Showing posts with label Directing Talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Directing Talk. Show all posts

"Robert Pattinson Has A Treasure Of Unexploited Talent" ~ David Michod

"Robert Pattinson Has A Treasure Of Unexploited Talent" ~ David Michod

Well there's no doubt that David Michod is a big Robert Pattinson fan and I think this excerpt of his interview on Page 11 of the French Press Kit for The Rover where he talks about casting Rob provides even more evidence of that.
What he said about him will surely bring a smile to your face and a tear to your eye.

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Thanks to LeRPattzClub for translating it.
How did you choose your actors ?

I had Guy Pearce in mind since the beginning. We needed a man who was his age , who had a quiet and mysterious strength, who had his talent and his extraordinary attention for details. I didn't forget the pleasure I had working with him on Animal Kingdom. Rob (Pattinson) came later on. We met, I appreciated him a lot and then, he did some screen tests for me, awesome tests, full of life, never forced or artificial and then it was done. And there's something very exciting to have the opportunity to show to the whole world that a star, who was understimated and reduced to a certain image, has in fact a treasure of unexploited talent. I quickly notice that Rob is a great actor. And I'm looking forward to everyone seeing that. 

If Guy Pearce's character is the «Rover» , how would you define Robert Pattinson's character ?

He's also a «rover.» Guy is a rover meaning he is a "tramp". But in classical english, "rover" is also used as a loving terms to refer to a dog. And Rob follows Guy everywhere, just as a lost dog would do

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Brady Corbet Praises Robert Pattinson's Career Choices & Talks About 'The Childhood Of A Leader'

Brady Corbet Praises Robert Pattinson's Career Choices & Talks About 'A Childhood Of A Leader'

Brady Corbet, the director of The Childhood Of A Leader, was at Sundance and was interviewed by 'The Playlist'. 
He talks about knowing Rob for years and how Rob has used his celebrity to make sure films he admires gets off the ground.

You're going to love all that he has to say about Rob. He starts talking about The Childhood of a Leader around the 9:30 mark and about Rob around 10:22  

Thanks Clara & Nancy for the heads up!

“He's A Really Smart Guy & Knows Exactly What He Wants To Do To Build The Career That He Wants” ~ David Michod On Robert Pattinson

“He's A Really Smart Guy & Knows Exactly What He Wants To Do To Build The Career That He Wants” ~ David Michod On Robert Pattinson

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Our Affiliates RobertPattinsonAustralia were lucky enough to be able to attend Flickerfest in Sydney where they saw none other than David Michod!
You KNOW there was talk about Robert Pattinson and The Rover so here are some excerpts from their report.......
David noticed that his films seemed to be from the perspective of a child.  He thought that The Rover was the first time this wasn’t so, but then realised that Rob’s character Rey can be considered childlike in The Rover so maybe he hasn’t really distanced himself from that. (Kate: Childlike ReyRob, God help us all)
After the success of Animal Kingdom he was given the opportunity to direct other people’s scripts, but he realised what he loved the most was that he liked to build films himself from the ground up.  He worked on the script of Animal Kingdom for about 10 years (whilst he did other jobs of course) and he wrote the first draft of The Rover with Joel Edgerton in about 10 days before he even filmed Animal Kingdom.
I can’t tell you enough how much praise David heaps on Rob.  David said he “loves talented people”.  He also said numerous times how smart Rob is.  Really smart. (Kate: God I love this guy. David Cronenberg watch out, you have competition here! :))

David said he he finished The Rover about one to one and a half months ago and that noone has seen it yet.  He wanted to bring a teaser for us today, but he just wasn’t ready to reveal it yet. (Kate: *cries* I can be patient, yeap I can, I really can. Uh-huh patience is my middle name ;})
He said they are rolling it out and showing it to people over the next few months.  He said he felt the same at the end of The Rover as he did with Animal Kingdom.
David “absolutely loved the work done by Guy and Rob.  They created great characters and loved their performances”. (Kate: Can't wait to see Rob and Guy act together in this and this is making me even more excited)

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Loads More After The Cut

365 Days Of Robert Pattinson: December 20 ~ Director Compliment Of Rob

365 Days Of Robert Pattinson: December 20 ~ Director compliment of Rob

It looks like we're all about Robenberg today

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Rob has been complimented profusely by directors before but i’ll never forget this one…. 

