Fan Pictures

This is what happens when you don't protect your facebook pictures :)

Rob, Kat Dennings and a fan:



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DirtyD said...

Lucky, lucky bitches, and one lucky mother f*cker!!! (It's too early for so much swearing!) Why can't I ever be that lucky.

Rob sure did look handsome in that picture from the night he got his award. Yes, I said handsome!!

DirtyD said...

And I just wanted to add that the 8th pic down....wowza. Look at that lovely exposed chest. Oh, to be able to put my hand on him and rub said chest.

Ellie said...

Dana, did I spy some COLLAR BONE in some of those yummy pics? lol

Trixie said...

Ellie - collar bone! LOL! You've been doing your reading, haven't you?

Jenn said...

He's so lovely...siiigh:) Love #7 hilarious!

Ellie said...

Trixie, homework and research can be good...VERY good.

DirtyD said...

Mmmm....lucious sugar licks!

DirtyD said...

BRB I have to go feed my daughter.

Ellie said...

"Mmmm....lucious sugar licks!"
LMFAO, Dana! I'm so happy to be finally in the know... :)

Gozde said...

Gaah! No fair! Okay I'm off to read wide awake. You guys fucking suck! :)

Ellie said...

Yes, we do...often, I think.
(love you Goz!)

Gozde said...

Muah! I love you too :))

Anonymous said...

The girl in the pink shirt with the funny face! WOW I do wonder if he knew she was making that face lol

Jewels64 said...

These are so cute! I love that he takes the time to take pictures with his fans like this...(still jealous of you Kathryn....)

Trixie said...

I just have to say that I hate everyone is these "bullshit" pics!

Ellie - so are you loving WA or what?

Ellie said...

Hi, Cutie, Welcome! Yes, I wondered about that, too.
I know I wouldn't want to waste my one chance to get a picture with Rob by making a face like that...I'd be leaning in and getting a sweet whiff of him and fighting the urge to rake my fingers through his unicorn-infested hair!

Unknown said...

Seriously, I'm gonna keep saying it...Can I be one of those girls? Unfortunately, my neck of the woods is not attractive place for celebrities to visit (although I do live very close to Atlanta).

Unknown said...

Hi ladies! How is everyone? :)

Kate said...

Well I have no chance of being one of these girls (off to pout in the corner)
But Rob sure does look fine in these!!!
And if I ever did get my pic taken with him I wouldn'tmind anyone stealing them off of facbook seriously, i wouldn't !!

Anonymous said...

Ellie! LOL But your right, exactly my thaughts! Well .. Minus the unicorns in the hair.. lol not even the fingers through his hair. I work in a hair salon and if he's honest and doesn't wash it often ( even its more then 3 days that oil build up in the scalp is not my cup of tea! LOL I will gladly caress his beard though (:

Ellie said...

I do miss that heair...but now there'e more jaw to love.

Ellie said...


DirtyD said...

Clean hair, dirty hair. I'll take it all. I figure it this way. If his hair is really dirty that will mean more time spent in the shower with me trying to get it clean.

Ellie said...

Dana, EXACTLY! lol

Rose said...

Chatbox is a cool idea...but my computer hates it.

Fucking Bullshit

DirtyD said...

Rose- my computer wasn't liking the chat box either at first.

Ellie said...

Rose, that's my girl! Back to the fucking bullshit.

(And, no, you're not really "my girl". Just wanted to get that straight with you...)

Ellie said...

I like it here better...You don't have to scroll so much to read the previous comments.

Rose said...

I know I'm not YOUR girl....

The chatbox made me feel drunk.

Ellie said...

Fuck, bullshit.

There, I said it.

does the chatbox edit, Rose? I didn't try to write anything questionable after reading your comments first.

Rose said...

All those people getting all their bullshit faces next to Rob.
I'm wondering if he will keep being so nice to people...or if he will toughen up

Rose said...

The chatbox edited cursing...


Ellie said...

Kate, what kind of sandwhich? I'm hungry and have to wait 45 more minutes for lunch...

any fucking delicious cookies, you got there??

Kate said...

Hey Ladies, I followed you

Ellie said...

My %*&^*&$%^^ got through, though...sounds more colorful than ******

Ellie said...

I think the chatbox will probably be used by new girls who won't know about all the fun here.

Anonymous said...

