GQ- The Reaction: Girl, Infatuated

As editors of a men’s magazine who put Twilight actor Robert Pattinson on April cover we’re aware of a few things. First, that Pattinson has a very promising career ahead of him. (In his profile, Alex Pappademas declared that Pattinson “seethes like Warren Beaty.”) Second, that our readers agree with us — and a few do so for reasons not entirely related to his acting skills. (Sarah Moore from Raleigh, North Carolina, wrote: “The cover should read “Hide your wives,’ not ‘Hide your Daughters.’ I can assure you that I, and many other twenty-and thirtysomethings, would gladly trample the 15-year-olds to get a piece of that.”) Which brings us to our third point, that, yes, there is a moblike, high-pitched, rabid following of tweens -mostly girls - who are not generally our demographic, who deeply love Pattinson, and who know more about him than any employee wandering the halls at GQ’s headquarters. That is, except for GQ’s in-house Twilight enthusiast and Pattinson-picture-kisser, Raha Naddaf. In an attempt to bridge their world and ours, we recently enlisted Naddaf (27) to reach out to a group of 11- and 12-year-old Pattinson diehards. They kindly took her call during a sleepover.

What do you like about Pattinson?
Abigail: His face.
Olivia: His Sexiness.

If he were at your slumber party, what would you ask him?
[simultaneously] Would you marry me?

How many times have you guys seen Twilight?
Olivia: Twice

Twice? That’s it?
Olivia: Oh, I’ll watch it more.
Maggie: I saw it three times.

How long did it take you to read all four books in the series?
Olivia: A year.
Abigail: I’ve only read the first one.
Maggie: Seven months

It took me four days

I think I’m a bigger fan than all of you
[More Silence]

What do you think about the rumors that Pattinson dated Camilla Belle?
[Thirteen seconds of mortified screaming.]
Olivia: We don’t like her.
[Three-minute conversation about the Jonas Brothers, with one girl concluding, "They wear promise rings, but that doesn't mean anything."]

Now for the big question: Do you ever imagine yourselves making out with Pattinson?
[Again with the silence]

I do, all the time.
Abigail: We’re only 12.



Anonymous said...

That's hilarious and sadly reminiscent of my life...
Oh, well, guess that is just who I am now.

p.s. I think about making out with Rob all the time. You?

Brandy said...

omg i freakin love that! I was laughing the whole time because you know that shit was true!

Brandy said...

p.s. ang-

yes, i imagine making out with rob all of the time too. lol

Anonymous said...

I'm just laughin the whole time about this interview. Rob has got us all. Young and the not-so-young.
His career is soaring so high. I'm glad he's oblivious to his hotness coz that just makes him more endearing. So ADORKABLE!

Good of him to keep a level head and not get get sucked into his hotness. He might go nuts like the rest of us.

*whips out her GQ mag and proceeds drooling and fantasizing endless thoughts of Rob*


Anonymous said...

I mean, Mom and Dad.
*cough* *cough* *cough*

kespax said...

Cute and funny article.

What I love is the quote from the writer - "he seethes", aw hell imagine in person!
We have seen heaps of people interviewing him kind melt under the "seething".

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ash7586 said...

Awesome. So hilarious!

Anonymous said...


showme said...

Damn straight....hide your wives.

They speak the truth in NC!

Georgie said...

Never mind just the twenty and thirty-somethings...what about the rest of us forty and fifty-somethings too having the same cravings LOL?

Chicago girl now in LA said...

So, Alex says Rob "seeths like Warren Beatty"????? Hahahaha. I don't see Warren or Rob seething, WTF? You know, many Californians think Warren should run for office. He's seriously smarter than hell and really understands politics. I don't think Rob is political, but he's extremely bright and that's the only thing I think he has in common with Warren.

Funny story, though otherwise about grown-up women loving Rob. I think within the coming year, everyone will know Rob's fanbase is very grown-up, well-educated and sophisticated. Then, we'll start seeing Rob in increasingly emotionally-complex roles.

anna F said...

Well, is it normal to write such "reaction" in answer to articles previously printed? Or does it mean that they got a stronger reaction that usually? They certainly seem to have reached a lot of girls though LOL.

very funny article!
gotta love the north carolina's fan answer, and the mention of "GQ’s in-house Twilight enthusiast and Pattinson-picture-kisser, Raha Naddaf"... Maybe she hopes to interview him if there is a next time. At least they hinted at the hidden more silent and older fanbase...

Tess said...

Favorite bit:

'Now for the big question: Do you ever imagine yourselves making out with Pattinson?
[Again with the silence]

I do, all the time.
Abigail: We’re only 12.'


Kate said...

Hilarious, love it.
Morning Tess ((waves))
Morning all!!

Martina said...

aren`t we all the pattinson-picture-kissers/lickers? :P

mhizty said...

wow! that was crazy.

Anna said...

I feel that one demographic of Rob's following is being left out here. Teens, women in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s (and onwards), fine - we all know Rob owns them.

But what about gay men?!! My gay best friend is hopelessly Robsessed, and I can tell you, he's feeling left out. Time to end the discrimination, I say!

margot said...

oh, irony !
How brilliant to spot that his fanbase is not only teenbased, how veeery wise,
seriously media are stupid or blind .... if Im not running around screaming Rob bite me ! Rob I love you! Rob marry me! Im practically invisible, even spending money on Robs stuff or demanding his films in cinemas around the world
hmm... at last ... it must have been a Robsessed woman to saz it out loud ... Yes ! his fanbase are females of every age, and its serious and we mean it !

zeah, they discovered 20,30somethings , yeah, hide your wives
Im waiting for Hide everz female creature because Im sure Rob melts not only older women but cats and dogs also roftl

Martina said...

maybe there is a family in which mother, daughter and even grandma are robsessed. XD

margot said...

I can assure you that there is such a familz because I heard it here on ROBsessed
oh, why not... nobody is immune right
gotta restart the damn computer cuy kezboard must be jealous and messes letters not allowing to write smilies and other suff

Georgie said...

