Capricho Magazine Scans (Brazil)

Click scans for larger view
Thanks to for the scans.

Bravo Magazine Scans (Poland)

Hot damn he looks good in red.

Looks like he made some sort of hot list.
#11??? I don't think so Poland, #1 fits so much better.

(okay so someone who actually can read what this says below tells me this is a table of contents and not some list of most popular anything. But I like my version much better.)

Katie says:
"Oh well at least he beat the little green thing =D"
I had to add her comment cause it made me giggle...

Thanks for sharing the scans.


Slow on the news lately so here is a little tasty vid made by HYBeccer.

And we all know she rocks so this is good stuff.

Thanks for sharing Becca love.

Big Issue North scans


Big thanks to for sharing the scans :)

2 New Vanity Fair Photoshoot Outtakes

Gahhhhh the hands, the eyes, the sexy stubble!!!!

Click on image for larger view.

Robert Pattinson Video Montage to Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah

It is sloooooow news week so I made a video. I hope you guys like it. This one took me a long time :))

NY Times on Robert Pattinson's Hair Cut (no seriously!)

NY Times wrote a piece about Rob's hair. Damn boy! Your hair is news worthy of NY Times :)

Goodbye, Mr. Curly Locks

Robert Pattinson, the break-out star of the vampire movie “Twilight,” has touched off a furor in some corners of the Internet for recently trimming his wavy hair down to a crew cut, according to The Web site reports “a frenzy of look-ups” for phrases like “Robert Pattinson haircut,” “Robert Pattinson new haircut” and “Robert Pattinson with short hair.” Among fans’ concerns are that Mr. Pattinson’s hair will be too short for him to reprise his role when a sequel is to begin filming early next year.

2 more Top Ten Lists Rob made

He made it to #7 at "The 25 Hottest Hunks in Hollywood" list. He is in amazing company of men on that list ;) (from yahoo!)

Top Ten Eligible Hollywood Bachelors according to

Robert Pattinson, the sexy star of Twilight, has women’s hearts aflutter all over the world after his big break out role as Edward, the movie’s sexy vampire. Known to have the best hair in Hollywood, if you can beat the teens off him, he appears to be sweet and quite smart.

Pop Star Sam Bradley Interview

Thanks to Monica we found this interview with Sam Bradley, Rob's childhood friend and co-writer of the hauntingly beautiful song "Never Think" from Twilight soundtrack. Check out his MySpace & YouTube pages, his songs are absolutely amazing!

The sweet pure sounds of Sam Bradley will immediately grab your attention and draw you in note by note. While enjoying Sam's music expect that each lyric is perfectly written, each note perfectly placed, and that each song was recorded with such passion by a truly talented musician. Sam is ready to share his beautifully orchestrated music with fans.

Sam Bradley is on the brink of super-stardom and PopStar was lucky enough to talk to the enthusiastic musician. Sam shares stories about co-writing Never Think with childhood friend Rob Pattinson, about getting involved in performing, and the future of his music. Sam is about to blow up and become one of the hottest musicians in '09 so make sure you get on the bandwagon first!

Sam Bradley Interview

PopStar: What got you involved in music?

Sam Bradley: My mum is a singer/songwriter and she bought me a guitar when I was 16. I have always sung. I used to sing R. Kelly songs in my bedroom.

PopStar: Can you tell us a little about your experience co-writing Never Think with your good friend Robert Pattinson?

Sam Bradley: The experience was a flat in London. It was a rather late night and we basically started humming and playing guitar. We ended up recording it and wrote words to the hums the next day, and that was it.

PopStar: You went to both the LA and the London premiere of Twilight. What was that like?

Sam Bradley: I expected craziness in LA and that was what it was. That was the first time I watched the film and it was very exciting. In comparison to the London one I honestly didn’t expect all the pandemonium. There were thousands of people and it was so cool because I got to go with my friends.

PopStar: Have you read Twilight?

