically holding him. WTF????

Babs said...

I love the way he touches his hair, it's both sweet and manly

Melissa said...

SRSLY-In one pic it looks as if the BG is literally holding him up...LOL

Ellie said...

Do you think Rob needs that bodyguard to be guarding him THATCLOSE???


yeah, I'm just jealous...

kristen said...

Yeah, the body guard is a little overzealous about his job. I mean, it would be normal if he had his arms on both sides of Rob to block out any paparazzi hands that are getting in Rob's space, but WRAPPING his arms around Rob does seem a tad unnecessary. I wonder if it bothers Rob? I know it would annoy the crap out of me!

That aside though... Rob looks SMOKIN!

Sophia Z.86 said...

I never wanted to be someone else's hands before... Look at the bodyguard's hands. Putz, they go everywhere... Everywhere? That must be interesting...

mylittlestar25 said...

eh eh looks like the old bodyguard likes a bit of rob too!!! :)

He cannot keep his hands off him! Looks like someone wants a backstage pass! haha

Ok yewes guys rob is looking thin but also SMOKIN' hot!! Love it when he dresses smart! x

BJ said...

I really want that bodyguard's job.

Scoobiejammies said...

I just kept staring at the bodyguards hands all over Rob. Man, he is taking his job way to seriously. The only time I do something like that is to keep my 3 year old from running into traffic! Come on guy! Rob is a big boy!! Leave his alone! Plus, your messing up the pretty pics!

domisgone said...

He does look super thin now.

I noticed that in the shots of him on the peer surrounded by all the paparazzi.

And what the hell is with that bodyguard always having his arm around him...

Uhhh... AWKWARD!

Anonymous said...

okay...#6 with his hands...ummmm the bulge

couldn't help but notice...just sayin'

*runs out of the thread skerred of the onslaught*

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