"He’s terrific. He deserves the affection that the fans have for him. He’s incredibly sweet, he’s very funny, he’s very bright and he’s also very knowledgeable about cinema. Not just movies but the history of cinema. He knows a lot about it. He’s just a sweetheart. And he’s totally professional. He’s always right there. We had a lot of fun shooting [the movie] because, as I say, he has a great sense of humor. We just played a lot. I think that’s a really great tone that’s set for everybody on the set. The lead actor has a really big influence on the tone of the shoot. If you’ve got a guy who’s very difficult and neurotic or whatever, they can’t help but affect everybody’s day. But Rob is not like that. He’s just a ray of sunshine. In fact, he’s in absolutely every scene of the movie, so obviously his temperament would have a huge influence on how the shoot went … and it was a dream. It was a beautiful shoot."

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I generally try not look at what the other ladies post for their 365’s before I post mine.
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It’s never a good idea! But today I looked at what Tink posted. BIG MISTAKE.
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Anyway this is the one I’m going with (also from David) and kind of similar to the one Tink posted (but different at the same time)………

You have to have a kind of screen charisma, you have to have a presence, which you can’t buy or create; you either have it or you don’t. That doesn’t mean you’re necessarily a good actor, though. But you have at least that. I looked at all the stuff that he’s done, and I thought he’s a really good actor. And then I spoke to him, and thought not only that, but he’s a really smart actor. And he’s funny, and he’s very sweet. That’s when I tried to convince him to do the movie, which he was a little afraid of, just because I think he doesn’t know how good he is, basically. And I think now that he’s done the movie, he’s starting to understand how good he is. Because he’s terrific.

He knew my work, yeah. What’s interesting, too, about Rob is that he’s very well educated in terms of movies and movie history and foreign films. On the set, he and Juliette Binoche were talking about the most obscure French films and stuff like that together. He really knows his stuff. And yet, as I say, he’s a completely down-to-earth, sweet guy. Lovely to work with. And very funny.

I watched Remember Me, and I watched Little Ashes. Which is maybe a movie you don’t know, but he plays a young Salvador DalĂ­ in that movie with a Spanish accent. And I thought that was pretty interesting, very daring of him to do that, and it indicated to me that he was an interesting, serious actor.”

I'll update when Kat posts

Click the thumbnail if you need to review the December calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

Romain Gavras Talks About Working With Robert Pattinson & NEW Pics In Vogue Hommes International

Romain Gavras tells Vogue Hommes International what it was like shooting the Dior commercial with Robert Pattinson. How Rob is a VERY professional, straightforward, normal guy. AND check out the new Behind the scenes pics!

I cropped the new pics for a closer look ;-)

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Thanks To Gossipgyal for the scans

" I Hope We Will See Him One Day As A Director" ~ Werner Herzog Talks About Robert Pattinson

" I Hope We Will See Him One Day As A Director" ~Werner Herzog Talks About Robert Pattinson 

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This interview with Werner Herzog (director of "Queen Of The Desert") was done back in January and as you know we got updated news about the location etc in June (check that out HERE if you missed it) so disregard the second part of the second question.
But have a look at the great things Werner has to say about Rob!

Playboy: For your next film 'Queen of the Desert' you have cast 'Twilight' teen heartthrob Robert Pattinson.
Herzog: He approached me. That is why I am taken seriously in Hollywood. Because so many good actors want to work with me. Nicolas Cage was never better than in 'Bad Lieutenant'.
Playboy: What do you see in Robert Pattinson ?
Herzog: He has charisma, he is smart, he writes. I hope we will see him one day as a director. 'Queen of the Desert' is not yet fully funded, and we don't know yet where we will shoot. Possibly, that should be in Syria.

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Translation thanks to lurker1510 via PattinsonArtWork

"This Is A Very Edgy Rob Pattinson We See In This Movie" - David Cronenberg

"This Is A Very Edgy Rob Pattinson We See In This Movie" - David Cronenberg

David talks about "Cosmopolis" & says how it scared Rob but that being scared is a good thing & more.........

via Source

What Made David Cronenberg Choose Robert Pattinson As His Leading Man? - BBC News Finds Out

What Made David Cronenberg Choose Robert Pattinson As His Leading Man? - BBC News Finds Out


Cosmopolis sees teen heart-throb Robert Pattinson as billionaire Wall Street banker Eric Packer, who glides across Manhattan in his limousine in search of a haircut. On the way he encounters sex, violence and anti-capitalist protests.

As well as keeping much of the novel's original dialogue, Cronenberg also kept many scenes inside Packer's noise-proofed, gadget-packed limo.

"I like to shoot in confined spaces," he says. "There's an intensity that immediately affects an actor's performance. Visually it forces you to be quite inventive."

