From New York To London - Robert Pattinson's Waxwork

Well are you convinced yet?



New York


Source Twilight Central

So our reader Jessie decided to compare the real thing with the waxwork to see how realistic it really is. One of these is the wax work and one has the real Rob scanned onto it! (Smart Girl)

So which one do you think looks better the one on the top or the one on the bottom??


Thanks Jessie


RobsButtonsBabe said...

this is hilarious the wax Rob vs the real Rob (well...PSPd Rob on wax Rob)

too funny!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Kate - I revise my prior statements, the upclose is a little creepy. Again, how can you make a waxy mold of perfection.

When I read that girls were seriously screaming and touching WaxyThePretty??? That made me laugh. Really?

iacris-brasil said...

parabéns está muito bem feita um pouco rosado mas muito bem feita!!!

Mika said...

I still think it's not bad at all, but to me, the issue is the eyes, slightly too small and the eyebrows are slightly too low.

papagáj said...

I'm sorry but this is just wasted work.The differences are so clear ,the mouth,eyes,whole body...
i can't stand it.

Lisa said...

Umm...the close up of the NY one kinda looks like he's getting ready to say "Aaarrggg" or something.

Some sort of pirate~like quality about that smirky~squinty facey there....

papagáj said...

I love Your Avi:)

Robine said...

The 2nd one, way to go!
On the 1st one he seems puffy and the eyes are weird!!!!

Babs said...

His face is all wrong. I'm sorry but you can only make a bad copy of Rob, the original is too perfect.

Unknown said...

The wax figure has weird eyes and neck!
The real thing is way better! You can't copy perfection!

Unknown said...

Iara? Brasileira?

womadsart said...

why couldn't they have done a better job!! Needs to be redone. Spend more freaking time on him. He needs to be perfect!!!

papagáj said...

Clã Bozolinas

YES.Copy perfection should be a crime:)

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

I hate the WAX thing!!!!

Unknown said...


Rob should have a Copy Right of his own!
They try to copy him, but they can't!

janicag said...

Definitely the bottom one...

papagáj said...


It's just bleh...

Unknown said...

I think I'd rather one of those paper cutout things than that wax figure...

Cindygal said...

...I think the first one is better looking, they managed to get the hair almost right on both .But there's something seriously wrong about the eyes!! Maybe they should consider to redo them!!

Kate said...

Jessie actually said that the nose was spot on and the proportions of the face were actually right, it was the eyes and the mouth that were off. Also to me (and I could be wrong) but do his shoulders look too narrow??

papagáj said...

I've been study sculpture ,so i think i would do it better :)))

although not even dare.

Unknown said...

To me it just looks like crack addict Rob! ¬¬

Unknown said...

The eye color is really good though...

Nickie said...

I don't care for the wax kinda looks like him but kinda doesn't...eye brows are wrong and lips and beard...and the close up pics he is so pale and I know for real he isn't that pail...I think they could have put more facial features into it...even the littlest smile wrinkles.

Jane said...

Why did they not do this to begin with. the bottom picture is Rob, see the difference in the eyes, nose, mouth and neck. They should make another one from the bottom picture.

Marna said...

It's the eyes! They didn't give him sanpaku eyes, THAT'S why they look wrong. His eyebrows are off too.

I still can't figure out who he looks like, I keep thinking a young Clint Eastwood or Kurt Russell, but neither of them seem to be right.

~~ROBsessedtotheMAX~~ said...

Definitelly... he looks SIMILAR.... but is missing the essence... like if you are not a die hard fan (LIKE MOST OF US HERE) you are not really going to notice the difference. Resemblance like he is nothing like our LOVELY ROB but it is a very HIGH honor to have his figure at Maddame Tussauds!!

Vangie said...

whether you'll thinks a look like rob or not,or he looks creepy it's an honor so rob congrats to you

Kat said...

It hurts.... stop.... I can't stand it. And this is not the GOOD hurt that Rob normally causes...

DJ_ said...

The londone one is ok looking the one in NY loooks way too creppy.

