Showing posts with label Entertainment Weekly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertainment Weekly. Show all posts

HQ scans of Robert Pattinson from Entertainment Weekly Breaking Dawn cover

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart grace the cover of Entertainment Weekly as Bella and Edward in Breaking Dawn (minus contact lenses). We posted the pictures already but now we have HQ scans for you to play with.

The interview with Rob, Kristen, and director, Bill Condon is fantastic so if you missed it, be sure to give it a read. Rob is hilarious as always and Kristen and Bill give some great quotes as well.

I cropped the Rob images's Rob :)






I can't WAIT for Breaking Dawn :)

Click the thumbnails to view the HQ scans!

Scans: kstewartnews | Via: Robstenation

*NEW* Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart "Breaking Dawn" Stills (MQ's) From EW

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart "Breaking Dawn" EW Stills (not scans) from the new EW magazine.
If you missed the scans with the interview etc check it out HERE




After playing the parts of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen for so long, is it any wonder that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson can get heated talking about their characters? When EW sat down with the two stars and their director Bill Condon to talk about the upcoming Breaking Dawn Part 1 (in theaters Nov. 18), the penultimate chapter of the Twilight Saga, the 25-year-old actor spoke frankly. “Look, there are a lot of moments when Edward sort of acts like a p—y,” Pattinson said. “You can quote him on that!” Stewart laughed. (Kate: Hee Hee)

*NEW* Scans: Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart "Edward & Bella" BD Stills From EW Magazine

TRANSCRIPT ADDED after the cut.

*NEW* Scans: Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart "Edward & Bella" BD Stills From EW Magazine
UPDATED AGAIN with better scans & Interview




Click To Read

"In this week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly, the stars of November’s The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1 discuss how they approached key scenes in the film, from the tense walk down the aisle to the pillow-shredding honeymoon, to the bloody, ghastly climax."

Click for Larger

Source @epnebelle via TodoTwilight & PattinsonStew Popsugar
These are just the Edward ones, to see the non-Edward ones pop over to TodoTwilight

Transcript After The Cut

Video: "The Insider" Features Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart On Cover Of Entertainment Weekly

Video: "The Insider" Features Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart On Cover Of Entertainment Weekly

And yes this issue is on stands FRIDAY!

Thanks to TwilightBritneyFan

*NEW* Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart On The Cover Of Entertainmnet Weekly (New BD Still)

UPDATED with better quality screencaps thanks to Debb



Click for Larger

Screencap from Entertainment Tonight of Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart as Edward & Bella On The Cover Of "Entertainment Weekly"

What a gorgeous new still!


Source AmazedByRobsten via Source

New/Old "Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire" BTS Pic With Robert Pattinson

Entertainment Weekly are posting exclusives leading up to the latest and last Harry Potter installment's release and they just added this Behind the Scenes pic with Robert Pattinson.

Early Jawporn
Oh Cedric


via robstenlust

*NEW* Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart "Edward & Bella" Waterfall Still From EW

*NEW* Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart "Edward & Bella" Waterfall Still From EW

We had this earlier today as a scan HERE now here it is as a still.
Isn't it gorgeous?
I can't wait for November, I'm excited already!


Source Entertainment Weekly via Source

UHQ Pic Of Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart On EW Cover

UHQ Pic Of Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart On EW Cover


Check out the other scans and pics HERE

Click & Click Again For UHQ

twilightlexicon via KstewDevotee

*NEW* Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart "Edward & Bella" EW Cover

*NEW* Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart "Edward & Bella" EW Cover

Updated: Added Scans and Article (Scroll Down)


And a New Still :-)




Click and Click Again To Read

Scans Thanks to Epnebelle

Fans have waited years to see Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) tie the knot, and the wedding scene, scheduled for the end of production on The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, proved to be equally climactic for those involved. “It was one of the coolest things that I’ve done,” says Stewart. “There was a certain point when I walked on set, and I saw everyone from the entire cast sitting there in the pews, about to do their bit. And it was just so perfect for me in that moment. It was so emotional in such a real way. I literally felt like thanking them for coming.”

But filming wasn’t always quite so idyllic. As the stars and director tell EW, Breaking Dawn Part 1 and 2 (in theaters November 18 and November 2012) involved a grueling, globe-trotting shoot, and scenes far darker, bloodier, and more polarizing than any in the franchise so far. If audiences haven’t matured with the Twilight books, they’re about to grow up fast. “We shot everything — whether it’s the lovemaking or the childbirth — as potent and powerful as it can be,” says director Bill Condon, who knew he was working within the constraints of a PG-13 rating. “It will be interesting to see whether there will be people who think it too disturbing for this universe.” For her part, Stewart wishes the movie could have been even truer to the graphic nature of the book — not so much the honeymoon sequence (“It feels like a real love scene, not necessarily vampire-y, which is good”), but the brutal birth of the baby, Renesmee. “It’s funny because when [the PG-13 issue] comes up, everybody thinks it’s all about the sex,” she says. “The birth is really effective, and I’ve heard it really hits you in the face. But what it could have been? It could have been shocking and grotesque, because that’s how it was written in the book.” She sighs: “I would have loved to have been puking up blood.”

Taylor Lautner, who plays Jacob, says that even being a member of the wolf pack didn’t have its privileges. “Everybody is always complaining to me that I don’t have to wear the contacts, I don’t have to wear the white makeup or wear wigs and all that stuff. And I’m like, ‘I’m the one in the freezing rain and coldnot wearing a shirt! I paid my dues in New Moon and Eclipse.’” And as for his plot arc in Part 2, which will involve falling for — or imprinting on — Renesmee? “There were many times I walked up to Stephenie [Meyer] and asked her, ‘What exactly is imprinting?’” says Lautner. “It’s still a very confusing thing for me, so don’t ask.”

Source Entertainment Weekly
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