Showing posts with label I just want to see this movie now. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I just want to see this movie now. Show all posts

Christina Ricci talks about handsome Robert Pattinson with BBC Radio

Christina Ricci talks about handsome Robert Pattinson with BBC Radio

LOL I feel the discomfort with just the sound. Ricci still gave the good soundbite though :) "Rob is very handsome."

Indeed! Mr. Handsome...


VIDEO: Robert Pattinson talks Bel Ami, censorship laws, the French promoting the arts and more

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson talks Bel Ami, censorship laws, the French promoting the arts and more

UPDATE: Youtube of Rob's part :)

IntellectualRob came by for this interview on the Bel Ami premiere red carpet at Berlinale. Tell me mooooore, you smart, sexy man. ;)
At 2:33

Transcript if you can't view the video:
Rob: I like that freedom represents in France. I mean it's kind of... like how censorship laws have always kind of been really lacks and things like that. French people promoted the arts a lot a long time before anyone else did.
I like a lot of French literature, everything that was published like in the 40s and 50s. I like a lot of that. It was just nice there were people were allowed to do what they wanted to do.
Source: Allocine | Tip: RobstenDreams | Transcript: TwilightBelgium

Fan review of Robert Pattinson's Bel Ami: Scenes detailed & SPOILERY

Fan review of Robert Pattinson's Bel Ami: Scenes detailed & SPOILERY

This was going to be posted tonight but after reading...GAH. I couldn't wait. It also might be better suited for Sinful Sunday so let that be a warning to ya. ;) Shiona had the pleasure to see Bel Ami yesterday at the Glasgow Film Festival and graciously shared her thoughts with us. Shiona's review is detailed in the sense that it's like a summary of scenes so if you are trying to remain spoiler free, this review is not for you. Very detailed about scenes. Without further ado....Shiona's review:


SPOILERS after the cut!

Free For All Friday: Sexy Screencaps of Robert Pattinson in HD Bel Ami Clip

Free For All Friday: Sexy Screencaps of Robert Pattinson in HD Bel Ami Clip

Did you guys miss this? You didn't? Well lets watch it again especially the folks NOT getting Bel Ami on March 9th because Sony hates women.

Did you make sure to change the quality settings because DuRob is in HD, baby! Kate made us some screencaps since Rob is killin' us in this clip. KILLIN'! Please be careful venturing forward, DR! *buckles down*










*sprawled out on the cave floor in the DR* Everyone ok? How much damage is there? Can you handle more???

LOADS more DuRob after the cut!

Another great fan review of Robert Pattinson's Bel Ami

Another great fan review of Robert Pattinson's Bel Ami

Fan reviews! Hi my name is Tink and I'm addicted to fan reviews.

At first I wasn't going to post this because I thought you might be over them but then I thought if it interested me, then it could possibly interest others. It's a small bit of torture since the US release date is indefinite but I love reading everyone's reactions and their perception of the film. Spunk Ransom posted a review from Tracy_Gardner that was detailed and thoughtful. Enjoy!
My one hope going into the theater to see Bel Ami was just one thing, that every single person would see passed Robert as Edward and give a totally unbiased account of his performance. Coming OUT of viewing the film, my one hope has changed. Now, my only hope is that the people who do go to see it can truly appreciate what a wonderful movie it is with or without Rob.

For me, personally in parts the story could be a little slow, but I think that is to do more with the period it was set in and nothing to do with the story. A lot of the scenes were acted with just looks shared between Robs character Georges and other characters. Those few scenes for me were the most telling of Georges character. I have read quite a few reviews where people describe Georges as unscrupulous, greedy, selfish and power hungry, and for me this is how I seen Georges to start with.

MORE details after the cut! *Spoiler lines*

Robert Pattinson and the leading ladies in Australian Bel Ami poster

Robert Pattinson and the leading ladies in Australian Bel Ami poster

The same as the original poster but different fonts and graphical element (the lines).


Film description on the site:
Box office sensation Robert Pattinson stars in this adaptation of the classic French novel Bel Ami by Guy de Maupassant, a literary powder-keg of its time - a story full of sexual intrigue, scandal and manipulation.
Paris, 1880s. Handsome, smart, charismatic and resourceful, George Duroy (Pattinson), known to his friends as "Bel Ami", is offered a job as a journalist on the newspaper La Vie Francaise and soon makes a great success of his new career. But he also comes face to face with the realities of the corrupt Parisian high society to which he aspires: the sleazy colleagues, the wily financiers, and manipulative mistresses. He swiftly learns to become an arch seducer and blackmailer, in a world where love is only a means to an end. He will stop at nothing to move into the high echelons of Paris society. Duroy will seduce, manipulate and charm the most powerful and beautiful.
Source: HopscotchFilms | Via

Review of Robert Pattinson and Bel Ami from Dublin Film Festival screening

Review of Robert Pattinson and Bel Ami from Dublin Film Festival screening


I just can't get enough of the audience reactions and this one from a male viewer. :)
Great read that's thoughtful and constructive. Discussing Rob's previous roles in an intelligent way.

