Robert Pattinson Does NOT Run Like a Mountain Goat

The pix are heart breaking, the title was to ease the heart break :)

Check out for 122 pix from today.
Photo Credit: Splash News Online | WENN | Pacific Coast News Online | Fame Pictures
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Alison4828 said...

Don't you mean like a string cheese? He thought a mountain goat was to agile compared to him, lol....

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

I love this, proof that he doesn't run like a mountain goat...but the pics are just killing me!

Suz said...

Run to me

i love how his feet never touch the ground....

i love running rob

Rominiwi said...

I wonder what happened...
Wanna see this movie, for sure.

*Drools over the pics*

Tedracat said...

I love his run. This film will be the death of me. Look at his face!

Suz said...


Glad this "running scene" didn't end with meeting concrete...

(was that wrong?)

WinWin said...

Damn, he makes me giggly when he runs. I can totally combust after seeing all these pictures. I cannot take anymore hotness. I thought Tuesday was bad.

Dawn! said...

I'm lost! does'nt a mountain goat run with its head down!? His head is held high like it should be, his hair is even in place, he makes me sick! sick I tell ya!

Haystackhair said...

run Robbie run! to me of course. Sigh. this movie is going to kill me...

WinWin said...

Suz, bug hug to you. I need life support after viewing all this yummy Robness.

WinWin said...

Suz, I mean "Big Hug" not bug hug. God I can't think straight.

Do you think he's crashing websites again?

Alison4828 said...

I agree with ya Suz....glad he didn't face the pavement. He is graceful, whereas unfortunately Kristen Stewart isn't, but I must admit her falling was some pretty funny shit. Something I would totally do. I tend to burst out laughing at the most uncomfortable times..that would have been one of them!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh, god, this is gonna hurt...he looks so sad & upset in this scene..

I'm trying to be smart assie & figure out which one it is, but I can't..

It could be one of a couple that I remember, but they must of changed some of the script...

Run Rob, run...

Haystackhair said...

I know, trying to figure which scene, but not sure. Read the script, but..not sure...

Alison4828 said... you have the script? I'm trying to get a copy of it to read. Let me know, thanks!!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Allison, I do have it-I can send to you...leave me your email...

Alison4828 said...

OMG your the best!!!

My email is:


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok Allison, just sent it, enjoy...

RPnKSaddict said...

Gozde- Do you sleep? I'm beginning to think your a vampire. I'm tired for you girl..

Thank you for making my Robsessed life complete.

I think the running pics are hot!

I read the script and I'm not even sure what part of the movie this is from. It's all out of sequence.

aimary said...

I don't know which scene is, but still, Rob run...he's absolutely perfect, even running!! like a string cheese?? lol

RPnKSaddict said...

I have a day off tomorrow and I'm going to spend it looking at Rob pictures and rereading RM script. I feel bad for this, but I want to see a video of him running.

It really is double edged sword wating to see him everyday, but wanting him to be able to work in peace.

lostinphilly said...

Thanks for the RunningStringCheeseRob pics!! Every time I see him running I can't help but think of how Kellan mades fun of him running in that short video. LOL!!!

Barb said...

Ok just went over to Socialite and saw all the pictures and of course Rob is HOTTT in every shot. That man has some facial hair....Got that's so SEXY.

I'm going to be mean now..I've been thinking this all week...Don't you think that wardrobe and hair & makeup could do something with Emilie De Ravin's hair and clothes? I've seen other pictures of her and she is really pretty. But I swear her hair looks like there's never been a comb through it. And that outfit with the white tank top is horrible. It makes her look fat and like she has a muffin top. I know she is small. Can't they go up a size on those jeans?

I haven't read the script. I know she is playing a college student but don't they dress a little better than that?? Maybe not.

Georgie said...

He is just TOO beautiful, whether running, sitting, standing, lounging, walking, laying down!!
Hey rpattzgirl, could you also please send me the script? My email is Many thanks. I promise I won't read the ending though.

Christy P said...

oh to see his face emotion flushed makes me think of many ways I'd like to comfort him. Gonna love this movie!

