Robert Pattinson Stills from the New Moon Illustrated Movie Companion

What the HELL is he wearing? Does he moonlight as a butler when he's not dazzling Bella and me?

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Source: RobstenLoveX via Thinking Of Rob


Unknown said... is that? a new pea coat?

it's a good thing he's so handsome

Dahlia said...

Yay! I've been waiting so long for this to come out! I was so annoyed when my bookshop didn't have it in stock yet! It will look perfect filling up it's designated space :)

I agree though... what is he wearing?

Anonymous said...

Very old worlde....I rather like it. He looks gorgeous as usual.

Suz said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm velvet lapels...


(ah not!)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO! Moonlight as a butler!

Ahh, he's hiding in the he watching Bella?

Poor Robward-I wouldn't have let you go...

WinWin said...

hi 30 and suz! Hugs to you!

I'm confused? He does look pouty and beautiful though.

Hi rpattzgirl!

Ellie said...

Yeah, what the hell is that??


I agree, Amanda, he's got the looks to overlook those clothes! =)

Kate said...

OMG :-0
Even Robward cannot rock that coat! LOL
I cannot wait to hear what Rob has to say about that on the DVD commentary!

JandR said...

Is there something seriously wrong with me that I like that coat?? LOL It looks like something out of a period drama and may be authentic to 1918? haha

Anonymous said...

This could be the look that he'll rock in Bel Amie??? LOL

RPnKSaddict said...

Do you think he'll love this coat as much as he loved the

WTF is right!

Had a feeling these pictures were going to start popping up.

solas said...

Looks like an Edwardian overcoat to me; makes perfect sense. :-)

JandR said...

Hi Solas!! I agree!

Unknown said...

win! (((hugs))) i haven't seen you in ages!


Angela said...

Looks like another hitorical flashback thing. I tell you I would not have let him leave. I would have screamed bloody murder in that forest and he would come back. He wouldn't leave her if she had screamed.

OK, I am so ready for New Moon promotion and some new pix of Rob and some new quotes too! I'm assuming he'll resurface sometime after Halloween?

WinWin said...

Hi amanda! I always seem to miss my girls all the time.

How are you?

WinWin said...

hugs back to amanda!


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Me too-hanging on his leg, drag me through the forest, fly me through the trees, you are not leaving me!

Hi WinWin!

Anonymous said...

@Solas & Jand R
Me too!

WinWin said...

rpattzgirl, are you all tingling with butterflies in your stomach yet? So excited!!!!

big super duper hugs for you today!

Babs said...

He can hardly pass for a 17 yo as he is, those clothes make him look even older... but I really like Chris W and I'm confident that he did a great job. Besides, it's impossible to make Robward look bad.

Unknown said...

win: that was me, in case you weren't sure! (amanda)

haha i was logged in under my other gmail account and didn't realize it...

i'm great :) how are you?

crazylife said...

Actually I think that coat makes perfect sense. Edward is actually 108 years old. Edward and the family would be hanging on to something from their past life, like style. Robward also wears today style very well, that is part of the Robert Pattinson charm IMO

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yes I am...after work, packing, charging all my battery operated things (ahem) and we hit the road at 7AM tomorrow.

I heard a rumor that most of the cast will be gone this weekend-I'm really hoping that's not the case-but if so, I will make the best of it!

AP said...

It's what everyone wears when hanging out in shubbery. It's a shrubcoat.

@rpattzgirl: Have fun in the Couve. My money's on you getting a glimpse. Hope you can avoid the dragging...;)

Mommamary said...

That is the worst picture I have ever seen of Rob. He looks flat like an old paper doll. Did he get lost in the mythical world and end up in a Roadrunner cartoon where he got run over by a coyote-driven steamroller?

JandR said...

rpattzgirl - I so hope that rumour is not true! For your sake and ours! How long will it take to drive to Vancouver from Portland?
If most of the cast have gone or will be gone does that mean they will be finished filming soon?? I have NFI about how long all these things take. They seem to wrap movies in just a couple of months these days.
Anyway hope the trip is enjoyable, I hear Vancouver is amazing just a bit rainy is all... :-))

Unknown said...

awww look at bella looking longingly at edward *sigh*

how many days? 50 :)

WinWin said...