What a funny morning. Always nice to start the day off with a smile!
I am currently at my other job. Not working. (: .. Coming back to work from the break is not pleasant.

Kate said...

It's just pork , onion and tomato nothing fancy but quick!;-)
I have a migraine and I'm fucking starving, I don't get sick from them anymore just the headache and an awful hunger!!!

Rose said...

The chatbox is a good idea in theory...we need more of a chatroom...

Anonymous said...

Anyways .. He is Mighty Fine!

Kate said...

Was laughing when I came home from the shop yesterday i was after picking up two packs of choc chip cookies !!LOL and I hadn't even realised until I was putting them away!!

Kate said...

I don't mind the chatbox other than the fact that I can't look back over what would be said at night time when I'm not on. I like to do that in the mornings, Hate to fel like I'm missing out ya know. That's the only thing that I don't like about it!

Rose said...

I so miss dark Edward...

Rose said...

Yeah, Kate...its good to be able to 'catch up'...

Ellie said...

Patience, Rose.

You can always relive the memories; just fucking go back and reread, damn it!!! LOL

Ellie said...

Oh, back to work, ladies...the boys are back.. Until later, loves.xoxo

Rose said...

bye bye Ellie :)

Lynn said...

Good morning, lovelies!

Hello, Kate and Rose!

Dani and Gozde---love the chat box but my keyboard is still fuked up and it would take me forever to type on there. I will try after I finally get a new one.

I dunno how public I would make my Rob pics....though I would have to touch that chest and make him blush.

Kate said...

I miss DE too :-( I will be re reading but I think I'm gonna print it out or I may end up bery blind from the computer LOL

Bye Ellie

Trixie said...

Rose! Kate!

Rose - do you hate the pics as much I do? Fucking bullshit pics!

Trixie said...

Lynn! Didn't see you there!

And, Lindsey - HI! Good to see you! Your photoshoot pics on FB are beautiful. I especially like the B&W...

Rose said...

Hi Lynn and Trixie!!

Yes, Trixie...I fucking hate those bullshit pics!!!

Lynn said...

Hey, Trixie! I dunno hate the pics...I don't think that I would even have the nerve to ask. Then again, I might!

DirtyD said...

I have been re-reading WA for the past two days.

Rose said...

Dana~ I like the way you think...I might just have to start at the beginning of WA...

DirtyD said...

Rose- I've been skipping to the really good parts of course!

Lynn said...

Dana---WA has been vry inspirational in our home....ay, dios mio!

**Shaking head**

I may have to send a shout out to Angstgoddess!

DirtyD said...

Hi Lynn and Trixie :)

Trixie said...

Dana - I've been rereading, too! What other choice do we have?!

Lynn - yeah, I wouldn't have the nerve to ask. I wouldn't want to bother him, you know?

Rose said...

Patience is not a virtue of mine.
I hate waiting.

And I miss dark Edward so much.

Trixie said...

Lynn - i've attacked my husband several times because of WA - he has no idea what the hell is going on. but, i don't think he minds :)

DirtyD said...

LOL Lynn! You are too funny. I was saying earlier how it has made my Rob dreams much more interesting...

Rose said...

In fact...I don't think I have much virtue at all...
Fucking bullshit.

Unknown said...

Trixie-Thank you so much for your lovely comments! They mean very much to me :)

Kate said...

I'd take him for a pint instead (Ya right) like I have the courage to ask I'd be like a re tomato!!LOL

Lynn said...

LOL@Trie---dh is on to the fan fic...Dark Edward would be so fucking proud of the inspiration he is bringing!

Trixie said...

to quote Rose, "fucking bullshit" rob dreams... i NEVER have rob dreams. it's so unfair.

Lindsey - :)

Lynn said...

Sorry, Trixie....the x is jacked on my keyboard.

DirtyD said...

Damn it girls. We are all courageless wonders. I'd stare from a far or try to figure out a sneaky way to "accidentaly" bump into him.

Rose said...

My husband has learned not to ask too many questions...he just goes with the flow!

Rose said...

I would like to think that if I saw Rob in person...I would be respectful...but that realistic?

Kate said...

I'd be kicking myself to be that near and not say hello or something and still at the back of my mind I'd be thinking he said to ignore him but I honestly don't know if I could.

Lynn said...

Rose---never underestimate yourself...remember you would have to take one for the team!

DirtyD said...