Gemgirl65 said...

Have I had too much wine, or does Rob look kinda hot running? Not like a lump of cheese at all. Or if so, then really yummmmy cheese.

aimary said...

hahahaha!! yeahh, a yummy cheese!! I'm agree

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


so true emelie looks like a frump, or a little kid... i was thinking yesterday, the little girl in the movie is hotter than she is... lol

and could someone get her a girdle?
i'm sure she is lovely, but, well she needs some help here...

Barb said...

@RP for Dummies

"and could someone get her a girdle?"


So true! In her other pictures she didn't have the pooch!

Chris said...

Oh yeah,
*arms wide open* that's right to me!!!

sighs...I can dream if I want.

Chris said...

Maybe they think no matter what they dress her in, she'll still fall short next to HIS GODLINESS.

Barb said...


Actually RP for Dummies made the girdle comment but I so agree.

I also agree with you. It's hard for anyone to show beauty next to Hot Sexy Rob who could wear a potato sack and still be damn hot.

Mrs. Robinsane said...


How strange, in a few of these shots, to see the despairing lifelessness in RP's normally animated, or inquisitive, or mischievous, or penetrating eyes.

I wonder if, when I finally see RM, it will fall into the category of movies which I appreciate and admire, but which are too painful, for me, to view multiple times.

And good night to everyone. :)

Chris said...

It has to be in the script for her to be pudgy around the tummy...she looks preggie.

Anywho, Rob pics shows a range of emotions. Does he seem more expressive here than in Twilight?? Seems so..

Anonymous said...

and everywhere i was goin i was runnin'

he looks damn fine!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Asses...I wanna see all your pretty asses on here. C'mon. Come chat with me and obsess.

Rose said...

Honestly. How many more damn pictures can they fucking take?

Rose said...

DB and TS! Hi from.. R
Shit.. i don't have initials.

Cougar71 said...

Of course it's hard to tell from still photos, but he runs like a gazelle, not a mountain goat. lol Silly Kellan for ever saying that.

I agree, Emilie needs to run a comb through her hair every once in a while, and her face is always puffy. She looks better on Lost. Pretty bad considering that being stranded on an island one does not have access to beauty products. Someone give this girl a brush and some make-up.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Oh boy, we are so spoiled these last days... so many pics. So little time to Robsess now... Real life is not fair with my Robsession.

He is sexy running! That's what he is!

Anonymous said...

hi rose :) db! :)

total overload on the pics... but i do love seeing him everyday

when he gets a break i'm going to have to snap myself back to reality

Tenneil said...

hi rose...DB...TS...
what is up ladies!!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Rose, your initials are FAR
Fuckawesome Rose.

Hi babe. I'm happy somebody came.

Rose said...

hey Ten!

Honestly TS... I need a break almost as much as Rob does.

Rose said...

Hahaha DB! You are too fucking sweet.

But I saw the RK signal... I'm here

Tenneil said...

AHHH agreed I need aa break myself.. he is toooo hurts

Sophia Z.86 said...

I don't want unfair with Emilie, but she is not beautiful. Maybe a little pretty...
But she has nice legs ~~ we could see them the other day. And no boobs!!!

Anonymous said...

t! how are you :)

rose: no need for initials.. you're perfect the way you are

Rose said...

Emilie Schmelie. She is nothing.
Even Rob barely notices her.

Jewels64 said...

Well Hells Bells girlies! Good Evening Robsessors!

Rose said...

what the fuck is Schmelie?

Rose said...

Hey Jules!

Tenneil said...

Hey TS.... I am good...

Hey Jules... hi lovely lady!!

Anonymous said...

jules! :)

what's up bb?

TheDogsBollocks said...

You know...not to be a total bitch (heh heh) but seriously...WTF has she done to you guys? It is beyond rude to tear apart her appearance. She's puffy? That could be the freaking weather, climate change, anything. She is not in charge of her hair and makeup. Just be nice to people. GEEZ. Walk a mile in their shoes before you go on to rip them apart mmmkay?

