VIDEO: A Behind The Scenes Look At David Michod & Robert Pattinson At Work On 'The Rover'

VIDEO: A Behind The Scenes Look At David Michod & Robert Pattinson At Work On 'The Rover'

This is another sneak peek behind the scenes from of the making of The Rover that is featured on the dvd/bluray out NOW!

If you're in the US & still haven't picked up a copy of the film, head over HERE to do it NOW!

Robert Pattinson out and about at Wu-Tang Clan concert at The Forum (Sept. 26)

Robert Pattinson out and about at Wu-Tang Clan concert at The Forum (Sept. 26)

Rob was spotted out and about at the Wu-Tang Clan concert at The Forum in Inglewood last night!

Rob's friend, Jamie, and FKA twigs (and Marcus) seemed to also be with him. This is cool because Rob's been a long time fan. :) He rocked a hoodie in London on Christmas Eve in 2012 and we also have this clear pic of WuTangRob.

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Photo from March 25, 2011 during Breaking Dawn filming

Rob's mentioned Wu-Tang Clan in interviews before, seen them at Coachella 2013 and that's landed them in our Robert Pattinson Music Club. There's also this great press junket video from Eclipse promo in 2010 when Rob fanboy'd about the group.

We hope he had fun! All signs point to a definite YES.

"I Like The Way He Runs His Sets: They Are So Comfortable & I Feel More Confident On Them"~ Robert Pattinson Talks David Cronenberg To The Provance

"I Like The Way He Runs His Sets: They Are So Comfortable & I Feel More Confident On Them"~ Robert Pattinson Talks David Cronenberg To The Provance

The Province interviewed Rob at the Toronto Film Festival. He spoke about working with David, why he feels so comfortable on his sets and lots more.
It's a great read and I also think the author maybe a wee bit Robsessed. Who can blame her, right?

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TORONTO – For a man who emerged as the fully formed and fully fanged vampire heartthrob in the Twilight saga, Robert Pattinson almost seems too fully dimensional, too human, too real to be locker pin-up material. But he’s managing.

The British actor who played Edward opposite Kristen Stewart’s Bella Swan says he’s learned to adapt to a complete lack of control when it comes to public perception, which is one reason why he loves working with David Cronenberg so much.

Pattinson played the lead in Cronenberg’s 2012 outing, a limo-bound narrative about greed, corruption and self-contained narcissism called Cosmopolis. And he returns to Cronenberg’s bizarre landscapes in Maps to the Stars, a truly odd Oedipal yarn woven through a Hollywood loom.

Pattinson plays a limo driver to various celebrities in this new effort that also stars Mia Wasikowska, Julianne Moore and John Cusack, and while he says his character, Jerome, was relatively blank on the page, he knew he could trust Cronenberg to let him grope for a while, and get a good feel for what was needed.

“David is very funny,” Pattinson says. “I just like him as a person, and it helps that I really like his work. I like the way he runs his sets: They are so comfortable and I feel more confident on them.”

Pattinson says Cronenberg never panics when faced with the unknown. He allows the story and the characters to evolve organically.

“On Cosmopolis, I was terrified because it was such a wordy script and I hadn’t done any rehearsals, and I hadn’t had any talks with him about the character until the Sunday before the Monday we started shooting. And I tell you I nearly had a nervous breakdown because I assumed he thought I knew exactly what I was going to do and just pull it out…. “ Pattinson laughs, with a sweet little twinkle.

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson & FKA Twigs Out In LA Last Night + NEW Fan Pic

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson & FKA Twigs Out In LA Last Night + NEW Fan Pic

UPDATE 3: We edited the video. Took out the annoying audio and lightened it. See the original under the cut.


From E Online:
"Robert Pattinson and new girlfriend FKA Twigs sure aren't shy about putting their love on display!

The hot couple stepped out together on Thursday for a night out with friends in Hollywood, where the duo appeared relaxed and happy as they walked side by side before heading into a club.

R.Pattz and his ladylove both rocked casual hipster ensembles, with Twigs adding a bit of bohemian flair to her low-key look. The former Twilight hunk wore skinny jeans, a black jacket and a beanie hat while sporting his signature unkempt scruff. Meanwhile, the British beauty looked lovely in a black and white patterned maxi skirt with a slit on the side which she teamed with a black crop top.

The two always stayed close by and appeared relaxed in each other's company, clearly enjoying a night on the town with their pals as their relationship continues to blossom."
And this lucky lady ran into Rob in No Vacancy and got to chat with him!