God bless my hubby. He downloaded Twilight for me yesterday and is going to burn me a copy. I'm still gonna go buy the dvd when it comes out but this fills the void until then He just calls Rob my boy, or boyfriend.

Unknown said...

One question; what's with the release of all these new fan pictures?

Trixie said...

Lynn - sounds like you are having just a little bit of FUN with the fanfic!!! Again, my dh has NO idea. Don't think he would be interested in WA at all. Too bad for him!

Kate - wouldn't it be fabulous to go for a pint, as you say, with rob? I wouldn't be able to speak so he would be bored off his ass, but still!

Kate said...

Aah Dana that's sweet. Is he hoping that that Edward will keep the fire alive until Dark Edward comes back ;-) LOL

Lynn said...

BRB School drop off!

Rose said...

I'm thinking that he's going to stop being so damn nice to people who intrude on his space...

Dana~ I have watched Twilight ENDLESS times on the computer...its embarrassing to think how many...

Unknown said...

Okay, I want to dl "Twilight." Can anyone help me out?

Kate said...

Trixie I'd love to take him into a quiet corner of a pub somewhere and have a couple of hours to chat seriously I'd be over the moon. And Jules's fanfic would NOT be crossing my mind at all!!LOL No half!!!

Trixie said...

Dana - your husband is a gem!

Lindsey - not sure about the fan pics.

Kate said...

Lindsey I think you need to empty your email coz I keep getting stuff sent back from your address ;-)

Rose said...

The site I go to, I'm not sure you can DL it...I have tried in the past but it never seems to work.

Dana, where did your hubby DL it from?

DirtyD said...

Kate- quiet corner in a pub? All my dreams end up with us in a back alley up against the brick wall.

Did I say that out loud? I sure the fuck did!

Ellie said...

Just a quickie here...rob, where are ya', babe??????

Hi, Trixie and Lindsey!

Linds, everytime I make a reply all on my email, yours keeps coming back undelivered. In the words of my dear Rose, what the fuck?? :)

DirtyD said...

Rose- message me through FB and I'll tell ya about it.

Trixie said...

Kate - that would be heaven. I have so many questions for him. Of course, I'd have to present them in written form because, again, I wouldn't be able to speak coherently (or I'd need a translator)

Unknown said...

Hi Kate! I read all of your ladies' e-mail, but since that's my booking agency e-mail address, I also get it sent to three other e-mail addresses that I have in case I miss something. I get e-mail on my phone too, so after I read it, I delete off of my phone and my inbox. I'll have to check that out, and I apologize for the inconvenience :(

Kat said...

Morning my lovelies...

Glad to hear WA is having an effect in more households than just mine. The hubby knows the deal, but he ain't complaining!

How are we all today?

Ellie said...

Just fucking fine, thank you very much.

Kate said...

Trixie let me know where and when and I'll be your translator ;-)

Lindsey I e-mailed ya !

Trixie said...


Dana - okay, back alley against a brick wall - that's one hot image...

Ellie said...

And we still hate your fucking pic...we're not in it.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, Ellie. I'll have to figure out what's going on.

Trixie said...

Kat - Hi! Oh, yes - WA having big time impact at my house.

Kate said...

Lindsey it's no inconvience I just didn't want you missing out ;-)

Ellie said...

Trixie, that's a really good image...

Unknown said...

Thanks, Kate! I haven't gotten anything yet, but it usually takes a few moments.

Ellie said...

thanks, Lindsey..I just didn't want you missing out on anything, too...just in case Rob emails me or something...

Unknown said...

Rose and Dana-can either one of you message me on FB and let me know where to dl, please?

Unknown said...

Ellie, that will be a very FINE day when he e-mails you; be sure to forward it to me, so I can felt like it was personalized for me ;)

Kate said...

Dana quiet corner in a pub (for starters LOL ;-)) wouldn't want to scare him away now would I!!??

DirtyD said...

Lindsey- add me as your friend and I'll message you.

Rose said...

Lindsey~ Do I have you on FB??

Kat said...

Ellie... was that directed at me :-(

Kat said...

Lindsey... I don't think I have you as a friend on FB... who are you friends with here so I can hunt you down... in a nice way of course.

DirtyD said...

Kate- you saucy girl! I bet you want to get him drunk so you can have your way with him, don't you?!?!?

Ellie said...

