Showing posts with label OK magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OK magazine. Show all posts

All Work and No Play Makes Makes Rob a Good Boy

It's OK! Magazine, so take it with a bucket of salt :)

But it sounds true since Rob wasn't seen out and about since filming started.

Do any of us doubt his professionalism? Nope.

From OK!:

While Twilight superstar Robert Pattinson has no problem with going out with friends and enjoying himself just like any other agonizingly handsome 23-year-old, those close to R-Pattz tell OK! that the actor has turned off the party switch while he's shooting his new film, Remember Me, in New York.

"He really isn't a major partier," one friend of Rob reveals to OK!. "His work is very important to him and he doesn't go out and get wasted."

Adds the pal, with a laugh, "Now after the movie wraps up, that will be a different story!"

Robert's work ethic was definitely on display on the set Wednesday morning, as the crew shot scenes inside legendary NYC downtown bar Don Hill's. For the scene, he was joined by co-star Tate Ellington.

"It was a really short scene with two guys just talking at the bar," an on-set source tells OK!. "Rob looked like he had already rehearsed. He was really prepared and just there to do business."

R-Pattz did slip out of the bar a handful of times during the day to head back to his trailer for a break from the repetitive drain of shooting. "Today went really well," says the source. "But it was a lot of the same stuff over and over."

What a Load of Crap Wednesday Edition: OK! Magazine

You know these magazines are good (in an evil way)! They never give up. They plant the seeds of doubt in your head. They sound SO sure with no evidence.

From the creator of tons of LOADs OF CRAP OK! Magazine:

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and that’s certainly the case for Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, the Twilight co-stars whose incendiary screen passion has exploded into their real lives.

Rob is in NYC for the summer, shooting a somber independent film called Remember Me (click here for details on that film!), while Kristen is back in L.A., working on The Runaways, a rock biopic in which she portrays music legend Joan Jett.

That the young, white-hot stars are more than mere friends is beyond dispute. “It’s no secret that their relationship has been heating up these past few months,” says a source close to the couple, who recently completed New Moon, the second film in the Twilight saga. “They are attracted to each other, and there is definitely something very special going on between them.”

Something very complicated, too. For Rob and Kristen form two sides of a compelling love triangle: Kristen is evidently still involved with her longtime boyfriend, actor Michael Angarano, and as OK! reported last week, Rob wants that romantic geometry simplified, one way or the other, no later than October, when he and Kristen start filming the third Twilight movie, Eclipse. Though Rob is giving Kristen a few months to choose between suitors, he’s not giving her a lot of rope. (Gozde: Oh how "Eclipse" of them. Fire and Ice)

“Rob is constantly texting and calling Kristen to ‘check in,’ ” the source says. “He’s invited her and their New Moon co-star Dakota Fanning to fly to New York and hang out with him and his friends some weekend — his treat.” (Gozde: Ooooh, it's Rob's treat! LMAO:))

US Weekly, OK!, Life & Style and Star Mag Scans

Big thanks n MWAHS galore to Robert Pattinson Unlimited for the scans.

OK! Magazine Cover

As Twilight stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart took the stage to accept the prize for Best Kiss at the May 31 MTV Movie Awards, the apparent hormonal combustion ignited Universal City’s Gibson Amphitheatre and flew out over the airwaves to 5.3 million viewers worldwide.

Ditching his chewing gum, the smoldering Robert braced himself for a steamy smooch with his onscreen paramour; Kristen stood hands on hips, seemingly daring him on. They drew closer, and Rob’s lips parted, while the erotic heat built to an unbearable pitch. Then, at the last second, “Bella the Reluctant Virgin” demurred and pulled away, leaving “Edward the Conflicted Vampire” ... dangling.

“Thank you sooo much,” Stewart told the audience, sounding every bit the 19-year-old from L.A.

Were all those feverish pheromones for real, or were the onscreen lovers merely doing their best to create a romantic Hollywood illusion? Rumors have been rampant that the introverted, guitar-playing Rob, a 23-year-old Brit who is arguably filmdom’s foremost fantasy, has been nursing an unrequited passion for his leading lady, who has been dating actor Michael Angarano, 21, for five years.

“Robert and Kristen spent a lot of time alone together when they filmed the first
Twilight movie — they’d stay up most of the night talking, laughing, playing
music,” a friend of Stewart tells OK!. “Although [Robert] knew Kristen had a boyfriend, he made no secret of the fact that he was crazy about her.”

