Werner Herzog Talks "Queen Of The Desert": "Coordinating all the actors’ schedules has made it difficult"

Werner Herzog Talks "Queen Of The Desert": "Coordinating all the actors’ schedules has made it difficult" 

A couple of small updates on "Queen of The Desert" & "Mission: Blacklist"

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Werner Herzog spoke to the Washington Post while doing promo for his latest project, a short film called “From One Second to the Next,” and mentioned Queen of The Desert :
For his next project, the director of “Into the Abyss” is returning to death row for a follow-up to his “On Death Row” series, and he’s still hoping to make a film about the life of Middle East pioneer Gertrude Bell starring Naomi Watts and Robert Pattinson titled “Queen of the Desert.” He said coordinating all the actors’ schedules has made it difficult.
And not so much an update but Dylan Kussman (the screenwriter for Mission:Blacklist) tweeted this today:
Hopefully we'll have more news to report on these soon.
In the meantime don't forget you can keep up with all things Mission:Blacklist HERE and QOTD HERE

 via RobPattMoms

New/Old Gorgeous Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Set Pics

New/Old Gorgeous Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Set Pics

I love when gems like this pop up. Here's Rob with Aleksandra Kaniak & Ilia Volok who played his Mum & Dad in "Water for Elephants".
Hmmmm it looks like Rob is having a bit of button trouble.

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I see you Rob ...........

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Source via Lurker 1510/RobPattMoms

Blast From The Past: Robert Pattinson Bruce Weber Vanity Fair 2009 Photoshoot

Blast From The Past: Robert Pattinson Bruce Weber Vanity Fair 2009 Photoshoot

As you know our 365DOR yesterday was a Vanity Fair Photoshoot pic. We ALL chose pics from the 2009 VF photoshoot. SO I thought it was the perfect time to have a look at the whole thing (any excuse) ;-))

First here's a little vid of Rob talking about being on the Vanity Fair cover

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Here's Rob with the stylist from the shoot, Deborah Watson.We need to give Deborah a high five for her great work(as well as the fabulous Bruce Weber and of course the man himself!)

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Check out the FULL Photoshoot After The Cut

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: August 6 ~ Vanity Fair Photoshoot Pic

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: August 6 ~ Vanity Fair Photoshoot Pic

Oh man....Vanity Fair 2009 (are we ignoring 2011? lol). It's highly regarded and many say the best photoshoot. Not only was the spread gorgeous, we never got another publication officially releasing 100 outtakes for us! Except for mine, all the pics we used were from those amazing outtakes. So much goodness and a classic shoot in our ROBsessed world.

"I’m cheating today {blush} I narrowed it down to these 3 (it wasn’t easy) and just couldn’t choose between them. I love them all for different reasons. The first one makes me smile (and the dog is super cute). The second one, WELL HELLO it’s obvious. And the 3rd one makes me think about that scene from Bridget Jones Diary where Colin Firth reads Bridget’s Diary and leaves the apartment, Bridget thinks he’s gone for good and chases after him down the street in her knickers. When she eventually catches up with him, he ends up wrapping his coat around her (you know the scene I’m talking about!). Well that’s why I like this pic. I think being wrapped like that in Rob’s coat would be very cozy indeed ;-)"
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"this pic owned me when it first came out. it was the first time i stopped my desktop slide show and let one pic be on my screen for awhile. it's so romantic and Rob looks so handsome. i see my sternocleidomastoidporn too. put on some classical piano music and stare at this picture. see what it does to you. you wont be sorry. ;)"
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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

Click for HQ!

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Round-Up Of NEW/Old Adorable Robert Pattinson Fan Pics

Round-Up Of NEW/Old Adorable Robert Pattinson Fan Pics

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Up close and personal!

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This one is an oldie (but a goodie) from 3 years ago and is now untagged

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GREAT Pic from the Breaking Dawn Part 1 Premiere in London

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And some cute ones from the London Breaking Dawn Part 2 Premiere
Such a great smile!

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Cute pic from 2011 when Rob was in Japan

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Story to go with the pic above:
"I was suppose to post this pic a while ago~ but my mom met Robert Pattinson in person !!!! soo f**k'n LUCKY!!!!!!!! *0* he came to my moms work to eat ramen! ha ha I guess he likes ramen ... That lil Japanese women next to Robert Pattinson is my mom !!! XD She said he was with 2 other friends. and when she ask him if he was Robert Pattinson he said in the shy way and smiled and said YES~ ha ha too cute~ I could soo picture that~ she said he was really nice.n_n Where I live, I seen so many famous ppl often. Its so crazy."
Click for Larger

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Source / Source / Source /Source /Source /Source  /Source 
Thanks to Roboshayka, Nancy & Lurker1510 for the tips!

HQ DiorRob? Yes please! Robert Pattinson picture from earlier now in HQ

HQ DiorRob? Yes please! Robert Pattinson picture from earlier now in HQ

We posted this but it was merely LARGE. Now it's HQ. All is right in the world.

Click for uncropped HQ DiorRob!

HQ | Via: ThoseBritBoys

NEW: Robert Pattinson still driving white cars in Los Angeles (Aug 5)

NEW: Robert Pattinson still driving white cars in Los Angeles (Aug 5)

Another day, another white car. It's the car from HERE but from today.

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