Robert Pattinson In GIF Glory

Robert Pattinson In GIF Glory

Thanks to Leila for sending us the first one and nearly causing me to have heart failure!

So then i thought I'd add a few more GIF's. I know we've seen them before but I don't think you'll complain.
I'm cruel but admit it you love it!

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YES!! I got my jacket off!
Now take off the rest Rob!











I'm sorry I got a bit carried away!


cotedetexas said...

oh, that last one is too great! love that one!!! nice Saturday afternoon pick me up. yummy!

Angie said...


That last one always makes me laugh!

modestypatch said...

OMG! Kate, seriously LMFAO!

Love striptease Rob. The look on his face is priceless!

Seven Rob dwarfs...Snow White is a lucky bitch!

RPLover said...


I've always just melted at the one of Robart sticking out his tongue! (the playful one, the other one makes me do, ahem...other things. ;))

Thanks for these!

jc(britlover) said...

OMG~Kate. Love these! First one to die for; Snow White~ died laughing!


Miri said...

Amazing GIF's!
The first one made me scream! from what movie is it?

Thanks for the GIF's! you've just made my life better!

Kathy S said...

Love the Seven Personalities of Rob at the foot of lucky Snow White!!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

*Sorry for swearing*
For fuck's sake, I think my heart just stopped after the first one.
The last one? LMAO!

Kate, you are cruel, but it's a sweet, lovely cruel.

papagáj said...

To die or not to die today?
There's no choice.
with post like that

Zina said...

I'll have my goofy smile plastered on my face for the rest of the day. Thanks Kate! :)

@Miri : the first GIF is from the Haunted Airman.

Kate said...

LOL glad ye enjoyed them!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Love them!!!! There's a great one of Rob in the shower from Remember Me...need to find that one...

Brooke Moss said...


Love it, love it, love it!

Best post EVER.

Cheeky Chops said...
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jlsentangledweb said...

Lordy, that man has a long, pointy tongue! They're all panty poofing hot, but for some reason, the confused-playful, showing a bit of tongue one is my favorite:)

Kelly Louise said...
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Kelly Louise said...

LMFAO, the last one is epic.

Not to mention the first one.. man, I really have to see The Haunted Airman. Also, its tagline made me giggle.. "What exists beyond the twilight will haunt him forever..." True, indeed.

desi said...

What'd I tell ya...luv that Twilight kissing scene ...Arrrghhhhh...awesome...

Petra Eller said...

For the last one.....LMAO

And for all together......___________Flatline__________

Thank you Kate

Vangie said...

rob;s tongue is really long i can just imagine and he can work it too!

Noe said...

licky licky... not that i don't love it but why in the heck would he do that? i am dieing to know what caused him to display that... haha.

and the first one. the woman has a bleeding neck.. but what a great way to go; being kissed by rob.

MsTaurus14 said...

That last one is hilarious, brightened my day!!!!

...wowie! said...

That tongue...

Loisada said...

Well Miss Naughty Kate, that was indeed downright cruel! Can't decide if you should be burned at the stake or canonized?@? Either way, you'll go up in glory for a good cause... while the rest of us slowly melt away here in GifRobwonderland.

(That tongue needs to be kept on a leash!)

Netra2121 said...

I found some more of my favs!

Running Rob from the Details shoot

And for Rpattzgirl the shower scene from RM

I can't seem to stop watching these gifs Thanks Kate haha

Rominiwi said...

I´m ROFLMFAO with the last one!


MMc said...

where is the coat vid from? Is there a way to see that full thing? It's priceless.

Anonymous said...

I love Art's hair. Strangely attractive.

jmm4832 said...

The sex scene with Emilie de Ravin is my favorite! The Snow White one is funny.

LM said...

How can he look so yummy just taking a coat off? These are great. Thanks, Kate.

HeneciaD said...

FMN OMG serioursly dying

@kate yeah you are cruel but its sweet I want these gifs really can I download them from photobucket

AP said...

Thanks, Kate, for including Jacket OFF - and also Rob revelling in

Snow White - speechless, and hiding...

jessegirl said...

In the first one, from Haunted Airman, he is killing, that is, murdering her.

Linda said...

The tongue GIF is from How to Be and The Making of How to Be. He is actually talking about picking scabs out of your ear and how much he loves picking at it. Sorry to ruin anyone's fantasy.

Kenny said...

Snow White OMG

Anonymous said...

My girlie bits are ROARING! Wow....I just don't have the words to describe all the things I want to say.....I hope Kristen is getting it goooooood....for all of us who have the HOTS for Rob. (lucky bitch)

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