UPDATED: Robert Pattinson : Our Savior and Destroyer

Robert Pattinson will be a part of the "Hope for Haiti" telethon. It will be televised in the US and UK (not sure about other countries), check your local listings.

Haiti was hit with another aftershock today. It's so heartbreaking and so tragic. Please tune in on Friday and donate. It's hard to find a "reliable" place to donate and at least with this telethon we know our money will be in good hands and will be used in the right places.

Okay, now onto the funnies :) As I said yesterday: "Robert Pattinson asks me for money I'll give it to him. He asks me for my kidney and first born...I'll give it to him" and The Superficial KNOWS this as well:

All jokes aside, this is a huge help for relief efforts from a generally media-shy celebrity. Mostly because he just needs to brood into the camera and undersexed women worldwide will go on a crime spree for Haiti. Which is why I've always maintained Robert Pattinson will be both our savior and our destroyer.

*builds barricade of designer purses*

Let's see your woman army get through that! Have at you!

Big thanks to Shani for the tip :)

Here are some of the times and channels for the telethon. Mainly MTV broadcasts it live so check your MTV listing :)

RT @RobStenation: Here is MTV Asia's sched http://blog.mtvasia.com/tag/haiti/

RT @pionirka: here is the TV listing for MTV Adria (Slovenia,Croatia,Serbia,Bosnia & Hercegovina, Macedonia): http://bit.ly/4NL1lb

Argentina and Paraguay: RT @LetiManzevitsch: @ROBsessedBlog In Paraguay at 10pm as well as in Argentina ;)

Australia: RT @alex_koz: OZZI: It's on MTV foxtel at 12 pm on Saturday.

Brazil: RT @daylyne: MTV Brazil will also transmit at 11pm (local time).

Bulgaria: RT @MiraTL: Bulgaria - 3 a.m. Youtube, Hulu and MySpace will stream Hope For Haiti

Chile: RT @jessiefab: In Chile: "Esperanza por Haiti" in National Geographic Channel 41 (via VTR) 22:00 hrs.

Colombia: RT @DannnyM 8:00pm colombia

RT @alundquist: The show will be airing on Danish MTV on Friday 2.00, and will be re-run Saturday at 21.00 and Sunday at 20.00.

Germany: RT @Stefaniena: Saturday, January 23th at 2 am on MTV

RT @TeamEdwardPOV: For Greece : Hope For Haiti Marathon: Friday January 22 03.00am Greece Time Via @MtvGreece http://bit.ly/8kNU2g

RT @Shahyra: Holland MTV @ 1am http://bit.ly/7RbH1a

Indonesia/Thailand RT @dramaprincess: Saturday 23rd Jan at 8am for Indonesia/Thailand, 9am for Singapore/Malaysia

Ireland: RT @IrishTwiSisters MTV @ 1am -3am Fri nite

Mexico: RT @DannnyM 7:00pm in mexico

RT @choodou: "Hope for Haiti", Moscow, Saturday at 4:00am on MTV.ru http://www.mtv.ru/air/schedule/main.wbp?weekday=5

Poland: RT @butterfly_2730: Hope for Haiti - 2 AM Polish time on MTV Poland

Spain: Saturday 1AM http://www.mtv.es/television

RT @dramaprincess: Saturday 23rd Jan at 9am for Singapore/Malaysia

Switzerland: )RT @twilightschweiz: "Hope for Haiti" in Switzerland at 2am on the 23th of January on MTV!

Its on MTV @ 1 am on Sat. Repeated on MTV on Sat @ 9 pm.


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I realize there are some major people involved in this telethon, but I do believe you're right that the networks & phone lines will blow up because of Rob..

He doesn't have to speak and women will empty their bank accounts & cash out their 401Ks....

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

So glad that he is doing this and he will save Haiti. I hope they raise a lot of money for Haiti.
Looking forwardto seeing Rob doing some good.


Rhonda said...

In all seriousness, please give what you can. This is human suffering at it's worst.

Now for the fun. If Rob recreates the Rome look, I will sell my car to donate. If the does the thumb in mouth thing, I will mortgage the house, as soon as I am revived.

Angie said...
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Anonymous said...

It's good he can use his hotness for good :D
For Danes - The show will be airing on MTV on Friday the 22rd of January at 02.00, and will be re-run Saturday the 23rd of January at 21.00 and Sunday the 24th of January at 20.00.