Yes you mention gay men LB...I wouldn't be surprised to see Rob become an icon among the gay community after Little Ashes - even though he's not gay, a la Kylie Minogue was (or is) a Lesbian icon.

Rhonda said...

They should have asked this more mature fan. We have the same answer to the last question, at least. "I do, ALL THE TIME!" LOL

Noe said...

woah that was so hilarious. you just gotta love the children.

yet at the age of 19 i may have to agree with that lil girl Olivia. i like rob's sexiness as well.

oh and that happy trail... *fingers mag with pre-cgi dazzling edward pic*

margot said...

lucky 19 ;))))))))))))))))

annycullen said...

12? lmao.

annycullen said...

it took me four days as well. one day for each book, didn't even eat. haha.

Jewels64 said...

I was mortified the other day when I saw that someone had taken the April GQ to Half Price Books and had resold it!

Who does crazy shit like that? A jealous boyfriend or husband maybe?

I snapped that shit up. I now have two copies!!!

I also imagine making out with Robert Pattinson ALL the time!!!

Mochachino said...

“Do you ever imagine yourselves making out with Pattinson?”
yep, all the time (seriously), me too : ) And uh...I’m not 12, although I could have a 12-yr kid.

It took me 2 wks to finish the set of 4 twilight books, 2 years to write a doctoral thesis.

I’ve seen the Twilight movie...I don’t know how many times. With or without the RP commentary? (I prefer the latter option) Either way, I’ve lost count.

What do I like about Rob? How much time do you have? But I swear I used to be a normal person!

Anonymous said...

That was so cute..Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

i read all the books and it didnt take me days..i have seen the movie 9 times and now that its on dvd i watch it every night without fail b4 i go to bed,i love rob.i would ravish his entire sexy.i imagine making out with him all the time,oooohhhh baby,so if he would ever come to indiana he could stay with me,he would be ooohhh sooooo safe.i love YOU rob!!!!

Anonymous said...

im 16 and dream of kissing him all the time too. lol actually just meeting him would be great. but it kinda upsets me that older people think twilight is just an obsession of 15yr olds. my point is that nearly the same amout of people in senior class this year love twilight. plus my friends graduating college this year love it too. it has nothing to do with age, just younger people show it better and i think its due to lack of maturity. i know that im one of those people :) but older people then me have more of an obsession with twilight, just are more restricted about being outward with it

Tenneil said...

HAHA seriously ...

I cant compared Rob to anyone...dont realy want to.. to me he's in a league all his own...

He does fill me dreams with many good thoughts....

Jules, selling GQ Rob is above the worse thing I have ever heard... that sh*t should be illegal.. how dare anyone do that...

Lisa said...

This was hilarious! I loved the wrie in,

“The cover should read 'Hide your wives,’ not ‘Hide your Daughters.’ I can assure you that I, and many other twenty-and thirtysomethings, would gladly trample the 15-year-olds to get a piece of that.”

SO TRUE!! Some people have no's not the 11 or even 15 year old they should worry about. Move over tweenies! :)

Lizalou said...

It's truly funny how we change as we age. The little girls want to marry him - MARRY HIM! That's the furthest thing from my mind. Ravage him? Absolutely, it crosses my mind more than i'd like to admit ;p But marry? Haven't thought of that once.
15 years ago, though, I would have been right there with the tweens and teens, swooning and dreaming of marrying, i'm sure. And its so funny how the 12 yr old said he's 'sexy'. And at that age, you have no idea what that word actually means, it just sounds exciting.
Youth and naivete - deadly, but so refreshing.

margot said...

lazy Sunday afternoon here and morning somwhere there, so let me give you something to read, the story of my falling into the black hole and coming to surface :)

margot said...

10 (and more) steps to ROBsession – my story of insanity

1) I got into it only in January because of some book review (17 millions sold and I haven’t read it yet?)
2) I bought 3 first books in my language and read them in some 4-5 days (work, family and about 4h sleep)
3) felt Bella is the main character
4) found BD in English on the net and read it in another 2 nights from the screen (had to wait to buy it for 4 months), still was Bella oriented
5) realized that it's too late to go to the cinema, too early for dvd (January 2009 !)
6) watched illegal copy of Twilight (I know, I know, but I bought dvd as soon as possible, in March)
7) recognized beautiful Rob (Cedric), but got mentally smashed with my first and only obsession only after watching interviews and listening to what he is saying, pictures were not enough to move me,
8) googled photos and sites, found out there is no not-ideal part of Rob in and out :)
9) I was feeling very bad with obsession, literally sick, because I didn’t want it
10) finally found this place and started reading and almost immediately writing, finally coming back to mental health (not quite true)
11) stopped watching / reading gossip or other sites (apart from SpunkRansom), I can’t stand all this crap around Rob – it makes me feel embarassed to death
12) and now : I’m Robsessed not Edward or Twilight obsessed, I watch Rob’s part on the movie frequently, I know other his films and I’m sure he is talented, ambitious and down to earth, can’t wait for his other films, I just wish him very well and want him to have his private life back, I do not need to know details or photos of his private life, I kinda feel I will follow and support him for all his career
13) I think KStew makes perfect Bella, for me better than the book, whatever goes on I wish her best
14) what I dream about I won’t tell you for the above reasons – but you all know, you know .....

violet4 said...

That was great.
I am 40 with 3 kids and a husband. I have an advanced degree and a career. I am not the demographic of screaming teens, and neither are my Robsessed friends! But I desperately LOVE Rob... it's really ridiculous but I can't help it...I've never been celebrity obsessed in my life. I never write on any blogsites. But here I am writing about Rob on Robsessed... so glad to be acknowledged in the fanbase :)

margot said...

