For the Love of Robward - Too MUCH

There is NO such thing as too much Rob :)

Thanks to RadarOnline, DListed and once again [info]brandnewluv in [info]pattinsonlife for the pics :)

I would also like to thank all of you for the prayers, the positive thoughts, the love you've sent my and my family's way for the past month. Hopefully the worst is behind us, it's time to heal. And what a better way to heal than looking at half naked Rob :))


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Anonymous said...

Gozde - First of all - so glad to hear that you are now on the "healing" path. Great to have you back and OMG what a way to make an entrance!!

Secondly, there is NEVER, and I do mean, NEVER too much half-naked Rob. :)))

Tenneil said...

for the love of all holy.... I cant take this ... Rob you are beyond words!!!

Anonymous said...

crying. weak. spent. dead.

showme said...


and all the best to your family...

so so so glad you're back

~KY~ said...

still thinking of you and yours Goz...

and what a GREAT day it has been! thanks for all the updates!!!

margot said...

Gozde - if you are happy - we are happy :)))))))

Sara said...

Goz, I feel like such an ass.
I keep telling myself to send you a message when I've commented today, but I kept forgetting.
I'd like to put it down to shirtless Rob, but alas, I'm just an idiot.

Best wishes, prayers, thoughts, love, sent your way.
Glad to hear things may be getting better, but my prayers will still contain you.
Thank you for the lovely gift of Rob's gorgeous body btw ;DD

Yvonne said...

This is more than I could have asked for...prayers have been answered...

He is unbelievable.

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Photo #1:

Hey, sailor.

Rose said...

I missed you so much, Goz... so glad you are back... so happy for the outcome!
Love you
Always and Forever!

(and the pics of Rob are pretty OK too...heh)

tiffanyt said...

wow! that man sure does know how to leave an impression. i have had to change my panties like 5 times cause of those pictures alone!!! wow....

Mrs. Robinsane said...

And Gozde, love to you.

nat_ said...

finally a pic where k is smilling.
who wouldn't?

Lizalou said...

this must be what heaven is like

Anonymous said...

Mrs. R

omg I'm LMAO at your comment. hahahahahaha

I kid you not, my brain hurts.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

A/L.A. You still here?

Yvonne said...

Goz, welcome back, thank you for posting these, as I am sure you still have a lot on your mind.
Of course if a distraction is needed, what better way to be distracted...

Lizalou said...

and Gozde, welcome back!!!

Story13 said...

I think the black spots all over his face and body are for the sparkling effect.

Anonymous said...

I swear I keep thinking it CAN'T get any better!! I'm trying to pack to move and it's just NOT happening today ((sigh))!

Anonymous said...

Yes KK!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

A/L.A. So I hear you're taking up a collection for me to get my head checked...:D

showme said...

lol at mrs R too...

i had to have some private time toward the beginning when they first got released, if i'm being quite honest on here..


Dahlia said...

Ok, I can't possibly handle this anymore!! Only one thing could beat half-naked Rob... full naked Rob, but I suppose shirtless is a good compromise!! What a man, surely this is what perfection looks like!

Thanks so much for posting these Gozde, best wishes to you and your family xx

Rose said...

This isn't heaven...
I'm fucking burning alive...

Anonymous said...

Oh, but KK, I *did* say that I love you first!



KK, LOOOKIE at the "Hey Sailor" photo.
C'mon, KK. Admit it.


showme said...

wellllll....he did SAY he'd go nude for the 'right' role...

who do we need to call to find him the 'right' role...

y'all just KNOW that in this new romance movie there are gonna be some sex scenes...

and he'll have flesh colored skin and blue eyes LOL....

oh my oh my oh my oh my...

it's 6;19 and i haven't had anything to eat since 11 am, and i don't care, it's like bella said "right now i don't need food, water, air...i just want you"


Sam said...

Goz- i know i sent out some good vibes and prayers for you...
so you wanna hear a funny- i am at work and i see shirtless rob- okay, call it stupid or whatever- but i think i could have cried! i got all shaky and i was trying text my gf, i said, "OMFG- Get your ass on robsessed now ROB IS SHIRTLESS!!" Well the funny thing is- my friend's husband is sick sick sick of all of us and our rob (and bobby too- she accidently called her hubby bobby one night!) obsession... so right as i texted her, she and her hubby were at the AT&T store getting her new iPhone connected or whatever they do, and the sales man is looking at her phone and says, "whose Rob?" LOL!!!! She said she and her hubby cracked up!

