More Q&A Rome Transcribed- Click ME

Click above to be directed to the site, it is a long transcription of the Q&A. Someone was able to decipher the questions and the answers for Robert, Kristen and Catherine, I feel a lot less confused than before. Hope you enjoy.


babbles said...

Yes confusion everywhere in Rome!
I can't imagine that they weren't a little stressed out (Rob, Kris & Cath) It's nice to have it all deciphered....

Lynn said...

From the perspective of someone that grew up with an ESL parent, I can honestly say that the interviewer was the main part of the problem. He was continuely switching from Italian to pigeon English to ask questions and after several looks of confusion from Rob, Kristen and Catherine, he would then turn to the interpreter.

I know it must be a cultural bias, but, it would have been much easier to have some set standard questions written out and then translated, less confusion and smoother interview.

Kudos to Rob and Kristen for riding out the frustration wave and to Catherine for her brainy, adlib, cool as a cucumber anwers!

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