MTV Movie Awards Pictures

Rob won Breakthrough Male, Best Fight and Best Kiss...are we at all surprised???

HUGE Thanks to for the pictures please show them some love tonight they rock big time.


Sam said...

there is a hot mess over here in nashville, tn!!! Just want you all to know... the trailer?? ohh shit- i am a hot fucking mess and thats about all i can say! WOOOHOOOOO

Unknown said...

IM DYING!!! This was THE BEST night of 2009. Second best will be New MOon premiere night. :D

marina mia said...


i am not surprised! god i cant wait to see the videos of this. him and kirsten are smokin hot

Kathy#1 said...

Wow, these pics are hot, hot. Love that tease of a kiss - urrghhh - but I guess we shouldn't be surprised that they pulled that knowing that all of us were waiting for it. Cam looked gorgeous, too, love the pic of his puckered, pouty lips!

Dani said...

Alright I just posted video of whatever I could find of the MTV Movie Awards, I am wondering where in the heck the Rob arrival pics are but hey I will be on the lookout until I go to bed so hopefully more to come. And whatever I cannot find Goz will post in the morning.

izzy said...

I want to know where was Nikki???!!!

Anonymous said...

He is so much in something with her. Whether anyone will admit it or not, likes it or not, he is absolutely crazy about her. The way he looks at her and she has her arms crossed. I could just kick her for not laying a big wet kiss on him right then and there. Stupid female!

Sam said...

dani and goz WHAT would we do without u two!??? Thank you so much for doing this!

Nora said...

Those are awesome! But, you know what I love most? It's that he can't seem to dress himself (look closely @ the first pic). I think that's so adorkable! (hi AJ)

Oh, and the NM clip... just about died!

Unknown said...

Hehehe!! Are my the only on that noticed his shirt was buttoned wrong??????? Too cute!!:)

Vilmarith said...

"Are my the only on that noticed his shirt was buttoned wrong??????"

me too... hehehe buttoned wrong...again...

Suz said...

Congratulations Rob!

When the FIGHT SCENE won, I knew it was going to be a TWISweep!



...wowie! said...

Good shit! Love that centered pic of the Best Kiss winners. Love it!

...wowie! said...

Rob avoided the Red Carpet this year.

Tess said...

Thank you for posting like mad Dani! ♥ to you!

It was a Twilight sweep!

Congrats to everyone.

Kimmie said...

rob looked so comfortable and he looks younger too! but he does look hot!!!!

Sam said...

girrrlll his shirt IS buttoned wrong!!!!!

TwiHartRK said...

Thanks Dani!!! We know you and Goz will hook us up. I wish Rob would have opened his eyes a little bit during the almost kiss...They are so beautiful together. God the back of his head is pretty...

xoRobxo said...

From the mtv blog:

9:52: Moments after winning “Best Fight,” Robert Pattinson came backstage, gave thumbs-up to the cameras - and made a beeline right for us. Smiling and running his fingers through his hair (of course), he told us he was excited for Cam to have won “Best Fight” two years in a row. Even Rob hasn’t seen the “New Moon” trailer yet, so he was eager to watch it with the fans tonight. RPattz said he’s loving the Movie Awards, and that he’s eager to begin production Monday on an untitled drama that he’ll squeeze in between “Twilight” sequels.

lostinphilly said...

I agree Nora and Donna, he looks so adorkable and the shirt not buttoned right. It's so cute. He looks like he just got out of bed and went to the show! He probably did and he definitely dressed himself. That blue does look so good on him.H'e just his usual, disheveled, sexy self and we love him for that!!!!! Congrats Rob and the Twilight cast, great job!!!!

Anonymous said...

He looked so hot as usual and im so happy that he won! hehe no I don't think anyone is surprised that he did:P I wonder where Nikki were?! it seems like Kristen is more close to Ashley now, Nikki is never around now. But I actually like Ashley better though!

Sara Tavares said...

Yeah, I don´t understand why Nikki wasn´t there
She loves this kind of event

Vicki said...

Thanks to Dani and Goz for posting the videos and pictures - without them it would have been a bad day living outside of the US
Trailer WOW
Kissing acceptance WOW
Rob WOW as always
He looked way more relaxed than usual
Nikki missing Mmmmm - I wonder why

margot said...

I'mgonnawatchit, I'mgonnawatchit, I'mgonnawatchit right now ! only now !

yep but I saw a few clips and my first thoughts Before watching the show
1. we won ! I'm happy :))))))
2. BB looked terribly tired and vampy
3. BB wore fugly, fugly jacket - guess he wants to scary fans away ... but no way, it won't work - it's like a curse
4. MA wasn't there but still nobody knows anything
5. they didn't kiss boooooo
6. IMO Kristen was superb
7. sorry but best fight was apparently the worst fight, but anyway... mighty fans have swollen index fingers from voting

still haven't seen the show and don't know any gossip - I'm gonna check this out right now :)

margot said...

and the trailer is promising the great, great upgrade

next year ... Taylor ... who knows

Sara said...

I can't seem to view the best kiss video. ;(
And that was the one I was most excited about. hahah.
Says something to do with copyright. I may have to delve into youtube to find a working video.

Sara said...

Oops, sorry guys.
I posted that in the wrong thread *facepalm*
Hahaa, I have so many tabs up with all the MTV news, it gets a tad confusing ;p

Aitch said...

Have to say-thank you, thank you so much for posting all these pictures--I did not watch last night because I have absolutely no interest in all those other boring celebrities..---I just want to get right to the BEST parts. Thank you!

TO Twicat said...

Oh they had the whole thing planned. The non-kiss was her idea. Apparently, his ideas (he didn't elaborate) were tossed out as rubbish!

I love the whole "getting into character as Edward" he was doing - rubbing his eyes, deep breaths...and Kristen holding her mouth and nose like he did in the movie!

Yah - planned and staged but funny as hell!

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