Showing posts with label Team Edward all the way. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Team Edward all the way. Show all posts

Twilight Reaches The Senate - Kagan mum on Twilight debate 'Edward v. Jacob'

Twilight Reaches The Senate - Kagan mum on Twilight debate 'Edward v. Jacob'

Yes last nights "Eclipse" Debut was being talked about everywhere and I mean everywhere!

Washington, D.C. - It is the classic debate amongst Twilight fans: Edward or Jacob?

The third film in the Twilight saga, Eclipse, opened at midnight in theatres on Wednesday, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) decided to bring this bit of pop-culture into the Senate hearings concerning the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. The hearings have been going on since Monday, with Kagan answering questions throughout each day.

"I guess it means you missed the midnight debut of the third Twilight movie last night," Sen. Klobuchar said. "We did not miss it in our household, and it culminated in three 15-year-old girls sleeping over at 3 a.m."

"I didn't see that," Kagan said.

"I keep wanting to ask you about the famous case of Edward v. Jacob, or The Vampire v. The Werewolf," Sen. Klobuchar said, opening her questioning with a bit of lightheartedness.

"I wish you wouldn't," Kagan said with a laugh.

In the book and film series, the two characters -- Edward, a vampire played by Robert Pattinson, and Jacob, a werewolf played by Taylor Lautner -- battle for the love of the female lead, Bella.

As Kagan said in later testimony, a judge plays for neither team, but acts independently. She practices what she preaches, because she refused to commit to either Team Edward or Team Jacob. (Kate: I bet she was really Team Edward though)

Thanks To a_svirn for the tip!

Ross from The Tonight Show talks to Rob and some of the Eclipse cast

Ross is trying to make up his mind what "Team" he should be on at the Eclipse premiere. Rob makes a very convincing argument. LOL

Kristen Stewart Tells Us That She's Team Edward!

Kristen Stewart Tells Us That She's Team Edward!

And no Kristen Team Jacob is NOT the better choice!

"New Moon" DVD Winner

"New Moon" DVD Winner

You may remember last month we ran a contest with "Sweety High" for a chance to win a "New Moon" DVD well the winning team was Team Edward (big surprise) and here's the winner


Entertainment Weekly Featuring Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner


The December 4th issue of Entertainment Weekly is out on Firday and has a choice of three different covers Team Edward, Team Jacob & Team Bella.

From EW

NEW YORK – Hot off the tail of the New Moon pre­miere, this week’s Enter­tain­ment Weekly explores the phe­nom­e­non that is the Twi­light series.

Chris Weitz opens the door to his beach house look­ing like a wilted rose. He’s unshaven, pale and wear­ing clothes he appears to have found wadded in a ball on his bed­room floor. It’s exactly the way you’d expect to find the direc­tor the morn­ing after his movie The Twi­light Saga: The New Moon opened around the world to num­bers no one thought pos­si­ble. But Weitz isn’t recov­er­ing from a long night of rev­elry. He’s just exhausted. In the last ten days, he’s been in more time zones than the sun, on the last stretch of pro­mo­tional duties for his movie. “I’m at the point of phys­i­cal col­lapse,” says Weitz, 40. “Hope­fully I will now lapse into obscu­rity. That’s my plan.”

We can think of 140 mil­lion rea­sons that’s not going to hap­pen – all of them dol­lars. On open­ing week­end, New Moon made the kind of money usu­ally reserved for comic-book heroes and boy wiz­ards, break­ing records for mid­night screen­ings and Fri­day box office. More sig­nif­i­cantly, Weitz has made the high­est gross­ing female-oriented movie since James Cameron opened Titanic in 1997. And, with San­dra Bul­lock scor­ing a career best open­ing with $34.5 mil­lion for The Blind Side, he’s taken part in one of the most female-driven week­ends in history–one that should wake up what­ever Hol­ly­wood exec­u­tives still under­es­ti­mate the spend­ing power of the purse. Still, Weitz won’t make any grand claims for him­self. “The degree of credit I can take is lim­ited,” he says. “I’m just the glo­ri­fied conductor.”
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