A HUGE thank you to @Janny73 for translating this article for us :) You rock!
BORJA BAS – May 1, 2009
Before half humanity offered their veins to him, Robert Pattinson frolicked in Lorca’s arms. It’ not a Gay fantasy, but Little Ashes , the film where the bloodsucker of Twilight personifies a young Dalí. We checked how much fame has changed him.The mustache is not deceiving: Behind this personification of young Dalí, hides one of the most coveted specimens of today’s film industry. A year before personifying the romantic vampire of Twilight, Robert Pattinson 22, was devoted to the Mediterranean lifestyle in Barcelona. The excuse, the filming of Little Ashes, a recreation of the impossible love lived between the painter and Federico Garcia Lorca which shows us, for example, frolicking butt naked next to his friend and lover underneath the moonlight in the waters of Cadaqués. We caught him just getting off the plane in Vancouver to film New Moon the second part of the saga conceived by Stephanie Meyer.
EP3. What attracted you about Little Ashes?
Robert Pattinson. - That it’s and exceptional tragedy. I doubt that I can ever reach such level of tragedy in my carrier (laughs). I didn’t have any idea of who Dalí, Lorca and Buñuel where, until this film. And the more I found out about them, the more obsessed I became. Specially, with Dalí’s literary compositions. Many people don’t know this, but he was an incredible writer. I found that I had many things in common with him.EP3. - For example?
R.P. – He had an enormous self-consciousness about him and how people perceived him. And he worked to manipulate this. It’s something I did throughout my childhood and teenage years.EP3. - Dalí came out to be a vampire also. What have the casting directors seen in you to brand you like this.
R.P.- It’s weird. During a rehearsal of this film, Marina Gatell (who interprets, Magdalena, Lorca’s inseparable friend) told me: “ You Know? You are a vampire” it was so bizarre. And now that I remember it, it’s even more bizarre( laughs).EP3. - And what do you think now about your first sex scenes in filming being with another guy?
R.P.- The worst part is that they’re not romantic at all, their really traumatic experiences. More than excitement, you feel sorry for both (laughs). It was all so uncomfortable, not only because the first one we did, Javier (Beltrán, who interprets Lorca) and I had just met the day before. But because we filmed with zero intimacy, surrounded by Spanish speaking technicians, a language I didn’t understand, and they where giggling at our expense.EP3. - Who’s a better kisser, Javier or Kirsten (Stewart, his beloved in Twilight)?
R.P.- Definitively, Javier (laughs).EP3. - You have said that because of the success of Twilight, it turns out to be difficult for you to carry a normal life. What do you do on your free time?
R.P.- Somehow, work has become my best refuge. Even though it may sound ridiculous, as soon as I get some free time I start reading scripts. I feel somewhat frustrated for not going to college, so I try desperately to self educate. I have brought with me to Vancouver like 100 books, they’re all scattered all over the hotel room.EP3.- I have a feeling that it will be very hard for you to disassociate from “Edward The Vampire”. What would be the perfect role that would help you do this?
R.P.- Hey, if you hear of one, let me know (laughs). Anything that has nothing to do with blood, I hope.EP3. - I have read that a masochistic narcissism drives you to read everything that’s published about you. How often do you google your name?
R.P.- Oh, you’ve seen that on my interview with April’s GQ right? Dude, I was joking, it sounded like I was a total loser and it made me laugh just saying it, so I did.EP3. - You should know by now, that everything you say is news.
R.P.- Right, but it is so weird to me. And it can be very annoying, because I spend the day apologizing for all this rubbish that I say without even thinking. I have hopes that if I keep contradicting myself all the time, nothing I say will become news anymore (laughs). I’m a blabbermouth, I know…EP3. - Is there something in particular that you’ve read about yourself, that has bothered you?
R.P.- Ehem (clearing his throat) … A couple of days ago, my Mum sent me an email, she was very worried, it seems, I’ve been hit in the face with some pole, while filming New Moon and I was unconscious…. And I haven’t (at the moment of this interview) even rehearsed for any scene yet; I haven’t even set foot in the set!EP3. - Well the last thing I’ve heard about you, was that someone on the set, said that you stink, that you smell bad.
R.P.- (I’ve heard that). Yeah, I’ve read it too! Funny thing is that those kinds of rumors always come from “anonymous sources”. But if I just arrived to Vancouver! I must smell horrible, cause the set is 25 Kilometers from the hotel and I haven’t even been outside the room.
EP3. - You have also said that you would rather pass on having a girlfriend on an atmosphere with a reputation of being so polluted. Have you found anyone that has made you change your mind?R.P.- Oh, no (laughs). I remember when I was filming Harry Potter & The order of the Phoenix, where I hardly have a small part, that everybody was talking about my then girlfriend. It is so stressing for them. You have to become so reserved about it.
EP3. - You really lived a persecution with Camilla Belle (10,000 B.C.) ….R.P.- Yeah, but it was different with her. She was only a friend. It was funny for us. The thing is: if she’s not your girlfriend, it doesn’t matter; but if she is, it all turns into a nightmare, everyone wants to know what you’re doing.