There is weather forecast alert for 23 cities in Italy because of temp over 30C in the shadow, they advise not to let the children or the elderly out,
they say Peruggia and it's close to Montepulciano
our shirtless scene may cost more than we thought :
they have to film at noon because of the light and shadow, right? or even add some spotlights???
imagine ice-cold Edward seating ... wow, it might even bring him back to life , lol
poor actors

margot said...

*sweating* of course

Lizalou said...

Right there with ya babe!
I had no clue who Rob even was until I saw the movie (which was spurred on by a couple of evil sisters who told me I just had to read the Twilight books).
Then, even after I saw the movie at the very end of December, he didn't really grab me. Don't get me wrong, I thought he was muy good-lookin', but I wasn't obsessed with him. Just the books at that point.
I was so disgusted with my obsession with Edward/Bella in the books (just the 1st three - hated BD!), that I read a new series of books to try to 'break' the obsession. Well it worked. I was fine until I decided to pre-order the Twilight dvd in February.
Well then, lo and behold, I came home late one night and happened to catch the last few minutes of the Oscars. Rob was sitting in the audience right behind Mickey Rourke, I think, who was up for a big award. Well they kept showing Rob and I remember thinking to myself, "damn! wtf is it about this guy?"
Then, when I found out he presented an award that night, I immediately went on youtube to try to find the video. Bam! It hit me like a ton of bricks when I saw how utterly gorgeous, but shy and modest he seemed on that stage.
Then the shit really hit the fan when the Twilight dvd arrived at the end of March. I was bewitched from that point on - not really sure why the second viewing did it to me, but I know that it's not the movie, it's Rob. And the obsession only got worse after viewing his interviews on youtube, just as you did.

It still disgusts me from time to time. But this site does make it easier. It's nice knowing that other level-headed, educated, intelligent women are suffering from this same affliction ;p
And that we're not alone in this!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Sarah Moore from Raleigh, NC, for putting your name out there and speaking the truth about the 'other' fans of Robert Pattinson that the media doesn't quite acknowledge (yet). I couldn't agree more with what she said--as a 34 year-old wife and mother of 1, I too would gladly trample over these tween and teen girls for a chance to be in this man's presence (and let's face it, I would jump at the chance for much, much more ;)). Marry him? Whatever. Make out with him? In a fraction of a heartbeat.

And perhaps the GQ reaction article should have been titled, "GQ - The Reaction: (Lots and lots of) Women, Infatuated".

Thanks for posting, Dani! This was too funny.

violet4 said...

Yeah, I wasn't obsessed with Rob either until I saw him in interviews... then it was all over for me!! :(

violet4 said...

Yeah, I wasn't obsessed with Rob either until I saw him in interviews... then it was all over for me!! :(

showme said...

I am so glad so many of you girls and WOMEN understand my pain here...i echo many of your sentiments...i'm also embarrassed by my robsession. i haven't felt something so ridiculous since high school! and it's just him...his personality for me. i honestly didn't even think he was that cute at first, striking maybe, but not that cute. when i saw the movie, i was like, 'what's the big deal?'.

it wasn't until after i saw the first interviews with them that i literally melted. all of the sudden, he became the sexiest thing in the world to me.

now, i'm a former shell of myself LOL

THIRTYGIRL2009 said...

"Hide your wives" is Right! I'm also 30, married, with an advanced degree and a job that if I ever get seen stalking Rob could be detrimental to my career; but ROB just brings it out in me. He's absolutely ravishing and I would never, ever thought I would be so infatuated with a celebrity. Brad Pitt is cute, and at the risk of sounding like a tween, only Rob has made think about writing a fan letter. And just when I began questioning my sanity, I found you ladies my age an in this site.

margot said...

@ Lizalou, thx for responding bb :*
it's a part of rehab, isn't it ?
my girl, I couldn't agree more
I am charmed with the first book, like 2 and 3, can't stand BD from pregnancy thing
many other things but it's pointless to mention, I'm still charmed and follower
obsessed with Rob
never think of Rob as a person reading FF, howeve, photos of Rob can illustrate stories, classicaly Tie Guy or the Beautiful Bastard with the GQ session

Unknown said...

Warren Betty when first started acting was seething. I see Rob the same. Rob hasn't hit his peak yet so hold on ladies more to come. When he continues to do interviews and talk shows he will be bringing more fans in and driving us Robessed fans crazier.

margot said...

showme :)))) that's it

thank you

I showed you mine and you showed me yours , lol , FF and puns and I';m sober

Lizalou said...


It's scary, isn't it? Blargh!
He must emit some sort of energy that most men don't have. There has to be some explanation for why so many women (not children and teens!) are enamored of him.
They should do scientific research and then bottle his secret and hand it out to other men so that we all can have our own little Rob.

I wonder if he would have captured everyone's fascination with another role aside from Edward in Twilight? Or if Twilight is what did this...

margot said...

but Warren was kinda playboy and I still don't see Rob this way, flirty ... yes... in love ... hope so (for him) ... but Warren-like ... don't think so

it would make things more painful to watch, right or wrong ?

Gemgirl65 said...

Margot, you are cracking me up today! Cats and dogs, even the computer keyboard jealous and hot for Rob...LOL! And my story is similar to yours as to how I got into Twilight. I had a friend nag me into reading it in January, which resulted in devouring the next 3 books over a 2-week span in which I did nothing but work, sleep, eat and READ. It was too late to catch the movie in the theaters so I had to resort to illegal online viewings too...which led to all the online Rob interviews...which led to full-on Robsession.

(And Margot, maybe they won't need to add the sparkle effects to Edward because Rob will be sweating so much??? yikes!)

violet4, your story is the same as SO many women here, it still blows my mind. Makes me wonder if the internet had existed when Brad Pitt first appeared in Thelma and Louise, would there have been the same sort of Brad-sessed phenomenon?

I think GQ must have had more than the usual feedback for its Rob cover, or it never would have printed this follow-up article. Gotta love the pre-teen girls! So sweet. I was so in love with Shaun Cassidy at that age I couldn't even see straight.

