Rob attends 'Inglorious Basterds' @ Cannes


Ciara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ciara said...

Yum!!! Gosh our boy looks soooo good in black tie....of course he would look just as good out of it ;)

Jaime said...

oh. my. god. holy hell the boy looks beautiful. there aren't enough words to describe.

Melissa said...

That's it. I am done. Epic heartfail, peeps.


Seriously. How can one man be this beautiful? So uh, YEAH....


Srsly-I can't even think of anything random and witty to say at this point. So I'm just going to sit here at my desk and stare...oh...and drool. Yep, plenty of drooling going on here, peeps.



Hannah said...




Anonymous said...

welcome back scruff!!! oh how i've missed you...

rob ROCKS a tux like no other

Kate said...

LOL @ Mel !
Yeap he sure does look good !! ;-)

Display Name said...

Oh my gosh!! All the updates!!! I can't keep up!! I've had to create a sub folder in my Rob picture folder just for Cannes!! hahaha

But boy does he look good! :D

Melissa said...

Hi Kate!!

He really does look amazing. I love the scruff-tux combo as well. SO HOT!!! :P

Suz said...

Rob is the HOTTEST thing in Southern France..

(yes I am aware I am repeating myself.. I am just like Rob!)



Art has arrvived in Philly!


Kids, Chinese Take Away for dinner...?

Martina said...

d_d, I also have a special subfolder named Cannes. :)
Can`t wait for the HQ pictures. :P

Anonymous said...

aaaahhhh yes... in all my fluster, i forgot to mention how much i love the new banner. simply beautiful

Unknown said...

im in love! he is the best! :)) even better than pitt:)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Beautiful man, as always...

cathysue said...

no one told me the 80s were back in style. *goes to dig out lacey gloves and leg warmers*
he looks mahvelous

Martina said...

did you see how sharon stone looked on red carpet?
I wonder if Rob will look like that when he`s 50.

Babs said...

simply wonderful, this is too much!
you know your robsession is messing with your life when:
-you have pics of Rob on your laptop and mobile and you say 'hi gorgeous' like he's really there
-you check Robsessed dozen of times a day to see new pics of His Royal Hotness
-your bf asks 'what's up with you lately? you look distracted' and you go like 'sorry hun what did you just say?' while thinking about Rob in Cannes

yes, I'm that messed up but I don't think i'm ashamed of it :)

Sandra said...

I don't if anyone cares but ROB is still losing at the MTV Awards, we really have to do some power voting here to get him this win...PLEASE VOTE


Cindeeloo said...

When am I EVER going to get enough!!!!

STOP THE MADNESS....He is too adorable for words.

Just saw this video. Thanks WinWin,and your right he still hasnt changed.Same ole adorkable Rob!!!!!

riddleinside said...


Thanks Dani for putting this up, I always like coming back here and see our Rob.

Just a tiny thing though: I really do believe that the movie is officially written "INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS" and not Inglorious bastArds: don't ask me why!(part of the answer is that Basterds is the name of the organisation which the movie is about) I just know that this is how it's written on the movie official website,the poster and on the festival website :)

WinWin said...

babs, you're not alone

my rob pics hide on my computer in a folder named "recipe", my husband would never go there.

We're in it together, girl!

riddleinside said...

@ Sandra
Please,how do you know he's losing?

Babs said...

winwin, I know I'm not alone and I'm really glad of that! I mean we can't all be insane right? LOL
This site is therapeutic :)

SazzyP said...

Girls, i know this is going to sound soooo stupid and dumb, but how do you clear the cookies on this dahm computer?? i know its prob really simple but i can only put my stupidity down to the fact that my thought have been swamped with the most gorgeous pics/vids of this utter god over the past days that I can no longer clearly....basic tasks are becoming impossible....seriously when I saw those pics of him in the tux and the wet hair look earlier i actually had to remind myself to breathe.....

if any1 can help ill get voting again and again and again!!

Sandra said...

riddleinside RPattznews and some others on twitter are reporting it. It seems the Taylor fans want that kid to win

I don't know who else to contact to get voting...Rob had tons of fans but they all seem to be busy and not voting...i don't get it really

WinWin said...

Cindeloo, I was very happy to see the same sense of humor and most of all he looks like he is having the time of him life.

btw, can you repost link? it didn't work for me. Is it a new interview? Thanks.