TheDogsBollocks said...

And I broke my fucking 6 line rule to get that shit out.

Jewels64 said...

Well damn...DB just took the freaking words right out of my mouth....

Rose said...

Honestly. Emilie doesn't bug me at all.

Jewels64 said...

But when it comes to Rob....she will never get that lucky....


Tenneil said...

DB ~ BBWAAAAHHHH it was well put so I wasnt gonna call you out...

TheDogsBollocks said...

That was NOT directed at you ROSE. It's people who think it's okay to judge on looks. Maybe she isn't supposed to be the most beautiful. Maybe she is meant to look REAL.

Rose said...

I barely even notice her.

Rose said...

Oh I understand, DB... I don't think I have ever commented on her looks.
I have commented on the chemistry between her and Rob, though.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Did I piss everybody off? Am I alone now?

Tenneil said...

Who's Emilie??? I just see a god is buttonfly jeans...

Anonymous said...

wtf? i'm guessing i missed the emilie bashing... hmmm

i don't really care what she looks like as long as she compliments rob in the movie

Rose said...

And I have indulged in "kill the Panda"... but thats fucking funny.

TheDogsBollocks said...

They look more like friends. Rob appears to be a friendly guy and she probably needs a friend right now. Who wouldn't want him as a friend? She has a lot going on in her life to.

Rose said...

it would take a helluva lot more than that to piss me off, DB...
(besides, I love ya)

Yeah... I would LOVE to be Rob's friend...

Tenneil said...

I am on the hating the panda train myself...LOL

TheDogsBollocks said...

I actually think she is really cute. She looks like a real person. Friendly, approachable, no major drama surrounding her.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Yeah...the panda needs to be ripped open and unstuffed. Apparently, the rabbit has done wrong as well.

Anonymous said...

i honestly had no idea who she was before this movie... and i doubt i'll remember her after.

Rose said...

I liked Emilie on LOST... but she did look prettier on that show.

TheDogsBollocks said...

TS you just may. You havn't seen it on screen yet. You have no idea what a rolling camera can capture. You may just really like her. I have never watched Lost, so I don't know her either. I'm optomistic though.

Tenneil said...

Ok did anyone see her in Roswell... she was Tess??

Jewels64 said...

Man...I disappear for a couple of minutes and Emilie De Ravin is being totes dissected!

I like her being an Aussie and all! I think she is normal looking and beautiful in a real life kind of way. That alone will drive sales of theatre tickets.

We all identified with the character Bella Swan because she wasn't gorgeous. She was beautiful in a normal way!

Ellie said...

Hey, are my girls here?????

Rose said...

I'm looking so forward to this movie... cuz I think this character is really close to how Rob really is...

Anonymous said...

db: you're totes right... i'm not giving up on her... she may dazzle me

Rose said...

Sweet Ellie!

TheDogsBollocks said...

I havn't seen her in anything.

Jules...exactly what I have been trying to say. I really like seeing people looking like "real life" on screen. Not beat up, but real. I don't think she looks bad at all. Natural is good. Embrace it.

Anonymous said...

hey ellie :)

Jewels64 said...

Besides...this is Rob's movie! Why the fuck would they put someone in who is prettier than he is?

I mean .....REALLY!!!!

Rose said...

Does such a person exist? He is THE PRETTY after all...

TheDogsBollocks said...

I think Rob may be flustered if he worked besides some supermodel actress. He's so adorkable.

Ellie said...

Are we discussing the Pretty??

Anonymous said...

jules: yeah they totally should have cast me! i could have uglied it up a little to enhance everyone's rob viewing experience LOL

Tenneil said...

Hey Ellie!!!

haha jules.... how come I hear nothing compares to you... in my head... Rob is dazzling us all!!

Rose said...

no shit DB... remember how Rob reacted to Heidi Klum on Leno? He was so damn sweet...

Anonymous said...

ellie: always discussing the PRETTY

Anonymous said...