Little Bear, ITA that there are probably tons of gay men into Rob. He's just too pretty and too interesting a guy for it not to happen. When I checked the stats on my youtube Rob video, 4% of the viewers were men. My hair stylist is into the guy who just played Spock in the new Star Trek, can't think of his name. I'll have to ask him what he thinks of Rob next time I see him.

Honey said...

Last night I hung out with my 13 y/o cousin visiting from LI. Naturally the convo turned to twilight & rob.

Turned out to be very interesting. ALMOST paraphrasing this interview. Lol.

Ladies: I too am embarrassed, still.

I've come up with a phrase to describe him, the robsession, etc. For me, it sucks. But it's a good suck. Yup, that's my not so brilliant attempt to describe how I he makes me feel.

Honey said...

I seem to have lost the ability to type grammatically correct english sentences, at the bottom of my post.

Sorry everyone. My motor skills are going on sabbatical with me today on this lazy sunday morning.

Oh, and good morning everyone!

margot said...

What is the Englisgh title od the Patric Suskind's famous book, made into a film recently ?
A talented perfume maker prepares the essence of beauty scent and finally drops it on himself to escape the death punishment, then finding his life creation done and maybe himself disgusting he pours the rest on himself... the crovd covers him instantly and after they' have gone there is nothing left of him

see what is on my mind? brrrrrrr

Lizalou said...

Well, all of you married gals, count yourself lucky - even though you're Robsessed, you've got your man already.
I'm single and this Robsession makes being single even worse. Even before this, I could never deal with shallow, pompous, uncultured men. And I had a hard time finding a guy who could intrigue me and sustain my attention and fascination for long periods of time.
But now, good GOD! It's gotten really hard - and not because i'm necessarily looking for a Rob clone. It's moreso realizing that not all men are jackals and there are some true gems out there (like Rob appears to be). So I'm not settling for anything less.

Gemgirl65 said...

I LOVE all of your stories! The first time I saw Rob was on Jay Leno and I was underwhelmed. lol He just wasn't really my type. I got into the books, and wasn't sure I'd like Rob as Edward. The first time I saw Twilight, I went into it skeptical...but literally the minute he said, "Hello, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to introduce myself last week, I'm Edward Cullen..." I thought, YES, YOU SURE AS HELL ARE! For some reason, it all just "clicked" for me.

But the reason I became Robsessed was his interviews. The more I saw how bright, funny, humble and kind-hearted he was, the more attractive he became to me. The British accent doesn't hurt either. :) Now I think he's the most attractive guy in the world, because of the total package of looks, talent and personality. And it's nice to know I'm not alone, since there are so many other like-minded (and hormoned?) women and girls here with me!

showme said...

LOL Liz and Margot--

I was an English Lit major, went to a prestigious liberal arts school, own a business.....u get the picture. it's humiliating.

I encounter teen girls a lot in my business, who would constantly talk ab twilight. i'd already seen the movie on ppv, but they said the books were so much better. i asked what happened in NM. one girl told me about italy. i'd lived there in school so i was curious and started reading the ending of NM online. and i kept turning pages, and turning pages...

then i decided, ok, the hell with it, if i'm going to do this monumentally embarassing thing, i should at least go buy the books and start at the beginning.

4 days later, i resurfaced and my best friend called and was like, 'where the hell have u been?'

so i came out of the closet to her and another bf, and the 2nd one then admitted she'd bought twilight to take on vacay bc another one of her friends had told her she'd neglected all motherly duties in order to read LOL

so there you go...these are all highly educated, 30 something women who loved twilight.

NOW, i can't wait to see what my friend thinks about RPatz...after she finishes all the books i'm going to introduce her to some Rob interviews.

she's happily married to a hot man, so i don't know if it will be the same for her as me...

we shall see LOL

Anna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
margot said...

@ Leann... I love writing and chatting with intelligent ppl verrrry much and it is not easy to find a place! and when I finally found it ... f*** time zones disable me from taking part. Anyway, since I'm here I regularly go to sleep at 3am and have to get up 8-7am ...

cats and dogs were seriously - somebody here mentioned her female dog running straight to monitor and panting and wagging the tail at Rob's wallpaper, I didn';t make this one up !

when finally our ladies-in-charge Gozde (hey, Gozde we love ya and still keep fingers crossed for tomorrow!) and Dani (wish you were better !) come back - I think we could perform a new poll for the site's visitors "Are you a man or a woman ?" What do you think ?

showme said...


which is funny, bc he made fun of that one time in an interview, "yeah, i don't want to become one of those people who start a perfume and clothesline"

LOL. he's so worried about his image, not appearing like a tool.

but i'd be MORE than happy if he did a cologne in which he picked and had input. holy cow, would i ever.

Anna said...

Margot - that would be "The Perfume".
Excellent point :))

Gemgirl65 said...

Lizalou, I'm single too...have always been too discriminating for my own good, and the existence of Rob in the world is NOT helping.

showme, everyone I know who got hooked on Twilight is a well-educated 30- or 40-something career woman who feels like an idiot for liking the books and Rob. Who said the phenomenon should be studied? I agree. This whole thing transcends age groups and cultures, as there are women of all ages from all over the world posting here on Robsessed. What is the common thread? And should modern men be worried? lol

Tenneil said... its all good... were all in the same boat!!!

But good suck is never a bad thing!!

You ROCK!!!

margot said...

the thing with guys seems to be (to me, and I'm in the older group here) :
love and good relationship is better than being alone
it is always, always better to have nothing/nobody than to stay with somebody we don't feel this pain in guts, this hormonal drive to, and read above - most of women seem to me work like : intelligence and personality of a given man first and only then it adds to the look,

Anna said...

lol Leann, I do have a boyfriend, but when I look at Rob I definitely feel very much single :)

Anna said...

oh and it's not only 30-something career women who feel stupid about the whole thing. It's also 20-something PhD students. Just sayin'.

margot said...

to those who didn't read The Perfume by Patric Suskind ... to make the perfume it requred to kill The Unique Person ....

so, all in all, it it paralells my worries about the hype around Rob

Mochachino said...

great discussion going on here. I hear you. I'm pretty disgusted with the time and energy I put into Robsessing sometimes. I have never ever obsessed over a celebrity before. LittleBear~I'm in grad school too! Hard to hide this, eh?

