Poor baby having to deal with all those screaming girls. I'm thinking that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are going to thank Robert Pattinson for attending the 2009 Cannes Film Festival so some of the heat is taken off them.
The busy British actor stopped by Cannes to talk up the sequel and catch a movie or two. Pattinson said he's still getting used to the fact that people know him wherever he goes.
"It is still strange," Pattinson said Tuesday. "I just don't get the immediate-recognition thing. I was at the Frankfurt airport yesterday, and people just immediately know who you are. It's never, 'Are you ...?' It's just like, 'Can I have a photo?'"
While at Cannes, Pattinson said he planned to see Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds, which is in the festival's main competition.
He said he has four days of shooting left in Italy next week on New Moon, the sequel based on Stephenie Meyers' best-sellers about a high school girl (Kristen Stewart) who falls for Pattinson's immortally young vampire.
As for fans disrupting the film's shoots so far. According to Rob it really hasn't been a problem. "They had tons of security, but then at the end of the day actually, hardly anyone knew where we were shooting," Pattinson said. "I'm walking around with, like, three guys following me around all the time, and no one ever turned up. There was never any infiltrators."
Gallery Info: Robert Pattinson at the beach in Cannes during the Film Festival.
Phew.. still no wet swimming trunks..
I am alive, still
I am Barely breathing
I can't find the air..
Thank you Dani for picking up where Gozde left off. Your both awesome.
Just when my heart starts to get back to normal...Bam! more lucious pictures of Rob.
I have to go make dinner dammit!
Must step away from the computer.
Ooooh, I hope he remembered to put on sunscreen!
If the bodyguards for the NM shoot was anything like his bodyguards at Cannes, it's no wonder Rob didn't notice all the women hiding behind every tree and rock while they shot his scenes LOL.
I hear they're showing fifteen minutes of New Moon at Cannes? Is this true? Hopefully Rob will get to walk up those stairs for the Inglorious Basterds screening (in a tux, please!)
Jane- I herd that to. I'm keeping an eye open for any truth to the rumor. I would love to see some footage.
I feel like its Christmas all these yummi photos of Rob!!!!! Love it
Its 10:30am in Australia - so I'm at work - Not actually doing any work !!!! as I'm constantly
Robsessing, This blog is affecting my work quality..... lol lol ha who cares : )))))
You both Rock Goz & Dani Thanks for always updating us ....
Rob looks amazing doesn't he
So many people around him... poor gorgeous.
That means not a chance to get to see him wearing a speedo at the beach. Brrrr...
I like the new shirt though.
Rob preparing to go to the beach: sunglasses, sunscreen, podium.
Wow. What a day for all this Rob Goodness~~when it rains, it pours!
That bodyguard really bugs me, with his hands all over rob...
I want to be the one guarding him like that!
No, really.
He's wearing waaaay too many clothes for the beach.
Not that I'm complaining. He can wear whatever he wants, he's still the hottest thing out there...hotter than the sun, it seems.
Oh he's lookin so fine!!! Yummy as hell
Psst...Hey Robbie,*waves frantically* *He looks left then right* I say, "down here silly on your right shoulder".*He blinks wildly with his mouth agape* I ask,"Can I tell you a secert??? He says,"Ummm...okay. I say, "People recognize you instantly because it's a thing, I think it's called the internet. He says, "Wha"... I continue."On it people post your pics like, OMG everyday. And they talk dirty about you so much that they dream about you.I know it's a little obsessive and sounds
insane. But who could blame them because that pretty is just to hard to forget bb". *He giggles* *Pfft...I disappear* Rob feels saddened because he was going to do me senseless back in his hotel room, Tee hee. A fan then runs up and asks,"Can I have a photo"??? *He smirks,winks, and says*."Sure hon". THE END
He lookes gorgeous as always.
Rob looks gorgeous as always.
oooooohhh i love the new collared shirt squeeeeeeeeee
i hate his bodyguard!! ¬¬
he's always hugging him!!
like... take you hands off of him!!
Rob must feel really weird with that big guy hugging him all the time! xD
OR... maybe Rob's thinking "oh please, big-bald-dude... don't get away from me... those girls and paps look rlly scary >_<" LOL
I think it'd be appropriate to take off your shirt when you're on a beach, no?? it's beach etiquette LOL
I like him in black, it's always been my fave color too, he takes everything to a complete new level.
Heehee Shani :) You're so funny!
Good work Dani & Gozde for all the Rob Yumminess!
Hey Keti, I'm never doing any work at work either... too much Robsessing.... I'm not complaining tho...
Rob hits the beach?? WTF. AND WHY is he not wet and in a bathing suit, dare I ask?? Yes, peeps. I am demanding that SOMEONE SOMEWHERE get this man into the water. Like STAT.
Holy hell!!
I am losing my mind over all these damn Cannes pics. It's making say and type things I wouldn't normally say or type. WTF.
Ok-but on a serious note-if any pics should surface of ROB wet and in a bathing suit.....
*epic heartfail*
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