30, I figured that was you. I'm doing good. Kids back in school. Work is crazy. Missing Rob. You know the usual.

How are you?

RobPattinsonsgirl said...

You think his wardrobe sucks? Look at Bella! Oh my goodness!! It's a wardrobe malfunction!!! Oh the mixture of colors and fabrics! It's driving me nuts just by looking at her!

WinWin said...

Robward in class is HAWT!!!

Gozde said...

Well Bella is supposed to dress bad! Even Edward complains about it in Midnight Sun :)

JandR said...

Looks like CW will keep us all guessing - i don't have my hands on the NM companion book so can't check it out for myself!
Doesn't look like Bella is paying too much attention to class though does it? LOL
Would you be listening to the teacher if you were sitting next to a hottie like Robward...not me!

anna F said...

Well, while the make up seems better according to most people (while I find Rob really charming, Robward is always somewhat weird to me), it seems the clothes will be quite terrible...

I didn't really mind the clothes in Twilight, even the famous customized peacoat.
But the brown wuit that we also saw isn't that great, and this coat is very bizaaaaaar~

Karina said...

wth kind of vest is poor Bella wearing? God, she was no fashion plate but that looks so dated and weird. And hopefully that jacket is for some bizarre dream sequence? Cause metrosexual Edward wouldn't be caught dead in that thing.

All I know is that whoever is in charge of wardrobe for the franchise is smoking some serious peyote and on a budget of 20.00 basically. I could have made the cullens look more classy by shopping at Target for hell's

SluttyPattz said...

rpattzgirl, have fun on your trip. I am reading the FF Emancipation Proclamation that you had suggested and WOW. I am on chapter 34, its really good.

Anna said...

I love how Robward's listening intently to the class, while Bella is staring at him. Competely realistic :)

mamaeve said...

wtf is going on with that vest and sweater combo on Bella? The stripes and the way she is leaning back look like she's already pregnant with Renesme...

Anonymous said...

what's up with the boss threads?

krisella's outfit in the second picture is fuck ugly. maybe she was knitting that sweater vest in the volvo when robward was backing up.

is that a... is that a suit jacket?

twilightmami2008 said...

I think what ever Robert wears he looks so damm hot!

Even if he wears a bin bag would he still looking so cute and hot!!

I wanna bite him!;-)

TEAM ROBERT <3<3<3<3

Hello, I Love You! said...

Help me, I'm confused... Whose bedroom are Jake and Bella in? Is it hers? HIS? Did she get a new room?

Did they find all that stuff and Edward's coat in the back of the black Volvo?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hi Teri,

Thanks, I can't wait!!

I'm on ch 47-apparently it's not finished-she plans to do 60 chapters-so I will die waiting for updates!!!

These new photos are to die for!!!

The one of Bella, Jake & Edward in the woods-you can tell he either does't want to let her go, or trying to get her away!!!

SluttyPattz said...

Wow 60 chapters. I will read slow then I hate waiting for updates. The Office is killing me.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I know Office updates are slow.....

have you read my yes, my no? It's also good, and she updates once a week...

Haystackhair said...

I love these pics! I so cannot wait to see some happy casual Edward and Bella moments. Then the End will kill me. And the Italy rescue will have me soaring again. Is it November yet? It might as well be, it's freezing here already!!
I love My Yes, My no!!!!! Just started EP. CW&IA updated by the way. HAWT! Waiting for The Office is killing me.

SluttyPattz said...

Yes I have been reading my yes, my no and its really good. I am reading another one called Reality Minus Expectations but the updates are kind of slow on that as well. I need to start reading only completed FF b/c I go crazy waiting. I end up reading 4 or 5 fics at a time and then they all start meshing together.

GOROB said...

I think he loves gorgeous in that jacket very rich looking!

Anonymous said...