Honey said...

I've been typing things intermittenly then deleting them. Ha, even here I still can't come clean.

Good suck has so many connotations T but yes, it is always all good lol. Morning!

margot said...

actually I have never heard or read any Brad Pitt's interviews, I wasn't interested in it at all
he was beautiful in Thelma and Louise and other films and he is very tallented IMO but never gave me that hormonal feeling

Gemgirl65 said...

LOL Little Bear! :) And by the way, I do love your avatar...Rob and his REAL love, TomStu!

Margot, I agree, I love being in a relationship, but I'd rather be alone than "settle" for a guy I'm not crazy about, who doesn't make me feel weak in the knees, or excited to see him. I know the passion always fades in a relationship, but if you never felt those things about the guy you're with in the beginning, eventually even the friendship isn't going to be enough to keep the relationship alive.

OK, I'm rambling now. LOL

May I ask where everyone is from? I love how global Robsessed is!

Anna said...

yep erin, it's a struggle everyday. I think we had this discussion before, something about thanking RPattz and the unicorns in our acknowledgements...

Of course, for that I first need to write the damn thesis. Libaries all have internet connections, so it's not looking good right now :p

Mochachino said...

Rob has upped the bar for men in my life :) I don't know if this is a good or bad thing.

Rominiwi said...

It took me 2 days! Ha! I win (well, 2 days and a half...'cuz i read the midnight sun draft as well)

ROFL at the "do you ever imagine yourselves making out with Rob?"
Do we need to answer? xD

Mochachino said...

oh yes, I remember LittleBear! I know, my thesis is dragging since I discovered Rob eek!

Gemgirl65 said...

Little Bear, is there any way to work Rob into your thesis? You could investigate the cultural implications of worldwide Robsession, and how internet forums such as Robsessed perpetuate and even feed the frenzy of a diverse group of women who were brought together and bonded over a single enigmatic young man. Kill two birds with one stone!

margot said...

you said *work Rob*
am I the only one ... well, ok

Anna said...

Leann - that would totally work, if I was not working on 17th-century Scottish theology.

(and I just lost all my "cool" point...)

To answer your previous question, I am French, but in grad school in England :)

showme said...


i saw the movie Perfume. I thought it was disturbingly good. and yes, hopefully there's not some serial killing pefume stalker out there bc rob's self-described 'musk' must be intoxicating...LOL

Girls...get to work on your theses!!! stop looking at rob!

margot said...

I'm in Poland

Suz said...

Imagining making out (snogging) with Rob.. how bizzzzaaarrre!


(P.S. How do you get M.A.C. lip glaze stains off pillowcase?)

margot said...

and if you miss McVampy and A&O you can ask her for the access to the next chapters, I did it yeaterday and got immediate answer

Anna said...

(although... maybe Rob has some Scottish ancestry I could trace? And then I'd need to go interview him, to confirm that some 1650s Presbyterian minister was indeed his great-great-great-great uncle?.. I feel like I'm reaching here.)

margot said...

wouldn't it be easier to cover it all in gloss ?

Honey said...

I've been trying to decide between a 2nd masters, a PhD, and law school. Or a combination.

At least I know I'll have people to help support me thru the steps to managing this.

And truthfully, this habit is altogether pretty damn harmless.

Except!, if I ever really examine any potential new man for my life and do the cross-comparison thing.

But my own advice tells me that what I see/hear/read/think I know of Rob is whatever I decide it to be, in that moment and time.

He truly is a canvas for this single girl to paint with broad strokes.

Honey said...

That was super long-winded. My apologies.

And if I wasn't of pure mind this morning, my comment of broad strokes wouldn't at all lead me down the path of impure thoughts. Not at all. :)

Lizalou said...

Don't go to lawschool. Girl, just don't do it. Please. I beg of you.

Those of you still in gradschool, I do not envy you at all. If I had this Robsession then, I probably would still be trying to earn that damned degree! ;p

Mochachino said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gemgirl65 said...

sorry, had to take a phone call there...

LB, Rob actually does look like he has some Scottish ancestry. Tall, reddish hair. Not such a stretch! I think it deserves some extensive research, don't you? ;)

Thankfully my job doesn't allow me to Robsess in the office. I actually have to share a computer with someone else, and I'm outside selling most of the time. I'm forced to Robsess only on my lunch hour and in the evenings, which is probably a good thing.

Honey, as I'm sure you know, Rob once said that he's just a blank canvas upon which girls/women paint their own ideals, although he was speaking of Edward at the time. I'm not sure he's realized his popularity goes way beyond the confines of the character of Edward at this point, though I DO think it's that particular character that brought all of this Robsessing about in the first place. I believe only the idealized character of Edward Cullen could have brought on the fascination with Rob to this degree. But it's Rob himself that keeps the fascination at such a high level.

Mochachino said...

its probably a combination of Honey's idea and Rob's unique blend of contradictions

Mochachino said...

I'm off ladies, its a beautiful day. Thanks for the chat! xo

Anna said...

Leann - I'm on it :)

I think Rob's appeal comes from the fact that's he's perfect. But you know, just my opinion.

Bye erin!

Honey said...

Liz, Law school would mostly be to prove that I can do it. Because I get bored easily and love to learn. And I love challenges.

So law school may not be for the best reasons.

Erin, I have a job with 2 offices about an hour apart. One has a private corner office w/ very few internet restrictions.

There is where I can (time-allowing) robsess & laugh loudly. It has been a saving grace because of all the crap I have to deal with, largely at my other office. So, your advice, yes, I've already applied it. Thanks tho!