Sam Bradley: No, I am going to. I have been pretty busy at the moment. It’s the next read.

PopStar: Okay, so we know that you are partial to this question but we feel compelled to ask. Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Sam Bradley: Edward. Team Edward, no question.

PopStar: Any chance you will write a song for New Moon?

Sam Bradley: I am working on it. That is out of my control. I have written a song with the idea of it being put towards the new movie. I have not played it for Rob yet but I’m sure he will like it.

PopStar: Where can we listen to more of your great music?

Sam Bradley: MySpace & YouTube are my only outlets right now. There is also a live journal. It is really cool, they are keeping up to date with every song we post or video we post.

PopStar: What is your favorite song currently on MySpace?

Sam Bradley: I like Sea Blue; that is probably my favorite. They are only demos so they are not final projects.

PopStar: Any tour dates coming up?

Sam Bradley: I don’t have any information right now; we are just working on where we will be going. Marcus Foster and Bobby Long and I want to visit as many places as we can. I think that it will be in the month August/September.

PopStar: Message to PopStar fans:

Sam Bradley: As long as it’s true to you, then you are doing something right.

Sam Bradley, Marcus Foster and Bobby Long will be ringing in the New Year at Sailor Hagars in North Vancouver, click here for more information.


Top 10 Box Office Movies of 2008

Total Gross: $158,461,000

Fueled by an enthusiastic fanbase, Stephanie Meyer's hit literary phenomenon jumped from the page to the big screen to take a bite out of the annual box office, grabbing the number 9 spot during the last weeks of the year.

You can see the rest HERE

Twilight is also in the top 150 of the All-time USA box office and it's been released on November 21, it's been barely 1 month! Congratulations Rob! You are a box office hit!

MTV Breakout Stars of 08

Are we surprised that these two made the list?
Yeah....I didn't think so.

This year Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson solidified themselves as Hollywood players. Starring as Bella and Edward in the amazingly popular "Twilight," they won the hearts of teenage girls everywhere, whose fanaticism and support of the movie made it a surefire hit. They are already lined up to work on its sequel, "New Moon," so you know these two are ready to rule the 2009 box office as well.

Read the rest of the article HERE.

Movie Maniacs Interviews-Audio Only

Rob talks about feeling the pressure

The difference between Potter/Twilight fans

Talks about bite requests he's getting

Talks about feeling like a teen-idol

HERE is the link the YouTube vids if you can't view above.
Thanks to Bubblebelle90 on IMDb for the update.

BBC Switch Interview

Watch more YouTube videos on AOL Video

TVGuide Hollywood 411 Interview

This video is circulating on a lot of the fan sites so I thought I'd post it too. It's old so I don't know why it's circulating again :-))


Thanks to Trixie for the Santa Rob pic. He looks fabulous as usual.


E! Online has created a Celeb Addictionary this is what they have to say about Rob and some of the new words he has inspired.

Since the launch of Celebrity Addictionary, no other celeb has spawned so many new words to describe the effect of his or her ungroomed fabulousness upon the public.

There's something about Rob—that glorious (now tragically shorn!) hair, those furry furrowed brows—that makes him catnip for the lexicographically inclined. Perhaps it's the bookish pallor or the fact that he plays a character who appears in a best-seller, but there's something there that's attracting wordsmiths.

Here are some fan submitted Rob inspired words and their deffinitions:

Pattinsonic Boom-noun, The hastily assembled cottage industry related to the rise of Rob Pattinson, also the sound of his fame exploding. See also, Pattinsonic bust

Pattzon-noun, a strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor towards Robert Pattinson

Pattinzane-noun, An unhealthy obsession with Robert Pattinson characterized by the inability to distinguish the actor from the character he plays in Twilight.

