How to Be Screening Updates

Updates for Australia and California Screenings
California How to Be Screening:
The dates for How To Be to be shown at the Cinequest Film Festival in San Jose, California:
SAT, 2/28 - 7:15PM
MON, 3/2 - 7:00PM
Tickets for these showings go on sale @ Cinequest's website HERE on January 28
And this from the Australia How to Be Blog:
Great news for everyone who's interested in coming to the Sydney screening. We have finally found a venue for the screening, and have also pinned down a date! The date will be on Saturday, the 28th of March, 2009. It is about 8 weeks away....not that long to go. Oh, and the screening will start at 7:00 pm.
The venue is at the University Hall, University of Technology Sydney (UTS) at the corner of Harris and Thomas St, Ultimo.
You can view the venue's website HERE
For more updates regarding the Australia screening check back @ HowToBeAustralia.Blogspot

Make Robert Pattinson hold YOU

Make Robert Pattinson hold YOU...Well at least in cyberspace :) You can go to Face in a Hole and create your very own Twilight poster.

Here is mine. I know Bella isn't supposed to smile but with Rob's arms around me I couldn't help it :) I smile in the face of danger!

Robert Pattinson in Islington, London

Mr. Grizzly's hair is growing fast enough for Edward's bouffant to live on in March...

Thanks to Jan for the tip :)

Bravo Girl highlights

Pattinson Online has the translation of Bravo Girl (Germany) and Gala (Germany).

Here are the highlights:
My meeting with the vampire.

Hey girls! It’s me, Julia. I met Robert Pattinson:
I’m sitting here in the “Bayerischer Hof” in Munich waiting for the
star from “Twilight” Robert Pattinson. My intention: Find out what he
likes/doesn’t like about girls. I’m waiting and waiting and waiting. Suddenly the door opens and he appears. He shakes my hand with a grin.

The interview begins; Robert laughs a lot. He tells me that it was
embarrassing to wear make-up for his role as Edward. He looks down and
blushes. Sweet! Here something that concerns girls: He hates ugg-boots and
sticky lip gloss; he likes cheap lingerie which doesn’t match; he likes
cotton shirts and sneakers.

And did you know that Robert thinks that he is not a good listener and talks too much?

You can read the rest at at their site HERE

Another EW Outtake with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

Clicky for larger view.


Unknown Photoshoot

Zygote Rob strikes again!!!!!!

Somehow I see some interesting FB flair coming my way and yours with these badboys.


8 Things That Are Bugging Me About Robert Pattinson

Times of the internet gossip blogger(?) Lupe Lasano wrote this about Rob and I think it's hilarious!

Robert Pattinson this, Robert Pattinson that. You can't leave your house anymore without being assaulted by Robert Pattinson. The name haunts me worse than any tween vampire ever could. Robert Pattinson is all anyone cares about. He's like Brangelina, only stronger, because there's only one of him. That's right. Robert Pattinson is a Hollywood Power Couple all by himself. Let me articulate what's getting on my nerves about Robert Pattinson.

8) Nobody is this humble! This guy has to have an ego or he wouldn't even be able to leave the house in the morning. Personally, I know people who work the graveyard shift at the local gas station and think they're something special. Here's a guy in one of the hottest movies around and he refuses to talk himself up.

7) He doesn't have a girlfriend. He's 22 and he's not tied into a relationship. He doesn't have a ball or a chain he has to answer to at the end of a long day of filming. What nerve.

6) He's nice to fans. This guy is nice to his fans, a rare trait if ever there was one. I prefer surly, anti-social celebrities. They're easier to hate on.

5) He's had it too easy in Hollywood. Where's all the "paying of dues" actors need to go through in order to become this famous? Pattinson just walked into Tinsel Town one day and they handed him the keys to the place.

4) He doesn't get involved in unnecessary drama. He has no bitter custody case going on. He isn't under arrest for DUI. Compared to Shia LaBeouf this cat is unnatural.

3) Girls love him just a bit too much. RPattz is to girls what spinach was to Popeye. Women go crazy at the sight of Big Rob.

2) He's not going away any time soon. Right now Pattinson can do no wrong. Everybody wants him in their next movie so he can afford to be selective and choose whatever project he wants. We'll all have to deal with him for years!

1) His new haircut. He's supposed to have long vampire hair. Now he looks like a Young Republican.

I know some of you will say "You live in a Free World, if you choose to, you can ignore Robert Pattinson." Uh, no I can't. It's not in the cards. Sure I'd love to be a Robert Pattinson hater, but it just doesn't seem to be in the cards. So far the guy has managed to keep his overall image so positive, there aren't any chinks in his armor.

So far.

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