So these pics omg...

and whats up with the dots? is it to keep from copying them? Cause its gonna be easy to go in and lighten them up!

Yvonne said...


izzy said...

OME! I am died! laundry today, no dishes,my mind is numb.....I have a headache, my ass hurts, BUT I WANT MORE....that man is F-I-N-E!

Sam said...

I got a major hot flash when i saw the pics- i couldn't text hahaha i was shaking... lord how freaking sad is this? Rob is perfection. Pure perfection.

showme said...


that's priceless!

Anonymous said...


the dots are for motion tracking. They'll use those as point references when adding CGI sparkle.

izzy said...

Hey mighty fine Robsessed ladies. How r we all holding up?


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

A/L.A. - I swear I've been ducking flying objects since my comments last night :)

First okay (whew...I think I just ducked a piano!!)

Fourth that one I like.

Shani said...

About time Kristen had a some what smile on her face.

They must have been messing with Rob. Because he was cracking up. He's not ever going to live that down on the set.LOL

showme said...


i saw the first pic the second it hit lion and was the one of him in profile arms spread and i BARELY, and i mean, BARELy made it back here to post to go there right that second....

i was also shaking and like slightly hyperventilating and laughing at the same time, with goosebumps all over me.

i think i've figured it out, to an extent.


this is my excuse, and i'm stickin' to it

Lizalou said...

I wonder how much unproductivity across the world can be attributed to the Rob shirtless photos today?
I know that I haven't done a single damned thing since I got home and saw these pics - it's just been a frenzy of making sure I haven't missed any ;p

Unknown said...

its not such thing as too much rob:) and i love that he is smiling all the time :) and kristen also:) she is always smiling when shes with him. tahts really great! i love the pictures and cant wait for the movie.

showme said...

yay KK!!!!!!!!!

she's come to the dark side...or the light side, however you look at it

Lynn said...

Break me off a piece of that!

Gozde---thank you for spreading Rob's voodoo sexy dust all over...because it's doing all kinds of sexy magic!

Glad to see you back, mija!

izzy said...

My husband just rolled his eyes @ me...he also is sick of me and my sick, fictitious relationship with Rob...don't care. ROB IS A GOD YA'LL. I keep getting up and stretching...and when I first saw these pics I called my hubby , well I yelled at him from the bedroom..."ROB...SHIRTLESS...OMG THE BODY ON THAT MAN!"...and starting running all over the place....I'm telling u I feel like a kid all over again....LUV IT!

Martina said...

gozde, I hope everthing goes well for you. ;)
this much of rob fix causes overdose. *lying half-dead on the floor*

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Showme - Don't be too sure!! I'm still sticking to my comments from last night even though I've seen all these pics...Sorry...but again...more for the rest of you (and Rob is going to be sooooo tired when you all find him!!:))))))

showme said...

Liza--that is a VERY good question.

i hope CNN does something on this, all the websites, even TWITTER! SHUTTING DOWN bc of these pics being posted...

i know, i know, that any woman who likes rob got nothing done today

showme said...

you're in the closet will take time ;)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Showme and A/L.A. Still love me?????

Yvonne said...

Sam, I'm so glad I am not the only one whose husband has had enough. My sister and I are both ridiculous when it comes to His Holy Hotness. I saw the pictures too and couldn't even type, fingers were not working properly. Feels good to be surrounded by all of you who understand.

Anonymous said...


Shani said...

Lizalou- On the other thread I already said I was trying to tweet on twitter. It was overloading and probably because of Shirtless Rob.LOL

SarahBella said...


As if all these pics aren't doing enough to top off my Robsession...but is anyone else getting all these sudden alerts about new Fanfic chapters being posted? There's been a fanfic dry spell for WEEKS, but it seems like these pics have provided some good motivation for the ladies in the fanfic world. There's even a new chapter of The Office! Great! Smutty fanfic to make things even worse :/ I'm sending you a bill, Rob. I need some compensation for my complete lack of productivity today. And yes, I'll accept personal services in lieu of cash. Lol.

Yvonne said...

Show....lion and lamb link....YOUR FAULT I freaked this afternoon....THANK YOU!!! MUAHHH!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Showme - I did go through this for a few months after finding out about Rob...but then I changed my mind. Still love the boy. I will discuss this with my therapist...LOL Do you think shock treatments are in order?????

izzy said...

Listen everyone, did anyone got past Rob's body and really looked at his expressions...THUD!this man is going be the end of me. I admire him so much...such a great in the mood.....when he comes out into the light...damn!Anyone wanna goto NYC when he get's here...I'm dying here!