Vangie said...

the woman said it;s like in the time of the beatles i can see the UK is really proud of ROB,no offence USA have allot of and would not say ROB because in the flesh he is one of a kind LVU ROBERT

bonemama said...

yep the bottom...

But if it were really him I would say top! :)

Unknown said...

No, the one in London is creepier! That neck scares me!

Jeswah said...

I made the mistake today of emailing this link to my boss instead of my coworker. Even she thought it was a fail!

maha said...

The wax Rob is not pretty as Rob it is not even looks like him.

RPLover said...


Rather Not said...

This whole thing makes me uncomfortable, there is something vaguely embarrassing about have a wax statue made in your likeness...

I wonder how Rob feels about it - do they have to get your permission?

Unknown said...

That figure could star in a horror movie! Scary!

Capitu Santiago said...

WaxRob is... aham... 'cute', but weird. Nothing like Rob ~ or maybe he is, a little, from a long distance...

Nooo... The girls are screaming at WaxRob? This is so nuts!
On a second thought, this could be a good 'use' for this waxguy: 'to be screamed at', and leave The Pretty's ears free from bleeding.
Yeah, could work.

Capitu Santiago said...

Clã B.~ =)
Hello! Yeah, Iara 'sounds' like brasileira...

Kelly Louise said...

Yeah the eyes are completely wrong.. and his face is too wrinkly.. makes him look ten years older than he actually is. And up close he looks even more like Stephen Moyer. Weird.

Petra Eller said...
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Kathy S said...

Eyes too small?

Kathy S said...
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Ana73 said...

i really dont like it...does anyone remember "dylan" from the old 90210, he looks like a cross between "dylan" and stephen moyer...just my opinion.

and i DEFINITELY wouldnt kiss it.

now if was REAL rob that a whole other story :))

Capitu Santiago said...

Ana ~

YES! I remember 'Dylan'. I did not like 90210 too much, it was too "Beverly Hills", but HAD to watch it for years, just because of Luke... delicious bad boy!
If the wax thing looks like Luke and Stephen M., then I want it!

Anonymous said...

The eyes are too small and the space between his nose and upper lip is weird. You know it's him, but it's just a little off.

jh said...

I can't stand looking at this damn thing anymore.

I'm too old for this said...

I bought my 12yr daughter the Edward cardboard cut out and she took him to her ballet class the night of New Moon opening.The girls went nuts they came out from all the different studios were screaming and taking pictures,it was to funny.We also had him out on Halloween and the moms of the trick or treaters were coming up to our house and asking if we were the ones that had Edward at our house and took pictures.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


don't mess with perfection. Nuff said.

Unknown said...

True, it is kinda Dylan!
Hi Capitu, dear!

Kate said...

I've finally figured out who it reminds me of. If you put you and over the mouth and block off some of the hair in the NY close up pic those eyes are Leonardo DiCaprios seriously! The rest of the face belongs to someone else but the eyes are Leo's!

solas said...

sorry--I just don't like the Waxy. I don't think it is even close.

Nina said...

to bad .... his eyes are really to small :(

Anonymous said...

I can not bare to look at it anymore!

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

the WAX THING bothers me a lot!!!

Shane and Jamie Smith said...

Definitely the bottom one is better (dah its Rob) they just didn't the eye region right or the mouth right, but good job though.

Joelle said...

It's definitely the eyes that cause the biggest problem...they look more like Leonardo DiCaprio's eyes.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I know whoever made the wax model worked really hard on it, but I can point out one of the huge mistakes they made:

One of Rob's eyes is bigger than the other. The real Rob, I mean.

I think it's cute. Anyone else noticed?

Kimmie44 said...

It's the eyes...Those aren't Rob's eyes...At first I thought it was the lips, but it's the eyes...Creepy in a way..

roxiegirl said...

No!! I am not convinced yet! It does not look like Rob. Gives me the creeps.

Unknown said...

The eyes are WRONG!! Ugh. Horrible!

Shani said...

I know my Rob and the second pic has his face scanned on. That wax figure is just wrong in every way that counts. Just goes to show that nothing can beat the original Robert Thomas Pattinson. Faker Rob your over and done.

