Robert Pattinson Polling Results (E!Online & Popsugar) + and a few more polls

Robert Pattinson Polling Results (E!Online & Popsugar) + and a few more polls

UPDATE: E!online says the vote will count even if the voting box doesn't say "Thank you for voting". Click HERE! It's the semi-finals.

E!Online is still chugging along but luckily the Best Leading man of 2011 portion is over!

Rob won!!!
*starts celebrating but Rob interrupts*


He still needs your vote! Best Leading man only moved him into the Best Celeb finals. The winner for E!Online's Best Celeb of the Year will get $25,000 donated to the charity of their choice. We want Rob to have that honor. :)


Next Movie/MTV still have some races going on. TIGHT races. They end tonight I believe sooooooo
  • Click HERE to vote for Rob & Kristen as Best Onscreen Couple (LOSING! tight race...)
  • Click HERE to vote for Rob as Hottest Dude (WINNING!)
  • Click HERE to vote for Rob in Best Movie of 2011 (LOSING!)
Voting is still going on for British GQ's Best Dressed. Click HERE to vote!

Popsugar ended their polling. Did Rob win??


Sexiest Guy 54% of the vote, Shirtless Star 65% of the vote, Favorite Celeb PDA 63% of the vote and Favorite Male Celeb 56% of the vote :)

Are you ready for our Robsessed Awards where there can only be one true winner? ;))

New Pictures of Robert Pattinson from Christmas Eve (London)

New Pictures of Robert Pattinson from Christmas Eve (London)

Happy he's enjoying himself :) Merry merry!





Robert Pattinson Wallpapers: Making You The Love In Fake Gucci Ads vol. 29

Robert Pattinson Wallpapers: Making You The Love In Fake Gucci Ads vol. 29

InStyle recently named Rob one of the most Stylish Men of 2011:
20 Most Stylish Men of 2011
Robert Pattinson
A smoldering Robert Pattinson hit the Breaking Dawn—Part 1 Los Angeles premiere in a slim Gucci suit.
While Rob jokes about his personal style, there are no jokes on the red carpet when you're named Robert Pattinson. Baby be fly and only seems to be getting better.

When chatting with @CourtJustice once, she mentioned how she'd love to see him in an ad for Gucci or even cologne (I'd buy that cologne). However,  we all know that's not Rob's thing. At least no time soon.

Then Marina and I got to talking and said...


Without further adieu....FauxGucciAdRob!






Pretty damn good, right? Can you see it? Because I can see it. Who knows...maybe one day.

Lick and save for HQ FauxGucciAdRobs!

As always, thanks Marina for making Rob the love!

Robert Pattinson Gives Us Another Gift

How about six full minutes of smiles from Robert Pattinson - how's that for another Robmas gift?

There's something about the smiles we get when he's with the fans :-)

@lightboxgallery via @Alice_InTwiLand

Robert Pattinson Robmas Banners Get An Encore

Robert Pattinson Robmas Banners Get An Encore

The Robmas banners were so awesome this season, we wanted to give them an encore in case you missed one and to say THANK YOU once more to our own Kate (Days 1, 3, 5 & 9), TwiCarol (Days 2, 6, 7 & 10), and Marina (Days 4, 8, 11 &12).














No Video Left Behind: Robert Pattinson talks about Breaking Dawn with Ticket (El Salvador)

No Video Left Behind: Robert Pattinson talks about Breaking Dawn with Ticket (El Salvador)

Rob's part starts at 2:25. Highlights:
  • Rob talks about the pressures he feels outside of the franchise
  • Talks about needing 1% of the Twilight fans to follow him for the next 20 years
  • Talks about going to El Salvador
  • Mentions not being able to surf

This was pretty cool. Rob basically said he'd work for 20 years if we'd be the 1% in his life. I'm down. How about the ladies in the dark recesses? Let's hold him to it! ;)

On the 12th Day of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me!

The Twelve Days of Robmas

Merry Robmas to each and every one of you.... now, stand straight, stand proud and sing it out loud.