Lizzie said...

Am I in heaven? :)

Anonymous said...

Attn Info Nerds:

This is some basic info on motion tracking, so you will fully understand in a nerd capacity why Robward became Dotward for the filming of this scene:

Anonymous said...

SarahBella! New chapter of The Office?

This is *exactly* what I need on a day like today.

Praise jeebuz!

Anonymous said...

KK... I see you are slowly starting to cave. It's okay. C'mon over to our side. We're waiting for you. It's safe and warm here.


FakerParis said...

Glad to have you back Godze!

*dies* Oh man. By the way I added them to my twitpics Godze but linked your site.

Unknown said...

Goz, hope all is going well
Now for the love that's all holy! Perfect site to come home to after a crappy day at work. I have no words....he's beautiful and I can't stop staring.

showme said...

you are very very welcome Yvonne

it was my distinct pleasure...i wish i could have broadcast it directly into everyone's brain at the same time LOL

ok, i'm off for a few. gonna get some food...feed my body so i can go back to feeding my addiction

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

A/L.A. I'd say its burning like the fires of hell where you all are :D Nope, not caving.

izzy said...

my twitter acc. is crashing!

SarahBella said...

Yes A/LA! And I wonder what her sudden motivation was!! ;)

Lizalou said...

It would royally suck to be Rob's sisters. Hottest man in the world and he's your little brother...

honey bee said...

Just look at him laughing! What a naughty boy. ;)

"Tee hee hee. Let's see how many women I can kill today!"

Sheesh, Rob. ;p

Aitch said...

This isn't pleasurable anymore.
It is torturous.

honey bee said...

Janny, The Pattz crashed Twitter ALL afternoon. ;)

Way to go, Rob!

LovetheLips said...

KK - You know you're loved here dontcha??

I am so effing dying here...I feel like i'm going to explode!!! Heading over for a girl's nite at my SIL's later and will be able to let it all out there...and here...thank goz for robsessed!!!!!

My mind is so in the gutter with all these pics...FACK!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

You guys are KILLING me over here!! ;)

honey bee said...

Gozde, WELCOME BACK! I am glad you were able to witness NekkidPattz. ;) Sending positive thoughts your way. xo

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Love - I don't know about being loved anymore...HAHAHAHA I have a feeling I'm going to be watched very closely for signs of swooning now...

katykeene said...

Gozde.. You certainly know how to make an entrance. Thank you for the beautiful pictures.
I hope all continues to improve with your family member's health.

Anonymous said...

Okay, then, KK. You leave me no choice. sigh.

Robsessors, we need to take up a collection of cash.

KK needs:

Her eyes checked
A visit to the gyno
A trip to the couch

(rattles change bucket)

lulusfolie said...

Gozde... I am so so SOOOOOOOO pleased to find out you are now on the way to healing... My prayers are still with you.

I swear ... the can never EVER be TOO much ROB! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU THESE FANTASTIC PHOTOS you've shared with us all!!!!

LovetheLips said...

I was at a shower this afternoon and my SIL called me in a panic letting me know about the shirtless Rob pics....I couldn't stay focused afterwards and she thought I would get into an accident on the way home...I feel like I'm insane - I couldn't get to my computer fast enough and was rewarded with such bliss!!!

izzy said...


I was way too involved with this blog..and neglected my twitter and when I went on it, it crashed! again and again!Luv u Rob! it's incredible!

rpattzdude said...

May god be with you all the time :D Thank you for coming back and being you hope everything will turn okay now :D hope that you will be okay with life :D lots of hugs and loves and kisses

Anonymous said...

p.s. still love you, KK

LovetheLips said...

A/LA - love the addition to your ID... perfect description of our sexy Rob.

Lol re collection for KK - don't think we'll be able to change her mind though...whaddya think KK?

rpattzdude said...

MAN those pics cant get enough he is killing my heart no sorry every girls heart damn man its to much to take in so smooth so wow so incredible muah for being Robward

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

A/L.A A trip to the gyno? Do you think my estrogen levels are low? :D

Leann just emailed me and said that Kristen and I are apparently the only ones not affected. LOL

izzy said...

*sighs* what a day ladies what a day!Hubby better get ready for tonight...;)

SarahBella said...

Aitch...I agree. This crushing thing isn't fun at ALL. It's absolutely miserable :( ::sits in the corner of the room and sulks::

Oh wait...I said I was leaving an hour ago. Damn. Okay, I'm really going now.

honey bee said...

