ROBsessed Giveaway: Enter for a chance to win FIX YOU and more for our Fiction Friday!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Enter for a chance to win FIX YOU and more for our Fiction Friday!

Are you ready for your fiction fix? This Friday, we're hosting a worldwide giveaway of an eBook from a long time ROBsessed reader! FIX YOU by Beck Anderson is a finalist in two of Romance Writers of America's RITA awards - Best First Book and Best Contemporary Romance - reported by USA Today. While Beck let us know that this is an original story, she also told us who inspired the hero in her book...

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If that gorgeous face doesn't sell you, well then you're a lost cause, dagnaddit! Here's the synopsis for FIX YOU:
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When Kelly Reynolds’s husband died, he left her—the awkward, cautious one—to raise their two young boys. She’s pieced herself back together, barely. Now she takes refuge in her routine: running her kids around and running the trails near her Idaho home.
Two years after her husband’s death, a chance encounter on a run brings Andrew into her life. But Andrew is Andy Pettigrew, the Andy Pettigrew, famous actor. Kelly hates risk, and a love affair with Andrew is certainly tempting fate. She doesn’t fit into his Hollywood world. She doesn’t own a pair of Louboutins, and she couldn’t walk five paces in them if she did. Andrew oozes cool. She reeks of dork.
But despite this, they click. It may be inexplicable, but it works. However, it’s also becoming clear that Andrew struggles with the pressures of his fame. Kelly’s hold on a so-called normal life is already tenuous, and as much as she might want to indulge the fantasy, she doesn’t know how either of them is supposed to cope with stalkerazzi and tweet-happy fans with camera phones. She and Andrew both have secrets that seem impossible to keep.
Beck Anderson’s witty, engaging writing yields an emotional tale of love, loss, and all the little things that make up a life. In the end, what is it that really holds us together? Kelly must decide if love can fix two people who might be broken beyond repair.
Click HERE if you want to read an excerpt and see a trailer on Beck's website.

In addition to winning the eBook for FIX YOU, we're also giving away a DVD copy of Robsessed. The unofficial guide to Rob isn't affiliated with Rob or us but it's definitely a fun blast from the past.
Giveaway guidelines:
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway through Rafflecopter is optional but gives you more chances to win as well as liking the Facebook page linked in the Rafflecopter.
  • Giveaway is WORLDWIDE
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted 
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Friday, April 18 at 12am ET
  • There will be 1 winner receiving the novel, FIX YOU, by Beck Anderson and the DVD Robsessed
  • Winners will be chosen by and announced after April 18th
Good luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway Find out the winners from our last Fiction Friday and chat about fanfic after the cut!

The winners of Twisted have already been contacted but let's congratulate our two lucky ladies....
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Please let us know when you've received your book :)

If you already own Tangled or Twisted by Emma Chase, you might have an opportunity to meet her and get your books signed. The Belles on Wheel bus tour is heading to Atlanta; Birmingham, Ala.; Memphis; Dallas; Austin; Houston and Greenwood, Miss., ahead of the RT Booklovers Convention in New Orleans and if you live in or near those cities, you could meet Christina Lauren (Beautiful Bastard series), Alice Clayton (Wallbanger; Redhead series), Emma Chase (Tangled, Twisted), and Kyra Davis (Just One Night with RobertDeceptive Innocence)! Click HERE to see what other authors will join these ladies and HERE for more details.

In my fanfic world, I'm reading two stories by Rochelle Allison. I'm loving her WitFit story. If you aren't familiar with WitFit, it's a daily challenge for writers. You're given a prompt word and sometimes an additional challenge which are meant to inspire daily writing. I've done WitFit twice and it's fun. Rochelle is currently using the prompts to inspire her story, the bitter, the sweet. I'm not usually one for WIPs but when I WIP, it's with a WitFit. That sentence sounded very Dos Equis of me.
The other story I'm reading is Rochelle's completed fic, Stolen. I love the way this woman writes her Edwards. I melt hard and fast every time. Every. Single. Time. So what are you reading??

If you want to purchase any of the latest books featured in this post, click the Amazon links to buy now!

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