@rpattzgirl & Teri ~ I just started reading EP last night and couldn't stop reading until Edward and Bella met! Wow 60 chaps huh?

Kelly said...

I love Robward....

I wonder if the velvet is a flash back kind of scene cause seriously I think the wolf pack would jack him up just for attempting to pull that off modern day :)

Talk about bad wardrobe choice.. uhhhh Bella .. dear.. the dotted shirt with the 70's striped sweater vest.. please Chris Weitz.. tell me you were sick that day...

I'm ignoring the velvet... I'm visualizing the pics from Italy... cause he just looks SOOOOO much yummier without the shirt

I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm nifty too .....

This whole thing with Bella.. it's just a front... I know it's me he really wants...

Come on everybody....jump on in to my insanity pool.. there's kool-aid and the waters fine!

SluttyPattz said...


Yes and they are LOOOOOOONG chapters. There is so much detail and mystery in this story that you don't want to stop reading. which is killing my sleep patterns. I looked up a few nights ago and it was almost 2am. I couldn't believe I had been reading for so LONG.

Tenneil said...

HAHA Kate OMG the New moon commentary... that is going to be soooo much fun...

Hey TS, Ellie...RPG *waves frantically*

Poor Edward as least its not the triple fatgoose coat they had him in twilight...LOL

Tenneil said...

Kelly...I am bringing an adult beverage to spike that kool-aid... that cool:)

Kelly said...

Ten.... it's already spiked bb.... shhhh don't tell Rob.. we're just getting started :)

Tenneil said...

ahhh Kel.. girl after my own heart... SHH I wont tell... cuz you know what... I love me some drunk Rob:) *giggles*

Kelly said...

@ Ten

You know it girl!

Ana73 said...

i think edward is in flasback mode in that coat. what is bella wearing, she needs alice to pick her wardrobe :))

well i think we are all reading EP at the same time, i absolutely love it - 60 chapters WOW. i think this is ending up being my fav. so far, i cant stop reading. i have stayed up late all this week reading it. my daughter doesn't have time and she is lazy so she doesn't read and i tell her about the stories i read and she likes this one the best so far too, every time we eat together i give her updates.

Ana73 said...

oh, and i hate waiting for updates too, i think the next one i read will have to be dones because i am so impatient :) i think i have 4 FF that are waiting for updates :(

RPG - i am so excited for you and your rob mission this weekend. just make sure no matter what you have lots of fun. whocares if the other members of the cast aren't going to be there, you only are looking for one beautiful vampire that sparkles :))

Tenneil said...

@Kel... so when does this party get started?? WAIT I'll bring the cupcakes since the kool-aid already spiked:)

Tenneil said...

Ana.. EP is an amazing story... I have like 20 updates... no lie.. ff aholic.. Have you read Clipped Wings and Inked armor...or Two Stepping?? both great FF:)

Ana73 said...

tenn - no i haven't read those, are they done completely??

Tenneil said...

Ana~ 2stepping is almost done... one more chapter and an epi ... I believe and CW&IA is not done but has 20+ chapters in it...
let me find the links..hold on

Tenneil said...

Ana~ CW&IA 2Steppin

neither will disappoint... I love tattward and dukeward...

Kelly said...

Ten,.... you can bring cupcakes.. he really like dmy homemade fudge.. he called and thanked me for it yesterday... at 5:30 AM.. I asked him if it was really a booty call :)

I'm laughing you had to read yesterdays comments to get this joke :)

Tenneil said...

Kel~ yes I read them.. BBBWWWAAAHHH
Really cuz he called me @ 4:17am and ask how to make some in the microwave like TS suggested... I gave him some tips and he came over and we shared a hot pocket and some carrots...

Kelly said...

Funny.. he must have called me right after he left your place :)

Tenneil said...

Kel...he is a busy man:)

Pet73 said...

Ordered my Movie Companion some time ago. Can't wait to finally hold it in my hands! (taps feet impatiently)

Ana73 said...

sorry ladies he called me after he got off the phone with the "cupcake ladies" and he ate cookies at my house ;) so anyone that saw him after that got sloppy seconds :))

(ok i really have been reading too much FF)

Kelly said...


