Katy Perry & Robert Pattinson -Here's What Katy Has To Say About It



maaahtwi4ever said...

i saw that, but i knew that nothing happened with them at party.
She really likes Russel and i think they are so cute together

noisefaidaus said...

Thanks to Katy Perry for clearing up what we already knew.
But it's just anther example of the ludicrous lengths some people will go to, to generate a "story".
But there are always seems to be enough people out there that are stupid enough to believe whatever gossip comes down the pipe.

JandR said...

haha - I think she means BOLLOCKS!! Either way she would have her hands full with Russell Brand I imagine and Rob is SO not into putting himself out there like Katy and Russell are.
But hey she is a friend and she is fun and I am glad to see Rob out having fun with friends.

Mystik Malice said...

Poor Katy who needs to justify herself... As if friendship in Holywood didn't exist... especially with vampires ! Have fun together guys, rock'n'roll !

Jewels64 said...

Katy is awesome! I think that she and Russell Brand make an interesting couple.

Once again..to me it just proves that Rob genuinely likes women and enjoys having them as friends.

Sigh...he's so yummy!

dina said...

It is so embarassing for her to have to justify herself becuse of some ....fans stupidity.

Janece said...

The saddest part of this whole mess to me, is how every move is under a microscope for Rob. How embarrassing it must be for him, to have to have a friend "define" to the public what happened on an innocent night with friends.

I am so sad for him. I keep wondering if he will just pull back completely some day and run away from this mess.

Sure he has had some fabulous perks and some great opportunities but he can't even have friends anymore.


Janece said...

The saddest part of this whole mess to me, is how every move is under a microscope for Rob. How embarrassing it must be for him, to have to have a friend "define" to the public what happened on an innocent night with friends.

I am so sad for him. I keep wondering if he will just pull back completely some day and run away from this mess.

Sure he has had some fabulous perks and some great opportunities but he can't even have friends anymore.


Anonymous said...

You've said it....unfortunately this still won't shut the pyschos up and how demeaning for Katy Perry to have to clarify her friendship with Rob. I feel so sorry for Rob and this does not bode well him in my opinion. I mean what actress/potential friend/partner is going to want to put themselves 'on the line' in any future relationship business or otherwise with him. After seeing the malicious/threatening posts that were posted on various sites after this story broke...well...it leaves a very nasty taste in my mouth I'm afraid.
God it seems to be getting harder and harder just lately being a fan of Rob....God help him.

dina said...

@Janese I was thinking the same yesterday and although I am a robsten fan I think the whole issue is killing him. There are a lot riding on his shoulders these days, anyways we will see. There is no limit to stupidity I guess.

Tenneil said...

The whole Katy thing made me laugh... Rob has friends...its a good thing..but Whatever... Glad Rob is getting out and not hiding out... :)

LeslieHeartsRob said...

God, I love her! She cracks me up! I don`t think that we should let all the gossip bother us...cause it doesn`t seem to bother Rob that much. He looked like he was having fun that night...and we got to see his beautiful face and cheeky taste in t-shirts! =)

Loisada said...

Katy hit the nail on the head when she put the stress on who she's "doing." Legions of rabid Rob fans seem to want to know just one thing: who gets to "do" him. And I fear that until they get a clear answer to that question, they're going to keep chomping their jaws hysterically.

I was hoping the interest was dying down.... but this proved me wrong. Has anyone's sex life ever come under scrutiny this intense before?!?

Angie said...

I do appreciate her effort, too bad it was necessary.

Good morning Leslie, have you recovered from the club meeting? LOL

Anonymous said...

poor katy :) why o why can't rob be seen with other girls ??? i'm so glad to see him having fun with friends.

Rhonda said...

I like Katy. I don;t think she has ever used Rob to advance her career, which she probably does not need anyway. Shannon Woodward could probably use the boost (I think she was great in The Riches, hope the world figures out her talent), and she has never exploited their friendship either. They both seem like good friends to him. Rob really seems to have a good judge of character.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Maryann said...

LMFAO..ok she also should know that Rob is NOT a vampire :p. I like her blunt honesty though LOL!

Angie said...

pining, keep reading Fourteen you will not regret it.