By way of preparation, Cronenberg showed his crew the 2009 film Lebanon, which takes place inside an Israeli tank, and 1981 war epic Das Boot, which takes place inside a German submarine.

"I said: 'Let's not be intimidated by this, this could be quite exhilarating if we do it right.' We built a limo that comes apart like a Lego car in about 24 pieces. I don't think of it as a challenge, but as a lot of fun."

Robert Pattinson's performance as the billionaire banker has been largely well received since the film's Cannes debut.

David Cronenberg: “Robert Pattinson Is A Wonderful Actor & He Will Surprise People"

David Cronenberg: “Robert Pattinson Is A Wonderful Actor & He Will Surprise People"


Interview with David Cronenberg for The French Magazine Metro

David Cronenberg: “Robert Pattinson will surprise you”

Cosmopolis is one of the most anticipated films of the 65th Cannes Film Festival. His director spoke to Metro.

A few months after telling the disagreement between Freud and Jung in A Dangerous Method, the Canadian filmmaker David Cronenberg returns to theaters with Cosmopolis, in theaters on May 25th. The adaptation of a short novel by the American author Don DeLillo in which a young businessman, Eric Packer, drive through New York in a limousine. The beginning of a journey that also implies sexual violence and that will leave no character apart. Alongside Robert Pattinson, star of Twilight saga, there is also Paul Giamatti, Samantha Morton and two frenchies, Juliette Binoche and Mathieu Amalric. Awarded with the Special Jury Prize for Crash in 1996, and in competition in 2005 with History of Violence, David Cronenberg spoke to Metro.

How did you approach the adaptation of Don Lillo’s novel?

I wrote the script in six days. The first three days, I transcribed the dialogues in their entirety. The next three, I added descriptions for each scene. In short you will find all the dialogue from Don DeLillo, because it is a great language. However I have not kept the interior monologues. Instead, you get visual ideas that the book aroused in me. I’m very excited about the film and even more by Robert Pattinson’s performance.

This is a choice that seems surprising to some of your fans …

Rob is a wonderful actor and I think he will surprise people . He is young, he’s handsome, he has had great success with Twilight and many people concluded that he was a bad actor. I'm aware of that . But I can assure you he is very good and he works very seriously. (Kate: Nods Yes he does) The best way. Besides I can not wait to rework again with him. I even said I would love to have him and Viggo Mortensen in an upcoming film. (Kate: ooh really, hmmmmmmmmmmmm)

Great *NEW* Interview With Declan Donnellan & Nick Ormerod - "Robert Pattinson Wanted To Do Something Different"

Great *NEW* Interview With Declan Donnellan & Nick Ormerod - "Robert Pattinson Wanted To Do Something Different"
And different is exactly what he did with DuRob.

Lots of Rob talk and tons of praise (as always) for him. Such a good interview!

"Robert Pattinson's Got An Enormous Amount Of Talent" - Declan Donnellan

Declan Donnellan & Nick Ormerod rave once again about Robert Pattinson.
I LOVE it!


What was it about Rob that you liked?

Ormerod: I think he's perfect for the role. He has those matinee idol good looks, the sort of gigilo looks that those women completely fall for, (Kate: oh Ya! ;-}) and yet he has a darkness, and interest, and a vulnerability sometimes too.
Donnellan: He's very bright too, and he understood the character. Rob's got an enormous amount of talent, but we're all fascinated by this character who has no talent. It's a modern story - the person who gets to the top with no talent. A journalist asked us the other day, "was this the first time the two of you have worked together?" (Kate: {giggle} research people!) You do start asking, how did they get the job? When I was young, it was really difficult to get jobs, and I think a lot of people get jobs because... I don't know. There's this fascination with how people get to the top of their jobs. They get there because they're empty, because they have no imagination, so other people can pin fantasies on them.
Ormerod: In every organisation you see them - their one talent is to get to the top.

Were you under any pressure to tone down the sex scenes when Rob came on board, in terms of attracting a wider audience?
Ormerod: No, the film is about sex. It's not titillating sex.
Donnellan: It's about a guy who sells his body, basically. All these women are in comfortable marriages, and none of them want to get divorced. Their relationship with him is essentially sexual.

