Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson
New Pic: Robert Pattinson pops up in Santa Monica a couple of days ago
NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson celebrating Jaime King's birthday in LA at Black Rabbit Rose (April 24)
NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson celebrating Jaime King's birthday in LA at Black Rabbit Rose (April 24)
Via: Just Jared
So many people but you can spot Rob easily. Also, flip through her pics and you'll see Rob was seated next to his long time friend. Can't blame the girl. He was clearly the most valuable guest. ;)
A post shared by Jaime King (@jaime_king) on
Via: Just Jared

Robert Pattinson Bearded & Beautiful In A BTS Pic From 'The Lost City Of Z' Set In Belfast
Robert Pattinson Bearded & Beautiful In A BTS Pic From 'The Lost City Of Z' Set In Belfast
Thanks Susie

Thanks Susie
Robert Pattinson Being Adorkable In A NEW Boomarang
Robert Pattinson Being Adorkable In A NEW Boomarang
I have no idea what he's doing in this boomarang and I don't care. He's being his adorkable, weird, cute self and that's why we love him!
I have no idea what he's doing in this boomarang and I don't care. He's being his adorkable, weird, cute self and that's why we love him!

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson Looking Gorgeous At The Pop & Suki Event In LA Wednesday Night
NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson Looking Gorgeous At The Pop & Suki Event In LA Wednesday Night
Caption on Photo:
"popandsuki#RobertPattinson partying at the Pop & Suki x @kodak Spring Soirée 🍾🥂💖"

Caption on Photo:
"popandsuki#RobertPattinson partying at the Pop & Suki x @kodak Spring Soirée 🍾🥂💖"
Robert Pattinson talks one-on-one with Collider in an extensive and excellent interview about his career and many more treats
Robert Pattinson talks one-on-one with Collider in an extensive and excellent interview about his career and many more treats
What an exceptional interview of great length! Can't they all be like this? There's such a respect for Rob's work and his intelligence. It's not a gossipy bit and we know it wouldn't have been based on the interviewer and interviewee. We also don't just dive into the same TLCoZ info we're familiar with at this point. We get to read more about Rob's attachment to Good Time than before, his joy with working on High Life with Claire Denis (shooting in August if the money holds together), and a tease about a new film he might be taking on. This interview is rich in professional flavor and more!
I've posted the start but please continue over to Collider to read the rest. You definitely will want to. It's the stuff Robsessed dreams are made of.