Janny, I know exactly what you mean. ;)
I didn't get ANY work done today. zero, zilch, zip, nada. I just...can't. stop. staring. I am ruined...8)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Oh, Christ. Just tortured myself by checking out Ted C.'s page for sh*ts and giggles...he is saying he contacted Kristen's rep for denial that she and Rob are dating and didn't hear anything back i.e. they are together. Why would her reps waste any time saying anything at all about this? The people involved in all this crap don't care about the rumors! They're just trying to work and live their damn lives!

Looks like I'm going back in to stir the speculators again...That should cheer me up plenty.

Anonymous said...

Dear Robert Thomas Pattinson, you really need to stop taking your shirt off. It may cause people(like myself) to faint. Just saying...

Actually, what the hell am I saying? Keep your shirt off! It's worth fainting for! :)

Lisa said...

First pic - all time fav! HOLY HOTNESS! I wonder if Rob had any idea the frenzy he's caused today? All I can say is my husband can't complain because he will definitely be reaping the benefits of all this oversexed Rob hotness tonight....


Yvonne said...

Love! I hope you drove safely! I know the feeling :)) Insane is OK when it comes to Rob!

Sara said...

KK- Oh no, what have I missed from last night that you said?
hahha, I'm so nosy.

izzy said...

OK did someone get ANYTHING done today? whoever did say "I"

Yvonne said...

sara, I was thinking the same thing...KK....what have you done?

Gemgirl65 said...

Well, looks like everyone is where I left you 4 hours ago when I had to go back to work, only now, of course, there are even MORE naked Rob pics to slay me dead in a nanosecond. And yet, the fingers continue to type.

Janny, my first comment (after the first dozen or so "I'm dying" comments) was that the look on his face turns me on more than his body. It's never been about the bod for me...Rob's got so much more going on that's sexy on the inside!

KK, I'm perfectly happy for you to keep your mitts off Rob. Just one less Robsessed hussy to stampede on my way to him, Bella-like, like a line-backer barrelling through for the touchdown. I love all you ladies but get the eff out of my way!

J/K ;) * I think *

Chew on this: Kristen Stewart just got PAID to throw herself on that all day long. Clearly my life took a horribly wrong turn somehwere. glad you're back and with good news! We missed you!!!!

Pasteleria Mu said...

Gozde is incredible! You're ok,the worst is behind us and this is the BEST gift you could have brought with you...Oh God REALLY can make wonders...Rob shirtless is one of them,I can't wait to see the movie.
Hugs to you and your family,Goz,glad to have you back!! Our prayers have been answeres (All of them!)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Sara and Yvonne (What have you done? HAHAHA Too funny, BB).

I'll say it here once more, and then you can all label me a complete freak...:) I said last night that I love Rob's personality, but I wouldn't date him (like that would even be possible!!) and if I didn't know him, might not even give him a second glance. He doesn't make me swoon...I think he is a nice looking guy, but he doesn't rock my world. LOVEEEEEE the guy otherwise (which is why I hang out here) and will follow his career and him...respect the hell out of all you ladies who do think he's the cat's heart just doesn't stop when I see him.

The reason I love this site is because all fans of Rob are welcome here. Even those of us who may, in fact, be completely insane LOL :))))))

Yvonne said...

Leann, you crack me up....yup, we're still here...baffled and amazed by the glorius photos of Rob. I agree, love his face, although the bod....whoo boy.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - Even if he did rock my world, I'd get out of your way!! Damn, girl, I wouldn't mess with you with a 100-foot pole!!! :)

Anonymous said...

(rattling change bucket for KK, still.)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

A/L.A. I'd expect people to be sending you blank checks by now!!! :D

Leann - Changed my screenname just for you :) MWAHHAHA

Yvonne said...

KK...oh, is that all. I thought you were cousing some kind of trouble :)

As for Rob, I think we all love him in different ways. Some love his talent, whether it be acting or music. Leann loves his face, some love his body. Others (myself included) would abandon family and children for him. If that makes me insane, well, ok, I can live with that.

Lizalou said...

Marya -

if you're still around, I have a thought for you: your desktop background - jawPORN Rob takin' a drag on the ciggie - now we know what's under that partially unbuttoned shirt...

Still breathing? ;p makes that pic a whole lot hotter.

Yvonne said...

LA, my checks in the mail....I won't judge her, but yeah, maybe a check-up would be a good idea.

Display Name said...

Hi Gozde! Hope everything is ok! x







Ok seriously, I just stared and stared and STARED.

And hyperventilated.

And giggled.

And thought very, VERY, dirty thoughts...

DAMN!!! guh!