EP3. - Have you had a stalker?R.P.- You won’t believe this, but the last time I felt stalked, was when I was shooting Little Ashes, in Barcelona. A girl would wait for me at my doorstep every day. The truth is that she was really nice, completely normal, but it all sounds very weird…I don’t know whatever happened to her. Or maybe I was just nuts and she only existed in my head. (laughs)
EP3. - Let’s say you’ve got 8 weeks of vacation starting today, what would you do?R.P.- I want to travel! That’s why I always look for work in different countries. I think next year I would like to work in Paris for three months.
EP3. - For what Project?R.P.- Ahhh, we’ll see if I’m going to be a blabbermouth again….It’s a Bel-Ami adaptation, from Guy de Maupassant. Now that I’ve told you, I can go around telling to everybody. Besides, I’m sick of people saying: “You can only make those Twilight films, you’re nothing more than a fleeting star”. I refuse to accept that! (laughs).
EP3. - Maybe that way you’ll earn to be seated second row at the Oscars, like this year….R.P.- Oh, man, how embarrassing. I’ve never felt so unworthy of anything in my life. What was I doing there, when I had only made one movie, which would never be nominated in the Academy Awards?
Little Ashes. In Theaters May 8, 2009.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 730 Newer› Newest»Great translation!! hard work
Thanks for it
HAHA I just love reading Rob's answers to questions. He's always laughing, it's nice to see and read these kinds of things. Thanks for sharing
Hee hee...love these interviews. He does contradict himself sometimes, but the core personality never changes.:) He makes me laugh so much :P
Robert is such a humble person & a terrific actor. I truly believe he has got immense acting talent, i was totally gobsmacked by his performance in "the haunted airman"
He is so young and has a long way to go...
Don't listen to critics Rob, we know that you have got what it takes!
its funny how he always starts his sentences with "its weird" haha have u noticed?
everythig must feel weird to him right now i guess...poor rob :D
At least he can acknowledge that he's a blabbermouth. it's not his fault all his fans take his obvious jokes so seriously. he should have never ever talked about his personal hygeine in all those interviews. Especially the Leno one.
I feel like he's just taking off. I predict he'll choose all kinds of roles and have a long and enduring career...and one day, he'll win an Oscar. I can guarantee it. Maybe even a Grammy if he pays his cards right. He should write screenplays and even direct. He has the talent and ability to do it all. He has my full support.
"I don’t know whatever happened to her. Or maybe I was just nuts and she only existed in my head."
this man has hilarious statements. :D
What's so normal about a girl who waits outside your apartment everyday?
Good interview, I love reading his answers :)
" it was so bizarre. And now that I remember it, it’s even more bizarre( laughs)." hahaha<333
DS, I totally agree. I haven't been this big a fan of an actor in...too many years to count! (I'm usually into musicians. Oh, wait, Rob fits that bill too...could have something to do with my Robsession!)
Anyway, I just see so much potential in him. I've said that before, but I really feel it every time I see him perform. He has that indefinable something that makes him stand apart from the pack...that spark or charisma or whatever you want to call it that makes you look at him whenever he's onscreen. When I watch his films, I often find that I can barely take my eyes off of him long enough to watch the other actors in the scene. Mesmerizing. Combine that "star power" with the hard work he puts in, always striving to be better, and you have the perfect recipe for a longterm, highly respected career in this business.
I don't know why, but I laugh so hard whenever he gets caught in a fib, which is often. He throws off these sarcastic comments easy as you please, and people who don't get his sense of humor take him at his word. Cracks me up every time.
He's just too much! Too many good things all rolled into one. *big girly sigh*
Divine.. what you said!! I agree with you
His answers are all so different and they make me laugh. This is all so overwhelming for him. But I am totally looking forward to his future work.
Different Subject:
My step-son came back home for leave from Iraq (he's in the ARMY) and he saw Twilight. He was also impressed with Rob. He said that he has looks and acting ability and then we told him that he sings too. He says that Rob has it all. So everyone likes Rob. He took back with him Twilight to read and just called today to send New Moon. I can just imagine a soldier reading the Twilight books in IRAQ :)
rob is always workinggg, he needs a vacation to himself with no one stalking him like the girl from barcelona
Great interview. I love his sense of humor and the fact that he laughs constantly.
It's so cute how he speaks honestly about stuff he made up. What are we to believe?? LOL
And a movie filmed in Paris!!!!! YES!
"Bel Ami"...will he play Georges Duroy? That would be QUITE the character for Rob to play, an opportunist. He would be playing against type. Veeeerrry interesting!
First post, even though I've been lurking and enjoying for awhile now. Just had to laugh at Robs' sense of humor. If I'm not mistaken isn't Bel Ami a Gay Male Porn production company? Gotta love the fact that he is secure in who he is.