Sorry bout delayed response. On phone with my aunt in LI.

Lizalou said...

I'm off for the day, too....
But LittleBear, i'm in accord with Leann - work that Scottish angle! He does have the look of a Scotsman about him...imagine Rob with a Scottish burr....ooh. Happy thought for the day ;)

Lizalou said...

Compelled to comment but running out the door...
Honey - it's one hell of an expensive challenge just to 'prove you can do it'. Believe me, I know. I'll be signing monthly checks the rest of my life.
And the majority of my fellow classmates are NOT satisfied with the practice of law (including myself).
Just my two cents, you have to choose the path that's right for you in life. But make sure to do your research thoroughly and not just by reading, but by speaking to many lawyers beforehand.

I'm outta here. Everyone, enjoy your day and happy Rob thoughts to all!

sandra007 said...

Am I the only robsessed who doesn't imagine making out with Rob? :).....I am robsessed because of his sudden success and stardom.. I am like identifying to him..because I am one of these weak people that nobody thinks they can become a star....I wish I become a star one day like Rpatzz ... :)....

margot said...

McVampy wrote on 17th May :

First, if you know anyone who would like access to my journal, please ask them to PM me through

so ya all know wht to do

Gemgirl65 said...

Lizalou, you now have me thinking of Rob doing the Scottish brogue...thanks a LOT for that. *quick, someone send Rob a script in which he plays a Scot! wearing a kilt, added bonus!*

Good luck with your theses, ladies. And LB, we expect a copy of Rob's genealogy within 24 hours. No pressure though. ;)

It IS a lovely day...I'm off as well. See you all later. Have a great day, mes amies!

Anna said...

Rob in kilts... *sigh*

Hey, maybe Rob can star in the movie version of my PhD?!!

Anna said...

I'm off aswell - bye girls! Have a lovely day!

Yvonne said...

LOL! That's a great interview, better than most Ive read!

I haven't had a chance to read all of the posts, but I've skimmed them over and...
Leann...Pattinson geneology is officially your task :)))

Oh, and on making out with Rob, um,yeah, who ever has said they haven't dreamt of those SO LYING! tee hee (giggles like a 12 year old...)

Honey said...

Leanne, your forced robsession is probably a good thing. So is mine, at my main office lol.

Twilight and Edward were the launch pad. I'm not one for Edwards character, save for the love he felt.

I enjoy the package Rob has delivered thus far. I just have to parcel out my time to include time for admiring it.

With that, I must shower. Family time awaits. My lil 13 y/o cousin is one cool chick. We're gonna drive some balls again. (She's trying to emulate her fave cousin, me, and drive the ball left and right handed. Left I can go 150 yards straight as an arrow. Right I can do 175-180 slightly hooked.)

Then the fam will do as Lily Allen suggested and become weapons of mass consumption lol.

Have a wonderful day ladies!

Yvonne said...

@ Margot (9:45)
I love the way you put it! You said exactly what I feel, I think that is one of the most amazing things about this site and Rob. We are all so similar, it's just the coolest thing. And the fact that we managed to find eachother here....I think it makes all of feel more "normal" about our Robsession (whatever "normal" is...!)

Sandra said...

Count me in on the 40 somethings that is obsessed with Rob and yes i have had some fantasies of him too...shhh don't tell hubby lol

I read the Twilight book in a few hours after seeing the movie (which i loved) and had to wait until after christmas to read the rest (because as a rule we are not aloud to buy anything for ourselves around christmas time)

Leann i live in Canada about 40 minutes outside of Toronto

ladies don't forget to vote for ROB AND BEST KISS at the MTV Awards

I'm driving to Toronto today with a friend to see Little ashes woohoo

Yvonne said...

Have fun at LA!!!

Sandra said...

Thanks Yvonne i will...must dash to do some more voting, see you

margot said...

@ Yvonne
I'm reading you, I am ... thx :))))

normal ... normal it is not but still it's harmless to Rob, hope so :D

and, yes... it's miracle how we found each other and what angel (Google ?) led us all here

for me it's the proof that in the world around there are more ppl like me which is not so visible everyday

Tenneil said...

Honey... girl you are full of all sorts of goodies...

I heart you...ya know...

sorry i missed you...again...
sniff, sniff....
Love the Lily Allen comment!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Happy Rob Sunday everyone.
I was curious if anyone knew how many copies of GQ Rob had sold. It was hard to find and there were tons of Justin Timberlake.

My Posting name says it all. I'm an RP addict I must have a hit 2or3 x's a day. This last week in Cannes especially bad.

I'm 37 and married. My poor DH knows I'm crushing but doesn't know the extent.

It's Rob's fault I became a Twilight Fan. I've liked him since HP and noticed the teaser last year at the theater.

I saw comicon and that did it.

I read the 4 books plus midnight sun in a week.
Then I spent hours reading back posts and comments on this site most of October and November
Not to mention interview after interview.

Thank god for all of you out there that have the same Robsesseion.

I keep thinking it will ease up, but just gets worse and I just can't wait for the rest of his movies.

Was so excited I got my HOW TO Be last nite. I have to go watch again.
Have a great Rob Day!

margot said...

have a nice day, too
thx for sharing ;)

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Yes Margot~Warren was the worst king of the playboys and Rob couldn't be further from that, so that comparison was ridiculous!

DD said...

What I find amazing is the affect RP has had on so many women around the world. We are from different places and are different ages but we all have very similar stories about how we became Robsessed.

I was attracted because of Edward Cullen, but I stay because of Robert Pattinson. I got sucked in when I started watching his interviews. He was so natural and full of contridictions. I will eagerly follow his career for as long as he is working.

The best thing about this blog is sharing and finding out I am in very good company.

DD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
margot said...

be warn DSs, here comes Big Rob:

rpattzdude said...

HAHAHAHHAHA fuck that one was great hahahhaha love this interview LOL

violet4 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
violet4 said...