Angie said...

1st: Rhonda, I agree with the first part of your comment.

2nd: LOL @ Rhonda, I fear there may need to be a telethon held for Rob's newly homeless fans after this event.

peeling a fig said...

Wow. So when will this appear in the UK I wonder? In the middle of the night so he can be on 'live' at the same time as George in L.A?

And of course I think this is a MARVELOUS idea (and we get to see him sooner than Remember Me promos too!), but I have trouble imagining Rob as a 'host' or 'presenter' of anything.

He seems to hate doing those teleprompter 'Hello Netherlands-please-watch-this trailer-for-New Moon-I'm sure you'll-love-it' stuff, like he did on set during Eclipse filming. He seems to go all shy and monotone. Maybe he was method acting and being brooding Edward, dunno.

I'm sure he'll rise to the occasion, but I expect he is not comfortable with the 'hosting' gig.

SluttyPattz said...

I am so happy Rob is taking part in this. I really think this is a positive way to use his influence.

I know they are expecting lots of calls for this. The company I work for is helping American Red Cross handle the calls for numerous public telethons that will be going on. Our CEO sent a message yesterday asking for volunteers to help take calls.

skorpia said...

Long Live Robert-My savior indeed. Thanks you Rob for doing this! Im praying for those poor people in Haiti-I cant even imagine how theyre suffering.

Carole UK said...

God, I love this picture of Rob - it is simply gorgeous.

SluttyPattz said...

EP updated ladies.

LeslieHeartsRob said...

I already donated through the company I work for because they matched what ever we gave per dollar...however, I will most definitely be donating again after hearing about the latest quake they had this morning...

But back to the fun...Rhonda, I'm with you girl!! If I get some finger or lip biting action...FML, I will sell everything I own!!


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thanks Teri..course I'm at work now and can't read....dammit to hell!

LMAO! Telethon for the homeless after this!


solas said...

I am glad he is doing this. And although he didn't like doing the 'hello--watch the movie' promos, I think he can handle dong for others. Plus, he is fairly aware and quite intelligent, and he has said he considered going into some kind of career like political strategist. This serous, non-promotional, non self-accentuated or self-focused appearance, is more fitting his personality.
They just had another large quake today. I so wish that whatever money raised goes asap to whom and where it is needed, and in an intelligent way-- rebuild intelligently, educate, etc.

Haystackhair said...

ADM, LMFAO!!! and RPG- damn straight, LMAO!! Rhonda, LMFAO!!


Haystackhair said...

Oh, and too late for him to be my savior, he has already destroyed me. That pic, the tongue...DED.

mya bluesky said...

i hope this event will raise a great amount of money to help haiti..
im glad that Rob want to take part on this one, he really a sweetheart :)

thank u Teri for the info. i've finished read it, it's great chapter :)

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

LMAO at everyone.

*Making call to real estate agent to see how much I can get for my house*
Agent: Why would you want to sell in this housing environment?
CL07: Because Rob asked me to help while running his fingers through his hair and then using his index finger to raise his eyebrow and then he put his finger in his mouth...


Angie said...


Yep! That's all it will take. We are doomed!! LOL


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Man we are so EASY when it comes to this man!


HeneciaD said...

I guessed that he will do something like this.Yes our savior and destroyer.A look can make my hearth broken but he is doing this for haitians thats why I love him so much

RPLover said...

ok, OT-that first pic has been my avi for a little while now, so I grinned like in idiot when I first got to the blog! LOL

I'm excited for this-it's such a needed thing, especially considering they've just had a major aftershock on top of everything else :( and, of course, because we get ROB! yay! I'm proud of him for doing this.

oh, and I mostly lurked yesterday so I haven't signed off with this yet, but as a proud card-carrying member of the NBFRC...

Fuuuuck I love this man!! I'll use FILTM from now on but I felt the need to say it for real the first time! heehee

Fae007 said...

LOL "...He's my only savior..." :)
Yes, he's got a BIG... heart!
Ok, ok joking aside, I mean really this reveals his sensitive side, those poor people really need help, and his involvment will sure help! :) Everyone who can should donate, just imagine if you're the one standing in their shoes.

RPCinemaMajo said...

I am delighted that Rob will help this cause ...

Definitely proud to be fans of Rob

LeslieHeartsRob said...