Yvonne said...

welcome to the nut house, delight :)

Gemgirl65 said...

LOL I am sooo harmless in reality. Then again, my reality doesn't include vampire 8-packs being dangled in my face like a catnip chew toy. If I were actually there, it's hard telling what I would do.

I see E! News Daily is all over shirtless Rob. I predict they tease us with the story until the very end of the program...Rob is what THEY use as a catnip chew toys for their Robsessed viewers. Robnip. I'll bite.

I am rambling now. Side effects of the Pattzcrack...the Robnip. Help....

Sara said...

KK- I kinda see what you mean.
If I didn't know of his personality and his talents in film and music, he wouldn't be half as attractive to me.
But despice this, the boy's damn jaw, fingers, eyes, legs make me swoon.
I have more of an admiration for him than a raging lust; hello Zachary Quinto!

izzy said...


Suz said...


"Chew on this: Kristen Stewart just got PAID to throw herself on that all day long. Clearly my life took a horribly wrong turn somehwere."


Do you know how much I am crushing on YOU! right now?

Gemgirl65 said...


Why admit that, freako? Who ISN'T a Robsessed Hussy today? Oh yeah, you. Just you. The cheese stands alone. ;)

Yvonne said...

Leann...LMAO @ you :)))

BTW, I'm kinda not liking E! these days...they suck and I get better Robcrack here from Goz-n-Dani.

Lizalou said...


Ordinarily, I'd say that i'm more drawn to the cerebral side of Rob, too. But today, i'm not so sure about today. I'd say today it's weighing heavily in favor of his physical charms. ;p

Corinna Spencer said...


but I can still say *thanks Goz* and best wishes to your family. Us lot are always here for you :)

Yvonne said...

Leann, YOU R ON FIRE...."freako", you're killing me :))) bbbaaahahaha

Yvonne said...

KK, she called you a cheese!!! AHHHAHAHAH

Sara said...

Who am I kidding?
I want to frikkin stick my hand down his pants.

izzy said...

Ok don't ever say I never gave u anything!here's a compil;ation of todays pictures I found it on youtube...enjoy!

Yvonne said...

Sara....woooo hoooo I second THAT!!

Yvonne said...

Scared of the Volturi...? He ain't seen US!

Gemgirl65 said...

Aaawwww Suz, back atcha babe, you're my hero! RobArt...*sigh*

I can FEEL KK writing a scathing reply at this very moment...

*Leann is a little scared*

Hold me, Shirtless Dotward!

Sara said...

Leann- Dotward! Oh god! That's too hilarious!
I love you Leann!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Pelo amor de Deus! O que é aquilo? Já é Natal?? Obrigada, papai do céu!!! Eu mereço, juro que mereço!!

Sorry for my portuguese, girls, but I could not remember ANY word in english for some minutes...

Back to look at those again... bye!

CullenGal09 said...

Ladies! What's up? who's on-everyone still alive after collage of Rob-deliciousness?

CullenGal09 said...


Suz-my life took one too. Sucks to be Kstew, eh? ;p

Gemgirl65 said...

Oh, I can't take credit for Dotward...I someone else say it earlier in this thread, or one way earlier when I was home for lunch. I missed a lot while I was at work!

You know, I have to say that Rob and Kristen did a really good job of doing that scene exactly like the book (except for the kiss, which I knew would be added because Rob had said that the scene had been changed but he thought the fans would like it.) Specifically, I wondered how would Kristen throw herself at Rob without knocking him down? I mean, in reality, someone takes a running leap on you and you fall backward, right? But of cours Stone-solid Edward isn't supposed to budge an inch and Bella hits him like a brick wall. How the heck did they manage to succeed in doing that? Dayum, Rob must be harder than I thought.

Yeah, I said it. Should I repeat it? Mmmmm....

CullenGal09 said...

Sophia-my lovely! How are you!

CullenGal09 said...

Robward-hard-oh........scuse me-gotta-oh, crap. *thud*

Ellie said...

Janny73, thank you for that wonderful link!!!

showme said...

"Chew on this: Kristen Stewart just got PAID to throw herself on that all day long. Clearly my life took a horribly wrong turn somehwere."


oh God. Leannn....i just laughed out loud for real...omg....

abso-fuckin-lutely....mine too girl...

oh God...LOL

I'm contributing to KK's gyno exam ;)

Sara said...

Leann- take note of the bulky man with his hand on Rob's ass.

CullenGal09 said...

Leann-(says while still on floor)-please stop saying crap like that-today of all days-holy schnikeys! Rob is bombad extra creamy delicous fine, these pics are killinmedead.