Cindeeloo said...

Babs, I know how you feel,Ive been IN the closet since Feb....Im OUT now and i just dont care!!!!!

Im in my happy place now and I found a home. Thanks Ladies

Sandra said...

Sassy go to "tools" then "options"..."show cookies" then when you find MTV in your cookies list...remove that cookie then press close and vote at the mtv this each time you before you vote again

janehofstra said...

Don't know if it's just me but when I use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, I don't have to clear my cookies or anything. I just keep relaunching a new browser and it lets me vote repeatedly.

Cindeeloo said...

WinWin, No its the same one, I copied it off you!!

Hope it works, Gotta go daughter has dentist appt and already late.
Have Fun!

Marj said...

i love alllll the pics and the newest banner, i mean how many pics do i need? i just keep on keeping on.

SazzyP said...

Sandra you are an angel!!! Thankyou, let the voting commence! :)

riddleinside said...


yeah but the thing is that I don't really believe in the cookies theory cause you need an account anyway and once you voted they register your votes and that's it, even if you vote again it's not counted as long as you have the same account. It's like when you rate a video on youtube you can rate it countless of times but it's only counted as one (that's what I think)

riddleinside said...

thank you Sandra but what about the account, does one account can vote many times I don't think so?

janehofstra said...

I guess the screening is over? Rob's bodyguard seems to be his date for the evening LOL

miss_uta said...

My poor heart can't take any more of this Rob overload. I'm losing the ability to think straight. Help!

janehofstra said...

Oh thanks riddleinside, didn't know that. I figured as long as the check marks are off, I can vote again. Will do it both ways until voting ends just in case. That mindless activity keeps me from losing my sanity at work.

WinWin said...

Cindeloo, I'm such an idiot. lol

janehofstra, Yummy!!! Can you say "007"? he looks so Bond.

riddleinside said...

I think the solution is to open random and fake email accounts, use them to open mtv account, remove cookies and vote

I think this would definitely work. I did it but used diffrent computers at the library (Gosh I sound like a crazy)

Meeno said...

Went to the source, and Robert got some gorgeous shots in there.

Love Angie and Brad, always have.

Paris Hilton is such a waste of space.

anna F said...

I know what you mean Riddle, with firefox, it seems like you are voting several times... but I have wondered the same as you if those votes actually count or if it's only 1 vote per account. It would be nice to know for sure...

SazzyP said...

haha Rob and the bodyguard, sure Ted C will be reporting on that soon enough!

Btw, his smile in that second pic.....mmmmmmmmmm :)

riddleinside said...

thank you Janehofstra

I read on a French website that Tarantino is having a party in an island: and now I see Rob on a dock, seems like Rob is invited ;)

janehofstra said...

WinWin, that's what I was thinking too! 007 theme music's playing in my head as I imagine Rob commandeering that boat (in my head it's a speed boat) with the wind in his hair.

WinWin said...

janehofstra, those pics are the ultimate death of me. The last one, a tiny peak of a butt shot and those thighs. I'm dead all over again.

Babs said...

Good nite guys I'm off to bed now - unwillingly. My eyes are overwhelmed with Rob's hotness and I'm sure I'll find new awesome pics of Rob tomorrow morning, so it's not that bad :) Have a good time late nighters!

Mechevpao said...

WOW, he looked glorious in that red carpet!!
Jane, thanks for the pics of him leaving too, I think his bodyguard is his date, he has been grabbing him like a girlfriend, I don´t know how he is so patience with all the rush to one place to other and the way the bodyguard seems to always carry him out. Hahaha

kristen said...

So appropriate that Rob was at this premiere, since he is one Gloriously Beautiful Basterd. Heh. That was a stretch, I know.

Anyway. He can't possibly be any more gorgeous, it would just be illegal... and those photos of him on the yacht after the premiere? HOTTEST James Bond visuals EVER.

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Oh, Rob!

Only you—YOU!—could venture, at this sunny, exotic locale, this ensemble:

...the steamy black trousers
...the Sunday-golf, stripy dad polo
...the museum gift-store fang, upon a leather lanyard

...and then here, appear so effortlessly dapper and dashing!