That's what he said...;)


Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Absolutely proud to be one of Rob's fans! He is a wonderful person for doing this and helping to encourage others to donate.

Hoping and praying for the people of Haiti. My heart hurts for everyone there.

dina said...

oh shit i will be working the time of the showing but guess what i am gonna call it dina's national day and won't go to work.


Unknown said...

shit! I'm in robsessed :D cool :D

I simply can't wait to see that event! Rob will be there!! and I hope to see him shaved because I miss his face:))

I wonder what he is going to wear...

Candy Girl said...

I will def watch and donate. I would've anyway, but now I have a reason to watch the entire thing. Oh, and whoever posted the link to the "Sex on Fire" video last night - Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! It made me have the best Rob dream ever!

crazy vamp said...

Yiiippiiieee! I'll be ready for it!
So good that our boy is helping too... :)

On a second note: OMG!!!! I love that pic with his tongue and THAT look in his eyes! (it says: "sex!") Yumm... *sigh*

FUCK, I love this man! ;-D

Ylva said...

In Sweden: 2 AM, Saturday on MTV (:

crazy vamp said...
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MatildalovesRob said...

Amazing cause, good boy Rob !

I'd imagine we'll get more 'Bel-Ami' Rob than clean shaven Edward Rob though !

hazeleyes said...

i dont care how he looks...its still him,he answered the call of humanity to step up and do something.just makes him more of an angel to me.

babbles said...


RTP_KJS_Lover said...

I haven't let my mind wander to what he will look like. Don't care if he's cleaned-up Rob or Hobo Rob...just happy that we'll get to see him (and for such a great cause).

Hmm, he'll be all tall and lanky in jeans, his black Nikes, button down shirt, with some chest hair poking out, running his long, lean fingers through his hair, staring intently at the camera, licking his lips....THUD. See, this is why I can't let my mind wander.


CullenGal09 said...

Gozde-Great post as always, dear! LOL.

@RPATTZ-Bahahahahahahahahaa.......so true. There will be gridlocked phone lines because of this. ;)

Shani, you are the bomb BB! ;)

CullenGal09 said...

CullenLover-It's dangerous to let your mind go there dear! Hehe.....;)

Maddy said...

In Romania, Hope for Haiti will be LIVE on MTV Romania on Saturday, 3am and repetead on Saturday 9pm and Sunday 11pm

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

Ladies, our prayers is been answered. We get to see our gorgeous Rob and he gets to help others.

I hope he doesn't wear suit, too little skin showing ;)and I hope his hair is longer, rob rome style. It dosen't matter if he puts his tumb in the mouth we will be homeless, crazy and ruined anyway. He can just stand there and once a while run his hand throu his hair. That would be enugh for me. I'm so easy when it comes to Mr.Pattinson

Lets hope for lots of money for haiti :D

Susanne said...

Ladies, your comments are the best!!!

I will join you living on the street!!!

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

Are u sure about the time? I don't see it on mtv.se

Unknown said...

Ok, I'm a bit concerned. European countries in the same timezone are broadcasting at 1Am or 2AM?
the UK is 1Am, so Spain, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands... should be 2Am...?

Est said...

@ DarthMother

you're right, at least Spain is 2 am (and then 9 pm) on Saturday

Unknown said...

And Belgium seems to be fail again :s I'll be trying to watch the streams online then...

marya said...

can someone explain why is this telethon so late at night? is it in the US because then it makes sense...but that would mean rob has to fly over to the US right?

Shani said...

Goz- Your welcome bb.

Oh hell yes Rob is both our savior and destroyer.

The phone lines in London will blow up. Watch out Londoners y'all may be without phone service for quite some time on Friday or is that Saturday morning for y'all?

Shani said...

CG- Thanks bb!!

CullenGal09 said...

@Shani-You're so welcome doll! ;) R U Home? Tried to call a little while ago.

Spunkkmeyer3 said...


Anonymous said...

GODZE...are you SURE Rob is gonna be on the show? I haven't seen him in any of the promos.

Agnes said...

In Hungary it's at 2 am on MTV and National Geographic.

alinegraco said...

Eu seu que é uma causa nobre e que também me preocupa, mas chorei de rir com o Destroier!

alinegraco said...

No Brasil passa na MTV 11 Pm.

Unknown said...

Update: Belgium will air it on TMF and MTV at 2AM :)

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