Maria L said...

someones got a jealous boyfriend ... why would she need to tweet that?
another thing - since everyone is so into Robs sexlife, I´m waiting for the paparazzis to start stalking his ex-girlfriend, the british artist chick. who is she dating?

RPLover said...

morning, everyone! ADM, Leslie, that was a fun first club meeting, but my head is pounding just a little this morning. ;) had a blast, though!

good for Katy for calling out the stupid rumors! too bad that she has to comment at all, but she's not one to be shy. and I was just happy to see Rob out, relaxed and having fun!

Anonymous said...

piningforthepretty... Ur post reminded me of my Tybert DREAMS... and in these DREAMS, he is SO FUCKING GOOD (excuse my language)! I can't tell u what he is SO FUCKING GOOD AT... it's mine and Tybert's DIRTY LITTLE SECRET... oopsie... Did I say "little"? LOL MUAH!!!!!

maaahtwi4ever said...

@dina i disagree with you in one thing i don't think this hole messy was because of the "fans stupidity" but yes of the tabloides stupidity"".

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Good morning NB's!! Had a good time in our club meeting as well...

Katy P sounds like a fun gal & a good friend...she shouldn't have to respond to stupid people, but she's got a good sence of humor!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ah geez, not again with the crazy.. you know who is back.

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Alright ladies...I`ve got to duck out...got some last minute shopping to do. I`ll be back later. Don`t have to much fun without me!!

RPLover said...

RPG, unfortunatly, yep! trying to ignore...

RPLover said...

happy shopping, Leslie! got mine done yesterday, Walmart was insane!

LeslieHeartsRob said...

RPG - Bwahahaha! I saw that...look out ADM!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

yup, me too!

I'm done shopping except for a few things for stocking stuffers.. suppose I should drag myself out as well...


LeslieHeartsRob said...

Okay...I`m really going now...

Anonymous said...

rpattzgirl... Are u talking about me... or my babysitter... Ms. Doubtfire??? She keeps sneaking in trying 2 take care of me... and bring me 2 my senses about my ROBsession... only because he is to GOOD to be tru!!!!;o)

RPLover said...

bye for now, NB's! <3

Angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angie said...

LMAO @ all the NB's

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh... Hey ADM!!! I'm so happy 2 see ur back!!! I thought u were cummin 2 see me??? Maybe u did... but my HUBBY has been in all night and all morning! I think he's gone now... but he ALWAYS sneaks back in when I least expect him to!!! Happy Shopping Girlz!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Honestly why does she feel the need to justify herself. She shouldn't let the posts of a few crazies on a crazy site bother her at all. That site and the posters/shippers on that site are a joke.

I'm glad that Robert does not feel the need to justify himself because he owes them NOTHING! He never ever said that he was dating Kristen or that she is his girlfriend.

We all already knew that he was out with friends.

It has reached the point where he can't be seen with friends anymore if they are girls, that's ridiculous...

He has always been denying it whether explicitly or implicitly, it wasn't until Kristen had that incoherent fit about the fieding "f"ing off, that the whole "not talk about it anymore" came to be.

I hope he'll free himself of Kristen (meaning those rumors concerning her) once and for all. I know he denied it in VF, but I hope he'll be very clear about it, so that it would get through to some people's thick skulls.

RPLover said...

duck and cover, ADM...chat later. =)

Cheeky Chops said...

Love Katy P..she's funny ;)

@ADM-I'm confused and alil scared :(

kmountainlion said...

What Jewel64 said, Rob genuinely likes women.

Anonymous said...

D.M.(angel wings and stardust)is right, I agree 100%.

I feel sorry Katy, how many death threats you think she received for haning out with Rob? The shippers are insane.

Angie said...

RPlover, good advice!

Kemberly, me too! Really!

pauleta said...

This just prove me that robsten fan are a bunch of insane girl, women. I don't even understand why katy has to clear this shit up.
I feel sorry for all of them.
I feel sorry for rob, and whoever will ever come close to him. GOD PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THIS WOMAN KNOW HOW Totake care of herself. Make her hire a top security. Because some lunatics can just kill her. The same goes for ROB.
This mess is going to far.
What is going to happen when kristen, will date another guy, are this fans going to treat him just like they did with POOR MICHAEl?
I just wish this people luck. This world is full whith crazy people. Oh god some of them need help. Rob i hope one of your whishes for christmas was sanity among your fans, robsten fans and your haters.