Question - anybody~
why would they say Dali ends up a vampire, and why do you suppose that actress said Rob was a vampire? i couldn't get that...
No, a book by French author Guy De Maupassant, published in 1885
Chicago! hi~
tell us more about that character...
Hello Crazy!
Rob would be playing a journalist and seducer!
Rob in Paris! dreamy!
hey i thought it was an adult film company too, too funny.
but then i googled and found this...(i hope i copied it right, i am not good at this)
OH YES!!!!(now doing a silly Dali dance while saying uh huh in a nasally French accent)
Hi Elianeieeiiei!
Ana - thanks for that piece. But whoa! i am gonna really count on this movie being made. Rob is the perfect lover -type. I know he'll do more than that though. but let's face it, he can do a lover role like nobody's business. getting hot and bothered just thinking about it... ;)
Love this interview! He is so demure when it come to his fame! Why would he feel undeserving at the Oscars?
He seems to feel so regretful about college, but yet so young w/ plenty of time if he wants to go.
A hundred books, I wish we knew the titles!
"Oh, man, how embarrassing. I’ve never felt so unworthy of anything in my life. What was I doing there, when I had only made one movie, which would never be nominated in the Academy Awards?"
"But Rob, you ARE worthy. I could tell you why, but we'd be here all day (not that I would mind)."
And when I picture Rob saying "blabbermouth", it makes me giggle :D
I am looking forward to see any role that he is doing besides Twilight. I have to wait to for Little Ashes and How to Be for DVD release. I dont live anywhere near where they are playing. At least he seems to be selective in roles that he is choosing. This role seems to be another complicated character.
Roboholic: The Haunted Airman is the movie that totally won me over too. That is an extremely difficult role to play for anyone, for someone so young and relatively new to be able to nail it like that was pretty impressive.
who in the hell would call him a "fleeting star"? an ignorant ass, i suppose
Again... thank you for bringing these interviews to our attention!!! this blog is the best! I feel like I'm getting a chance to really learn something about the "person" of Rob Pattinson.... not just the silly gossip spinning bulls**t!
Crazy - "(now doing a silly Dali dance while saying uh huh in a nasally French accent)"
Oh the imagery!! haaaha!
You made me nearly pee my pants!
Every interview with him that I read just makes me love him a little bit more. He has quite the personality.
Ana73, that was a lovely story about your son, best wishes to him. Thanks for shearing it with us.
I´m not understanding anything about Bel-Ami, I fill lost with it, what is it about? does someone knows?
Well hello Hannah! Missed you, potato-baby!
see ya later?
I found this link for the novel:
I hope he make this movie too. It looks like a juicy role.
Hi everyone.
Hi crazy (sends a hug)
Hi {{Winwin}} (big hugs back at ya)
it sure DOES seem like a juicy role for Rob. If he does this role, we will all lose our minds once and for all.
Question - anybody~
why would they say Dali ends up a vampire, and why do you suppose that actress said Rob was a vampire? i couldn't get that...
(yep. i'm asking again) really curious~
Hi Ana~ I read somewhere(God know were as I have been on many Rob fan sites) someone posted their family member (brother I believe) was stationed in Iraq and they said that alot of service men and women were reading the Twilight series
But I do what to add ~that this is the best site ever!!! I Havn't checked any other ones in ages
Thanks Gozde and Dani~You are both awesome
crazy, I was confused by that vampire remark too. I thought maybe something was lost in translation.
I just wish the stalkers would give him a break. I think he should be ok in NY. We're clueless and probably walk right by him and not know it or would be so nervous I wouldn't be able to think. About 5 years ago, I was once in an elevator with Robert Redford alone and I was speechless. He was still handsome but just wrinkly.
well i told my step-son to take a picture of him out there in the desert reading Twilight. but he said that i was lame, i thought it would be cool. he said that all he does is read cuz it gets so boring when you are not on duty. i asked him if he had seen anybody else reading the series but he said no. i think he thinks that i am crazy. he told my husband how do you feel knowing that i am fantazing about another man, my husband said it was cool as long as it was just a fantasy LOL. can you believe that we are actually having family conversation about Rob, too funny.
My husband's biological father is stationed in Iraq and he told us the other day that he had read Twilight. I asked him if he had read the other books and said "There are more?" and got all excited and said he would have to get them and read them now. LOL
RP needs to stay away from whomever that Dickward is saying that he can't do anything beyond Twilight. To use his favorite word "ridiculous"...
We wouldn't love him so much if we thought only of him as Edward. This blog and so many countless others are named after him. He's a top Yahoo 100 search, gossiped about,and stalked. Whomever that is needs to get their head unstuck from their ass. Because BB you have been living under a rock since last year when he first appeared at Comic Con.That's when the obsession began and it's not going to end. We the fans will see every movie, read all the interviews, see the videos, etc...K...TRUST and BELIEVE
Thanks so much for the translation.
Rob is such a brilliant mix of intelligence, wit, talent, hotness etc etc!
