Robert Pattinson Dazzles Snow White

source via TwiFans :)


Anonymous said...

OMG, too freakin funny!!!!! LMAO!!!

Laura said...

OMG!!! This is effing hilarious!!!! LMAO!

Unknown said...

OMG!! That is the best! Love it!!!

dina said...

Ha ha ha ha I cannot stop laughing. I have just come back for work and I found this, Thank you you made my night once more.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I want Rob peaking over the end of my bed, he wouldn't stay there very long!

Haystackhair said...

LMFAO!!!!! GAH, 7 Robs!!! Lucky Snow White.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Gossip Cop clears rumors on Bel Ami-he's still doing it...

But no Dune (I'm glad)

womadsart said...

I wish I was Snow White!

MariaCooney said...

I didn't know they had recast Bella! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Oh thank God for that! Thank you so much for that info. Not bothered about Dune....didn't seem his type of thing anyway but am so relieved he's still on for Bel Amie...phew! LOL

skorpia said...

one down...can he get cinderella from prince charming?? Oh romeo romeo where for art thou Romeo-

Anonymous said...

ok someone was hitting the bottle in the early morning, that's all I have to say LOL!

Mars said...

This is the cutest ever! No one is immune is so true.

Dahlia said...

lmao! that's awesome!

Tinadora said...

Lovely way to wake up! :D

Unknown said...

hmmm seven robs in my bedroom? what a way to wake up!

Cheshiregirl said...

LMAO!!! Seriously a genius who did this!

Anonymous said...

Question for anyone who knows this. How do you download these little gif videos? Or is there a place to get them? Anyone? Please. Help? :)

RPLover said...

omg, that's effin' cute! :))

Krissy said...

You can tell this is from an OLD Disney Movie because in Real Life, Snow White would be ditching her duds the second she saw MULTI Robs at the end of her bed rather than clutching a blanket to her chin.

But it's still really darling!

Unknown said...

Good morning girls!

It's 5 in the morning here in my country and I'm already in the office, this video is a very good way to start my day..VERY FUNNY!!

If I were snow white I wouldn't be pulling my covers either, I think I would be pulling out of my bed dress.(teehee..)

Athena said...

HAHAHAHA!!!! That's hilarious!!! Snow White and the Seven Rob-dwarves!

Spidermonkey said...

WOW, 7 Robs, what would a woman do with seven Robs at the end of her bed..... hmmm.... I'm thinking....

Musk said...

Too effin put a smile on my dial:)

kimberlesk said...

This is hilarious!!!


solas said...

OK- you actually got me giggling here.

(Molly) Twinatic said...

That is freakin hilare!!! I love all the terrible pictures they picked for the Robwarves!

Seriously, how awesome would it be to wake up to seven robs at the end of your bed?

Tess said...

I loved loved loved this!!!

hmmm. What would we call Rob if he were a dwarf?

solas said...

Tess: how about 'Cutie'?

solas said...

or, if he were one of the original 7, perhaps he would be Bashful? Happy? Hopefully not Grumpy! ;-)

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