On the 12th day of Robmas, Robert Pattinson gave to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

Twelve Best Bits of Rob!!!

On the 12th Day of Robmas by RobsessedPattinson

Continue your sing-a-long after the break...

Looks Like Robert Pattinson Is Home For The Holidays

Looks Like Robert Pattinson Is Home For The Holidays

There were a couple of twitter rumblings of Rob en route to London the other day (here & here). A report of Rob out & about last night (here). Now there were several rumblings early this evening of Rob in London.

From Twitter:
  • In the pub, Robert Pattinson is here & Lorraine Pascal. Made sure Lorraine knows wot cheese cake is & how 2 improve stories (Harry Hill).
  • In the same pub as R Patz
  • Currently 2 feet from Robert Pattinson - Best. Christmas Present. Ever.
  • Well the girls are xstatic' as Robert Pattinson is standing next to them in the pub, those were the days...
  • I just got caught in a really weird conversation with Robert Pattinson. Happy Christmas!
Glad he's safe and sound and home for the holidays.

Merry Christmas to Rob! 


Twitter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Release Dates & Other Time Frames for Robert Pattinson's Bel Ami (

Release Dates & Other Time Frames for Robert Pattinson's Bel Ami

Germany via SpunkRansom

Greece via @PattinsonLadies
Just received an e-mail from Hollywood Entertainment, #BelAmi’s Greek distributor & they informed me that BA is going to be out this summer in Greece! But, this may change later! I’ll keep you posted!
USA/France/Lithuania via IMDb/SpunkRansom


I'm still skeptical about the US release date. Someone could have plugged that in with the assumption that the UK date that went around with the trailer was also the US date. Believe at your own risk. I'm waiting for another source.

On the 11th Day of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave to Me...

The Twelve Days of Robmas

Oh man...I'm getting all verklempt. One more day, you guuuuuuuuys! *sniffle*

On the 11th Day of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave to Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

11 Global Journeys!


SING IT SISTAS!!! after the cut...

Belgium: See Robert Pattinson in Bel Ami for the New year

Astrid officially wants me to jump off a cliff because I don't live in Belgium.

This post is for the luckiest ladies in the world that get to see Robert Pattinson play Georges Duroy in the first public viewing of Bel Ami.

As for the rest of us?


Astrid received her Ladies at the Movies newsletter and if you were still skeptical before, you shouldn't be now.


Belgium gets to DuRob and you don't, bitches!


REAL translation:
Robert Pattinson goes after a few more mature women in "Bel Ami". This drama, based on the book by Guy de Maupassant, is about a young man who manipulates one of the most powerful men in Paris. Robert Pattinson seduces Uma Thurman & Christina Ricci!

(Astrid: The part above "Geschenktips: info & tickets" there is a small advert about a book you can buy at the cinema)

(Astrid: In the dark purple box it says): "Georges Duroy is a young, poor Casanova. At the end of the 19th centruy he travels to Paris to try to make his way up the social ladder. Once he's there he falls into a world where sex is power and obsession & power go hand in hand"

(Astrid: Below that it says that the official release is March 2nd.)
Jan. 31st was mentioned as the release date for Belgium before so not sure if that's changed. What hasn't changed is Belgium get's to see Bel Ami January 3rd and 4th.


Click HERE to view our post with theater information.
Tickets are still available at some of the theaters. Why? I don't know.


Fan Pictures of Robert Pattinson from Handprinting Ceremony, Breaking Dawn LA Premiere & Jimmy Kimmel

Fan Pictures of Robert Pattinson from Handprinting Ceremony, Breaking Dawn LA Premiere & Jimmy Kimmel

Oooooooo....yuuummmmm. Those were my words when I saw these two fan pics. I'm so eloquent.


LOL did you see creeper Nick? Let's get back to His Holy Hotness who is forever trying to kill you with his smolder.

Source via

Also, a twitter pal sent me this picture. *cough* Wonder why... ;)
Thanks Cheryl & Laurie ;)
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