Yes, this site makes me feel like I am in good company, which makes me feel a little better...!
Leann - I'm in Philly. Also, I loved the video you made :).

Suz said...


Philly in the house!

Shani said...

Lizalou,Leann, and Honey- I know y'all have left already, but ditto.

I'm starting to feel sorry for our future men. Rob is just so fascinating on every level along with being complicated. I didn't even know I liked complicated. He just brings out a side of us that we never knew existed. We're rational,sane, professional women who are on a celebrity blog. Like WTF!!! I've never been obsessed about any celeb. Hell,lets tell the truth we are addicted. Because why in the hell do we really care about a stranger who we will never meet. It would be so sad if it was only us here on this one blog. But it's a world wide phenomenon.

Now join me in saying our mantra:

We are Robsessed sisters never shall we part. We are strong fearless women who campaigns for our man's rights. Robsessed colors of orange, blue,and white runs through our veins every morning, noon, and night.There is no other besides DH,DD, DS or DBF that has our attention in more ways than one. We are world wide strong. Who do you ask is this Rob?? Well he is only Robert Thomas Pattinson the craziest,
coolest,and all the other est panty melting man. Hell, that you would fuck senseless,leave your family and friends for(lets be real),and the one thing you would bring on a deserted island. YAY!!! WE. ARE. ROBSESSED!!!!


janehofstra said...

I second the gay men demographic. My gay best friend who is 34 like me turned me on to reading Twilight and we read the entire saga (including Midnight Sun) in less than a week. He's a big Rob supporter, so we saw Little Ashes together too.

Can't wait until this summer. My friend lives in NYC west side (Chelsea) and is a regular pub crawler, so he's already on the lookout for a Rob sighting. We constantly run into celebs on the street so it's not a big deal (though he did squeal like a fanboy when he ran into Hugh Jackman a few weeks ago, props for him that he squealed after the fact and did not bother Hugh who was taking a walk with his son).

We both love how Rob comes off in his interviews (me especially) and would love to chat him up if I could get my tongue working right in his presence. I'm always bumming a cig or light from fellas standing outside on a smoke break, I imagine myself doing this one day and doing a double take when I realize it's Rob, LOL, yeah in my dreams!

Dunno that I'd have the nerve to approach if I recognize him first though (doubtful since I'm rather oblivious, and not much for photographs/autographs/small talk with strangers) but I'd love to buy him a pint (or two or three) for all the smiley moments he gives me throughout the day (:

Shani said...

My bad I forgot about the gays. So I add "We are Robsessed sisters and brothers never shall we part".


Shani said...

Damn, add "men" into other line. And "boxer/brief" into the other. LMAO.

margot said...

hi girls in presence :)))))

I was thinking of a new poll question for our site : :"Are you a man or a woman?" I think it might be very interesting to get the answer

margot said...

and, Shani the above (what yoy said) was great :D

Latebloomer said...

May I add that I'm 48, married 13 years, 9 yo daughter... and I've had it bad for RP since before Easter! Like one poster said earlier... it's humiliating and I'm not exactly open about my obsession. I've calmed down quite a bit... but i still feel pangs of guilt for the way in which I think about this young man. I honestly have never obsessed this way before about anyone... and that's what I don't understand. Is it because before there weren't any internet blogs that I could go to, to "feed" my hunger for pics of this beautiful Man/Boy that we all adore?
If there are any psychologists in this crowd... I suspect this would make great thesis material!!

I ashamed to say that I "sneak" my computer time to blog about Rob... almost like a husband might sneak pooter time for porn! That's how guilty I feel about it!

I also start to wonder if what I'm doing is in essence quite "evil" in that perhaps I'm totally objectifying this young man and playing a role in chipping away at his humanity?

maybe this isn't the place to post such "deep thoughts"... but I need to say them... and I'm sure I will get thoughtful responses.

i suppose I should add that my marriage is not on its best leg right now... and while this is not the reason... it is not helping.

Just letting it out...

margot said...

@ Latebloomer ... calm down sweetie, we are all more or less the same

somebody should do kinda research on this blog and us an write some scientifical article, we are ready right now
We Are The Problem or We Have A Problem ? or perhaps ... Men Have A Problem ?

janehofstra said...

To Latebloomer: No need to feel guilty, I think we're all harmless in our Robsession though it does get intense sometimes! And I enjoy coming here almost as much for the other ladies comments as I do to ogle photos of Rob!

Has anybody else here read Bel-Ami? I read it in Comparative Lit elective in college and the only thing I remembered is that Georges Duroy is major cad, but then pulled it out again after Rob committed to the role and I think this could be a real star making role for him, def. has to be R rated and should elevate him above the public's perception that his fan base is comprised mostly of tween girls.

Georges starts out inherently charming but unsure and broke, then as he climbs the social ladder he gains confidence and becomes ruthlessly cunning but still irresistable. He screws (in more ways than one) five women of varying ages on his way up, and there's lots of interplay between the press, politics, sex and money. It's very easy to hate his character but then you realize he's just playing the same game everyone else is playing except that he's beating them at it. Would be relevant in conteporary society as it was in late 19th century Paris. Should draw a wider audience if done well.

margot said...

I read Bel Ami but long time ago and I also remember the old French serias Bel Ami, I think from the 70' ? don't really know, , it was out of date while on our TV

margot said...

and I agree 100% with your description and opinion

I think the novel and its content matches exactly the picture of XIX cent French society (vide Zola) , meaning disgusting ppl :))) and Bel Ami seemed to me (young, idealistic, non-compromising girl while I watche it, and it was a bit old serias then) - filthy creature

I thing it can be done differently - stressing the charm and playfullness, and then "we all drop like dead flies" , even if we live that long with this mental condition

margot said...

*think* of course, damn

Anna said...