*Mrs. R lovingly assembling overnight parcel for next seaside photo op: puka-shell necklace, handmade friendship bracelet, sunblock*

Unknown said...

Inglorious Basterds - international title
Inglorious Bastards - title for US
it's offical - Rob is hotter tha Pitt on the red carpet

margot said...

@ Janehofstra :)))) body-guardie is priceless ... impossible twins

and I vas (naive) thinking that only women feel very protective of Rob ... it's contagious ... Rob crosses every limit and boarder ... told ya, global issue

riddleinside said...

oh thanks!lol really? why does a tittle have to be written diffrently for the US? that's really funny.

Emily said...

Lyla - I thought the same thing about 'glorious basterd.' Lol!

I'll be honest. I'm a little worried about him on the yacht without a lifejacket. He's never denied that he's not the most coordinated person. We don't need him falling overboard. Not only would that be scary, we would all die when a wet, glistening Rob was pulled back onboard. Okay, I'm just rambling now. He looks sexier than ever and I'm not sure I can ever get my fill.

Anonymous said...

He looks so hot! He has really perfected his red carpet pout.

Lisa said...

That last pic just kills me. I can't get enough of this man....

margot said...

@ Emily ... and what if, by accident his clothes fell off him during this pulling him back from the water ... ggahh ... I don't think Iwuld live that long - would die immediately the second he dived into water ... with anticipation of the bad / the best ...
can anybody still understand what I'm many photos today, too many

Emily said...

Don't forget the need to administer mouth-to-mouth, you know, just in case. :)

CullenGal09 said...

Hey there everyone! Who's on?!?

CullenGal09 said...

I was having trouble voting on the MTV Awars-MTV so sucks!

CullenGal09 said...

Snybody there?!?

CullenGal09 said...

Did everyone leave?!?

margot said...

I'm here hon, but incoherent today

CullenGal09 said...

I am having real problems voting on the MTV Awards-the stupid site won't let me! I hate MTV. I really do.

CullenGal09 said...

Yeah-those black tie phtos are brutal-in SUCH a good way...;)

margot said...

do you clear the cookies to vote ? are you registered ? logged in ?

margot said...

brutal in such-a-good way ? roftl
10 / 10

CullenGal09 said...

I want to vote so badly for Robs on the MTV Awards, but it just won't let me! It's so frustrating.

margot said...

did you clear cookies ?

CullenGal09 said...

10/10 is so right. No-it won't let me even sign in-something about not accepting my URL or some crap.

CullenGal09 said...

I tried-I'm not sure I did though. Havent messed with that really.

CullenGal09 said...

They make it so compicated, somethign that should be easy. Maybe Tay's fans are clogging up the site-ha.

CullenGal09 said...

I would love to vote-he needs it from what I've heard, for some unknown reason.

margot said...

so - do I get it right - you want to be registered and it doesn't let you ? sometimes some sites don't accept certain email addresses, if you have another email with another domain it might work

CullenGal09 said...

I so want him to win and Twilight too, for all it's nominations. It deserves it.

CullenGal09 said...

Yeah-it won't let me sign in. Another domain?!? Like....what? Any ideas?

CullenGal09 said...

I could use some fresh ideas-this is so frustrating.

CullenGal09 said...

MTV sucks, as i've already pointed out! I've tried numerous times, and it just doesn't let me.

CullenGal09 said...

Maybe I'm just out of luck on this. I have tried, at least.

margot said...

ok, for example addresses with work always and everywhere while some addresses (Polish) don't

CullenGal09 said...

Still there, Margot? Did you have to leave?

CullenGal09 said...

I'm in US. should work.

margot said...

it's definitely not lack of luck but some failure , missunderstanding
why don't you get a new emai frm yahoo and check?

CullenGal09 said...

I'm afraid this is something a lot of Robsessors have run into with this-that's why he's behind also. If you can't vote-what can you do?!? It's very annoying.

CullenGal09 said...

That's a possibility-you think perhaps that's it? It just says it doesn't accept my URL.

CullenGal09 said...

I may give it a try-we'll see. Can't hurt.

CullenGal09 said...

Thanks for the info., Margot. you're a peach for that! appreciate the help.

CullenGal09 said...

I guess everyone else has gone-eating dinner or already asleep in their part of the world.

Anonymous said...