A Non-Review Review by Darren Mooney (excerpted):
I have to admit to being pleasantly surprised by Bel Ami, the first film from theatrical veterans Declan Donnellan & Nick Ormerod. It’s a classy little period drama that doesn’t necessarily redefine the genre, but instead stands as a worth addition to the canon. In a way, it seems like a more lavish BBC adaptation, which is quite a compliment when it comes to period drama. I don’t know if actor Robert Pattinson will necessarily find life after Twilight, but I imagine he will find a niché if he choses his next couple of roles as carefully as he chose this one.


Bel Ami might be more overt in its sexual politics, but it does cover a lot of the same thematic ground as Pattinson’s iconic role – such as the notion of damaged relationships between damaged people – and I think it’s a smooth point of transition. I don’t subscribe to the idea that Pattinson is a weak actor, a piece of internet gospel that seems to spread around as part of the overwhelming Twilight hatedom. I don’t think that we have seen the actor given a script that plays to his strengths, and Bel Ami is easily the best project that I have seen him in to date – comfortably ahead of any of the Twilight adaptations, Remember Me or Water for Elephants.

That said, Pattinson still has to convince me that he will make a convincing leading man after the franchise evaporates, but Bel Ami provides relatively strong evidence in his favour. He has more to work with here, and is given a character with significant depth and complexity. Georges Duroy is a character driven by base desires, and inner resentment, and Pattinson manages to express these quite well. I’m not yet entirely sold, but if he can turn out another few performances like this, I think I could be converted.
Head over to his blog, The Movie Blog, and read the rest! Click HERE to continue :)

Read fan reviews HERE and a great review from Cineuropa HERE.

Thanks for the heads up, Maria!

Fan account from Berlinale and fan review of Robert Pattinson and Bel Ami

Fan account from Berlinale and fan review of Robert Pattinson and Bel Ami


I don't get tired of these. What I do get tired of is the wait to see it myself. *shakes fists* Damn you, Sony! This is another great Bel Ami fan review and account of Berlinale.

A tease:
It was all so much better than I expected, all more subtle and understated and natural. And he was effortlessly handsome of course. You really "GOT" why they ALL fell for him (but I am probably biased too).

I haven't emphasized enough that there were some REALLY lovely quirky comedic moments and at those - Robert was EXCELLENT!

There were plenty of gentle laughs, I found myself grinning ALOT!

The tender scenes and gently funny scenes were great. And you have seen angry Georges in the clips, where Robert is also great.

You also really feel that Georges loves Clotilde. Those scenes were quite tender (as well as steamy). No over acting there, it was just very real and natural.

I loved the score and the atmospheric pace of the movie, very slow and sensuous.
FULL account and review after the cut!

NEW STILLS: Robert Pattinson with the ladies of Bel Ami

NEW STILLS: Robert Pattinson with the ladies of Bel Ami

These are great!!!







Source via: PattinsonLadies

Detailed fan review of Robert Pattinson's Bel Ami after Berlinale screening

Detailed fan review of Robert Pattinson's Bel Ami after Berlinale screening

I love the fan reviews and I know you guys do too. Regular reader, Lynne, shared her thoughts with us on Bel Ami and it made me more excited to see the film God only knows when.

If certain "reviews" got you down, don't forget to check out THIS great one from a french journalist with Cineuropa then dive into Lynne's detailed account on Rob's next great role.


From Lynne:
I had the privilege of being one of those to see the first official screening of Bel Ami at the Berlinale Film Festival last night with a group of my friends.  After Rob and the other cast came into the theatre and were introduced, the theatre lights went down I sat in awe and disbelief as the movie started.  After waiting for almost two years for this movie to be released, I couldn’t believe I was actually going to see it, partly due to the scarcity of credible information, the uncertainty from Rob himself about its actual release and the way it was received by the public in those early test screenings.  Added to this there was all the fandom and media confusion over the release of the movie and endless editing that seemed to be taking place behind the scenes for this Scarlet Pimpernel of the cinema!  I tried not to go in with any preconceived ideas or bias which was difficult.
Throughout the movie, as always with Rob in his roles, he “became” his character, Georges Duroy from the very first scene.   He was a convincingly desperate and shallow man - lonely, hungry, penniless and angry at his lack of any good fortune.  You see him living in squalor and poverty watching on whilst the rich feast on everything he desires for his own life.  Here Georges’ frustrated, angry tears are convincing and genuinely moving.

