NEW MQ PICS: Robert Pattinson All Smiles Being Interviewed At Vulture Festival LA

NEW MQ PICS: Robert Pattinson All Smiles Being Interviewed At Vulture Festival LA

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VIDEO & PICS: Robert Pattinson At The Vulture Festival LA

PICS: Robert Pattinson At The Vulture Festival LA 

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MORE After The Cut

MORE PICS: Robert Pattinson going through a door can make you swoon (Nov. 15)

MORE PICS: Robert Pattinson going through a door can make you swoon (Nov. 15)

This is from the night of The Fred Hollows Foundation Inaugural Fundraising Gala Dinner a couple days ago. It's only Rob about to go through a door but even that activity is swoon-worthy...

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Click HERE if you missed the big batch of HQs from the night!

Fun candids and fan pics under the cut!

PRINT INTERVIEW: Robert Pattinson Tells 'The Irish Times' About 'Good Time,' The Lost City Of Z', 'High Life' & More

PRINT INTERVIEW: Robert Pattinson Tells 'The Irish Times' About 'Goodtime,' The Lost City Of Z', 'High Life' & More

Loving all these new Rob interviews. Here's another, this time with 'The Irish Times'

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Robert Pattinson is gleaming just as surely as his odd little golden splodge of hair at the front. Today that blond bit is made especially visible by a close crew cut. He’s in strikingly chipper form. I’m not sure I was expecting chipper.

Having worked with Werner Herzog, David Cronenberg, Anton Corbijn and, as we meet, Claire Denis, Pattinson has blossomed into the one of the most interesting actors of his generation. Still, he has never been the kind of performer you’d confuse with such great, boozy, storytelling carousers as Peter O’Toole.

“How did those guys do it?” Pattinson says. “It’s the most amazing thing. How can you operate at that level while simultaneously sabotaging yourself? Have you read that Andre Agassi biography? I can’t get over it. So he was still seeded. Around 30th in the world, I think. And he was addicted to crystal meth. And he’s also gluing his wig to his head with polymer cement. So he’s playing a five-set tennis match. On meth. With a wig cemented to his head. How crazy is that?” He laughs. “I mean, I can’t do anything if I’m slightly tired. Or if I’ve drunk two cups of coffee. After two cups of coffee I’m literally incapacitated.”

When we last caught up the artist formerly known as R-Patz was shooting The Lost City of Z in Belfast and had just been declared a total ledge by the media after dropping in on a Co Down wedding reception. He had a great time, he says.

“But the best thing about Ireland was seeing Van Morrison play in Cypress Avenue,” Pattison says. “It was my birthday, and he was incredible. I’m a bit obsessed with Van Morrison. I’ve seen him seven times, and twice he has really, really killed it. But that was really something. Just amazing.”

The same production would bring Pattinson to the caiman- and viper-infested waters of Colombia’s Caribbean coast, where, in a fit of method madness, he ate live maggots from his beard. “I can’t believe they deleted that scene,” he says.

Did they? Did they really? This isn’t one of those patented Pattinson tall tales, is it? Like the time he claimed to have extraordinarily heavy saliva? Or the time he told the Today show that he saw a clown’s car explode at his first circus? Or how about last summer, when he told Jimmy Kimmel that he refused to masturbate a dog for his new thriller, Good Time? “Robert Pattinson is our kind of guy (and everyone’s who has a heart) for refusing to masturbate a dog,” said Lisa Lange of the animal-welfare group Peta, in a laudatory statement.

Except, no. The dog masturbation was also a fib.

“No, there were real live maggots,” he says, grinning.

We’ll leave it at that.

INTERVIEW: Robert Pattinson Talks 'Good Time' & Upcoming Projects With Vanity Fair

INTERVIEW: Robert Pattinson Talks 'Good Time' & Upcoming Projects With Vanity Fair

Rob was interviewed by Vanity Fair and spoke about Good Time, upcoming projects and lots more!

