Showing posts with label why so cute Rob?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label why so cute Rob?. Show all posts

Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

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Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

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NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson at Heathrow sending a worker into meltdown (March 11)

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson at Heathrow sending a worker into a meltdown (March 11)

This cutie! The comments from the source in photo caption are awesome. We understand, girl. *cries in solidarity of HHH*

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Photo caption: I met Robert Pattinson and spoke to him!!!!!!😱😭 he literally walked up to meeee! I just can't rn.. #Twilightfan #Work at Eat , Heathrow Terminal 2
Ikr! I literally cried. I tried to keep my cool 😭
Omg I was hyperventilating inside, I literally made him laugh! When he left I let all my emotions out 😭 He's such a cutie ugh 💞
I want this day all over again!!!! 😭 #Bestdayofmylife

Source | Thanks Sky!

Blast from the past - Robert Pattinson and Cosmopolis win the MTV movie brawl

You know you've moved into the later stages of ROBsession with Robert Pattinson when this next image is still embedded in your brain.

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For those of you who don't remember it was the voting screen for The Rover in the MTV Movie Brawl in 2014.  Unfortunately The Rover did not go on to win the competition in a year that 'Maps to the Stars' was also in the competition.

But it was 'Cosmopolis' that caused the big upset of the 2012 MTV Movie Brawl by beating The Hunger Games.  Seeing Rob collect his award made all those clicks worth it!! You have to watch the clip to see how much Rob loved it......

And hearing what David Cronenberg had to say still makes me a very proud fan ....

MTV: David, thanks for talking with us! Have you been filled in on what’s happened with “Cosmopolis” over here? 
David Cronenberg: You know, I’ve been following it! I’m shocked! I’m shocked and amazed and really tickled. It proves that movie fans are unpredictable and really interesting and really passionate. It’s fantastic. I would have never, ever imagined that this would happen. 
MTV: How did the tournament first get on your radar? 
Cronenberg: Somebody sent me something and said, “Hey, we seem to be doing OK in this Movie Brawl thing that MTV’s got going on.” I didn’t know about it. At that point, we were struggling with “The Dark Knight,” I think. I thought, “Wow, that’s pretty impressive!” Because “Cosmopolis,” while I think in terms of what it is as cinema is pretty hefty, but in terms of budget and promotion, it’s an underdog compared to something like the “Dark Knight” franchise. I really didn’t think we would have much of a chance. That really got my attention. 
MTV: What’s kind of incredible, too, is that right before that battle with Batman, “Cosmopolis” was up against “Twilight.” It was Rob versus Rob! In what we saw, it seemed that fans were putting their votes towards Rob’s future instead of his past. 
Cronenberg: Well, and I think that’s one of the things that I meant when I said it was interesting. Because that’s not the kind of thing you would predict. But it was really terrific, and in that sense, they’re right. As I’ve said many times, if you’re a “Twilight” fan, then you might not be interested in “Cosmopolis” because Rob is not Mr. Cullen. But if you’re a Rob fan, then you’ve gotto be interested in “Cosmopolis,” because you will see him as you have not seen him before, for sure.

So what stage is your ROBsession?  Is the 2014 MTV Movie Brawl voting page still in your 'most visited sites' history too? How proud are you that Rob's fans got David Cronenberg's attention?

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NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson and FKA twigs bundle up in Amsterdam (March 5)

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson and FKA twigs bundle up in Amsterdam (March 5)

Cutie Rob all bundled up. You can still tell he's smiling. I love that. What is the weather in Amsterdam?? Clearly COLD. I'm into it. Whatever it takes to have Rob continue to rock his sex scarf.


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VIDEO: Robert Pattinson introduced onstage for LIFE at Berlinale (Feb. 9)

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson introduced onstage for LIFE at Berlinale (Feb. 9)

That's right, camera girl. Eyes on the prize.

He's so cute and ready to be off the stage. :)

Via: PattinsonArtWork | Thanks Nancy!

POLL: Robert Pattinson straddling a box or shaving his beard is the Pic of the Week

POLL: Robert Pattinson straddling a box or shaving his beard is the Pic of the Week

These two pics sent us all into orbit but which would you say is the pic of the week?

I know, I're wondering if this is Tuesday, a day I traditionally like to torture you. Well I'm feeling wicked today so here we are. ;)

Which pic was the pic of the week? Rob being impossibly cuter while shaving....

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Or Rob being impossibly sexier while posing for the official Vanity Fair Oscar after party photo?

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NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson and his sexscarf poses with fans and drives us crazy with lust!

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson and his sexscarf poses with fans and drives us crazy with lust!


The first is insane hot!!!! Oh and Feb. 5th in Budapest when he was filming The Childhood of a Leader, hence the beard.

And this beanie-licious, sexscarf wearing GOD is from today/tonight in London.

SOME PEOPLE ARE SO LUCKY!!!! *cries in a corner*

Source | Source | Thanks Cosmo and Sky!

NEW/OLD PIC: Robert Pattinson being impossibly cute and yummy while shaving

NEW/OLD PIC: Robert Pattinson being impossibly cute and yummy while shaving

OH MAN. This picture is EVERYTHING!

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Photo caption: Sneaking up on Robert Pattinson when he was trying to take care of his face. #photobomb #robertpattinson

The picture is from Rob's Premiere shoot photographer last year!