COLLIDER: You won’t remember this, but I actually interviewed you in New York for Remember Me, back in 2010. So, you’ve landed on your feet.
ROBERT PATTINSON: God. So long ago now and it was 2010.
Yeah. Long time ago.
PATTINSON: Doesn’t feel like a very long time ago.
Time goes by very fast. There’s something I want to talk to you about: I’m a legit fan of your acting. One of the things that I am impressed by is the movies you’ve done. You’re going for cool roles with good directors and you’re going after scripts. For example, I really enjoyed your work in The Rover. And I think that one of the things is a lot of actors have to work because of, you know, they have to pay the mortgage. And I think that one of the benefits you have is you gained that financial freedom after a certain franchise to be able to pick the projects you want to do. Can you sort of talk about what you’ve tried to do over the few years as an actor and the roles you’ve been gravitating towards?
PATTINSON: Yeah, that’s completely right. I mean, I have been incredibly fortunate to be able to do that. But I also think if you get sort of early success there’s always this part of you which feels like, “I need to address the imbalance, I need to kind of earn that success after the fact” [laughs]. And so I try to find roles that are hard and also, I still find now, even after I’ve done loads of really random movies, directors are really surprised that I want to play the parts that I want to play. They just assume that you want to only do the honorable good guy lead who saves the day or dies at the end [laughs]. It’s like, I don’t know, I just kind of don’t think any audience would want to see me do that, or I always think that you have to have a certain understanding of what an audience would want to see from you as a public person as well as a character. So yeah, I generally try and find ways to get my characters severely punished [laughs].
The other thing though is a lot of people I’ve spoken to talk about getting pigeonholed in a certain type of role and the only way you can sort of break that is to show people that you don’t want to do just this one role again and again and again.
PATTINSON: Yeah, and it’s amazing as well how people if you want to get a different role, the majority of time the producers or directors want to see you play a similar role already, whereas the only thing I really want to do is swing wildly from one end to the other [laughs]. But then I think after it’s just starting to kind settle into the kind of area that I want to be in. I knew it would take a long time, but like this year working with Claire Denis and I’m probably going to work—I don’t know if I can say it yet [laughs].
Yeah, don’t. I don’t want to get you in trouble. But by all means, say it.
PATTINSON: I think I’m going to do something with Antonio Campos as well. Do you know Antonio Campos is?
I do.
PATTINSON: The part with him is like –I mean, he actually wanted me to do a different part and I was like, “No this is the part.” It’s this absolutely degenerate [laughs]. But then I did this thing with the Safdie Brothers. I don’t know if you know the Safdies?
I’m not as familiar.
PATTINSON: They did that film called Heaven Knows What about west side junkies.
I definitely didn’t see it, and I don’t think I want to pretend that I did.
PATTINSON: It’s incredible. I have this movie coming out this year with them, which is really like, I don’t know why they trust me on it but it’s playing –It’s like so specifically Queens-related, and I’m obviously not at all acquainted [laughs].
You’re not from New York? I’m surprised to learn this!
PATTINSON: And everyone’s non-actors in it, and we’re pretty much…
Well, American Honey did a great job without traditional actors.
PATTINSON: Yeah, I think it’s the same, man. Elaine or Jen, who cast that? God, my memory is so shit. Yeah, I think it’s the same casting people who did American Honey. But a lot of the people from American Honey came from the Safdie Brothers’ first movie Heaven Knows What.
Oh, there you go.
PATTINSON: Yeah. But she is an amazing street-casting person, she is incredible. And some of the people in—There’s this movie called Good Time, and it’s crazy. I literally can’t wait for it to come out.
That’s what Megan was saying.
PATTINSON: Oh really?
She was saying, “You need to see this movie,” and I’m like, “Okay!”
PATTINSON: It’s just really fun. I mean, it’s kind of like, it’s so scrappy and stuff but you know, I watch so many movies and I find a lot of them very predictable, and also, a little bit playing it safe.
That’s why you should go see The Handmaiden.
PATTINSON: I love The Handmaiden. It’s fucking amazing.