Clearly, there is a mutual attraction.

“Kristen and Robert hit it off the minute they were introduced,” Kristen's friend says. “When they auditioned together for the first time [back in 2007], sparks flew. The
problem is, she’s torn between her onscreen and off-screen loves.”

Michael, for his part, has had enough of the scuttlebutt. “A lot of guys would not
be as understanding as Michael has been the friend. “But one thing Michael is not
quite as understanding of is all the gossip about her and Pattinson.”

OK! Mag Scans 5-18-09 Issue

Love & thanks to andrew_is_love09 on PattinsonLife LJ for sharing their scans.

What a Load of Crap - Number 2

Well, what they report here is probably true but still the magazine is a crappy tabloid and there is NO way in hell the movie is going to be better than the book.(Sorry Rob, it's not you it's me :) The heart break on the blank pages with only the months in New Moon just can not be translated in a movie)

After deeming the 20-minute Sage & the Dills concert at Vancouver hot spot Metropole too short for his taste, an enchanted Robert Pattinson invited the band and his fellow New Moon co-stars, including Kristen Stewart, back to his hotel for an impromptu jam session on April 18.

As Robert, who plays dreamy vampire Edward Cullen, strummed his guitar, on-screen sibling Jackson Rathbone (Jasper) played harmonica while their big-screen sister Nikki Reed (Rosalie) added lyrics she had practiced onstage earlier that evening while serenading cast mate Taylor Lautner.

“We just got really creative,” lead singer Sage tells OK! of the intimate hotel-room session, which sounded like a mix of old-school rock and country as well as Van Morrison, Robert’s favorite rocker. “Everything blended together really well.” (Gozde: Sage sure likes to talk to the gossip rags doesn't she?Previously by Sage HERE)

Whether they’re making music or shooting Twilight sequels, the tight-knit cast of the vampire series works — and plays — as a true team. “It is weird that the minute we all met, it felt like family,” Kellan Lutz, who stars as Edward’s bloodsucker brother Emmett, tells OK!. “The first day we got on set, a lot of us felt like we’d always been related.”

But that hasn’t stopped Kellan, 24, from clobbering Robert when the cameras are rolling. While working on a scene in which their bodies collide, the actors learned that they have differing methods for stunt work — high school football star Kellan actually knocked the wind out of Robert.

“He didn’t think I’d actually nail him, but that’s what the script said I was supposed to do,” explains Kellan. “I didn’t go out of my way to hurt him, but there is Rob, trotting along, and bang!”

But on-set mishaps haven't changed anyone's feelings about the New Moon shoot, says Ashley Greene, who plays Alice Cullen.

“The first one, we all had no idea what we were getting ourselves into,” she tells OK!. “We all have our bearings now, and it is more fun and less stressful."

via Pattinson Life

OK! Mag Scan 5-11-09 Issue

OK! Magazine is featuring A-List Guys...Taylor and Kellan are also featured.
Thanks to IntoxicatingScent for sharing the scan.

OK Magazine Cover

These things are so hilarious and amusing. Ted C., Lainey, all these tabs... Their collective sources: their asses (you can quote me on that :))

On the prowl? Roar! :))


Thanks to Coral (who rocks!) once again for the link :))

Australian OK! Scans

source via LJ Pattinson Life

Robert Pattinson is OK!s Most Eligible Man


Load of CRAP Magazine Scans

Here is your load of crap magazine scans for the day.

If you buy these magazines you are helping the Volturi, true story.

When BAD Photoshop happens to good people :))

Gozde's note:
The confirmation of the said "cat fight" between Kristen and Nikki came from a couple of fans that spotted them at the 100 Monkeys concert last night in Vancouver. Apparently:

"Kristen and Nikki come up and dance with us. After a while they show concern for Taylor and make him come up too"

I don't know about you but this sounds to me like they had a "dance off" for Rob and they were pulling Taycob for support :)

For more on the fan encounter and pictures check out TwiCrackAddict :))

Thanks to Pattinson Life for the scans :)

P.S.: My gmail is down, no idea what the heck is going on, I'm thinking Laineyho put a curse on it.

Robert Pattinson on cover of OK!

Meet The Sexiest Vampire EVER! Wow he is really getting quite huge!

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