Vintage Rob

These vintage Rob pictures are from Bliss magazine 2002/2003. How cute is he ??

Thanks to Twilusted for the tip and Elfie for the scans


Lisa said...

I love the arrow that points to Rob's "lunchbox" ~ WTF?! hilarious....

filthylawyer said...

oh god, he's just too adorable! but i feel awful pervy about it.

WinWin said...

There I go feeling like a dirty pedophile again. Glad he grew up manly. : P

Maryann said...

OK fess up, which one of the ROBsessed ladies worked for this mag back in those days?? LOL!!

Marna said...

He such a cutie (and thankfully not zygote Rob), but the boy biology part is hysterical! I especially love the eyes (everyone remember that pic of Rob staring at that woman's boobs in Cannes?) & the lunchbox. LUNCHBOX????? Wow, this is one forward teen magazine LOL.

Lisa said...

"lunchbox"...that's not what we called it back when I was 15 LOL!

He's too cute, but I feel old and dirty now...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Perv alert! But he's a man now, so it's ok...

God he's adorable..

Jenny Jerkface said...

He's so cute. And SO young! LOL. I love how he's still smirking in that one picture.

I much prefer older Rob - I don't feel so dirty lusting after him! ;)

Emily said...

That's hilarious Kate! And thankfully, it's not as disturbing as zygote Rob (sorry Dani). He's so cute here!

phosphorus said...

@ marna: That magazine might have given him some ideas ... not only what to do with his eyes. ;-)

Stomach: Needs to be filled more regularly than a girl's, generally with low quality burgers and fizzy drinks to function correctly.

Hair: Only has to be washed when insects start camping in it.

lovindashow said...

He's so skinny! LOL

Love it. Seeing these pics gives such great perspective on a day of dorking out on Rob.

And yeah, the lunchbox bit is too frickin' funny!!!

Alexandra said...

Awww bless him!

Carys said...

oh my goodness!!! he is amazing =) and i bet that girl who made fun of him regrets it now!!

karawitz said...

Awww... lovely pics. Though if I think about it, I was 18 when he was 15... but um, our age difference is not so noticeable nor important now, or so I keep telling myself.
BTW, that Vanity Fair comment? He didn't even make the final cut in the movie, did he? :S But he said the casting director felt badly for it and gave him the role of Cedric... and the rest is history.

Lisa said...

He should have paid attention to the box marked "Feet"...might have come in handy a few years later when presented with an apple...I'm just sayin'... :D

Chicago girl now in LA said...

His "lunchbox"???? I admit as an American, I know only a bit of British slang, but oooh, "lunchbox"????

I bet Rob hated that feature. How embarrassing!

Kara, you're only three years older than Rob...that's nothing! Remember his current costar, Emilie is five years older. And, as time moves on, age becomes even less important!

Anonymous said...

lmao @ hair: only to be washed when insects start camping in it

lunchbox??? i shall not even go there


Shani said...

Awwww....Robbie looked precious.

That boy biology killed me.LOL

Phos- I think your right, that article put quite a few things into his impressionable mind.

Certain things concerning his hair,tongue,eyes,stomach,and hands.
I don't know him personally so I don't know about the rest.

"Lunchbox"....was that what they were calling "it" over in London?
Ummm...okay...secrets, huh.LOL
Well, it looks like he is hiding something.LMAO

Ripley said...

Even back then he knew how to look at the camera (ie fans). The guy knows he got it and I want it. So photogenic.....I have no more words.

Anonymous said...

He's always been beautiful. Even as a teenager. The girls must have been chasing him in school even though he is too shy to admit it. I bet they all had hidden crushes, in his school, on our baby Rob.

You know, he said he was paranoid when he was younger too because he said he always thought people were LOOKING AT HIM......and I think to myself...>FU*K...HELL YEAH they are looking at you and back then too....they are thinking....OH MY isn't he beautiful/handsome.... Now that I've seen model stuff from his teenage years, I've no doubt that's why. You aren't paranoid Rob honey, you are just "feeling the eyes" from people because you are so SENSITIVE. :) Which is one of the things we LOVE about you....sigh.

Thank GOD he's 23 now and we don't feel weird.

Anonymous said...

Debbo- luv your profile pic. Only Rob can be adorkable with a little extra something! ~_^

Nai said...

looking at those pics of him younger almost seems like child porn. It's eerie. Even at 23 he still has a baby face.

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