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Brooding and aloof, two adjectives often associated with actor Robert Pattinson, are two that do little to currently describe the 31-year old former heartthrob. Rather the face of the Dior Homme fragrance, with the sharp-edged jawline and the intense glare, is an easy laugh and a genuinely good time. It could be because he’s getting the best reviews of his career for his role as a petty thief sporting a hearty batch of grandiose delusions in Josh and Benny Safdie’s aptly titled grind-house actioner Good Time. It could be because the paparazzi have finally left him alone and he’s starring in the films he’s long wanted to do. Or it could be that his life is, quite simply, great. Apparently, even the spirits agree.

A few years ago, Pattinson received a psychic reading from a waitress/medium at a London restaurant who told him that his soul had lived many previous lives and the one he’s currently in was something of a reward for all his past lives’ hardships. “She was like, ‘This life is your soul just having a ride, having fun, just a roller coaster,” said Pattinson during a recent interview at his favorite Los Angeles restaurant that he asked me to keep secret.

“That's generally how I feel,” he added. “It’s been fucking incredible. I really haven’t had any bad times. I’ve had a cruise from beginning to end.”

Most of that cruising has been done on movie sets. Since he first appeared opposite Reese Witherspoon in Vanity Fair when he was 16 (his scenes were eventually cut from the film) to today, Pattinson has worked consistently, jumping from set to set, including the four years he spent brooding as Edward, the tortured vampire with the sparkly skin and a desperate passion for the forbidden human Bella in Twilight, the series that sent his star power into the stratosphere. We all know how that fairy tale ended. What’s remarkable is that it did little to quell Pattinson’s own passion for the game. Rather, it taught him the importance of having good directors and solidified his quest to seek them out at all costs.

“That’s what film is to me,” Pattinson said of his single-mindedness about filmmakers. “It shows respect for the art form and the lineage of movie-making if you go after the people who influence everyone else.”

Back in 2015, he sent a cold e-mail to the Safdie brothers based on a film still from a yet-to-be-released movie. According to Josh, it read in part: “I've seen this still for your film Heaven Knows What, and I feel some type of innate connection toward it. It somehow feels tied to my purpose, and I feel like now you’re tied to my purpose.”

NEW PHOTO: Robert Pattinson & The Cast & Crew Of 'High Life'

NEW PHOTO: Robert Pattinson & The Cast & Crew Of 'High Life' 

Media Biz  released a great new photo from the end of High Life filming in Cologne.

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The caption under the photo reads (translated using Google Translate):
For "High Life", Pandora Film worked together with French director Claire Denis for the third time after "Les Salauds" and "35 Rum" Clip. The photo taken at the end of filming in the Cologne Media Park NRW Studios shows (from left to right): Producer Christoph Friedel (Pandora Film), the main actors Juliette Binoche and Robert Pattinson, Petra Müller (Managing Director Film- und Medienstiftung NRW), the cast André Benjamin and Claire Tran as well as Producer Claudia Steffen (Pandora Film). Pandora Film Distribution brings "High Life" 2018 to German cinemas
Photo: Martin Menke / Pandora Film (PR release)
Thanks SallyVG

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson Gives The Best Intro To An Interview EVER!

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson Gives The Best Intro To An Interview EVER!

In true Rob style he starts the interview with a great story. Watch below to find out. It's a Fun interview with lots of laughing Rob.

NEW PHOTOS: Robert Pattinson Leaves The Gym In LA Today (17th November)

NEW PHOTOS: Robert Pattinson Leaves The Gym In LA Today (17th November)

Hello Bicsps!

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Source: Pattinson Photos
Thanks Cosmo & Flavia

Robert Pattinson Talks To The LA Times' 'The Envelope' & Great NEW Pics

Robert Pattinson Talks To The LA Times' 'The Envelope' & Great NEW Pics

Loving these new pics and all the new interviews!

