Blast From The Past: HQ pictures of Robert Pattinson from Eclipse Press Conference

Blast From The Past: HQ pictures of Robert Pattinson from Eclipse Press Conference

Most of the images you've seen but some are new. They are all HQ though so enjoy Rob and his many beautiful, funny, pensive faces.


Thank you, Marina, for the beautiful wallpaper to showcase the gallery :)
Lick & save!

More than 100 HQ pics of Rob and his many faces after the cut!

HQ image of Robert Pattinson from Breaking Dawn Press Conference

HQ image of Robert Pattinson from Breaking Dawn Press Conference

Jeeeez...smirk some more and kill us, why dontcha?


The uncropped HQ image

Source HQ

Robert Pattinson's HD "Bel Ami" Trailer Screencapped

Robert Pattinson's HD "Bel Ami" Trailer Screencapped

Because I know you like screencaps as much as I do and I just HAD to make HD caps.

Here's a few of them.
You can download all 452 of them in HD (1920 x 1080) HERE

I thought it might make life a little easier and give your tongues a break from licking and saving ;-p





OH God


Finger Porn


Nibble on MY nose DuRob


I'm NOT gonna survive this movie





That's it I can't take anymore


What were you doing New Years Eve, Robert Pattinson?

What were you doing New Years Eve, Robert Pattinson?

There were a few rumblings on twitter about Rob's New Years Eve:




Let's talk about what we all really want to know...

Was Rob at the same place as Zack Morris or Mr. Belding? I MUST know. There's a big difference there. ;)

These tweets seemed to support Hollywood Lies early claim that Rob would be celebrating NYE with Kristen at Palihouse. The tweeters mentioned this location earlier in their evening. Naturally, Hollywood Lies backtracked on their original report idiocy and discredited their discreditable selves by reporting lying today that Rob and Kristen were not at Palihouse and actually at a friends house to ring in the new year. An "exclusive" source liar told them so.

Ha ha HA!


I want to call them Hollywood Fools now.

Wherever Rob really was, we hope he was surrounded by love and happiness.

And a swing band!


Hope you guys had a great New Years and sorry it wasn't filled with a sparkling Rob. The man really does glow. Or maybe those sparkling lights are just the stars in my eyes when I see him.

Photo: Palihouse | Tweets 1 | 2 | 3 | Via: Alice_InTwiland

Robert Pattinson's "Bel Ami" Trailer Now in HD

Eeeeek Robert Pattinson's "Bel Ami" Trailer is finally out in HD.
Can you handle it??

You can download the trailer for yourself by right licking saving: 480p | 720p | 1080p
Source via Source

No Photo Left Behind: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart at the Breaking Dawn World Premiere

No Photo Left Behind: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart at the Breaking Dawn World Premiere


I can not handle the beautiful eyes. Kristen's eye makeup is smoky-fab and Rob...well...there are no words for what he does with his eyes....



Rob: Hey Kristen, did you see that explosion?


Kristen: I did. That was weird. Let's ask Nick about it.


Rob: Nick, did you notice that massive eruption?


Nick: Guys. That's normal. How many years have we been doing this now? Rob stares and the ovaries explode. Back to posing. Kristen, show more leg for the Krisbians.


Larger images after the cut in the thumbnails!

Gorgeous 2012 Robert Pattinson Wallpaper Calendars

Now there's no excuse not to have a gorgeous Robert Pattinson Wallpaper on your computer because as well as looking pretty the wallpaper is functional too because it's also a calendar!

Thanks to the lovely TwiCarol for making these.
Happy 2012




Click and Save Below for Full Size

via RobArtGallery

Happy New Year to Robert Pattinson and the dark recesses of Robsessed!

Happy New Year to Robert Pattinson and the dark recesses of Robsessed!

We love Rob and we love you guys! Hope you rang in the new year safe and sound.
Cheers to 2012! 
Marina made us this celebratory wallpaper to toast the new year of Rob. :)


Click for HQ!

All eyes will be on Rob for his role as Eric Packer. Enjoy a few Cosmopolis wallpapers to support Rob's career defining moment in 2012. :)





HQ Cosmopolis wallpapers via

All 2011 "making you the love" wallpapers after the cut!

Robsessed Awards Results - Robert Pattinson's Best Performance of 2011

Robsessed Awards Results - Robert Pattinson's Best Performance of 2011

Winner: Edward Cullen!

Separated by only 200 votes, this race was a tight one! Edward Cullen's 42% to Jacob Jankowski's 35%. Rob as Rob was not far behind and could have made it a 3-way tie with a couple hundred votes taken from Edward.

Next year will certainly be more challenging with Rob as Georges Duroy, Eric Packer, and his final go as Edward Cullen. Plus, there's always the MTV Rob Awards kicking off the summer. ;)

Some awesome E&B videos after the cut to celebrate Rob as swoony Edward!
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