Anonymous said...

Leann, you weren't studying the pics enough, because there's one lucky ass bald man who got to hold Rob's backside all day while Kristen slammed into him.


(Yvonne= Dotward credit)

Treasure_7 said...

what a nice break to come a see Rob and wow those pic of him...he is perfect. Yep..... he's been workin out and it shows. Wow he is hot!! Can't wait until NM!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - No scathing comment...right now. I have to get my brain back to writing. Yes, I stand alone, but I'm a delicious cheese and my companion is a fine bottle of wine. We will be sitting here enjoying the comments and the hearts stopping and the sweating and keening and generally naughty thoughts all of you have. Just sleep with one eye open, BB...:)

Seriously, I love all you guys!! You crack me up, and I've been having a bad couple of days, so you don't even know how much I appreciate you all right now {BIG HUGS}

marya said...

LOVE his smile...he has the cuttest smile ever omg...its so funny in that pic he looks like a little kid with chickenpox lol
sooo hilarious
also is kristen wearing a wig? looks like it...

CullenGal09 said...

Sara-you too-dont say hand on rob's a**!!! for the love of mercy! ;p

By the way-hi Sara-while i finish getting up for the third time today-damn robward!

Shome-what's up.

showme said...


That video was AWESOME>>>>>>>>>


Gemgirl65 said...

AHA...Sara, thanks for the tip. I seriously thought they'd have Rob stand against a wall or something and CGI it out of the scene later on.

Why do I think about the practical crap all the time? sheesh.

Did anyone see the towel girls who were there to wipe the Kabuki #2 sweat rivulets off of Robward? If I can't have K's job, perhaps Towel Girl pays well enough. (i.e., completely volunteer)

showme said...

hey cullengal...

what's up???? my heartrate all f--ing day LONG girl!

I've had a one Rob-track mind today...and you? LOL

I want to see those 2 KISS KISS KISS ON MTV SUNDAY NIGHT!!!!!

will y'all all be here or what?

CullenGal09 said...

A/La-LOL. What's up girl?

KK-are you ok?!? Hon, you need help-;) (kiding!) love my hoodie woobie! How are you! Have a glass for me, BB!

MArya-ay carumba est mue7y caliente Roberto! Ay fa me! ;)

Sexy said...

First...Goz so glad to hear things went well and the healing has begun!!!

Second...The *THUD* heard around the world when these pics were posted!!!...I can't breathe!!! I need my inhaler!!! Shirtless Rob is our dream come true *drool running down my chin*

God has heard our prayers :)

CullenGal09 said...

Showme-Howdy! -LOL

LEann-you're getting as bad as Suz-and i mean that in the best possible way....;)

Ladies, how can you not have a TRob track mind after these motherbitchin' pics today! GAH!!! For heaven's sake-I mean,crikey!

Sara said...

CullenGal- aahhaha. Help a girl out, I'm trying to decide who has the best job on new moon set (bar Kristen of course. Lucky biyatch.). It's a toss up between the ab's maker-upper, towel girls and bulky-ass-man.
Can't decide!

Gemgirl65 said...

Geezo peezo, these effing bald dudes, getting to feel Rob up all day and block pefectly good kissing shots of him and Kristen...forget being her or the towel girl, I wanna be Rob's bigass bald body guard!

KK, you know I love cheese. "Freako" is a term of endearment in my book. As is "hussy." *Leann needs to rebuild some bridges burned in the heat of the Robossity here today*

CullenGal09 said...

Shome-can't wait for Sunday either-holy shite.

CullenGal09 said...

Sara-i'll rotate shifts with each-i'll removve the makeup too-GLADLY! I'd bathe in his bathwater-are you trippin'?!?! BWAHAHAHA


marya said...

haha hey cullengal!
yes rob is indeed very hot...u got that right :) i dont how to describe what i went through today when i saw those pics i was seriously close to faiting...still am...
and they keep coming...i bet summit is sooooo happy right now...

Sara said...

CullenGal- Oh you're giving me ideas! I think I'll have to be the girl who washes his back as he bathes his Edward make-up off after scene shoots....*thud

CullenGal09 said...

Leann-Robosity-Robwardian beauty-Robward kabukiness-his royal badness-ooohhh...i could go on....;)

showme said...

one step further...

i'd wipe his ass for him...ROFLMAO

Leann, on a more serious note (i'm trying to be capable), i thought they did a great job on this scene too. as long as he says, "ah..i can't believe it...carlisle was right", it will be perfect.