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Caption On Photo:

"Never washing my hand again... R. Patts and I shook handssss and talked about his illustrious movie career!! #holycrap #bahhhhh" 

Check out pics from last night over HERE 

NEW Interview: Robert Pattinson Talks LA, 'Maps To The Stars', Working With Auteur Directors & More In Today's UK Independent

NEW Interview: Robert Pattinson Talks LA, 'Maps To The Stars', Working With Auteur Directors & More In Today's UK Independent

Rob spoke the the UK's Independent newspaper while at the Toronto Film Festival earlier this month. The interview is in today's paper and you can read the transcript of it below.

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Maps To The Stars is also their Film of The Week

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Maps To The Stars is the title of the new David Cronenberg film starring Robert Pattinson. It refers to the Hollywood cartography that informs tourists of where to find the homes of their fabourite actors.

Anyone buying one of these plans will be disappointed if they are looking for the home of Britain's most famous vampire. Last year the actor sold his mansion in Griffith Park, near the Hollywood sign in central Los Angeles, saying he was too young to be tied to such a lavish property and instead wanted to lay low and live life to his needs rather than his means.

"The house was amazing," he says of the abode he sold for $6.37m (£3.9m). "I wasn't really thinking when I got it. I had been living in and out of hotels, and when you have money for he first time." When he says money, he means a mind-boggling amount. He reportedly received $20m for the final part of Twilight, the vampire saga that made him a global name, and made his private life public fodder. Pattinson says selling the house is part of a general disassociation with Hollywood. "If you are the kind of person who needs to to be pushed into doing something, Hollywood is not the right place to be, so I think I might be done with Los Angeles."

We meet on the day on the Toronto Film Festival of Maps To The Stars and there is a yearning for Barnes, West London, where he grew up. His Dad imported vintage cars from America, and his mother worked for a modelling agency, a profession Pattinson entered just before he hit his teens. "I think I need to spend more time in London, or just move around a bit more. I've been in LA for six or seven years and it's weird. The more you stay, especially as an actor , the more you think you'll be missing out on something by leaving, but you are not really. It's a fun city, but you are permanently on holiday. I feel like I've been on holiday since I was 22."

It seems the 28 year old has enough of the focus being on his romantic life rather than his career. His relationship with Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart dominated headlines before a very public split, and now there's endless speculation that he's going out with every girl who just happens to be in the same room. The fascination with his love life must be frustrating because, since Twilight ended, not many column inches have been expanded on the impressive resume hes been building.

In addition to twice working with Croneneberg, he gave one of his best performances as a left-for-dead armed robber in David Michod's Australian outback thriller The Rover and he's just finished playing TE Lawrence for Werner Herzog and photographer Dennis Stock for Anton Corbijn. On the horizon is an adaptation of The Lost City Of Z, to be directed by James Gray.

The impressive list has come about because Pattinson has been seeking out auteurs: "In the past two years, I've done stuff just for the director and not really thought much about the script," he says. "Now I'm swinging it back a little, trying to get a medium between the two."

He's thankful to Cronenberg for taking a chance on him, especially when people wondered if all he had to offer was a blank stare. "Working with Cronenberg just opened stuff up. People approached you in a different way. Now I"ve done other things and it kind of works on a bit of a roll, working with auteur-y guys."

There is an odd link between Cosmopolis and Maps to the Stars, in that in Cosmopolis he played a financial hotshot who went around New York in his limo for pretty much the whole movie, whereas in Maps he plays a limo driver who wants to be a screenwriter. Pattinson quips, “It’s a bit weird. It’s like Cosmopolis was the audition for this: ‘Well he fits into a limo, why look for someone else?’”

Maps To The Stars is about the oddballs that populate Hollywood. Pattinson has an affair with a PA (Mia Wasikowska) and then memorably has sex in a car with her boss, Havana - Julianne Moore won the best actress gong at Cannes for her portrayal of an actress whose best days are behind her. It's a Hollywood that Pattinson knows all too well; "I've met characters that are pretty similar. Everyone's saying the films biting, but I think it's sympathetic to a host of characters. Women like Havana: in reality people would despise her, they don't have friends for a reason, but I don't think anyone comes out of the movie hating her and that's testament to Julianne. It's a bunch of weirdos who spend time self-obsessing and talking about it afterwards."

The actor says he's not exactly in a position to talk; " I self-obsess a lot. When I'm doing interviews I'm always waiting for some stupid remark to come out." When he first entered the room, his opening gambit was, "I'm so bad at doing press junkets," said with a glint in his eye that gave the impression he thinks much of it is a charade.

"I used to be so dumb in interviews; try to make jokes all the time, and everyone is thinking, 'this guy is a moron, he's just been saying dumb stuff for years and years'."