Robaliciousness-noun, The hastily assembled cottage industry related to the rise of Rob Pattinson, also the sound of his fame exploding. See also, Pattinsonic bust

Pattronize-verb, To humor one's Twilight-obsessed friends

Pattinsomnia-noun, A condition of wild-haired sleeplessness suffered by certain fans of Rob Pattinson due to a) an inability to stop wondering where he is and what he's doing and why he won't call; b) a passionate desire for him to appear in the window sill at night with a rose in his hand and your name on his lips

Pattinsloth-noun, A person who avoids work, school, or other responsibilities in order keep up with Robert Pattinson-related content on the internet.

Pattinsonitis-noun, a sickness experienced by avid fans of Robert Pattinson; a sickness of which they don't want to be cured. Symptoms: excessive obsession and adoration for Rob

Pattinized-verb, As to be dazzled by Robert Pattinson. Caught in his awesome presence, and only to be used for the one and only...hottest man alive and to ever live Robert Pattinson

Robtastic-adjective, So completely incredible that it is almost as FANTASTIC as Robert Pattinson or depicts a good characteristic of Robert!

Pattistrofic-noun, The effect Robert Pattinson has had on women.

Robinator-noun, THE Robinator (and only to be used as such) is an alternate name for the libido-increasing machine that is Rob Pattinson.

And for the Crème de la Crème!!!

ROBSESSED-adjective, Victim of Rob Pattinson's awesomeness


You can go HERE to the source and suggest your own Rob words. My favorite is the last one, but I could be just a little biased. Just a teeny bit.

M Magazine (Germany)

This picture is photoshop Hell

"I don't feel like I am an actor. I want to create something, a character for a movie. And while I'm doing it, there are different experiences that slip into that character, because I change with every movie that I make. I care about the outcome of my work, the creative process, not so much about myself, because there are tons of people who pat you on the back and then they proceed to drop you. You have to be careful not to lose sight of who you are. That's why I love the British understatement. I'd rather understate my own effort (laughs)"

Go HERE for the rest of the scans and the interview translation, there are no new images in the scans.

PIcture Montage- RIP SEX HAIR


Sugar Magazine Scans

Eddie looks maaaaaddd!

If Zach McSucksBigTime Efron is #1 I will shoot myself!

Your Awwwww Moment of the Day.

Does it make you miss the mop...just a little???

London Press Junket Interview

New Little Ashes Stills

Year In Review:’s Top 10 Searched Stars

Access Hollywood has their year in review and Rob comes in at #10:

#10 – Robert Pattinson

2008 was a big year for celebrities, and though he only began capturing headlines in the latter half of the year, Robert Pattison had enough people looking for information on him, that the “Twilight” hunk managed to earn the 10th spot on our list of Most Searched Terms leading folks to

Dress up Robert Pattinson

Just for fun :) You can dress up Robert Pattinson HERE. And no, you can't undress him more, not that I tried :)

Thanks to Phoebe for the link.

MTV remembers 2008

"I don't know they've got brooms!"

It Was Awesome!

'I Bought Some New Underpants'

MTV Guest Blogger Busts 'Twilight' Star

Rob's Game Plan: 'Try Not To Wet My Pants'

Robert Tries Not To Channel Al Pacino

What's It Like Kissing Robert Pattinson?

'His Running Is Cute'

You can find the rest HERE.

Picture Montage- Nice Hands...

This one makes me thirsty...coke anyone?

Thoughtful hands...

Even his hand is saying "Raawwwrrr" in this one...

Word to yo mutha hands...

Ring of the Nibelungs on SciFi Channel Dec 30th

The hair is reason enough to catch this one on TV.

One of Rob's earlier films from 04' "The Ring of Nibelungs' also known as 'The Dark Kingdom' will be airing on the SciFi channel Dec 30th. This is one of his films I haven't seen but the picture above has me very curious. If you want to catch this fabulous hair do, or rather hair don't click HERE to find your local listings.

Another photoshop victim

These awfully photoshopped pictures make me think "if it ain't broken, don't fix it!"

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