Yeah... no comment ;P

Kelly said...

Ana73.. he told me all about how he sent his STUNT DOUBLE to your place... we laughed and laughed...

Sorry :)

I really don't share well :)

Ana73 said...

kelly - that was really funny, you made me laugh :)) but no stunt double, i know the real thing when i see it :))

this is really funny, i am writing about fantasy rob now, i need help !!!

keely said...

I´m so looking forward to see what Chris made out of this movie, but please Chris, pleeeeaaase, don´t put Rob in that funny coats it makes me remember my old latin teacher ;-)

Hello Girls :-))

Tenneil said...


Vicky(crovamp) said...

wow i'm speachless..this was amazing

Tenneil said...

Keely~ *waves franctically* holla girlie...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hi Girls,
Latest news is that they are they are supposed to be there this weekend, and possibly filming...

I will have fun not matter what..if I am lucky enough to see him, I will give a shout out from all the robsessed girls!

keely said...

Tenneil, honey * waves franctically back *, just read your massage :-) Hope you had a nice day :-))

marya said...

WTF is that? haha i laughed so much reading the tags...gozde youre always two steps ahead lol...
come on! bring back the peacoat! i liked it...i seriously did and i thought it'd become some sort of trademark for edward..but hey if they changed the silver volvo OF COURSE they will change the peacoat...just accept it and go with the flow...but still

AND yes i agree with everyone
...please bella would never wear something like that...too layered and complicated for her no no... i say BURN KRISTEN'S CLOTHES! and throw in that stinking-velvet-lapel-gay peacoat too thank you very much

oh and in the picture here bella is staring at edward...oh my god! rob is totally channeling edward there!!! he looks EXACTLY like edward should and perfect and pretty...looove it!

Tenneil said...

Keely.. yes..busy trying to get stuff done... failing at it really..
RPG.. so you might get lucky and see him this weekend .. or atleast someone:)

Anonymous said...

@Teri @ Ana73 ~ I know I was reading last night until 2:30 AM!! I can see tonight being another late night because I'm at Chap 7, the drive to the market.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Teri, Ana73 & LR..

I know, I am up late everynight with EP-it's my favorite now!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you think Rob will actually do the commentary for New Moon? I have this feeling that between the whole "this movie is about Jacob" and Rob disliking watching his own movies, it will just be Taylor, Kristin, and Chris W. I hope not.

keely said...

Tenneil, don´t worry, you were not the only one failing today ;-)I´m over the moon since I found out I can see NM on the 19th of November...yeeeaaay :-)

@marya: The first thing that appeared in my head as you wrote trademark was: silver volvo. I still can´t believe they took away my knights armor ;-)

Ana73 said...

i am on chapter 37 on EP. the reason i like it the most because it's a really good story like WA but there is so much going on with the family that it's interesting. i think this one could actually make a good movie.

it's kind of sad that i am actually fighting with my 5 year old in the evening for the computer but then i wave the white flag and i let him play his games and as soon as i put him to bed i am back on reading, i know i need help :))

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO...sharing PC time is hard.

Divinesally said...

their clothes does not bother me at all...

I'm REALLY hoping the commentary will be Kristen, Rob, Taylor and Chris. Please lord!!!

tnan said...

Wow, thanks so much for posting these stills! The NM companion book seems to have so much more material than the Twilight one.

BTW, what happened to the index of blog entries that used to be on the right side of the page. I used to be able to jump to a particular date etc. Hope that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Teri, Ana73, & rpattzgirl ~ I know WA was keeping me up too. Looking forward to reading EP tonight!!

Hello, I Love You! said...

Could you tell me what EP and WA are? Sorry if I'm 'out of it'...

Marenostrum said...

I loved the picture of Edward and Bella together, on Bella's table. It looks so cute :) For the velvet jacket, I think it's from another dream shot.

Lilpaskittle01 said...