He mentioned the Harry Potter cast talking about his girlfriend during the filming of OTP... interesting, would that be Nina or possibly even Katie ;-). Guess we'll never know. ~sigh~
Adorable, great interview.
Anyone familiar with Michael Gambon, who is Dumbledore in HP and an actor Robert admires?
He's quite hilarious and famous for making up nuts stuff in interviews, says it's boring talking about yourself, so he just makes stuff up and says anything he feels like - wonder if he gave Rob some tips, I can imagine them having a great laugh together.
Ballsy, dudette, that was hilarious!
Win~ yeah. wish i understood that part better.
xoRobxo- thanks for the LOLz the other night. :)
Ana~ my dh really had no problem wih my fantasy either, until he noticed the 25 schmexy pics I have of Rob in my photos file. Now i have to back track a bit, but it's all good :D
kespax - sure does seem like he and Rob are handling the questions/drilling the same way sometimes.
WW~Robert Redford wrinkly! lol~struck me funny! It's a damn shame he had to get old! Was he still hot?
Good evening everyone!!! Couldn't stay away~
so Elaieneieiiei~ what's up?
(crickets) hee hee
Hey, Crazy!! The computer kept calling my name!
crickets? please splain.....
Ana73, loved your story, that's great! Can't wait to hear what our brave men overseas think of the rest of the series.
Bolide, thanks for the link, LMAO! I am rereading Breaking Dawn right now, and I'm getting to the Rosemary's Baby crap very soon. That shit freaked me the hell out the first time I read it! I've never been through childbirth, and now I'm sure I never will LOL.
Leann~even if Rob was there to help? just sayin'
haha. My computer doesn't have to call me. I stalk it.
(crickets) = it's so quiet you can hear them.
do you have any idea why they called dali a vampire, and that actress called Rob one???
Leann - i already had a baby and that freaked me out too. the whole time i was like What the Hell? Well at least i am not the only to reread the series. the first time i was in such a hurry to find out what was going to happen so after i was done i went back and reread them.
that link was freaking hilarious, LMAO.
Ballsy~now u have me thinking about vampire sex! lol
Crazy~been thinking about that(hmmmm)~ no, I can't make the connection!
because they are both tortured?
Elaieneieieieii! IDK. the whole thing is making me crazy. no pun...
i may understand the Dali/vampire reference once i see the movie, but Rob a vampire? Maybe because he is out of this world beautiful, and impossible to resist, and everything about him draws us in...? the actress MUST have seen that in Rob. maybe?
Crazy~could be. I wondered if the translation wasn't clear. Since we haven't seen the movie it is difficult. I can see the other worldly and irresistible, but not in LA. I see Dali as a narcissist, but not Edward. I'm not getting it yet. Sorry! lol
Crazy, you answered your own question! Rob is a vampire because he's otherworldly and he sucks the lifeforce out of ordinary humans without even trying. *says zombie sitting here on Robsessed for hours at a time*
And you are right, I would have to reconsider childbirth if it involved Robosperm from the Robinator. Might make it all worth it...and we know how cute the offspring would be! (see baby pics of towhead Rob)
Crazy~they are both dark characters. Heck, I don't know. I need to see this movie. When are u seeing it?
Thanks Leann. Leann = Robzombie LOL
Elaine~ Kelly and i are going to see it next saturday in nyc. i'm packing a bag if accessories, i'm sure i told you. we are going to need all the help we can get :D
well hello ladies! How is everyone?
quiet in here tonight...that's ok, I knda have a headache and I wasn't going to stop by, but....you know how it is! :)
AHAHA I'm glad you guys liked that link. Sorry it took a while to respond, I'm reading...stuff.
Also, since reading the "review" I've been trying to picture Edward (or even Rob for that matter) saying,
"...so I totally freak out because there is no god damn way I'm spending eternity looking after a kid so I'm thinking its time for a mutant baby smushsmortion but Bella is all attached and shit..."
I think that smushsmortion is my new favorite word.
Hi Yvonne!!
Hi Ballsy!!!
Robzombie dead.
Crazy~ I'm so excited for u!!! A little green w/ envy. Lots of clean undies~check!
Hey crazy!
Hey all!
kelly was on another thread...should i "call" her? are u guys staying a bit here?
Crazy~when they kiss in the water what r u going to do? just askin'
smushmortion~new word!
one more week, huh crazy? Bet you can't freakin' wait!
call her :)
Elaieieiei~ yep. our packing list for List has fresh undies on top of the list...
i need to finish making that list..
ok brb
I can hardly contain myself just watching the clips...oh my, to see it on the big screen....
since some are reading that link about Breaking Dawn... i have a question...did i read it right when it said that Edward used his own teeth to open the sac, that really puzzled me, i really tried to imagine that or did i get that wrong
no, you read it right...
Ana~that is right~to get the baby out fast Edward used his razor steel like teeth.
did you translaste that article?
LOL I AM Robzombie...more human than human...great, now that song is stuck in my head.