Source Thanks to Gossipgya for the tip

Another "NEW" BTS "Bel Ami" Pic With Robert Pattinson

Another "NEW" BTS "Bel Ami" Pic With Robert Pattinson

I love behind the scenes pics


Source CBJ Twitter
via RobPattzNews

"Robert Pattinson Wants To Expand As An Actor & Takes It Very Seriously" - Declan Donnellan

In another new interview with the directors of "Bel Ami" Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod once again sing Robert Pattinson's praises


The stellar cast didn’t come free but they did come cheap. Bel-Ami is, in Donnelan’s phrase, “an easyJet film”, with a paltry budget of around £7.5 million, Budapest standing in for Paris on 10 days of the eight-week shoot. Everyone worked for less than their usual pay cheque, including Pattinson.

“He read the novel and also a book I wrote about acting,” says Donnellan, 59, “and he insisted on four weeks of one-on-one rehearsal before we shot anything, which is unheard of in Hollywood. He wants to expand as an actor and he takes it very seriously. He has genuinely never said anything negative about Twilight but no one wants to be in a franchise for ever.”

Patterson (Kate: I think you mean Pattinson ;-)) clearly relished the chance to stamp on the romantic image of Edward Cullen, and Ormerod’s camera picks up something lizardly and quite ruthless in his handsome features. “He was determined to keep it tough,” says Ormerod. “That’s why he did it,” adds Donnellan. “He said, ‘I’m playing a character with no redeeming features’.”

Check out the rest of the interview over at The London Evening Standard

Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod On Working With ‘Wonderfully Committed’ Robert Pattinson

Yet more praise for Robert Pattinson from Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod (I love it)

(Click on the pic to the watch the vid)


Co-directors Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod talked to STV about why despite being written in 1885 Bel Ami is “very much about how we are now”, and how in Robert Pattinson they found a “terrifically serious actor”.

Written in 1885, Bel Ami is the story of a poor former military officer’s rise in fortune in Paris through the seduction of a seduction of a number of powerful women.

The casting of Robert Pattinson in the lead role of Georges Duroy has meant the film has been widely anticipated, especially among fans of Twilight.

However, the hugely enjoyable, bracing period drama will appeal to a wider audience beyond that, its examination of the sexual politics of a past society – at times almost a gleeful romp – reminiscent of Dangerous Liasons.

Though working closely together, Nick and Declan said there was no fall-out, and indeed – given that the movie was produced on a relatively low-budget – the cast and crew pulled together as they’d believed in the story.

On the cast, Nick said: “Rob came very early on. He read the script and absolutely loved it, and really related to the character.

“We met him, and that was like a marriage immediately. He has always been wonderfully committed, and is a terrifically serious actor.”

Declan added: “Very interestingly, he insisted on rehearsing for a whole month in London before we shot one single piece of film, which is very, very unusual for somebody who has as busy a schedule as he has.

“He was incredibly committed, and couldn’t have been a nicer guy or a more talented guy to work with.”

Nick also said of the Twilight star’s involvement: “I think the reason that Rob was attracted to this role is that it’s the complete opposite of everything that he’s played so far.

“The character of Bel Ami is talentless, vacuous and really totally selfish. Rob is very talented, but he completely understood the part, completely understood the character.”

“At the risk of sounding po-faced or pretentious, all artists will grapple – I do – with insecurity about your own talent,” Declan explained. “It’s a very dodgy artist indeed who says ‘I know exactly what I’m doing; I’m a genius, I’m talented’. Nobody I know who does good work thinks like that at all.

“I think that’s one of the reasons why this character is so fascinating to us, really, because he gets to the top with nothing, and it’s very much a parable for our time.”

“It’s interesting to see these very powerful actresses – Uma Thurman, Christina Ricci and Kristin Scott Thomas – play these women who are very powerful in their society, albeit they have to work through men.

“It’s interesting seeing each of them really undo themselves for sex in a way that we’re used to seeing men doing in our public life. These women risk a lot and in different ways ruin themselves because of their attraction to this guy.”
(Kate: And who can blame them, I mean look at the guy in question!)


"Robert Pattinson Is Unbelievably Talented" - Declan Donnellan

We all know that Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod have a high regard for Robert Pattinson but it's still nice to hear it again and again.


From The Herald Scotland

AS the winner of several Olivier awards, British director Declan Donnellan is used to the odd coup de theatre, that moment when events on stage take a turn for the astonishing.

But what happened on the red carpet in Berlin for Bel Ami, his feature film debut, had even Donnellan thinking he had lost the plot.

"There was one moment when I thought I'd gone mad," says Donnellan, who was in Glasgow last month for the film festival premiere of Bel Ami with the movie's co-director, the theatre designer Nick Ormerod.