Oh dear I wasn't going to say anything but yes Emilie really looks frumpy in these shots. In one I asked myself if she was preggers. Maybe it was humid in NY? It's been very humid and rainy in Montreal, my hair looks like crap when it's humid, maybe her's does too. Naturally curly hair is the pits. Maybe they don't have in the right colours? Maybe dressing her down because Rob has been so casual? I dunno..I read the script this afternoon, I know, I'm bad..but Ally is supposed to be a brunette and very pretty. Rob sounds like he's perfectly cast though. Anyhow, the script is excellent, I couldn't put it down. Don't worry, that's all I tend to say about it..Too bad about "The Runaways" Kristen would have made a perfect Ally. I mean seriously folks, if Errol Flynn could have all those movies with Olivia de Havilland as his leading lady because of their chemistry why can't they still make movies that way? Just a thought.

TheDogsBollocks said...

No way...and subject yourself to being analyzed and ripped apart feature by feature by people who know nothing about you?

Ellie my love, did I say hi? You must excuse me, my head is pounding. I have the brightness turned down on my computer but it's not doing much.

Ellie said...

Headache, DB??
I'm sorry.
I will type quietly.


TheDogsBollocks said... rule. Anybody who comments on Emilie's looks, must post an "average" picture of themselves for us to dissect. It's only fair.

Anonymous said...

db: it's fuckawesome thursday... what happened to our groove?

Ellie said...

Oh, TS, I can be groovy!

Anonymous said...

ellie: groove is in the heart! let's go bb!

TheDogsBollocks said...

LOL TS. It's all because tomorrow is fucking bullshit friday. I'm green. I'm ignoring the little nagging in my heart at the unfairness of Friday.

Tenneil said...

DB ~ are we all green over TS experience tomorrow.. sniff sniff

Unknown said...

Have you all seen this pic?

I think that I m sure they're actually really good friends. Emilie and Rob were hugging by yesturday. I found this pic. No they weren't shooting. This was on the roof when Rob was doing the scene with his friend and she wasn't even supposed to be there shooting. All they did was talk laugh and hug and go home.

Rose said...

OK... what is TS's experience tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

db: i will sooo get you a momento... cause i love ya like that. and i promise it won't include any disney merchandise

Anonymous said...

rose: i'm going to see sam!!! :)

Rose said...


Tenneil said...

TS ~ i ve kissed you picture everyday you been going... SWOON!!!

Cougar71 said...

Alright, so I was one of the ones who made comments about Emilie's appearance, but really I was remarking about the character "Ally" and comparing Ally's look to her look as Claire on Lost. I've seen pix of Emilie off of tv and movie sets and she's very pretty, and I've never heard anyone that knows her say anything bad about her. So again, the comment was more about hair and wardrobe not fixing her up very well.

Jewels64 said...

Sorry ya'll! I keep popping in and out! I'm trying to write and blog at the same time!!!!

Tenneil said...

Jules mad multitasking

Rose said...

I'm going out of town tomorrow night... and I'm actually glad I won't have internet access.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised quite many people didn't know Emilie before. I thought Lost was a bigger hit than that and people would know the cast even if they don't watch the show *confused* I guess that's what being addicted to a show (or movie or actor for that matter) does, you tend to think it's bigger than it really is *shrugs*.
Anyway, I think Emilie is really pretty and she always seemed nice sweet. I agree that her hair needs to be brushed though ;) And that she looks prettier on Lost but maybe she'll look as cute as on Lost in the RM movie and it's just these photos that don't do her justice?... Whatever, I'm glad she's Robert's costar, at least she's an actress I know and like, that's great.

That said, I totally love the pictures of Robert running. Why has Kellan ever made fun of his running? He looks good and quite gracefull in these pics. Keep them coming (even if there are so many I have difficult keeping up lol)

Tenneil said...

Rose.. its good to get away.. heal the heart...

Anonymous said...

jules: you got some new inspiration?

Ellie said...

TS, have fun tomorrow night!!!

so excited for you!

Tenneil said...

ok my head is spinning now!!

Anonymous said...

rose: it's good to be "unplugged" from time to time... hope you have an awesome time!!!