Right now, i have all the love in the world for everyone. I love Stephenie Meyer for giving me the distinct pleasure of this whole experience. Catherine H for choosing Kristen. Kristen for choosing Robert. Chris Weitz for giving me shirtless Rob. and Rob for well....being the most devestatingly charming man on the planet...with a body to boot...(oh and his parents too...they did a helluva job in procreation and education LOL)

someone else posted something to this effect on another thread, so i give her the credit for this train of thought..

XXXXOOOOO to the whole world.

(That includes you KK, you adled brained girl you!) ;)

Gemgirl65 said...

OMG, no he di-n't! Ryan Seacrest just walked up to a pic of Robward and said, "You know, his abs, if you look closely...they look like they're painted on though with make-up." Juliana said, "Oh my God, you're right though. Did they use a Sharpie to do that?" Ryan said, "Eat a little bit there, vampire."

Let the hate mail commence. LOL

CullenGal09 said...

Marya-yeah, so true that. Screw Summit-this stuff is epic, and the movie isn't even close to being out yet! :)

Sara-you get eh back, ok, hon? I'll take care of the front-hehe-i can be professional, ala Haunted Airman style-"we must get between the....(ponders carefully) toes, yeah that's it!"

showme said...

{channeling Jim Carrey in the Grinch}

"I Absolutely LOATHE all that is holy Ryan Seacrest"

he already said Rob wasn't that hot. he can eat shit and DIE! DIE I TELL YOU! Little hobbit

marya said...

oh and thanks so much janny!
loooooved that video...why oh why is november sooo far away???
hope they pull another harry potter sort of move and they release the movie earlier this year too!!!
keep dreaming...haha

Sara said...

Never before has there been a more appropriate GIF!

Anonymous said...

showme- that's Margot's cute Thank You list. It gets longer as time goes on. :)

showme said...

sara it didn't work for moi

CullenGal09 said...

Shome-that was me earlier-thanks fo that! I puffy heart u, babe!

Leann-Ryan Seacrest is a jealous little metrosexual that probably wishes Rob was gay and just has sour grapes-pppphhhhhhhttthhh on him-little beeyyyaaatch!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

showme - Hey! Don't insult the hobbits!! I love me some hobbits!! Ryan Seacrest is, quite simply, a complete douchebag...

Sara said...


Suz said...

I want every whiny prat who said Rob could not possibly play Edward.. to FULLY realize...

He IS Edward. (and to Eat My...)

And I am Dead!


Rest In Pattinson (R.I.P.)

showme said...

ahhh thanks A/LA

Margot had the LOVEEEE train of thought..i stole...pilfered.

My good friend from ATL went to school at Dunwoody with Ryan, same year, he's a toolerific tool.

CullenGal09 said...

A/LA-I said somethign to that effect also, my bad!

Shome-bwahahahaha-so right.

Marya-i wish that too-i'm so ready for this friggin movie!

RPnKSaddict said...

Welcome back Gozde! Having you back makes this glorious Rob day even better.
" For the love of all that's holy!"
I'm having a Rob melt down. Good god he did it. He got his 6pack.
He's not just a sweaty guy this time.
I'm going to have to stop back in later to gush with you all. I have to take care of the DH's dinner. ahh the mundane really messes with my Robsessing sometimes.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Suz - LOVE your screenname...

CullenGal09 said...

SUZ_my girl! Puffy hearts to ya, sweetness! Widdle Robward wear you out already-teehee...RIP!!!LOL

Gemgirl65 said...

LOL...douchebag works for me!

although I commented on the make-up work myself when I first saw the pics. I mean, he's got the muscles...they've just been visually enhanced a little. ;)

Ryan IS a little metrosexual who dreams and wishes he were as beautiful and as TALL as Rob. Bitter little man.

showme said...

oh was you i stole from !!! kisses...

ok, won't offend the hobbits...

Frodo, don't put on Rob's cockring...

{and...i went to far}

LOL ladies

Mochachino said...

I come back more or less pulled together and there are MORE?!?!

They don't even have to bother with a trailer, this is incredible free publicity

I wonder what track will play behind this scene?

Can't yet focus on conversation but Goz we are so glad you are back and will continue to send positive energy for your family.

CullenGal09 said...

Shome-Ryan is a little annoying tool-Rob's "a big nard tool"-which is more fun to play with?!? ;)

Sara said...

I gotta scram for about ten minutes.
Please try not to do anything too fun without me ladies!

Suz said...


Little men (in all forms)

are Deal Breakers!

showme said...




absolutely perfect

CullenGal09 said...