This is something that, I must admit, I really love about Rob.

I'm totally into the way that he usually dresses. It's so casual. It's so normal. It's refreshing that he doesn't throw something away after one wear.

Then the other part of me says, "I'm a sucker for a man in a suit. And a hot man-boy Rob in a suit is enough to send me six feet under."

*sigh* I'm

margot said...

it will take you only 10 mins to try and won't hurt you :))))

maybe dinner, yeah ... here is 0:29am :((((

Tenneil said...

WOW.... when I think I cant die again... he pulls out a tux... HOT DAMN!!! and the scruff in full force...


GAH Rob... you are perfection!!!

CullenGal09 said...

I'm back-had to take a call. sorry. Yes, Rob looks great in black tie-and love the "scruff"! Sexy...;)

CullenGal09 said...

Hey T. How are you?

CullenGal09 said...

I've been trying to sort out how to vote on MTV Awards-so annoying!

CullenGal09 said...

Everyone is having dinner or otherwise occupied now, I think.

CullenGal09 said...

I have to go soon too, just trying to sort this MTV voting thing out, and see who was on.

CullenGal09 said...

Anybody still there?

CullenGal09 said...

Well, I guess I'd better go then-maybe check in later, or tomorrow sometime. Dinner time approaches here in TN.

CullenGal09 said...

Margot-thanks again, and T, catch you later maybe.

annycullen said...

is it just me or is robert getting hotter by the day?

anna F said...

What is still unclear is if you can vote multiple times under the same account...
it looks like it takes your vote, but what do we know? I tried to go throught the website to get a deffinite answer (like term of use...) but there was only one question on the forum that has not been answered by any MTV official...

I really wonder how taylor could be winning (but if you can vote multiple times, then maybe his fans vote like 100 times a day for him). Because if it were one of the other actors, I could understand, they also have leading man's roles.

Imagine the scene of Taylor going to pick up the award, I wonder how well the crowd would react...

I am still wondering about how legitimate those numbers are by the way.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
margot said...

CGal hope you'll overcome difficulties or just ask later when more ppl come
I vote, clear cookies, vote *loop*

but now I'm going to sleep cuz it's faaar after midnight

I'm gonna hang out there late, late (for me) as I'm on my annual May pollen sick-leave this week :)

night night

anna F said...

anny > no, it's not just you... some pictures from Cannes just look amazing... And while the interview for "le grand journal" was so-so, he was dazzling.

Anonymous said...

HI, popping in briefly tonight. Was this mentioned/posted here yet? A clip from New Moon was aired in Cannes.

and the lucky lady says:

"The clip was a part where Bella (Kristen Stewart's character) was talking to Edward (Robert's character) and he was telling her to leave and trying to convince her that he didn't want her around. It was a short clip and I don't know what happened before or after, but Robert said he's not in this movie as much as the first one. Also, he hadn't even seen the clip, and watched it biting his nails...sweet!"

I've still got that killer headache so I'm backing away from the computer. I also need a Defibrulator (STAT!) from all of these delicious Rob photos. I mean... it's like Christmas and my birthday all at once. *sigh*

Nicky said...

Nice way to top off my day - off to bed now, thanks for contributing to my dream content tonight! :)

margot said...


Rob's pics are like lobotomy to me.. luckily going to bed ... hope manage doing it blinded like that


riddleinside said...

oh A.LA thanks for the info :)))

CullenGal09 you still here??

maybe I can help you to help Rob wins :)

Gemgirl65 said...

Oh, A/LA, I'm so sorry you still have the headache!! I feel your pain, girl. At least I have before. *sigh* At least a little Rob is easy on the eyes.

Which is such an understatement. I have completely run out of adjectives for Rob. They aren't good enough. Words just aren't good enough anymore. He's amazing. Best yet, even with all these insanely gorgeous photos of him, my FAVORITE part of Cannes so far is yesterday's interview with Rob, in which he reminds us just how sweet, adorable, humble, and HUMAN he he is such a truly wondrous person on the inside, regardless of how beautiful the packaging is.

NOBODY deserves all these great things happening to him than Rob does.