Marna said...

I don't know why people feel the need to share their personal life on Twitter, it seems really strange to me. As long as the people who are involved in the rumors know the truth, I wouldn't say a thing.

I was wondering though, does Shannon Woodward have huge birthday parties every year? Of course we only know about last year & this year, but for some reason I keep wondering about them.

Bootstrap Intern said...

I adore Katy. And I'm glad she made that post. However, gossip is just a part of their world. The gossip mags/sites spin stories all of them about many different actors, not just Rob. He might not like certain aspects of fame, but I'm willing to bet he's not as upset as a lot people think he is.

Jennifer Moya said...

she needed to justify it because she wants to talk about rob and she likes attention ofcourse. helloooo?? she has a twitter, she doesn't like to keep her life private. She needs to stick with her boyfriend, russell brand(ew)

Shani said...

Katy Rocks!!! Love that bitch. And if people actually paid more attention to that second vid that would have seen Russell there. I don't know if it was posted everywhere though. But you could see Russell walking with Rob and then going inside with him and not too long afterward coming back out to get Katy. They held hands going up the stairs and then he put his hand at the small of her back leading her into the place. DANG!!! I do love my skill of being observant. LOL I mean it is kind of the point of the paps showing us this vid to see what's going on and who is all there. LOL

Shani said...

I meant to say "they" and not "that".

Shani said...

Dang it!! I wasn't paying attention to my grammar. LMAO.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Shani; your avatar is brilliant... I love it!!

lallieb said...

Dear NB Club members (admit ignorance to what it stands for), but my mailbox was filled today with each and every one of your comments last night. YIKES! You sure were having fun over Rob's, um, "manhood". I was a bit shocked, I would not have chimed in just because of my age difference (with Rob), but all your fantasies were infectious. So, OK I admit it, I searched for the photo, which sent you all into a frenzy. Unfortunately, couldn't find it, but I can sure imagine it thanks to you all.
Since I don't surf around, I'm curious as to comments about how vicious the Robsten shippers have become. Are they really posting hateful stuff and threats? Is this why Katy felt she had to Tweet about it when anyone with half a brain could see what was going on: Group of friends getting together, duh.

lallieb said...

P.S. I was wondering today with the huge snowstorm here in the Northeast, if Rob had plans to (finally) fly out and back home for the holidays. In which case, he might have had a problem. Seems like a likely time for him to depart, IF he wants to spend some quality time there.

Anonymous said...

good for her for sticking up for herself with all the pappz spreading stuff for no reason.

OMG Rob has a friend that is a girl...heaven forbid!!! that is just not allowed...

i mean come on pappz. let them live their lives and maybe they wouldn't have to be so sneaky about it and then it would look like they were trying to hide something making it look like it is wrong!

Anonymous said...

"Since I don't surf around, I'm curious as to comments about how vicious the Robsten shippers have become. Are they really posting hateful stuff and threats? Is this why Katy felt she had to Tweet about it when anyone with half a brain could see what was going on: Group of friends getting together, duh.

lallieb: I suggest you go and read Ted Casablanca's column about Rob's night out with Katy and friends if you really wanna know how vicious the robsten shippers can be, I think the worse stuff has been deleted but some of those threats were even for Robert because he was "cheating". Just a suggestion, I don't recommend it, it's annoying and can give a headache.

MMc said...

When is Rob going HOME - I thought he missed the smell of London so badly and he missed his friends and family.

Get the hell outta L.A.!

Be seen with TomStu - not Katy!!

Shani said...

Bootstrap Intern- Hey girl!!! I haven't seen you here in forever. Missed you. Yeah I love my avi. I right clicked and stole it. LMAO

ladyryan2 said...

Good for Katy and for acting fast as speculations and "add-ons" were rampantly spawning and evolving.

Rob must be very busy here or just loving LA since he hasn't gone home yet. Not that I'm complaining, but it makes me want to drive around LA hoping to see him. Can someone help me with directions, pretty please?

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