I've been on the phone, sending a link to the BD synopsis to my BFF Melissa (different Melissa than posts here)...she was dying laughing and posted the link on her Facebook page so all her Twihard friends can read it. It is completely BRILL! I keep reading it and laughing at the pics of Rob that correspond...hearing him saying this stuff in his lovely British accent...just makes it even funnier. I'm easily amused though, especially when drunk on wine.
Woops, did I say drunk on wine? Oh, who am I kidding...I so am!
So some of you are meeting up to watch some RobPorn soon, is that what I'm reading? We will need details afterward! Those of us in podunk with no hope of seeing RobArt or Robvador anytime soon...
oh never mind ana, sorry, I saw the "73" and thought it was you...oops!
thank you. But for anyone who had kids out there, could you imagine that, that part was way out there for me.
leann, thanks, now I have that song stuck in my head!
Leann~where is ur podunk?
was thinking the same thing....?
ana, yeah, it is "out there",but he's Edward FREAKIN Cullen....so it's totally ok.
ugh. i spent all this time just trying to get my computer to do ANYTHING! i hate it. can't even use FB right now. it's so slow here also. don't think i can do this tonight ladies... :(
crazy, what did you have to get in the car and go GET Kelly....?!!!
oh! ha ah ha you already posted.... no, don't go yet!
:(((( Nooooo
i mean my computer is slow..
Ana~after reading BD numerous times it becomes more clear as to why Edward had to do what he did. Time was of the essence and w/ Dr. Fang out of town he had to react quickly in the best way he knew how!
I HATE that...it sucks. And I am so impatient, I understand if you gotta go, but I'll still be sad :((
YVONNE! don't talk to me about getting in my car when i am in a compromised state (ahem) because of Rob pics!!! LOL!!! remember?
I am one of those people who is completely confuzzled as to why Stephanie was unable to write a beutiful, unsmutty First Time scene between Bella and Edward, but was able to write pages of gory birth scenes in which Edward gives Bella a Cesarean (urp) and tears the umbilical sac open with his teeth (vomit) to deliver the baby. Not to mention plunging a needle full of EdVenom straight into Bella's heart (urgh.) This makes no sense whatsoever.
I will say this, however: my favorite thing about the grisly birth scene is when Jacob gives up and leaves Edward to save Bella, and Jacob is thinking that Edward is pathetic and struggling in vain to save a corpse...he proves in that moment that when it came right down to it, he gave up on Bella...and Edward never did, never could, never would conceive of it. That scene proved why Edward's love and desperation were so much greater than anything Jacob could even muster toward Bella. LOVE that about that part of the book.
Gawd, I'm getting way to serious here. Quick, somebody send me some smutty pics of Rob and drag me back to the shallow end of the pool!
elain, I love the way Edward keeps his cool, and does everything he can to save her and the baby. And he had the venom ready, so he knew he may need it. Prepared....just like a Boy Scout!
My computer sucks and so does "Edward" (being the vampire that he is , ya know ;/)
Girls, is there one of the "frenemies" reader that can send me the link?
crazy....step AWAY from the car!!! LOL
Crazy~don't go yet! I have to go around 11. Early morning!
Not too serious Leann. very good point.
(i'm a girl of few words tonight because of my EFFIN computer)
LOL@ shallow end of the pool
are u saying we're usually shallow??? LOL
Leann, I agree.
Elaieneiieie say i can stay for 13 more minutes.
Thanks Eleieneiieie (hee heeing)
I wish everyone who reads the book pays attention like we do. It's so damn annoying to hear people talk about the boooks and they have no idea what they are talking about....
Yvonne - sorry about the Robzombie song! It's Crazy's fault, she started it. lol ;)
Elaine, my podunk is in SE Iowa. I MIGHT be able to drive an hour or two to catch one of Rob's indie films. I should probably get on Goz's bandwagon and call the Des Moines theater about showing Little Ashes...that's about a 2 hour drive for me. My bestie there isn't a big Rob or Twilight fan, so I'm not sure I could convince her to go to gay Dali biopic with Rob in it! But never say never....
LOL @ step away from the car.
should also say step away from my avatar!! just LOOK at it!! uhhhh.
oh! I saw How To Be! YAY! Just wanted to share.... :)
Leann - Yeah I agree with you. Edward loved her so much more that he did not give up on her. But that was always the difference edward was IN love with her and jacob loved her that is why he never imprinted on her it was like a sister love. well that is they way i saw it.
but i completely agree with you, stephanie kept it all innocent but made this bloody birth. i really wonder how they are going to make that in the movie and the first night of having sex. stephanie is not going to let it get all crazy on the movie BUT she did right it kind of crazy. Ok, now i am rambling.
crazy...vertical Robcrotch!
Yvonne~I agree! We must remember he is a vampire.
Boy Scout Edward~A Scout understands there is strength in being gentle. OMG I love this man!!! I'm gonna' have to read BD again! SM is a genius!
crazy, I love your avatar. Did I ever tell you that?