Georges’ transformation from these impoverished beginnings to his rise in society through his calculating, self-centred need to be respected and financially secure is handled just as it should be.  I’ve read the book three times (and the script numerous times!) and I saw Rob playing Georges as he’s written in black and white, albeit much more visually appealing (no curly mustache to twiddle!) and far more overtly sensual and at times coldly calculating.  I also felt that Rob actually brought some small amount of warmth and humanity to the scoundrel Georges, you could understand why he did the things he did, ruthlessly treading on all who came into his path, using them as a stepladder to rise to the next level.

MORE after the cut!

Christina Ricci talks about Robert Pattinson and Bel Ami on the Jonathan Ross Show (UK)

Christina Ricci talks about Robert Pattinson and Bel Ami on the Jonathan Ross Show (UK)

Jonathan Ross also said "kind of hard not to like it" regarding Bel Ami. :)


Robert Pattinson's Bel Ami reviewed by Indiewire/The Playlist

Robert Pattinson's Bel Ami reviewed by Indiewire/The Playlist


A mixed review....highlight: "convincing, well-observed moment"

From Indiewire/ThePlaylist by Jessica Kiang:
From behind, we watch a man in ragged clothes look longingly through the window of a fancy Belle Epoque Parisian restaurant. Inside richly attired women whisper secrets over brimful glasses of champagne and decadent platters laden with food. Later the hungry man in his mean garret relives the moment, jealousy and bitterness at the injustice of his situation playing across his face, before the memory of such opulence actually makes him cry. It's a convincing, well-observed moment that sets up a lot of what we need to know about the man's character. Oh wait, did we mention the man is played by Robert Pattinson?
"Bel Ami," Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod's adaptation of the acerbic Guy de Maupassant novel, features a starry cast in some wonderful costuming, and follows the fortunes of ambitious Georges Duroy (Pattinson) as he ruthlessly climbs his way up the social ladder of 1890s Paris, using little but his talents at seduction. It quite speaks to the level of stardom the "Twilight" films have brought the young actor that, in amongst a cast that features Uma Thurman, Christina Ricci and Kristin Scott-Thomas, really the burning question is: What is Pattinson like? Will he convert his detractors (unlikely) or cool the ardor of his vocal fan base (probably impossible)?
MORE after the cut

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson at the Berlin Film Festival Photocall for Bel Ami

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson at the Berlin Film Festival Photocall for Bel Ami

Rob with Christina Ricci, Holly Grainger, the directors and producer of Bel Ami


Robert Pattinson wallpapers: Making You The Bel Ami Day Love vol. 34

Robert Pattinson wallpapers: Making You The Bel Ami Day Love vol. 34

It's midnight in Berlin which's Bel Ami Day! Are you ready??

Rob's fam is getting ready for the big day (Rob's sister, Victoria, picked up her dress. Tweets: here & here) and Marina made us these beauties to celebrate DuRob! :)


Ooooooo...the power in that eye


The set and costume design is stunning from what we've seen :)


Lick and save for HQ!

Click HERE for the live stream link to the triple P's: photocall, press conference, and premiere!

Christina Ricci talks about Robert Pattinson and Bel Ami to The Sunday Times (UK)

Christina Ricci talks about Robert Pattinson and Bel Ami to The Sunday Times (UK)


I cropped the parts that mentioned Rob & Bel Ami.


Continued on the next page, also contains Ricci's direct quote about Rob at the end of this cap.


A brief mention about her nudity in Bel Ami and being ravished by DuRob. YUM.


Click the thumbnails to read the interview in its entirety

Magazine pics: Thanks BarnesGirl11

8 NEW Bel Ami Stills Featuring Robert Pattinson

8 NEW Bel Ami Stills Featuring Robert Pattinson

UPDATE: Photobucket didn't load this one for me and it's a MUST.


OMG!!! Kill me noooooow!!!




So much in those his face...





Not new but was in the mix and worth the repeat.





I can NOT handle DuRob.

Only 3 stills in HQ for now. Click to view!

HQs: TwilightBelgium | Stills: Source via

Old Bel Ami Stills Now HQ with Robert Pattinson and Christina Ricci

Old Bel Ami Stills Now HQ with Robert Pattinson and Christina Ricci



Click for HQ

Source: TwilightBelgium
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