If you want to talk about movies that take twists and turns. I was sitting in the theater, jaw on ground, six times.
PATTINSON: No! I literally thought it was absolutely incredible. And also, I didn’t really know what it was about, and I remember watching in this theater in New York and there’s so many dirty, creepy old men sitting around [laughs] and I was watching like “What? This movie is crazy sexy! I had no idea at all!”
But you mentioned, that’s the type of movie you will not get made in America anymore. Maybe, I don’t even know if it could have ever been made in America.
PATTINSON: It’s that main period where it could have been, but like…
Maybe the early 70s?
PATTINSON: Or 80s. There’s a bunch of…
Oh, that’s true!
PATTINSON: Yeah, yeah. But yeah, I just find it so – I mean, I love going to a theater and just being like, “Wow!” That and I mean, Embrace of the Serpent. Did you ever see that?
I have not, but I’ve heard of it.
PATTINSON: Unbelievable. But yeah, I don’t understand. But this thing I did with the Safdies, it’s kind of very sort of subversive, but at the same time it’s a real genre film. So I think people will see it and kind of be quiet, it seems it’s weirdly accessible for a very strange movie. So, I hope people will like it.
Well, jumping into why I get to talk to you, the actual movie, The Lost City of Z.
PATTINSON: Yeah, sorry!
He's the best. I can hear him saying sorry with that big smile of his. Maybe a laugh too. Now I want audio! LOL
Click HERE to continue reading this awesome interview. They get into TLCoZ, of course, but also cover the choice to have a beard, Rob's long love of M&Ms makes an appearance, Good Time 411 pops up again, the merits of film vs digital, memorable TLCoZ filming experience, preparing for High Life, the superhero genre, Guardians of the you get the point? This interview! Perfection.
Source: Collider
What an exceptional interview of great length! Can't they all be like this? There's such a respect for Rob's work and his intelligence. It's not a gossipy bit and we know it wouldn't have been based on the interviewer and interviewee. We also don't just dive into the same TLCoZ info we're familiar with at this point. We get to read more about Rob's attachment to Good Time than before, his joy with working on High Life with Claire Denis (shooting in August if the money holds together), and a tease about a new film he might be taking on. This interview is rich in professional flavor and more!
I've posted the start but please continue over to Collider to read the rest. You definitely will want to. It's the stuff Robsessed dreams are made of.
COLLIDER: You won’t remember this, but I actually interviewed you in New York for Remember Me, back in 2010. So, you’ve landed on your feet.
ROBERT PATTINSON: God. So long ago now and it was 2010.
Yeah. Long time ago.
PATTINSON: Doesn’t feel like a very long time ago.
Time goes by very fast. There’s something I want to talk to you about: I’m a legit fan of your acting. One of the things that I am impressed by is the movies you’ve done. You’re going for cool roles with good directors and you’re going after scripts. For example, I really enjoyed your work in The Rover. And I think that one of the things is a lot of actors have to work because of, you know, they have to pay the mortgage. And I think that one of the benefits you have is you gained that financial freedom after a certain franchise to be able to pick the projects you want to do. Can you sort of talk about what you’ve tried to do over the few years as an actor and the roles you’ve been gravitating towards?
PATTINSON: Yeah, that’s completely right. I mean, I have been incredibly fortunate to be able to do that. But I also think if you get sort of early success there’s always this part of you which feels like, “I need to address the imbalance, I need to kind of earn that success after the fact” [laughs]. And so I try to find roles that are hard and also, I still find now, even after I’ve done loads of really random movies, directors are really surprised that I want to play the parts that I want to play. They just assume that you want to only do the honorable good guy lead who saves the day or dies at the end [laughs]. It’s like, I don’t know, I just kind of don’t think any audience would want to see me do that, or I always think that you have to have a certain understanding of what an audience would want to see from you as a public person as well as a character. So yeah, I generally try and find ways to get my characters severely punished [laughs].
The other thing though is a lot of people I’ve spoken to talk about getting pigeonholed in a certain type of role and the only way you can sort of break that is to show people that you don’t want to do just this one role again and again and again.