Rose said...

you too, TS:)

Ellie said...

Rose, have fun, whatever you do!

Anonymous said...

Hummm...D.B. a photo of ourselves at Emilie's age? Or one 33 years OLDER then Emilie? Ok, I really had to search for that one..pick away..I was never a professional actress, it's her job. And excuss me? I do have a right to an opinion.

Rose said...

Thanks Ellie! We have a place 'up north'... on the lake... sounds much like your place!

Ellie said...

Ah, enjoy and relax, Rose!

Sway to the gentle breezes...

Rose said...

I plan to S W A Y all weekend!

Anonymous said...

rose & ellie: what a great weekend to be on a lake! weather should be fabulous (hopefully) for you both.

Ellie said...

Thank you, TS!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good weather.

Time to sign off of the blog.
going to read and write emails...

Olive juice,lovies! xo

Jewels64 said...

Lynda! No body is saying you don't have a right to an opinion....

We all have differing opinions here! But that's what makes this place fun! No one needs to get upset! I'm willing to listen to yours if you listen to mine!

Hell! You may even persuade me!!!

Tenneil said...

Nite Ellie... enjoy your weekend!!

be safe!!;)

TheDogsBollocks said...

Lynda...I wont even start because I am just not in the mood tonight. Yes, you have a right to an opinion. You also have the right to be a rude bitch to people about their looks. NICE. Who says actresses have to be perfect. It's people who make comments about looks that cause actors and actresses to go to extremes which in turn causes problems with young people and their self images. I don't think it's nice at all to tell you the truth. You have your opinion, I have mine and there it is. Strangely I thought at one point you were a really nice person that I would like to know. Now I know you would just judge me by my looks and talk crap on public blogs stating you have a right to your opinion. Always a pleasure to meet such a wonderful person.

Rose said...

Nite Ellie... Happy 4th!

Anonymous said...

night ellie :)

have a safe trip and enjoy your time!


Tenneil said...

Ok had to check out my new avatar!!

Anonymous said...

Jewels64- Sorry..I just got a little miffed at being yelled at in the next post after mine after I was just speaking my mind. I was not attacking anyone here. I'm calmer now. ahem

Rose said...

my blog is fucking up... Google is fucking up... WTF?

Anonymous said...

DB- Well guess we aren't destined to be friends. Too bad, I have enjoyed your posts in the past. I did not attack you, but you are pretty judgemental yourself, re-read your post, you don't know me either. If you are having a bad night, I'm sorry.

Tenneil said...

I have lost the blog once myself... wtf is going on...

Rose said...

I don't know T... maybe it's trying to tell me something...

Anonymous said...

rose: ugh i lost the blog and my email... wtf???

t: nice avi.. hot

kespax said...

I never got the Kellan/cast comments on Rob's running, they have made a lot of weird comments.

Is it a jock thing? the typical big muscley guy kind of running kellan must perform versus marathon/leaner runners? He looks mighty fine to me running and used to say it was the one sport he did ok at in school.

And it's killing me not knowing exactly what this film story is other than the oultine- but I don't want to read th script

TheDogsBollocks said...

I made personality judgements based on what you have shown here. I think that is acceptable. If I met you in person and you tore somebody's looks apart I would have the same reaction. People CAN control the way they act, they CAN NOT control the way they look. It's a matter of opinion on looks, but either way, it's not nice to be rude publicly about something involving vanity. That's all I'm saying. If you don't like her appearance, that is your deal, it's quite another when you shout from rooftops how ugly somebody looks for whatever reason. I never said you couldn't say have the opinion, I said it wasn't nice. It still isn't nice.

I will beg off here now. I've had enough with my headache and all. Night all.

Rose said...

Well, TS... I just looked and my blog is back.
Maybe there was some sort of glitch or something?
Very frustrating.

Rose said...


Tenneil said...

TS~ thanks love... its the eyes.. that cigarette...

Rose said...

I think I'm out too...
too much to think about for tomorrow.
Like i don't think enough as it is.