Latebloomer: hang in there girl! We're all on the same boat ;)

janehofstra: I have read the book too, and I agree it could be great for Rob. I do think the character is very likeable in spite of his flaws, or maybe because of them. I'm not sure about it being a 'star making' role though, or at least I doubt it will draw a large audience: it's an indie movie, made by a director whose whole experience is in theatre. And the story is not a classic crowd-pleaser either. Which all in all is probably a good thing, I think.

I'm also hoping for a contemporary rendition, mostly because 1880s moustaches (and sideburns) were NOT sexy!

margot said...

sorry for spaming

the Frenchman playing Bel Ami wasn't handsome, not at all charming so not convincing, to make things worse his legs were in X shape

sorry for this :)))))))))))))

xoRobxo said...

Why yes... yes I do think about making out with Rob. Quite often indeed,and it's quite helpful to imagine before falling asleep;)
MY story:
I've seen GOF and thought that guys cute but didn't know who Rob was until mid September when I seen him and KS on the cover of Entertainment Weekly~yeah know the one with the bad makeup on Rob. Well I seen SM on Good Morning America promoting BD. I happened to go to Barnes and Noble that evening and they were having a release party for Breaking Dawn. I remember picking up Twilight and reading the back and putting it back down(never in a million years thinking about the obsession I was soon to get myself in)Well I went to my sisters and she had the first 2 books sitting there.
And I'm like "your reading those?" and she said yeah they are pretty good- want to take them? So I did and they sat for 2 weeks. Once I started reading I couldn't put down. I find it funny I went years without even knowing about Twilight or Rob. Kind of like having kids, you acn't imagine your life without them and you dont know what you did before them:)Anyways, I always thought of Rob when reading the books cuz I seen him On EW cover. Well I one night youtubed Twilight and found all the trailors, clips, Rob interviews. Hence my obsession began. I too never blogged or obsessed of a actor(well only as a teen)and I feel like I've gone off the deep end at times. But I don't have to say what attracts me to Rob, because you all already know~I guess we are all in the same boat and what a hot, smexy British boat it is!!!

margot said...

again ... really worth a serious scientific research ... we are all the same, more or less

janehofstra said...

Littlebear: I was thinking wider audience (not just teen girls and women who have good taste (: but people who wouldn't normally see a film because Rob's in it.) Plus it's the kinda thing that critics like (if done well, of course). And by star-making, I was thinking Rob's innate charms could really shine through in this one and ensnare those who are not already hopelessly Robsessed.

Margot: I saw in NY Times there was 1947 version called "The Private Affairs of Bel Ami" with Anglea Lansbury as one of the women but apparently it wasn't done that the one you're thinking of?

margot said...

no it must have been French and about 70'; ?

I'll go and check

anna F said...

Even if the story of Bel ami is very famous in France, I'm not even sure that it will draw that many people. it will be rated for "over 12 years old" I guess (watchmen was R rated in the US and over 12 here...), but the topic is not for 13 years old. Then again, I could be surprised, I wonder how they will go at it. I am really looking forward to it.

So abroad (France), unless Rob manages to bring a crowd, I am not sure that the audience will be as wide as for "remember me" for exemple.
The people who see it will hopefully enjoy it, as long as it's a quality indi work.

margot said...

don't know still
it might have been French series 1983 but no full info
googling ":Bel Ami" gives very rich outcome of gay porn... and it is not the case
so - I don';t know
who cares? it was long ago and not very good

Mechevpao said...

OMG.. I can´t believe this, yesterday in another thread I was saying how I would never cross Rob because I´m in Argentina, today an article in a very important local newspaper announced that for Unbound Captives, they are evaluating if to shoot the movie in New Zealand or here in Argentina, in the Patagonia and that he was very exited about that; article in this link, it is in spanish

I still don´t have a chance to meet im because Argentina is very big and Patagonia is far from Buenos Aires, but to know that he could be filming here, makes me really happy.

margot said...


janehofstra said...

Margot - "Bel Ami gives very rich outcome of gay porn"

Yeah, I noticed that too LOL

margot said...

Hi, Meche :"))))
congrats ! :D

margot said...

jane ... just saying, just stating... not commenting

janehofstra said...

Margot - no, I'm laughing because I did a search and my friend is standing over my shoulder and he's like, "um, what are you researching?" Must remember not to google Bel Ami at work that's for sure!

margot said...

well I know I know ! :)))))))

the same is going on here... DH was puzzled but didn't even ask ...

either doesn't love me or understands me as a weirdo I actually am :D

*went to ask DH*

margot said...

DH's answer "I have always considered you a strong and independent woman and free to do whatever..." there I was on the floor laughing
sorry, he's superb :D roftl

janehofstra said...

margot, you've got yourself a keeper then (:

margot said...


Anonymous said...

I think about doing a lot more than making out with Rob!!

Treasure_7 said...

I have that issue of GQ and my daughter better just look but not take!! I am keeping mine!!

...wowie! said...

That is freakin' hysterical!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I am a bit disturbed by an 11 or 12 year old talking about 'sexiness'.

Lynda said...

Thats me! I bought GQ jsut because Rob was on the cover.... I think of Rob ALL the time!!!

Rob is my new Hobby!

Lynda said...

Thats me I bought GQ just because Rob was on the cover and I must say for a Mens mag they sure knew what pics to put in their story.... I think about Rob all the time You?

Anonymous said...

GQ about ended my life...and the outtakes...ummm yeah those too.

Babs said...

yeah, me too.

I asked a friend who lives in Canada to send me a copy of GQ, I wanted to lay my hands on that hotness LOL
Those pics are the sexiest thing I've ever seen, well until I'll meet the man himself LOL

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aitch said...

Hi Uglyoldbag: You absolutely must get your hands on a copy of Twilight dvd ASAP--you don't even KNOW what a treat you are in for!!---PS: I don't give a RIP about the books (no offense intended!)

Anonymous said...

No offense taken. I removed the comment because it was just to much info...
I have to say that I don't want to watch twilight. I am trying to climb out of the crush hole not delve into it further.
I think this blog is awesome though!!!

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