Anonymous said...

Sleepless in France. Waiting for a phone call from Toronto in the middle of the night! Next time i fall in love with a guy i'll chose one just around the block...LOL... My addiction to Rob was easier to handle... LOL
This wax Rob is weird... The eyes are not his, I mean don't look like his... I'd like to have one of these in my living room yet...

MMc said...

eyes are not right and his chin juts out too much and the lips jut out too much under the nose - it's just not right.

It makes me embarassed to be a woman to see those girls fawning over a WAX Rob!!!!

MMc said...

That was a good move for Rob NOT to appear at the Museum............all of those WAXY things would MELT from the hormonal heat of the excited women.

xoRobxo said...

Ok... my 2 cents.. the full body WaxRob in the me... looks like Rob from the video when was leaving that club ...I think Apple. And walking down the street and the paps were talking to him. But other than that.. something is off in the eyes and chin mougth area..

LM said...

Yes, I think the eyes and the mouth are wrong on the top one. And I agree, these wax things are just a little bit creepy.

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

There's The Pretty and then there is The Creepy. The wax thing is just creepy. The eyes are off.

There's just no copying The Pretty.

Haystackhair said...

ummm, no, just no. It's just off.

Jane said...

They should have waited until Rob could pose for them instead of going by different pictures. I am glad we are still going to see RM. I am going one more time before they take it out of the theater. Just have to watch him one more time.

i dunno ... said...

@ireallyreally - Yes, I'd noticed that about his eyes too - thought I was the only one...

Prefer the clothes on the London one to NY. Someone get him a beanie, stat

Mia said...

the more i look at it, the more it creeps me out...i dont like very much=[

ShariG said...

The bottom one is the real Rob. I think.

jlsentangledweb said...

the wax one only looks like him without my glasses on...and I'm like Mr. Magoo without the damn things perched on my nose! There's just no imitating the original!

Unknown said...


Fiftyshadesofpink said...

I knew the eyes and the mouth were wrong, and waxRob v scanRob proves it.
Can't fake perfection.

Maria L said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!! the waxthing looks nothing like Rob! like a bad impersonator! thanks to your picture it is obvious that the eyes are completely wrong.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry but wax figures are just creepy. Even if they do happen to look like Rob.

Ciara said...

its the eyes. If only they could lift the heavy brow - they've given him such a hooded eye that it looks so old and his eyes are suken in his head. He has bright smiley eyes and they have missed the mark. sorry WaxRob - Fail!

desi said...

It's not all bad, if...
they can make it come to life...then Rob might get a bit of peace in his life, for a little while?!???

Rob in wax, na sorry, melt it down, recycle it and try again!!!

Lisa said...

Wax Rob and his handler were on the Fox 5 morning show this am.

Roseanna Scotto was running her hands through his hair...

The handler said Rob's 6'3" tall? Is he that tall? I mean, seeing how much of the essence that is Rob they got wrong on WaxPattz, they could have gotten the height wrong as well...


The bottom one def.:))
The top one isn't that bad

RobLovesKristen said...

they screwed up his eyes too narrow-he has big wide demonstrative eyes - one of his many fine features- oh well most of those wax figures look creepy.

MonicaAmorim said...

They are NOT alike - at all!! The wax one is very creepy. It looks like and older, wasted Rob, I don't know.

Kelly said...

Honestly, someone did not do there homework at Madam Tussaud's. This wax figure does not look like Rob. The hair and the facial hair is the only thing good. If you see the ones of Morgan Freeman and Nicolas Cage they are dead on in the looks department. To do Rob and not do him right is just plain wrong. Madam Tussaud's come again with something better. After all, there is no substitute for the real thing!!!!!

Unknown said...

The waxy version's eyes are ALL WRONG!

They're too close together and very puffy -
even after a night of carousing, I don't think
Rob's eyes have that much skin flap above...

Candy Girl said...

I wonder if it's even possible to make a convincing wax figure of Rob? So much of his appeal is about the constant LIFE dancing in his eyes and expressed in the way he moves his face. How can you possibly capture that in WAX?!

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