Leann! Call!!! and go without a "bestie". Who needs friends when Rob is kissing and doing all kinds of hot stuff in a movie??? right?
SM is a genius....
I just started Eclipse for the 4th time...I srsly just keep re-reading the series. That's weird, huh? I did take a break to read The Host...
Crazy~u get me so distracted!!!
I need some Robcrotch now! Or a ride on the Robcrotch Rocket!
Girls~When MS comes out we need to meet somewhere centrally located for a book discussion (preferably somewhere tropical) lol Promise?
yvonne - yay you read the Host. Ok, i know i am too excited but i have not been able to talk to anyone who read the Host. No on I know read it. What did you really think about it.
Yvonne and Ballsy~ do you all covet my avatar? huh? cause thou shalt not covet thy fellow Robsessors avatar.
is it HOT, isn't it!!
I just wanna ___________________.
ealine, that is SUCH a great idea...let's take a cruise!!!!
Tell us about How To Be from your POV!!! bb!
You say "shallow" like it's a bad thing. ;)
No, we are very deep thinkers here at Robsessed. Actually, I'm not even kidding...I read so many great comments on this site, and we are capable of so many moods as well, some of them deep, some of them...not so deep. We are as diverse and interesting as Rob! Very fitting. :)
Yvonne, I know what you're saying...I hate to admit to people that I'm a Twilight "freako" because it has been relegated to some teen thing, when in reality, it's just a great love story for all ages. And I'm a sucker for a great love story. The Twilight saga made me feel things I hadn't felt since I was 15 and read Wuthering Heights for the first time. I'm drawn to the madness of love...as Plato said, "The madness of love is the greatest of Heaven's blessings."
Geezo peezo, someone stop me! Where's that pic of Rob in tightie reddies?
We can just hang out, drink and talk about Rob and MS....
Crazy~I can read everyone's avatar on this blog, apart from yours!
Please describe it! Come on now!
Now LOOK what we did to poor Elaineieieiie LMAO!
yes, a tropical isle. better get the divorce papers ready...
Who's going to cook me my eggs in the morning?
leann, I could noy agree with you more...I think I was just ranting about this the other night. About how everyone keeps calling this a "teen" phenom....GAH! It pisses me off to no end. There is NO WAY that some teenager could under stand the depth of what SM has written about. It's only considerd youth lit. because there isn't anything graphic in it. Damn, here I go again....don't get me started!
Leann - i love how you speak. just sayin...
Rob needs to actually stand like that, crazy.
I make a mean omelet b...
Leann - i read them two times and when the DVD came out i rereread Twilight. and they have been talking about scenes from new moon so much i just finished it again for the third. i have to hide it from my husband because he thinks i am a freak for reading it again and again. It is a great love story. Eclipse is my favorite.
ballsy = random LOL
crazy...HTB was amazing. I rented it on demand, and watched it twice. It really is an awesome little movie. So funny and Art is heartbreaking...Rob has an unbelievable gift as an actor.
Yvonne~there is a Twilight cruise in August, 2010 which gives us plenty of time to save for it! Or any one is fine w/ me. I'm stoked now! I am serious as hell!
But i am hearing more and more that "women" can't get enough of him.
Crazy, I'm looking at your avi now and drifting back toward the basics...Robparts. yummy.
I read The Host too! I thought it was probably the best-written of Steph's books, BUT it was hard to read...it wasn't FUN to read like the Twilight series was, but it was a rewarding read, if that makes sense. I liked it but I didn't feel those butterflies in the stomach that the Twilight books give me. It's that Edward Effing Cullen...he's just some kind of SuperCrack for love-starved modern women. The day MS comes out, I'm taking the day off work to sit and devour it like I'd devour Rob's tightie reddies if I ever had the chance.
crazy, I know, right? @ leann...I told her I loved her the other night....srsly. just sayin'.
has anyone ever went to these twlight conventions, what are they like???
ok, i want Rob to stand like that too, AND i want an omelette. huh?
did it make you cry?
I can't wait until that comes out. Is it official, now? For real, YOoooo?
elaine, I am totally serious, I would love to get together, we would have so much fun! And cruises really are an affordable way to go, compared to most vacations. Start planning! I don't care if it is THE Twilight cruise, might be more fun if it were just "us".
I think Elaieneiside is serious.
HOLD UP- is MS being finished and published??
Leann - I really like the Host too. Yeah, it was a different feeling than the Twilight series but i think that it was better written. Ok, i will admit i cried. but then again i cried in new moon when she got dumped.
crazy...HTB didn't make me cry, but it does make you feel really bad for Art, and want to kick his parents' asses and I laughed A LOT. Rob is just so convincing...he's really pathetic. And the other two actors are really great.
and Y is serious too.
Ballsy LOL! nutzgirl
I bawled my eyes out at the end of The Host. I was actually sobbing....