PATTINSON: Yeah, and it’s amazing as well how people if you want to get a different role, the majority of time the producers or directors want to see you play a similar role already, whereas the only thing I really want to do is swing wildly from one end to the other [laughs]. But then I think after it’s just starting to kind settle into the kind of area that I want to be in. I knew it would take a long time, but like this year working with Claire Denis and I’m probably going to work—I don’t know if I can say it yet [laughs].
Yeah, don’t. I don’t want to get you in trouble. But by all means, say it.
PATTINSON: I think I’m going to do something with Antonio Campos as well. Do you know Antonio Campos is?
I do.
PATTINSON: The part with him is like –I mean, he actually wanted me to do a different part and I was like, “No this is the part.” It’s this absolutely degenerate [laughs]. But then I did this thing with the Safdie Brothers. I don’t know if you know the Safdies?
I’m not as familiar.
PATTINSON: They did that film called Heaven Knows What about west side junkies.
I definitely didn’t see it, and I don’t think I want to pretend that I did.
PATTINSON: It’s incredible. I have this movie coming out this year with them, which is really like, I don’t know why they trust me on it but it’s playing –It’s like so specifically Queens-related, and I’m obviously not at all acquainted [laughs].
You’re not from New York? I’m surprised to learn this!
PATTINSON: And everyone’s non-actors in it, and we’re pretty much…
Well, American Honey did a great job without traditional actors.
PATTINSON: Yeah, I think it’s the same, man. Elaine or Jen, who cast that? God, my memory is so shit. Yeah, I think it’s the same casting people who did American Honey. But a lot of the people from American Honey came from the Safdie Brothers’ first movie Heaven Knows What.
Oh, there you go.
PATTINSON: Yeah. But she is an amazing street-casting person, she is incredible. And some of the people in—There’s this movie called Good Time, and it’s crazy. I literally can’t wait for it to come out.
That’s what Megan was saying.
PATTINSON: Oh really?
She was saying, “You need to see this movie,” and I’m like, “Okay!”
PATTINSON: It’s just really fun. I mean, it’s kind of like, it’s so scrappy and stuff but you know, I watch so many movies and I find a lot of them very predictable, and also, a little bit playing it safe.
That’s why you should go see The Handmaiden.
PATTINSON: I love The Handmaiden. It’s fucking amazing.
If you want to talk about movies that take twists and turns. I was sitting in the theater, jaw on ground, six times.
PATTINSON: No! I literally thought it was absolutely incredible. And also, I didn’t really know what it was about, and I remember watching in this theater in New York and there’s so many dirty, creepy old men sitting around [laughs] and I was watching like “What? This movie is crazy sexy! I had no idea at all!”
But you mentioned, that’s the type of movie you will not get made in America anymore. Maybe, I don’t even know if it could have ever been made in America.
PATTINSON: It’s that main period where it could have been, but like…
Maybe the early 70s?
PATTINSON: Or 80s. There’s a bunch of…
Oh, that’s true!
PATTINSON: Yeah, yeah. But yeah, I just find it so – I mean, I love going to a theater and just being like, “Wow!” That and I mean, Embrace of the Serpent. Did you ever see that?
I have not, but I’ve heard of it.
PATTINSON: Unbelievable. But yeah, I don’t understand. But this thing I did with the Safdies, it’s kind of very sort of subversive, but at the same time it’s a real genre film. So I think people will see it and kind of be quiet, it seems it’s weirdly accessible for a very strange movie. So, I hope people will like it.
Well, jumping into why I get to talk to you, the actual movie, The Lost City of Z.
PATTINSON: Yeah, sorry!
He's the best. I can hear him saying sorry with that big smile of his. Maybe a laugh too. Now I want audio! LOL
Click HERE to continue reading this awesome interview. They get into TLCoZ, of course, but also cover the choice to have a beard, Rob's long love of M&Ms makes an appearance, Good Time 411 pops up again, the merits of film vs digital, memorable TLCoZ filming experience, preparing for High Life, the superhero genre, Guardians of the you get the point? This interview! Perfection.
Source: Collider
NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson Rocking His Sexspenders
NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson Rocking His Sexspenders
Rob and his Sexspenders it's been far too long!
That definition from the Urban Dictionary pretty much sums it up!
Source via Source
Rob and his Sexspenders it's been far too long!