Mrs. R, I am SOOO happy to see you here! (((hugs!))) I'll be sending you a note soon. :)

And by the way, welcome to all the newbies here! I've seen lots of new names this week and it's great. I've only been posting a month myself and everyone has been fantastic here. I love how global this Robsessed is, too. This is THE best place to Robsess on the 'net!

riddleinside said...

our baby on the red carpet yeaaaaaahhhh check the video!!!!

This angel makes me happy :)))

anna F said...

Well, riddle, since I have been dazzled by Rob once again tonight, I tried following your advice.
I created a new e-mail account, just to create a new MTV account, cleared all my cookies and my web-history... hope it will help Rob!
I might even replicate that tomorow if I have time^^;;;

leaving to go to bed^^ goodnight ladies!

Gemgirl65 said...

About the MTV voting: I wonder about the account/vote counts also. I haven't made up different accounts on, and the site lets me vote endless amounts of times. (I use Internet Explorer, too. But I do have a brand new computer with two browsers, so who knows how this is working?) I wonder if it's just throwing out all my repeat votes?

Also, this thought just hit me today like a ton of bricks: there will probably be stalkerazi pics next week of SHIRTLESS ROB while they film the "Volterra" scenes. OMG OMG OMG...I'm not sure I can take any more Rob hotness!!!! But I'm willing to try, bring on the SHIRTLESS ROB!!!!

riddleinside said...

Leann totally agree with you :) I'm glad I found this site and I must admit I'm missing Gozde these days!!

Rob on the red carpet takes my breath away, I'm so happy for him and hope there will be time when he will be running in important competitions too. He's just facing the photographers and does what his people tell him to do which is the "protocol" anyway but he must think it's insane

oh and check when the Commentator of the red carpet says Rob's name, all the crowd is screaming and you'd think there's a football game! I know screaming girls are annoying especially when close, but these ones were quite far but still communicated a warm welcome which I'm happy for because our boy deserves it :))))

riddleinside said...

good job anna F

I did the same too and I'm sure it works :)

good night :)

riddleinside said...

lol @ Leann "I'm willing to try"

If Taylor wins I'm gonna burst seriousely!! I mean him no harm but keep out!!!, he'll have the chance for New Moon, but Twilight is about Kristen's and Rob's acting.

I opened 4 diffrent accounts and used diffent computers at the library...This is how far it got now! yeah Im insane!! I even jeopardised my sister to make her vote (she doesn't know anything about Twilight and don't wanna hear about it) but she voted, she did for me. She must think that her elder sister is lost!!

Gemgirl65 said...

riddleinside, merci beaucoup pour le video! Je suis morte maintenant.

This guy is killing me. All that pouting and posing in his tux...I mean, just stick a fork in me already and get it over with. Love how everyone screams when they announce his name. I probably would too LOL.

Sandra said...

quote: riddleinside said...


yeah but the thing is that I don't really believe in the cookies theory cause you need an account anyway and once you voted they register your votes and that's it, even if you vote again it's not counted as long as you have the same account. It's like when you rate a video on youtube you can rate it countless of times but it's only counted as one (that's what I think)

I don't know how the taylor fans are voting but i still think by clearing your cookies they still count. I tried to make a new account and it won't let frustrating so i will just keep voting by clearing the cookies and hope like hell it counts

Frig Rob pics are keeping me from voting lol

Stacy said...

Excuse me, but CHRIST ALMIGHTY!! I mean, Holy Cannes Pics! There are so many the last couple of days (thank you!) and I'm not sure I can handle much more, lol.

The first few ... the HQs, especially 3rd, 4th and 5th ... UNF, UNF, UNF!!!

elaine said...

Rob is pure ambrosia! Gorgeous doesn't even touch him!

OMG~the duck tail hair is killin' me!

redvamp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
redvamp said...

Holy....crap.....really!!!!????? How can anyone look so good???? The man is georgous.... Now wonder more people are falling in love with him everyday!!!! what a sight!!!! I think he is just coming to terms with how good looking he is.... Looks like he is starting to be at ease a bit more with the a treat for us !!! best eye candy i've seen ever!!!!!

Unknown said...

He's wearing the same tux as at the oscars...couldn't his stylist find him a new one?

bimbambom said...

Kortni, that's why we love him so much!

THIRTYGIRL2009 said...

OMG what are you doing posing with your hand in your mouth Rob? You're making me think sinful thoughts!!!!

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