Leann~love ur comments! SuperRobCrack! so right! I love the entire Twilight series even though it is written on a 5th grade reading level. The only reason is considered young adult is because she couldn't get a publisher. Right?
C~stand what way!!! I'm in the dark here. Go ahead, what do u want on ur omelette?
i'm going to try for K again...brb
crazy - according to SM sites, she still has not made a decision to release it.
Edward Cullen was just the absolute PERFECT guy, that really does not exist except for in our fantasy world that is why they book is liked by so many. It's kind of funny my young nieces say they want to find a guy like Edward BUT I give them a reality check, He does not exist, get over it!
Awww..you all are so sweet! I love you too. I feel at home here in the land of the Robsessed.
There are so many convos going on here at once...okay, Twilight cruise? I'm so there I already came back. lol My friend Meli said there's a Twilight Convention in Dallas or something this July? If we hadn't already made plans to see U2 in Chicago this fall, we would have gone to that instead! I need to win the lotto or something.
I SO wanna see How To Be because I can tell that it's the kind of "comedy" that will make me cry buckets, because the heartbreaking reality about everyday people like Arthur will be more poignant than funny. And I KNOW Rob will nail it...nail it to the wall. Nail it like Edward does Bella to the headboard after 108 years of celibacy.
whoops, did I say that?
I cried when he saw Bella in NM and thought that he was dead...
Y~I'm like u, maybe a different one.
C~no MS yet. Hopefully, soon. Call her, u have influence!
Yvonne - i thought i was lame for crying but i was sobbing too, i could not catch my breath. my step-daughter thought that i was crazy.
Ohhhh snap!
hi ladies, tgif
brb lil'Momma may be coming...
Hey erin!
Did you see this link.
You must check it out.
leann...yup. Nailed it. Like after 108 yrs. of celibacy...LOL....u crack me up!
Ana, I don't know too many people who have read The Host either. I really loved it. I need to read it again. I think it also could be made into a fantastic movie.
Leann~yes u said it and we loved it!
We don't have to plan an expensive trip. Give everyone time to plan for it!
the saddest for me in New Moon were the empty pages for those months because i have been there before. Ok, now i agree how can a teenager know what that feels like if they haven't even found a true love yet.
loving the interviews today, so many layers to rob
I'm fucking pissed at the stalkers though
Ana, it's funnt, because unlike when I read Twilight, I wouldn't let myself skip ahead, so when Wanda "dies", I thought she really died...I was a mess....
I cried when Bella was able to finally let Edward inside her mind at the end of BD. That was the ultimate act of trust and intimacy...I bawled.
Other than that, I loved BD until the Big Vamp Fight That Never Happened. Much ado about nothing. Lame. Completely.
Meli's favorite book is Eclipse too, and I admit I do love the triangle there, and how Edward manages to subtly manipulate and "bargain" with Bella to get what he wants. Edward is not perfect...Edward is a bit selfish and works to get what he wants. But I like that about him.
Twilight saga is not only for teens, in fact I think there are a lot of things in the story that kids may loose.
About BD, I´m wondering how they are going to shoot that film, it is quite long, there are two love scenes that were not described but they have to insinuate them, there is the birth scene which is more descriptive that any love scene Stephany could have written, does things are enough to give R-rating into the US cinemas (at the rest of the world it will be PG-13) but as the screen writer mentioned in an interview they can not loose the teen audience, specially in the US, so I wonder what kind of adaptation they are going to make out of it.
yvonne - i saw it more as a tv movie, like a miniseries. ok now i am thinking too much
bols, yes, OMG! Hilarious, best review EVER
I wish someone would finally realize what a captive ADULT audience this saga has...and WE are the ones with the money, not the teens :)
I think SM gave us the fade to black in BD because of her views on the sex lives, or rather lack thereof, people should have before getting married, blah blah blah
She may c***block us in the BD movie too :( Hopefully we'll get a director like CH to get some juicy scenes
I'm kind of curious if Jacob will have some narration, like Bella did in Twilight (movie). Maybe that's how they'll pull the birth scene together.
ana, that is so true...that would work for me. Even a real series...they could really drag it out over a season.
i dont know if i could go to a twiight convention, i mean i liked the books but i could not see my self getting all dressed up for a prom. i am actually laughing as i wrote that. i think i might be a little to old for that. some of those girls look really fanatic over the whole thing...STALKERS.
ok maybe if rob was there...
hi erin! I forgot to say "hey"!!!
Hi Erin! Yes, Rob's like a big, tasty onion...lots of layers, some of 'em make you cry.
OMG, someone take away my wine bottle, I am ridiculous tonight.
You gotta check out bolide's link, it's hilarious! And why is your nickname "ballsy", bolideinthesky? Do I dare ask? Do I want to know? lol
I agree ana, I DON"T EVER want to look like a stalker. I just play one on Robsessed....
U girls rock! I love Bella's shield and how SM forshadowed this gift from the beginning when he couldn't read her mind. In the end when she allows him to get into her thoughts, I am blown away! Thud!