Herzog is a director he's long admired and he jumped at the chance to play  TE Lawrence in his Gertrrude Bell biography Queen Of The Desert, starring Nicole Kidman as the British archaeologist who helped draw the Iraq/Jordan border at the turn of the 19th century. "It's sort of close to the real guy, it's certainly not Lawrence of Arabia-like," he says. "Its a small part as well," which suits his just fine: "It's quite nice doing small parts. The film isn't totally reliant on what I do, so I get to work with who I want and it's not my fault if it doesn't make any money."

Maps to the Stars is out TODAY

Scans Thanks To Diorlicious

ROBsessed Giveaway: Second chance to have a SWEET FILTHY BOY and a DIRTY ROWDY THING for our Fiction Friday!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Second chance to have a SWEET FILTHY BOY and a DIRTY ROWDY THING for our Fiction Friday!

It's time for week 2 of our double hitter - SWEET FILTHY BOY and DIRTY ROWDY THING!

I got a chance to finish DIRTY ROWDY THING last weekend and my oh my. I think the title fits juuuuuust right. Finn is definitely a dirty, rowdy thing and matches up perfectly with the sassy Harlow. I had fun reading the story and catching up with the characters we first met in SWEET FILTHY BOY. Naturally, Rob plays all leading men that I read. What.

But I did get a chance to talk to Christina Lauren about who they could fan cast as Finn and Harlow and I LOVE IT.
Q: Fan casting is fun. Who have you fan casted for Harlow and Finn? Or who have you seen others suggest? 
Christina Lauren: Ooh this is a good one but our answer is going to be a cop out—but wait! With good reason! See, it’s really hard to find an actress who fits Harlow. Harlow is half Spanish, half Irish-European mutt, so she has darker hair and skin but light brown eyes. In our mind her face is very Emma-Stone, but she’s more golden, darker-eyed. Finn is similarly tricky for us to cast. But since it’s a Rob site, we can totally confide here that if Rob put on about 30 pounds of muscle, he could rock the role.
Emma is already awesome to me and I totally dig her as Harlow! And Rob, always Rob for any and everything.

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I know I picked a picture of Emma covering half her face but there's something about her look that is so Harlow. Playful, flirty and pretty. I tried to darken her eyes and golden her complexion to get in sync with Christina Lauren's description. And the Rob selection. Come on. This look wins all day every day and I definitely see dirty, rowdy Finn all over him.

Contest is the same as last week so let's do this! Synopsis and guidelines...

 photo 81g2wF-U8rL.jpg DIRTY ROWDY THING synopsis:
Despite their rowdy hookups, Harlow and Finn don’t even like each other...which would explain why their marriage lasted only twelve hours. He needs to be in charge and takes whatever he wants. She lives by the Want-something-done? Do-it-yourself mantra. Maybe she’s too similar to the rugged fisherman—or just what he needs. 
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One-night stands are supposed to be with someone convenient, or wickedly persuasive, or regrettable. They aren’t supposed to be with someone like him. 
But after a crazy Vegas weekend celebrating her college graduation—and terrified of the future path she knows is a cop-out—Mia Holland makes the wildest decision of her life: follow Ansel Guillaume—her sweet, filthy fling—to France for the summer and just…play. 
When feelings begin to develop behind the provocative roles they take on, and their temporary masquerade adventures begin to feel real, Mia will have to decide if she belongs in the life she left because it was all wrong, or in the strange new one that seems worlds away.
Giveaway guidelines:
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway is optional but gives you more chances to win.
  • There will be 1 winner receiving DIRTY ROWDY THING and SWEET FILTHY BOY
  • Giveaway is worldwide!
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted 
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Friday, Oct. 3rd
  • Winners will be chosen by and announced on or after Oct. 3rd
Good luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Winner listed under the cut & more!

Definition Of Erotic: Robert Pattinson Advertising Dior

Definition Of Erotic: Robert Pattinson Advertising Dior 

Actress Jane Alexander was interviewed by Italy's Vanity Fair and was asked about eroticism and what she considered erotic.

Any guess what her answer might have been??? Here's a hint.......

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(Translated using Google Translate)
"Depends on your taste . In general , however, I find that women are able to be much more erotic than men. Aside from Robert Pattinson in advertising Dior, yes he is really erotic."
You won't hear any of us here disagreeing with that Jane. But just because this is Robsessed and we never tire of looking at HHH here's a little peek at the Erotic Rob at work.


Oh Lordy.....

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Not that this place needs anymore heating up but I thought you might like a little throwback to these fabulous fanmade DiorRob videos. I have the air con on in the DR. See you there later!

Thanks Sallyvg
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