How about in the middle of my lake, on my boat, in the moonlight?

Ellie said...

Kat, all in fun, honey bunch! mmuuaahhhhh!

Unknown said...

I'm friends with Kate, Ellie, and Trixie...

Lynn said...

Ellie---I am imagining a rowboat....hey, were are your students?

Rose said...

Kat! How are you and your bullshit pictures?

Kate said...

My BB is gone really slow same thing happened sround this time yeaterday so if I disappear for a while that's why

Anyway Dana me NO I'd never do that ;-) LOL

Kat said...

OK.... I'll take it in good fun... and yeah, where are your students?

Kat said...

OK.... I'll take it in good fun... and yeah, where are your students?

DirtyD said...

Ellie- that's a good scenario too. My last dream was about a naught game of spin the bottle. I landed on Rob of course, and then we both had to go the kitchen to re-fill our drinks. Needless to say my back was up against the kitchen counter this time. Tee Hee, I love my dreams.

Kat said...

Rose me and my bullshit photo's are doing just fine... thanks for asking. He still looks like a Greek God in them and I still look stupidly awestruck!!!

Ellie said...

Lymmmm, We're just about to go to lunch...5 minutes of free time. For them AND for me... :)
No, I was thinking the motorboat. But, then again, that's not too comfortable, so I'm opting for our cabin, on the porch, in the moonlight, instead...

See you all at our REAL playtime, after academics, so that I can play here... xoxo

Rose said...

If I could...I would dream of Rob.

Ellie said...

Dana, how about on the washer machine during the spin cycle?????

Ellie said...

Okay, really have to go, now...You ladies behave yourselves...NOT!

Lynn said...

Ellie---I blank out on the time difference....our school day is just beginning here.

Trixie said...

dana - your dreams are killing me right now

rose - you don't have rob dreams, either? what is our problem?

Ellie said...

Lunch is early for my class...11 am... be back later.

Kat said...

Lindsey... I'm not seeing you on their friends lists... :-(

Kate said...

It's 4pm here and starting to get dark and fucking cold again!

Rose said...

I have Rob dreams..but my dreams that have Rob in them...are like...rated PG13? Sorta like SM books?
Chaste kisses...
Wtf is THAT about?

Kate said...

She's on mine Kat I'll recommend her to you ( if I can )

DirtyD said...

Ellie- I do have some clothes that need a good washing. Where's Rob when I need him.

Kat- I just went and looked at your Rob pics again and I've become giddy.

Kate said...

Ok I don't know how to do that but she's on page one of my friends No8 down.

Nicole said...

Hello. I've never posted before but check the page everyday! I love Rob and I love your posts! Just thought I'd introduce myself and say hello.

Rose said...

Hi Nicole!

Kate said...

Hi Nicole Welcome to the blog!!

Lynn said...

Welcome, Nicole!

DirtyD said...

Hey Nicole. Welcome to our "den of sin"!

Kat said...

Hi Nicole.... welcome...

Kate said...

Dana, you'll scare her away !!

Kat said...

Kate.... arghhhhh. No 8 on page one is our Brooke!

Lindsey... can you add me instead????

Kate said...

What??:-0 hang on

Nicole said...

Thanks Dana. I should definately be working right now....instead looking at Rob. Wishing I was in one of these pics!

Kate said...

She's just above brooke on my list

Kate said...

I did it I figured out how to suggest ye to each other. Took a while but there ya go!!

Did it work??

Kat said...

There is a conspiracy going on... the person above Brooke on your list is Eva Birdthistle!!! It won't let me see Lindsey!!!

bella's mom said...

Morning ladies!

Rose said...

well...I'm officially fucking lost.

Rose said...

Hey Mona:)

DirtyD said...

I can't see her either.

Rose said...

Kat...thats who was above Brooke for me, too

bella's mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bella's mom said...

That's ok Rose, I stay that way!!

Kat said...

Morning Mona... is that your eye?

Kate said...

I dunno I'm still a facebook novice. I suggested her to you Kat did that go through??

Kate said...

Hi Mona!

Rose said...

"is that your eye"....why did that make me laugh out loud?

bella's mom said...

Hey Kat!

No lol I wish it was, mine are quite boring and brown.

Lynn said...

Good morning, Mona lovely!

bella's mom said...

Hiya Lynn!!!

Kat said...