Nancy flipped the pic too so we see Rob unmirrored!
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NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson and FKA twigs at the Brit Awards (Feb. 25)

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson and FKA twigs at the Brit Awards (Feb. 25)

UPDATE2: Another great fan pic at the bottom of the post!
UPDATE: Group shot! Rob. You must stop being this cute. I don't have my survival equipment handy!
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You see him right? ;)

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Photo caption: #RobertPattinson and #FKAtwigs @FKAtwigs looking cosy and sweet together at #BRITs2015

Rob is forever sweet and supportive. <3

GAH. That smirk!
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Here's what she said about meeting Rob: he was really sweet. Just said he was enjoying the evening and hoped I was too.

Photo caption: Just been catching up with my mate Robert Pattinson. Yes I told him Remember Me is one of my favourite films of all time! #RPatz #RobertPattinson #BRITAwards #Twilight #Blessed

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NEW: Robert Pattinson poses for a fan and continues to spread his hotness in selfies

NEW: Robert Pattinson poses for a fan and continues to spread his hotness in selfies

UPDATE: The fan said the pic was taken in Beverly Hills a couple of days ago.

I have no words to comment on His Holy Hotness in this pic because I'm still trying to recover from THIS! Mercy!

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Source | Thanks Diario Twilight!

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson and FKA twigs cuddle up at the Rose Bowl flea market (Dec. 14)

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson and FKA twigs cuddle up at the Rose Bowl flea market (Dec. 14)

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Click HERE if you missed other fan pics posted earlier!

Thanks Nancy for the tip!

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson checking out some furniture at J.F. Chen in Los Angeles (Dec. 13)

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson checking out some furniture at J.F. Chen in Los Angeles (Dec. 13)

UPDATE: The source said the picture is from Saturday, Dec. 13th.

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Rob was with FKA twigs too at J.F. Chen. Mr. Chen doesn't specify if the pic was from today (although FKA twigs is done touring since a few days ago) but based on Rob's hair, it looks recent. The hair forever being our timetable LOL


New/Old Photos: Robert Pattinson in Maps To The Stars and during The Rover LA press junket

New/Old Photos: Robert Pattinson in Maps To The Stars and during The Rover LA press junket

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Click for HQ
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I finally got to see Maps To The Stars last week during it's award qualifying run - which proved to be successful since Julianne Moore scored the Golden Globe nomination they were seeking.

I loved it. It was an enjoyable satire on the absurdities in Hollywood. Extra'd out in some cases...or maybe not. ;)
I'm not a fan of Rob being in small supporting roles. It's torture. He was great as Jerome and I wished we had more scenes with him. But alas, it was not Jerome's story and it's up to Rob what roles he takes. My role is to buy tickets and see the movies. I'll gladly support the film in February when it's officially released as well. But the struggle is real with these mini roles.

Here are some cute shots that make you smile from PromoRob during The Rover LA press junket

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Source | Via: Roboshayka

New/Old pic of Robert Pattinson at Mari Vanna restaurant makes you giggle with glee (LA)

New/Old pic of Robert Pattinson at Mari Vanna restaurant makes you giggle with glee (LA)

WHY SO CUTE, ROBERT??? You can also see his autograph on the wall. <333

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Photo caption: New sign on our #celebrity #wall by Robert Pattinson🌟 #marivannala #best #russian #restaurant #losangeles #ca #actor #famous

This is the same restaurant from THESE fan pics back in September but obviously it's from an earlier time given Rob's facial hair. Could be the night Rob went to FKA twigs' concert in August HERE since his appearance is identical but Rob also wears the same thing frequently. You be the judge. Or don't and just enjoy the cuteness.

Source | Thanks PJ for the tip and 411!

Old pictures of Robert Pattinson in better quality but always yummy as ever

Old pictures of Robert Pattinson in better quality but always yummy as ever

This is a small collection of old Rob pictures that have popped up over the last few days. Nothing we haven't seen before but they're either larger, UHQ, untagged...take your pick. We just know they're  awesome because they're all of Rob. :)

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MORE under the cut!

VIDEOS: Robert Pattinson and FKA twigs out shopping in Paris (Oct. 14)

VIDEOS: Robert Pattinson and FKA twigs out shopping in Paris (Oct. 14)

I can't take it. He is beyond cute. If someone ever asks you what is beyond cute, you shout at the top of your lungs, "ROBERT PATTINSON!!!"

Lots of stuff on the blog today of ParisRob so don't miss it!

HQ Heaven: More 'Maps To The Stars' TIFF Premiere Pics With Robert Pattinson

HQ Heaven: More 'Maps To The Stars' TIFF Premiere Pics With Robert Pattinson

Heaven, I'm in Heaven..... (anyone else singing with me?)

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Have Mercy Rob

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Looking fabulous and he knows it!

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MORE Heavenly HQ's from the Maps To The Stars TIFF Premiere After The Cut!

VIDEOS: Robert Pattinson says poutine in a southern accent and talks about his sexy "natural musk"

VIDEOS: Robert Pattinson says poutine in a southern accent and talks about his sexy "natural musk"

UPDATE 3: Added another press junket video, with new bits, from ET Canada and the eTalk junket video is now extended. Click HERE to view!

UPDATE2: Longer version of the ET Canada press junket interview - he gushes over Lizzy, talks about the royal baby and wedding and how he keeps himself grounded. Video is auto play so click HERE or the gorgeous pic to watch!

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UPDATE: Added a clearer version of Rob's ET Canada interview (press junket & red carpet) + eTalk's red carpet and press junket interview. The eTalk one is fun with good tidbits plus some funny fingerporn at the end, KATE.

WIN. This is all WIN. Rob with the poo-teeeen. I die.

The lady was positively charmed by the ever-charming Robert Pattinson. LE SIGH....

Now can we get a whiff of Rob's natural musk??

Here's Rob's press junket interview with ET Canada


eTalk red carpet interview

And the press junket vid!

Thanks for the heads up on the vids, Deb! xx
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