Bye for now.

Tenneil said...

Night DB.... feel better!!

Tenneil said...

Nighty Nite... Rose... have fun!!

kespax said...

Oh & I find Emilie very attractive, she has killer legs, and you can see has a ballerina body - she once pursued a dancer career with the most presigious ballet school/company in Australia.

Anonymous said...

DB- I give up. You are hopeless.
I didn't shout anything from the roof tops, I don't judge people on their looks in my day to day life.
Go take a Tylenol and call me in the morning.

Besides which I wasn't the first one on this blog to say something about Emilie in her resent shots on the set. Why decided to attack me I haven't a clue, must have been a personal thing.

Anonymous said...

ugh... so not up for this tonight. i'm out.

night rose: have a safe trip!

db: rob is on his way with ibuprofen and scented massage oils... take care!

night t! :)


Tenneil said...

On that note... a bit ado..

night ma ladies!!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Nope...didn't single you out. You actually only thought I did. I made a general statement to EVERYBODY that had posted, you just happened to post before I did while I was away. I didn't even see your post and had to go back and look for it when you mentioned it. You called ME out by name first, so I in turn responded.

The shouting from rooftops was an OBVIOUS overexaggeration.

I never said I wasn't a bitch when I think people aren't nice for some reason, so you thinking thinking bad things about me doesn't surprise me. I really hate how people judge how one looks each day so quickly, I don't care who they are talking about. At that..good night.

Now...what I came back for.
Jules are you around? I'll be on Yahoo if you wanna catch me. Night.

Anonymous said...

Well Goodnight DB, sleep well and don't let the bedbugs bite..:)

WithinMe said...

Lo all,

Based on the script; I view Ally came off as a very casual and laid back character to complement Tyler's intensivness hence the look, wardrobe and setting.

bbonin said...

I never thought Emilie was that pretty and I didn't know who she was either. I don't even watch Lost. BUT, I think her hair is pretty...I do that to my hair. My hair is naturally curly and it looks good have it air-dry. Gives it a 'messy look'. I ain't a size 6 either. I'd BE happy to be the same size as Emilie too! She looks just fine! :) Ya go, girl!

WithinMe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dina said...

Thank you for my TGIFriday treat.You serve the best robreakfast ever. Goodmorning everyone.

Kimmie said...

now we know he doesn't run like string cheese lol can anyone help me? i been tryin to see who can send me the script of RM. anyone?? here is my email
whoever sends me the script, thanks and i am grateful for your help.=]

Anna said...

imo Emilie is incredibly pretty, and she looks great next to Rob, which is not easy given that he's a friggin blackhole of hotness.

anna F said...

Good morning ladies,

these pics of Rob running are sort of nice. It looks usualy funny when you see pics of people in movement, we are used to poses...

About the clothing:
I like him better in this light greenish shirt than in the light purple T shirt from the days before...
At least, the wardrobe did an awsome job at finding real clothes: this T shirts and some pants don't look perfect on him but worn, the kind of item that was bought a couple of years ago and that you still have and wear out of habbit (and because it's not too damaged yet). Nothing like new designer stuff, which is perfect for college students!

The characters aren't supposed to be models, it isn't a soap opera where everyone looks perfect, even the waitress. I am glad about that.

anna F said...

Good morning LB!!!

I find Emily quite pretty too. I had seen her in roswell, and her character being "evil" might not have helped her image then. She looks like a nice girl though, and they seem to get along well~

Georgie said...

Hi all, Friday night here in my world woooo hoooo! I love seeing Rob and Emilie together and can't wait to see some more up-close-and-cuddly pics - I guess most of those will be shot indoors so it'll be a long wait until February! I too am interested in reading the script if anyone can supply it.

Anna said...

hey anna!!

I like the fact that Emilie looks chill and down-to-earth. Rob needs people like that around him, and I'm glad they seem to have become friends.

I'm continuing with my 'not watching videos or reading the script' programme, but god, I'm DYING to know why he's running!

WithinMe said...