Leann said: Meli's favorite book is Eclipse too, and I admit I do love the triangle there, and how Edward manages to subtly manipulate and "bargain" with Bella to get what he wants. Edward is not perfect...Edward is a bit selfish and works to get what he wants. But I like that about him.
I absolutely agree with you, that is exactly what I thought about Edward, he is quite manipulative, he is quite dominative in that relation ship, even if he can´t read Bella´s mind, he knows her so well that he can put on an act or simply deny something to her and immediately end the discussion there.. quite a temper, not so perfect, uh?
he's "human" in that way...
Well, my best guess is because bolide = a fireball in the sky.
But. That may be open for debate ahaha.
I love that Bella brings that part of him out...
i got a story...
my husband went to get a tattoo and i went to see Twilight while he was getting it. so when i came back he told me i did not know that you are reading little kids stories. i was like, What? the girl who was tattooing him told him that they were for kids and made me look like a competely fool. i was sooo mad. so that is when i had to introduce my husband to the whole twiight thing. but after that WHOLE explanation he never asked me again about the books. he just cant understand why i would reread them again and again. so now i just hide it. but i cant beleive that that girl would say that. i was even older than her.
ooh nice book discussion tonight
@Leann, lol at Supercrack Edward
Yes, I think the thing about SM's saga is that it brings out these female qualities...like the ability to love to such an extent you don't normally encounter in the real world, protecting people you care about, loyalty
I offered my friend a free copy of Twilight and she turned it down. I get the sense that she feels like it's not on her level or something. I totally get that.
More random thoughts/answers to questions:
I cried my head off when Edward left Bella in NM. I was devastated beyond all sense. I will need a vat of Kleenex on Nov. 20. And we have just seen how drop-dead gorgeous Robward is looking these past few days, and we KNOW what scenes they have been filming....*dies*
Yeah, I laughed at Meli's suggestion about the Twilight convention...I instantly think of the SNL spoof of Trekkie conventions with William Shatner telling people, "Get a life!!!" That'll be Rob in 30 years, LMAO!
As for BD, the movie; my biggest question is, what'll they do about Bella being all bruised up after The Act? Do you honestly think that after all this Rihanna/Chris Brown hoopla, anyone at Summit wants to insinuate that Edward (even unintentionally) beat Bella up just by having sex with her? To me, that's the "hairiest" problem with BD. The birth scene won't be shown, it'll be alluded to. I think Bella bruised up after her first time with Edward is the real bone of contention here.
*she said BONE. uh-huh-huh!huh!*
Good evening, ladies!!!
I can't wait to see Rob's performance in LA. His performance in just the clips and trailer are so amazing, I can't imagine how seeing the whole thing will be like...
my fav. part of eclipse is when they are camping and edward and jacob talk about bella. i think that was really well written.
but i agree, in BD there was a total lead up to this BIG FIGHT but then there was none. All those characters brought in but no fight.
Oh no she di-innnt.
gals- my computer is sooo slow, i am finding it very frustrating to keep up and comment. I am really enjoying your comments though- wish i could contribute. damn. i'll have to just lurk..
(has a very sad face)
oh HI ERIN!!
:( Could you reboot?
True Yvonne, Bella bring that out, she breaks a lot into the shell he has created for himself over a century, maybe that is way he loves her so much, she was the only one able to do that.
I love how unselfish he is, and I kind of cried when I read that, in Eclipse with all the thing he said to Bella, even though he knew she had just asked and kissed Jacob and she was doubting of their future together when she had the vision of a possible family with Jacob.
Whatever Rob magnetism this series has it got me.
U Rob chicks are soooo cool! I must get up at 5am, so goodnight, sweet ladies! Have a blast bloggin'.
Y~think about the trip
C~Enjoy ur omelette! mmmmmmmgood!
crazy, my computer's slow tonight, too. I can sympathize...
There's an RK in the house... hello my Ellie Sweet.
So, did the blog change to a Twilight fan blog while I wasn't looking? (Only jesting....)
I am so loving hearing about everyone seeing HTB, it's been 6 months and I'd forgotten so many little things that happened..
I'm kinda glad ther was no fight....I'm a cheesy happy ending kind of girl :)
Hopefully by the time they do BD, the whole Chris / Rhianna thing will be ancient history, I think she NEEDS to have bruises, don't you? It's such a major part of the story.
Goodnight elaine!
Hi, Kat (aka MY Sweet Petunia)!
I'm going to have to wait until I get the DVd delivered... *sigh
I like reading the Twilight/New Moon Fest here!
elaine!!! g' night , I'll look into those cruises!!
yeah, BD will be a difficult movie to make. you can't simultaneously cater to the pre-teens and adult women when dealing with some of the more mature scenes. I hope they don't take out the sex bruises, it was important to the story
one thing I didn't like about BD was the charlie issue...I thought SM kind of copped out on the sacrifice Bella would have to make there
Hello Ellie & Kat!
Soooo....yeah...back to ROB....
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