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CLICK HERE to Read the interview 

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VIDEO: Robert Pattinson Posing For Photographers At The Fred Hollows Foundation Inaugural Fundraising Gala Dinner Last Night

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson Posing For Photographers At The Fred Hollows Foundation Inaugural Fundraising Gala Dinner Last Night

Did you miss the photos? Catch them HERE & HERE

MORE Gorgeous HQ's: Robert Pattinson At The Fred Hollows Foundation Inaugural Fundraising Gala Dinner (Nov. 15)

MORE Gorgeous HQ's: Robert Pattinson At The Fred Hollows Foundation Inaugural Fundraising Gala Dinner (Nov. 15)

Excuse any repeats, lots of new photos. Lordy he looked good last night (doesn't he always?).
Look how quickly his hair is growing back!

Enjoy :)

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NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson looking STUNNING at The Fred Hollows Foundation Inaugural Fundraising Gala Dinner (Nov. 15)

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson looking STUNNING at The Fred Hollows Foundation Inaugural Fundraising Gala Dinner (Nov. 15)

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Rob with Joel Edgerton
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Source: PP

LISTEN To Robert Pattinson On BBC Radio 4

LISTEN To Robert Pattinson On BBC Radio 4

UPDATE: You can now listen to the podcast HERE

An interview with Rob will be on BBC Radio 4 at 7:15pm (GMT). You can listen online by clicking HERE

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Robert Pattinson on the cover of Time Out London (Nov 14)

Robert Pattinson Talks To 'Time Out' About 'Good Time', 'Harry Potter', University & LOTS MORE

Robert Pattinson Talks To 'Time Out' About 'Good Time', 'Harry Potter', University & LOTS MORE

Time Out interviewed Rob when he was in London. It's a good read. Grab a cuppa and get comfortable!

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With ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Twilight’ far behind him, Robert Pattinson’s latest film is punk jailbreak thriller ‘Good Time’. He tells us about getting into acting, hanging out in New York prisons and why London is his favourite city

Robert Pattinson’s hair is no more. When I meet him, his enviably tousled locks have been replaced with a brutal shearing practically designed to break a million ‘Twilight’ fans’ hearts. This buzzcut is a by-product of Pattinson’s new film ‘Good Time’, which requires his character to give himself a terrible bottle-blond dye job and left him looking like Scarecrow in the ‘The Wizard of Oz’ after a hard night out. Seeing him reclining on a Soho hotel’s sofa in the unfussy jeans-and-T-shirt-and-sneakers combo that’s become his uniform (‘I could keep my stuff in a plastic bag,’ he says), it’s easy to imagine that without another project to work on – Claire Denis’s sci-fi adventure ‘High Life – he’d still be cheerily rocking the yellow mop top.

Pattinson, it’s fair to say, is happiest doing the opposite of what people expect. As a teenager in Barnes, he had an unorthodox introduction to acting: he auditioned for a play just because he fancied a girl in it. His lucky break came getting the part of Cedric Diggory in ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ at 17. Then he had megawatt fame thrust upon him by the £2.5 billion-grossing behemoth that was ‘The Twilight Saga’. Since then he’s taken the road less travelled. ‘People were waiting outside my house a few years ago,’ he remembers of the ‘Twilight’-fuelled hysteria that saw him doorstepped by fans and his girlfriend, FKA Twigs, receive death threats from racist Twi-hards, years after the series had finished.

Then SW13’s most famous son ditched the blockbusters, and the spotlight. He spent the past few years working with cult directors like David Cronenberg, Werner Herzog and James Gray. The resulting films haven’t always set the box office alight, but they have been singular, occasionally brilliant and hellishly hard to shake off. ‘Good Time’ is another one of those. A scuzzy pulp thriller with a patina of sweaty desperation, it’s a furious, compelling watch. It’s also a likely Oscar contender, and Pattinson is a revelation. 

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Read the Interview After The Cut

AWARD SEASON: Pics and video of Robert Pattinson at the AFI Festival for Indie Contenders panel (Nov. 12)

AWARD SEASON: Pics and video of Robert Pattinson at the AFI Festival for Indie Contenders panel (Nov. 12)

So much to be proud of!

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Videos, social media posts and more HQs under the cut!

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson Poses For Photos On The Governor's Awards Red Carpet

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson Poses For Photos On The Governor's Awards Red Carpet

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