Kate - nope, I don't think it did. How strange.

Rose - yeah, it made me laugh after I'd typed it too.

Brown is not boring Mona. I have vegetarian vampire eyes...

Kat said...

Vegetarian Vampire Eyes - sounds like the name of a paint colour at Lowes!!!!

Rose said...

Rose = brown eyed girl

bella's mom said...

Well between brown eyes and topaz for birthstone, there are SEVERAL of us here that should fit right in with the vampahs.

DirtyD said...

I fit in with Edward pre-vampire or Dark Edward with green eyes.

Kate said...

I'm not vampire :-(
Mine are green :-(

Kate said...

YAY Dana!!!:-)

bella's mom said...

There ya go Kate, you and Dana fit in better with *Edward the early years*. lol

DirtyD said...

We've got all colors in my family. Mine are green, my hubby and son have brown eyes and my daughter's eyes are still really blue. I guess we'll see if her's change color in the next few months.

Lynn said...

Veggie eyes here...real vegetarian eyes!

Rose said...

I guess mine are satisfied, just sucked down a lot of animal blood, brown.
Not dark brown like Bellas...

DirtyD said...

Mona- I like Edward early years but I'm joining the Dark Edward club!

Kat said...

OK, now we need close up pictures of everyones eyes. Hurry up now...

Lynn said...

Hey, have you guys read the companion to WA?

bella's mom said...

lol Dana ya hussey you!

Kate said...

I'm not sure where I came from because my Mums is a vampire and my Dad had light blue eyes :-?

Rose said...

Whoa!!! Companion?

Kate said...

Companion Lynn what companion????

Lynn said...

The Light and the Dark...Elizabeth Masen's POV.

Kate said...

What are you starting I have a bad feeling about this!!!

bella's mom said...

Hmmmmm Kate, maybe you should check and see what color the postman's eyes were.. lmao

Lynn said...

WARNING....very sad, it leads up to why she gave Edward up for adoption.

Kate said...

Ph Yeah I saw about that but forgot about it. it might explain a lot of what happened!!

Rose said...

OH yeah...i have seen that. I haven't read it yet.

Kate said...

Ya Mona I thought that too LOL

Kate said...

Oh I don't think i can go sad ATM Lynn so I'll pass on that for now and come back to it!;-)

Kat said...

Lynn, yeah I read that... it was gooooooooood....

Trixie said...

Lynn - oh I forgot about the companion! How long is it???

Kat said...

Kate - I think postmen in England and Ireland are quite busy. My brothers and I are the ONLY redheads in our family. No idea where it came from. Strong gene though on the mens side, my niece and nephews are ginners!

Kate said...

Kat Lyndsey is on my Home page I'll comment on one of the photos she posted and it'll show up on yours won't it???

DirtyD said...

Mona- my husband joked that if our daughter's eyes stay blue that he is divorcing me!!! He said there is no way she can have blue eyes. Now i'm thinking that maybe my Rob dreams were real and she's his secret love child!!! JK

Lynn said...

Trixie---it's just a chapter long.

Rose said...

I think I didn't read it cuz it was only one chapter...

bella's mom said...

lol Kat! My grandmother had the most beautiful auborn hair, her dad had deep red hair as well as her brothers, my mom in turn got the beutiful auborn Irish hair and the ninny kept it died mousey brown.. lol I love the red highlights I get in mine when I'm outdoors alot!

DirtyD said...

I read the companion chapter yesterday. I agree with Lynn, it's very sad.

Rose said...

Well...I have brown hubby has blue eyes. One son has green!

Kate said...

Kat my aunt on my Dads side was a redhead, i never met her though so i don't kow what colour eyes she had but maybe it came from her coz everyone and I mean everyone on my Mum's side has dark brown eyes. I feel so out of place LOL

I commented on Lyndsey's photo did it show up???

Kat said...

Kate - OK, that worked, but it won't allow me to add her as a friend. She must have it on super private or something. She'll probably have to add us to make it work... I can't even click on her name!!!

Lynn said...

Rose---EM is a buzz kill...her POV is enlightening but very sad. One chapter is plenty!

bella's mom said...

LOL Dana.. there ya go! just tell that to your DH hahahahaha

Kate said...

Rose That's so unusual!!!

Rose said...

Lynn~ Thanks for the warning. I'm not sure I can stand more sadness!

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