Some-back atcha, darlin'! I puffy heart you all the way to the moon-New Moon, that is! ;p

Leann-db Ryan-LOL

Lizalou said...

Ryan Seacrest is a little snot-nosed douche. I'd step on his botoxed, fake-baked, highlighted head.

CullenGal09 said...

Suz-say it1 If he was any more full of shite he'd be shaped like a toilet.

showme said... the gif this time

yeah, the haunted airman cock rub LOL

hey, does anyone know, is taht where that hot kiss rob does is from? It's on some of the montage videos and i can't find the damn thing anywhere

Lizalou said...

And you know Seacrest is silently pining away for our Robbie. That's why his comments are so caustic and biting - boy is in the closet about all of this.

CullenGal09 said...

Liza-you go girl-can i get an amen? Any more testimonials this evenin?

marya said...

i wonder how it must feel...knowing youre responsible for causing near death experiences from excessive drooling all over the world...
also i was kind of scared they would feel tempted to shave robs chest hair...and am i glad they didnt!
love those early

Lizalou said...

Ha! I didn't even read all of the comments and everyone is saying the same thing about Seacrest.
We're so protective of our boy and on the same wavelength ;p

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Going to go do some writing, eat dinner and drink a lot of wine...Keep enjoying yourselves ladies. Rob is well loved here today. :D Maybe the lonely cheese will check back in later...

showme said...

i can't figure out whether ryan is gay or not. my friend who went to school with him says no....but he's suspect! suspect i tell ya!

just like rob said, "any man who plucks his eyebrows is suspect"


Anonymous said...

Need to catch up, but... Laimey has some new pics but you can go here to see them, it's not her site- ha!

showme said...

bye KK...see ya around....Rob's block :)

CullenGal09 said...

Liza-say it-if he were any gayer-he'd wear tap shoes!

Gemgirl65 said...

Lizalou, Ryan is SUCH a closet case. It's not even funny. With SMS...Short Man Syndrome. Word to the Suz.

*scooch over. Pattinson better be big enough for ALL of us to rest in. Yeah, I said it!*

*waves at the cheese* How YOU doin'?

Lizalou said...

and btw, gals - I would want to be the person in charge of the airbrushing, without question.
You have to figure that after each take, the makeup gets smeared a bit (Kstew jumping on him), so every few minutes you get to get on your knees in front of Robbie and dab a little and then work some magic.
Not a bad gig, eh?

CullenGal09 said...

Shome-please! I'm more masculine than him!

DD said...

OMG I have been out all afternoon. Just catching up. Can't breathe..melting on the floor. Holycow! How do you spell "HOT" "R-O-B"!

showme said...



THOSE 2 are doing it...i'm all flushed. those 2 have got to be doing it.

i'm sorry y'all. i know i offend.

those candids though...they are a couple damnit

CullenGal09 said...


Liza-on your knees in front of Rop? Is that a trick question?!? I wouldn't be worried about airbrushing-oh, hell no. Robbipop Robbipop, oh, robbie Robbie, robbipop! (Hmmmm,hmmmm, hmmm, hmmm...)

Gemgirl65 said...

Showme, Ryan IS suspect. CG, LOL about the tap shoes! I'd like to tap all over his pointy scull right now.

RL is calling...more to the point, my empty stomach. I shall return, I haven't finished drooling yet. Plus I was nowhere near a computer for 4 empty, tortuous Robless hours...I have to make up for it!

Anonymous said...

Rob, you are just too much.

Seriously, I'm beginning to think this man isn't even human. He's just too amazing, and he keeps on getting better.

So, in the words of Rob himself, "Shirt off, shirt OFF!"

Lizalou said...

Oh yeah, Seacrest has the Napoleon complex going on all right. I can't abide by short men... Gah!

Treasure_7 said...

Rob looks so awesome without a shirt....with or without a shirt he is gorgeous!!

DD said...

Lizaloyu - there was a discussion yesterday about autioning off the job of makeup artist for Rob. You know the makeup has to be reapplied after each take. I think you may have some competition for the position. lol

showme said...


Unknown said...

This day, this man...truly beautiful!!
We have all seen a side to Rob that we have never seen before!
God I can't wait for this movie. And Breaking Dawn..well bring on the honeymoon scene!

CullenGal09 said...

Shome! Calm down Girl! You'll implode!

Lizalou said...

CG09 - my thoughts exactly ;p
I already said in another thread that i'd be thrown off the set because of my compulsion to 'touch' or hell... 'lick'

*evil grin*

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