That definition from the Urban Dictionary pretty much sums it up!
Source via Source
Stunning NEW Robert Pattinson Photo For Dior Homme Fall 2017 Campaign By Karl Lagerfeld
Stunning NEW Robert Pattinson Photo For Dior Homme Fall 2017 Campaign By Karl Lagerfeld
This beautiful NEW photo of Rob by Karl Lagerfield for the Dior Homme Fall 2017 campaign is featured in the May 2017 issue of Esquire Magazine USA.
Click for HQ
Thanks Posh!
This beautiful NEW photo of Rob by Karl Lagerfield for the Dior Homme Fall 2017 campaign is featured in the May 2017 issue of Esquire Magazine USA.

Click for HQ

Thanks Posh!
Dior Homme,
Robert Pattinson
NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson At Pop & Suki Event In Los Angeles Last Night (19 Apr 2017)
NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson At Pop & Suki Event In Los Angeles Last Night (19 Apr 2017)
Click for HQ
Source: Posh & EyesOnTabert

Click for HQ

Source: Posh & EyesOnTabert
I love new pics,
los angeles,
New pics,
Out and About,
Robert Pattinson
NEW PIC Robert Pattinson looking handsome in Hollywood today
Robert Pattinson looking handsome in Hollywood today (April 17)
A post shared by David Gorder (@gordo1329) on
Robert Pattinson
Here is...... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson
happy easter,
Morning Wake Up Call,
Robert Pattinson
UHQ: New and Old stills of Robert Pattinson ready for exploration in The Lost City of Z
UHQ: New and Old stills of Robert Pattinson ready for exploration in The Lost City of Z
These are GREAT. I get lost in the UHQ. It's a tad creepy zooming in on Rob like this but why make UHQ images if we aren't supposed to zoom in and explore ones pores and irises? What?

Click and save for UHQ!

MORE under the cut!
These are GREAT. I get lost in the UHQ. It's a tad creepy zooming in on Rob like this but why make UHQ images if we aren't supposed to zoom in and explore ones pores and irises? What?

Click and save for UHQ!

MORE under the cut!
Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson
Isn't he cute?,
Moment of Rob,
Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson in the first still from 'Good Time'
To celebrate being in competition in Cannes, director Josh Safdie has shared the first still from his film 'Good Time'. The still shows Robert Pattinson as Connie and is our first glimpse of his new role.
Rob recently spoke of the role in his Yahoo interview:

Rob recently spoke of the role in his Yahoo interview:
The actor also discussed “Good Time” with Yahoo as well. “I sort of, to a fault, rely a little bit too much on being inspired by things that land on my doorstep,” he said of his acting choices. I” literally just did this movie called ‘Good Time,’ which I think is a really interesting role. But I would’ve never, ever predicted that I would’ve liked it. I think [the character’s] basically the embodiment of an angry commenter on the Internet.”Source