I do have the script. Just gimme yr email n I'll fwd it to u.

Anna said...

Georgie – agreed, I need to see some more cuddly Rob! (or sex fiend Rob, I’ll take it too ;)
But I’m also hoping not EVERYTHING gets leaked... I’m a really conflicted Robsessed girl right now...

eternaltwilight said...

Beautiful banner Lara!

WithinMe said...


the script seems to be continuously tweaked until it was tweaked out lol.

But wat i've read n the random pics I briefly scrolled doesnt seems to follow the script exactly.

eternaltwilight said...

Hi Ladies! That's if anyone is still on. OMGosh, I'll be so sad when RM ends it's shooting. I love not having time to load & save all the Robler photos.

eternaltwilight said...

I'm just as conflicted LittleBear but I'm going to draw the line with the scripts.

Who knows, maybe Twilight might have been better if I hadn't watched so many Youtube clips before I went to go see it.

WithinMe said...

Hi E,

I came on here to get my daily fix of larf at some of the comments.

anna F said...

Well LB:
Like you, I don't watch videos, nor read the script!
We will resist untill the end!
And watch an awsome movie (in february hopefully)~

OKIE, leaving for the day, happy robsession to you all!

anna F said...

Resist with us eternaltwilight!
The surprise will be delightful!

(And I don't want to be the last standing woman who hasn't given in and refrained from reading the script ;_;)

leaving for good~

Anna said...

bye anna! we'll be the last women standing!!

Kay said...

Thanks Europez, for this pic

That is one hell of a hug. Just thinking of myself in her place has made today wonderful =)

peeling a fig said...

Anna F and Little Bear -- I'm with you, still script-innocent!

Today is particularly hard...why the sad face, why the running...? Argh. February is a long time to wait.

Ash7586 said...

rpattzgirl I've been dying to read the script also. If you read this could you send me the script also. If not I'll try to catch you on another post. Thanks.

My e-mail is

Anna said...

tell me about it garden, tell me about it...

did you see this hilarious post on LetterstoRob?

--> if we can't know what the movie is about, at least we can have some fun trying to guess!.. he he

albaville said...


peeling a fig said...

Thanks Little Bear --
Hilarious. Their humour is spot on -- must go there more often. In between photo-gawking, obviously.

katykeene said...

Hey you guys. LEAVE the Aussie girl alone.
God there are some superficial vibes going on around here.

It always bothers me that people comment on Robs clothes (ad nauseam),his hair, his drinking ability, every little thing!!!?
I get that there are those of us who say things in jest(or not) about his body. Lusting is normal but obsessing to the point that we have to dissect every breath he takes and every move he makes NOT so normal.

It also annoys me that people who may be his friends, and are at the very least his work colleagues, are also being dissected.

I can see it happening that actresses may not want to work opposite him in the future. Because of the circus his life is and the backlash from fans if they don't measure up.
So ease off the criticism.. Please.

Babs said...

Love the angry/worried look on his face while he's running.
Darn, this guy looks sexy pretty much doing anything!

margot said...

@ Little Bear - thx :))))))))))))))
I almost chocked on a cherry laughing !

maha said...

I wanna see this movie

thanks so much for the pic

Yvonne said...

He runs......and holy shit does he look freakin hot. I can not even believe how great these pics are. I am srsly running out of space to save all these....oh, the dilemma....

Yvonne said...

PS...I read the script yesterday, I know, I knwo, I finally broke down....I caved. It was FANTASTIC.

Christy P said...

I don't save any of these pics - don't wanna leave evidence when they find me over heated and dead at my computer. Hee Hee

Anonymous said...

<3 the banner so bad! hello girlies and women :0)

Can we petition that they show this movie on December haha, Feb is just too far away especially since they seemed to have spruced up the script a bit. Sigh! I need some new Rob interviews, I miss his wit and humour. He seems to have matured a lot, I just want to be reminded of the giggly Rob I <3 so much.

kujayhawk45 said...

he's cool but they should not judge they way he runs that is stupid and i think Taylor Lautner is so much cuter and cooler

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