Not only is that coat hideous but WTF is Bella wearing in the picture of them sitting in the classroom together? It's disgusting! LOL

Anonymous said...

@Hello, I Love You! ~ WA=Wide Awake and EP=Emancipation Proclamation
These are FanFic stories.

solas said...

aww-- don't knock Bella's vest and other clothing. That's exactly how I dressed in highschool and college, complete with jeans, and red (or orange)converse sneakers. :-) Of course, that was in the early and mid 70s. :-) Bella is an old soul, remember? And yeah, Edwardian coat is totally appropriate for Edward at least in a flashback. I think he looks debonair. :-)

Cindeeloo said...

Looks like everyone is reading EP, so I guess I'll start that one next. Almost finished with TD/TT. EP lemony???? cause lemons have suddenly become my favorite fruit!!!

Hi Linda R :))

Haystackhair said...

OMFG!!! I have to see this movie noooooooooooooow!!! I must have this book. I must have Robward. Bella stroking Robwards face. GAH. the kiss. GAH. This movie will kill me! Help, send the Roboxygen...I'm dying......DEAD.

Hello, I Love You! said...

Thank you LindaRose! :-)

Anonymous said...

Cindeeloo!!!!!!!!!! :))

Cindeeloo said...

Linda RRRRRRR!!!!!!!! :))

My boss keeps sneaking up behind me. I have to be vewy vewy careful today. All I need is for him to see a big ass pic of Rob on my screen. hehe!!!!!

marya said...

keely- dont get me started on that! the silver volvo was sacred! how could they change THAT? i mean its like dressing freaking gandalf in bright sparkly pink instead of having him in his white celestial robe...yeah you wouldnt do that right? hes gandalf the white isnt he? well edward is "the stupid-shiny silver-volvo owner"!!!...silver man whats so hard about that....gosh...sorry had ot get it out...

xLove2rpatzzx said...

These pics are absolutely gorgeous!!! another thing 2 order! i cannot wait 4 nxt month!!!!!

solas said...

Edward WAS the stupid shiny volvo driver but is also very rich. Wouldn't it be logical for him to get a new car every year?

Gozde said...

It would be logical if it was written in the book. It's not. It's the silver volvo. It's always been the silver volvo.

The silver volvo had me at hello :)

Shani said...

WTH was going on with the wardrobe?

It's horrible and that ugly ass purple mess of a sweater and long sleeved shirt they have Bella in. Poor Kris. And Edward in those tweed jackets. Kill me now.UGH What a hot mess this wardrobe was.

If I was Kris I would have started a drinking game. Keeping points as to how many times they had me to wear something ugly.Then at the end of the film when they had that cast party. I would be shit face drunk nearing black out. LMAO
Good times.

solas said...

What does that mean: 'had me at hello?'

Georgie said...

Solas I dressed like that too in that era...I remember a yellow and orange striped knitted vest over a brown bodyshirt worn with jeans (yuk, when I think back).

Will someone respond to Cindeloo...I too am partial to lemons!

Anonymous said...

That Volturi scene is killing me, Edward didn't suffer that much in the book, or am I forgetting something? I'm getting anxious.

Lucerne said...

Loving these pictures. Looks like i am going to be spending a lot of money on twilight. Either that or my Christmas list is going to be Twilight heavy. LOL

solas said...

MJ--he suffered really badly, silently; distressed Bella terribly.

Georgie--thanks so much :-). Glad to hear SOMEONE can relate to the clothing. But I don't think of them hideous, disgusting, or 'yuk'. :-( Earthtones were big then. I had quite a few sweaters and vests like the one Bella had, one very similar in pattern and design. And jeans or overalls (hand embroidered, of course) 6 days a week. I recall Bella wearing at least one embroidered blouse in Twilight. SOMEONE understood she was an old soul. :-)

Anonymous said...

Solas I understand that. What I meant is that at the end, the Volturi scene, in the book he didn't go through so much hell as in the movie, at least that's what I think from what I've seen so far. They made that part more dramatic.

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