Rob leaving hotel for screening today...

Yeah I know this posting is a little backwards as the screening pictures are already posted but I have been at work all day and I'm trying to catch up.


Big thanks to kittyglam @ PattinsonLife for the pics.


Jala said...

That BG dwarfs Rob!

DD said...

Dani - Thank you for posting these. It doesn't matter if they are out of order. Beautiful picss of Rob in a tux. It doesn't get any better!

Gemgirl65 said...

Sweet Jesus. I am toast.

Is Rob rehearsing for a remake of "The Bodyguard?"

Hansom Ransom said...

I love Stephanie's dress

keti said...

Dani - you are posting Pictures of Rob in a Tux Who cares what order they are in sweetheart - We love you and thank you : ))))
These Tux photos are killing my life. I'm loving life at the moment!!!!!!

Lynnes said...

Hansom~didn't even notice til you pointed out. I was busy drooling over RohBare. She looks great though.

MizzezPattinson said...

i officially cannot breathe

Hansom Ransom said...

Lynnes, indeed it is quite difficult to tear one's attention away from him.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I think it really helps Rob when Nick and Stephanie are with him, not to mention a body guard to keep the weirdos away...he looks so much calmer and happier.

Hansom Ransom said...

I love how he is smiling in so many pics from Cannes...makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. and tingly.

Hansom Ransom said...

Chicago girl, I agree...though it is sad that that's what it takes :(

kespax said...

Oh hot damn that shirt is such a nice fit - he's wearing Dior isn't he?

Crap i stayed up until about 2.30am last night catching up on Cannes drool.
All of this, so much stuff out there, so much still, moving, speaking oh hell I had planned to get stuff done this weekend!

Bigbear guy guard now has quite the following allover the net, we love a cuddly imposing funny guy making sure Rob is safe and happy and having fun.
Could be the first time in ages Rob doesn't feel so worried about being stabbed he looks so carefree and fine.

Wonder if others have been chasing Rob for future roles/movies? he seems to kind of guarantee funding prospects at the moment:)

Beverley said...

Oh my Gravy!! Rob is HOT!!!! He does seem to be a bit more relaxed there, considering all the fans that sre screaming his name. I do like the pic where he's fixing his shirt

Sam said...

hey we are just thankful that you guys are doing all this work- we don't care what order- just THANK YOU!!! You girls are awesome!! xoxoxo

RPnKSaddict said...

wow wave after wave of Rob the past few days!I can't breathe.

Hope his pants fit a little better this Though I didn't mind the tight look at the Twilight premier.

Shani said...

That is so sweet, Nick the manager taking pics like a proud papa. I wonder who did he call, maybe Mama P or Papa P??? I'm so proud of our boy. He's more confident now. He has all these new projects to do. No more frustrated Robbie. But hoodie woobie will rear it's black warm toastie self up again....hoodie woobie 4 life bitches. LMAO

Hansom Ransom said...

I am going to try to be good and get some sleep, as I have to work tomorrow, but good night everyone! Have delicious Rob dreams!

Diane said...

If BG can only keep tabs on the hoodiewoobie, as well as protecting Rob, then he may just be the second most perfect guy on the planet.

lovindashow said...

Thanks Dani!

For ruining any chance of a peaceful night's sleep! LOL

It's been a fabulous couple of days around here.

Mochachino said...

#3 from the top. Oh my God.

Mochachino said...

Productivity in the workplace has crashed globally today, I'm sure of it. And new 'child of robsessor' support groups are going to start springing up all over the place. If Rob misses out on the MTV awards, its only because we’ve been so distracted :)

Mochachino said...

yeah I think we should start a petition for Mr. Bodyguard's permanent employment with RP's crew.

domisgone said...

He really is looking much more confident with all the press and everything...

Is it possible that he has had time to prepare himself for this big event, and knowing how the paparazzi will be like? Cause all the other times, people where just hounding him... following him... showing up in all the weird places to just 'accidentally' bump into him! hehe.

I love confident Rob... and I abso-fucking-lutely love Rob in tux.

*wipes drool from chin*

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless....I seriously need a gigantic bib for all the drool. How can he get even better looking, just within hours????

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tess said...

I've been in a Rob induced coma for the past 2 days.. I can't keep up with all the photo's, vids, interview... gah!

1. I love how Nick is taking a picture of Rob while Stephanie is proudly looking over is shoulder.. love it.
2. Rob Looks beyond handsome
3. Love the colour of Stephanies dress.
4. Body guard is massive!

Babs said...

Super gorgeous! And it's so good to see him smiling all the time, hopefully he's having a good time

Unknown said...

Personally, I think that bodyguard wants to be a celebrity himself. He is enjoying the limelight too much and letting everyone know he is Robert Pattinson's bodyguard and trying to suggest that they are close.

Hannah said...

Honestly, I dont know how the hell he does it but he actually does keep on getting better looking..

Cut it out Rob. You're stealing my life!!

Noel - IMO I dont think thats the case but nevertheless he's doing a great job of handling Rob. Kudos for that.

Lisa said...

He looks like he's in the mafia - HOT HOT HOT!

gardenfairy said...

doesn't he look like theeeee perfect James Bond in like 10 or 15 years' time??? he's a classy english guy with a loveable accent, drool-worthy appearance and in a tux he looks very distinguished - a problem might be doing the stunts though

reminds me of Michael Bublé in the "Feeling Good" video

albaville said...


Babs said...


I thought the same thing! a perfect JB
and Michael Bublè, I simply ADORE him!!

Poupette said...

Hi everyone!
may I be ignorant once more and ask who is Stephanie? I assume she is the pretty woman in the gorgeous dress :D
you all seem to know her from somewhere; i feel left out :)

Suz said...


Totally Puffy Hearts:

SuperMassive BodyGuard



The End

margot said...

I've just finished reading back ... I'm dead rolling on the floor laughing in tears aggghhhrrrr ... I'm Robsessed as well as ThisBlogObsessed, need my asthma inhalation now ...

in and out, in and out .... oh, no no nooo ... bad girl ... just inhale, don't look at the photos, do not think at all !!!

it just can't end well for me, it won't ... no way

Rob Unlimited

margot said...

Mr BearBG ... you do the right thing and you do it well !
protect our BB, make him feel safe and do not let anybody touch him, I'm afraid nothing can be done with the screaming ?
and... can't you touch Rob less ? Thank you...
and ... Rob CAN touch whoever he wants, ok ?

Kate said...

Gorgeous pics, thanks for posting Dani. Of course Rob looks fantastic as usual.
Seph looks great LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her dress!!

Diane said...

Suz, LOL - SuperMassive BodyGuard. Just hope the SuperStar next to him doesn't get sucked in! Come to think of it, havent' laid eyes on the sacred hoodiewoobie for a couple of days. Maybe SMBG has it in his massive pocket.

Sara said...

Not much to add really - you ladies have said it all!! This is the best Rob site out there - thanks for sharing your dedication!

Good to know i'm not the only one neglecting work, sleep, family, the world to enjoy (putting it politely!) the fantastic photos and clips. Wow. Just wow.

It is so great to see Rob looking so much more relaxed and happy and totally taking the spotlight as he deserves x

Little Red said...

He's yummy in a suit!

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