New Moon Edward

Check out all these goodies and more , including a tour of the Cullen house where you can "hear" Edward talking *faints* at the New Moon Official website


WinWin said...

I love New Moon Rob. Curious about how Eclipse Rob would look.
Thanks for the update!!!

Anonymous said...

He's soooooooo beautiful!

Babs said...

NM Rob is better than Twilight Rob, I don't like his clothes though, they look quite old.

Melanie said...

oh my--i've missed Robward so. yum

Anonymous said...

win :) totally agree! nm rob is hot

oh wait....should i be saying nm edward? whatever.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Vastly superior to "Twilight" Rob...though, he appears so much more mature in "New Moon."


Anonymous said...

How beautiful does Rob look! xx

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

NM Robward is STUNNING and MANLY looking....

Damn, Nov-too far away-

Shitless Robward-WOO-HOO!

Kate said...
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Kate said...

He looks WAY better than Twilight Robward but I can't help wondering if I prefer him because he doesn't look 17!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Clothes look old....yeah but he's what 108 years old? his taste WOULD BE OLD clothes....(edward)...
But I get your point. I guess the STOLI shirt and sexspender pants WOULD be a little much for "edward" wouldn't they? lol

Give me REAL ROB....any day of the week.

Hannah said...

Im not going to lie.. I squeed looking through the new website!!

NM Robward looks so fucking good.

And when you click on the crest you can hear him talk!! eeek! I totally just fangirled all over the place.

I cant help it. Im having a Twilight love day.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hi Win!
Oh Eclipse Robward....probably even better if that's even possible!!!

And don't get me started on Breaking Dawn Robward & Isle Esme!

Kate said...

Make sure and check out the New Moon website and take the tour of the Cullen house to hear Edward *thud*

Alexandra said...

How cute is that second to last pic *squeee*

Anonymous said...

I have been clicking and re-clicking the cullen crest to hear Robward's voice :))))

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Effing work PC I can't do anything-the nerve!

Have to wait one more hour..

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Every second I'm with you is about restraint, and you're too fragile.

Ok, I died....

Anna said...

Oooh helloooow handsome... :)

NM Edward looks about 32. Not what Stephenie had in mind, ok, but you guys know what? I don't friggin care!!! He looks awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

This website looks so good. I can't wait for the movie.

Hey I need help. I tried to get the aim icon but when I put it into aim it said the file is too big. How can I make it so it will fit

Haystackhair said...

Holy Hell, i'm not going to make it to November.

Jack Cade said...

I thought he was too young to play John Galt until I saw the NM pics.

He definitely looks old enough for Theron now.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

OOOOH ROB looks hot in that sports coat, finally looks like a CULLEN with a 'phat' wallet!

mmmm mmmm mmmm

Marna said...

He looks so much hotter in NM than Twilight, I think everyone will look better.

Sophia Z.86 said...

I am so much in love with his jaw... Oh man... porn/Rob/jaw (and lips) are the best for a wednesday night like that!

Poor BF ~ he will have some catch up tonight... hehe.

PerfectDate said...

Heavy dose of twi-crack for me, I keep listening to "Edward's" line of dialogue over and over and over and over.....I think I need help. New Moon Robward owns my a$$.

maha said...

He is so hot and so beautiful.

thanks you for the pictures.

Anonymous said...

I'm also glad the "tint" of NEW MOON won't be so BLUE/grey. Gawd. I know it was part of the FEEL and it set up an eerie and NW look to it with all the rain, but GAWD it got old.....

The new picture looks so WARM in tone/hue/colors and so RICH. Rob is so beautiful in will be SUCH A JOY to see him that way. And I think the makeup looks MUCH BETTER, don't you? From what we've seen any way. I bet Rob is glad too.
He knew it was funny...remember when he said "and the little bouffant hair"? hehehehhehee
Love you Rob.

Anonymous said...

He looks great, but I still have a soft spot for Twilight Edward..

TheCheshireCat said...

NM Rob/Edward is definitely better than Twilight Rob/Edward. Much more mature looking and more how I pictured him in the books. Love it!!

Babs said...

you've a point there, after all he's 108 years old lol
it's just that in twilight he was dreassed like a 17 y-o and now he looks 30 (which would make him closer to my age btw :))

I don't understand why Robward is wearing the same clothes at Bella's birthday party and in Italy (if I'm not mistaken), the two episodes are months apart and Alice never lets the Cullen wear the same thing twice. thank God he takes that shirt off LOL

Anonymous said...

I put the black and teal Edward in from of the house as my desktop, and whoa, it's had me in tears several times already, I can't look at the pained look on his face!! He really really sells that pain in ways I can't describe..haunting and heartbreaking!

albaville said...

LOVE IT , much better than twilight, more mature, better looking and great colors..CHRIS WEITZ IS FANTASTIC!!

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