"I was convinced I heard some people scream 'Nick', 'Declan'. I thought this is really pathetic, you've gone mad. But we looked round and there was a group of about six people who had photos of us taken from the set, pulled from the internet. We were so grateful," he says, laughing. "We threw them in Rob's face."

The "Rob" to whom he refers, and the reason why Donnellan and Ormerod were amazed to receive any attention at all, is Robert Pattinson, one of the stars of Bel Ami but best known for playing Edward Cullen in the Twilight saga. For Twihards, as fans of the vampire films are known, Pattinson is a one-man Beatles, or a taller Daniel Radcliffe, take your pick. When he walks a red carpet it gets very noisy, very quickly.

Bel Ami, adapted from the Guy de Maupassant novel, is the tale of Georges Duroy, a French country boy and former soldier who has no talents to speak of but plenty in the way of good looks. Arriving in fin-de-siecle Paris, Georges finds himself a job as a political journalist just as war is brewing. More importantly to his towering ambitions, he finds a role as favoured "friend" to many a powerful man's wife.

After Water for Elephants and Remember Me, Bel Ami marks another staging post in Pattinson's trek from teen film star to leading man. Though the Twilight saga grinds on (brace yourselves for Breaking Dawn: Part 2 later this year), the 25-year-old is wisely thinking about what happens next.

His chances of impressing in Bel Ami are aided by a cast of fellow actors which includes Uma Thurman, Christina Ricci and Kristin Scott Thomas as the Parisian ladies charmed by Georges.

It's possible to see a certain irony in Pattinson, a young actor largely known up to this point for his good looks, playing a character who has little else to offer but his handsomeness. Donnellan is having none of that. (Kate: You tell 'em Declan!) "I've worked with actors for 35 years and some very, very good ones. Rob is unbelievably talented. He is not Georges Duroy." (David Cronenberg, who directs Pattinson in the forthcoming Cosmopolis, also praised the Pattinson acting chops when I interviewed him recently.)

Indeed, one of the reasons Pattinson, together with Scott Thomas and the rest of the cast agreed to work for not very much on what is Donnellan and Ormerod's feature debut (they previously have a short film to their names) is that they know the pair through the theatre, or through Donnellan's textbook on acting, The Actor and the Target.


The difference between stage and screen acting is one of scale, says Donnellan. "But great film actors still act. The camera likes to see people think, but so does the audience."

Which leads us back to Pattinson. Most feature film debuts struggle to get an audience. Pattinson's name and face on the billboards should mean that won't be a problem for Bel Ami. There might also be added interest because of what we'll delicately call the film's more intimate scenes. (Kate: ahem...)

"I've done worse on stage," laughs Donnellan. "It is the most unerotic experience in the world doing a sex scene. It ain't erotic on stage either, but you can laugh more on stage."

As for the possibility the film will attract the type of audiences not normally drawn to adaptations of 19th-century French novels, their attitude is that everyone is welcome. That said, they acknowledge that when they began working with Pattinson the first Twilight film was just opening. "The whole mania hadn't started yet," says Donnellan.

On set, Pattinson just got on with the work. "He's very much his own man," says Donnellan. "He's very quietly serious. All of that Rob hysteria you see is completely absent from the set. There's no sense of that at all, he's a nice guy from Barnes."

Their first real taste of that "hysteria" was the Berlin Film Festival red carpet. That turned out okay, and they have similar hopes for the film when it opens in the UK next week

To read the full article head over HERE

Thanks to Nancy for the tip!

Declan Donnellan & Nick Ormerod Talk "Bel Ami" & Robert Pattinson At The Glasgow Film Festival (Audio)

Declan Donnellan & Nick Ormerod Talk "Bel Ami" & Robert Pattinson At The Glasgow Film Festival
They start talking about Rob around the 2:00 mark and amongst other things say what a nice guy he is. Awwwwww

Have a listen

And some pics
Click for Larger

Thanks @Chrisska via Source
Check out more pics from the "Bel Ami" Screening HERE

Video Roundup: Robert Pattinson talks Breaking Dawn and more

Video Roundup: Robert Pattinson talks Breaking Dawn and more

A couple press junket interviews from international press + red carpet mention from Mackenzie Foy

This is a good one. Talks about loving filming in South America and mentions the possibility of doing theater. More about his thoughts on other career options.

Mackenzie Foy talks about Rob and Kristen being like family with VH1

Robert Pattinson Tells Gino Salomone About Being An Executive Director On "Remember Me"

Robert Pattinson Interviews with TalkingPicturesTV

Robert Pattinson Interviews with TalkingPicturesTV - maybe directing one day :-)

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