First look,
First Still,
good time,
I love new pics,
Robert Pattinson,
Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson
I can't wait,
king of cannes,
Moment of Rob,
Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson talks to Yahoo about subverting people's expectations, his obsessive Amazon habit and more!
Robert Pattinson talks to Yahoo about subverting people's expectations, his obsessive Amazon habit and more!
This is a great interview from Yahoo! And so Rob. You're gonna love it. It's fairly wide ranging too! He touches on 5 of his films past, present and future. Enjoy!
How familiar were you with the source material for Lost City of Z? Had you read David Grann’s book?
Yeah, James gave me the book when it was a totally different script. Or I may have read it long before there was even a script at all. I think at the time he was thinking about me to play Percy’s son. Because I must’ve only been about 21. And then I just kind of stayed with it as time went on, and it went through all these different casts. [Laughs]
It sounds like the script changed a lot through the years. What were the biggest changes made over time?
When I first read it, it was a straight action movie, like Indiana Jones. It was this rip-roaring adventure movie, and not this kind of epic, elegant saga that takes place over 30 years.
Costin is a much more minor character in the book. What did you build off of to shape him?
Well, I always thought with Percy’s character it would be a good idea to have a foil. I always interpreted Percy’s character as this man determined to fix the reputation that he thinks he’s deserved, and which his father has ruined for him. … He keeps going back to the jungle again and again and again, just to fix this insecurity. So I liked the idea of Costin being this character who basically had a total disregard for the English aristocracy or any kind of social climbing whatsoever. So he didn’t really want to bring anything back from the jungle, anyway. The entire point for him was just to go because he had nothing to live for in England.
How much information was out there about the real guy? Any sense of his military career?
Well, Costin in reality was a refrigerator salesman. There was an advert in the Times of London saying, “Adventurers Wanted.” That’s actually how he got the job. [Laughs] He was one of the only people who applied for it. But he was in the army — he was a physical fitness instructor. But really, I liked the craziness of just applying to be an adventurer.
You rock some pretty rad facial hair in this movie. Did that look grow on you — pun intended — or did you not care for it?
By the end, I was definitely over it. But at least when you’re shooting a movie with your face covered, there’s very little makeup to be done. It was definitely a “Get out of bed and that’s it” situation. That helped in the middle of the jungle.
You’ve played lead roles, you’ve taken supporting parts — this is more of a supporting role in an ensemble. Do you have a preference these days?
There are certain directors I just really want to work with, and you bring what you can to a part. But in some ways it’s kind of nice [to play a supporting role]. It is a little bit liberating because you don’t have to concentrate on the narrative thrust of the story. You’re just purely thinking about character and just embellishing it a little bit. But with this, I would’ve played any part in it, pretty much.
Costin has some great lines in this movie. I think one of my favorites is when you say to Hunnam, “We’re too British for this jungle.” Did you guys feel out of your element filming in the jungles of Colombia?
No, I really loved it. I guess in some ways, it was kind of hard. But it’s just incredible, going to work every day in a little boat, going up river in the middle of virgin jungle in Colombia. It was very, very close to being on vacation, to be honest. [Laughs]
But the type of vacation where you couldn’t eat anything?
Well, yeah. There’s a certain degree of harshness, and we were trying to lose as much as weight as possible in a really short period of time. So I guess there’s that element to it. But there’s a reason those guys wanted to keep going back as well. It’s amazing.
Do you consider yourself pretty adventurous? Could your relate to that thirst for exploration?
Yeah, definitely. I do sometimes find myself gravitating toward a job just because it’s shooting out in the middle of nowhere. If I’m shooting in a city, generally it can become a repetitive scenario. If you have anyone taking pictures on their phones, it just constantly reminds you of the reality of your life. And I find it becomes a little more difficult. Whereas if you’re out in the jungle and everyone is on the same page as you, you just sort of believe in character a little bit more.
What is your own personal Amazonian adventure? What is the biggest risk you’ve taken in your career so far?
I don’t know: I’ve done things which I thought were going to be really risky, which ended up not being risky at all. I generally try to keep finding ways to push the envelope as much as I can, and whenever I get the opportunity to do it, I generally try to take it. But I don’t really worry about taking risks, to be honest.
What’s something you thought was risky that ended up not being so?
I did this movie years ago called Bel Ami, which was at the height of all the Twilight stuff. It was this Guy de Maupassant novel about a guy who seduces women specifically to screw them out of their money and ruin their lives. I thought that was a relatively subversive choice to make at the time. [Laughs] And no one really seemed to think the same thing.
What is your relationship with your Twilight fan base these days? Has the madness that surrounded your life calmed down at all?
It’s definitely calmed down in terms of my everyday life, but mainly because I spend more time in London, which is totally different. And I’m doing more parts that just sort of interest me, while in a lot of ways taking a little bit of a step back just to learn and get better. I guess I’ve never really acknowledged what the fan base is, or even if I have one. [Laughs]
Oh, you have one.
But, yeah, I’m always pretty curious about what people say afterward, and who turns up, who likes the movie. It’s always kind of random. But I love it when someone who you just really wouldn’t expect says, “Oh, I liked you in this.”
What films have been most unexpected?
It’s always just really strange. I’ve done a bunch of movies which I thought might’ve been impossible to be seen. There was this film Little Ashes, where I played Salvador Dalí, from years and years ago, and just the other day I was walking down the street and somebody came up and said, “Oh, that’s my favorite film!” You kind of forget that people even watch your films. [Laughs]
What do you think of all the universe building that is going on in Hollywood right now and the possibility that they could reboot Twilight and expand its world? Could you ever see yourself playing Edward Cullen again?
Really, they’re expanding it? So I’ll get my own spin-off? [Laughs]
Potentially! It could be called Edward: Homecoming.
Yeah, exactly.
But would you ever dip back in if the opportunity presented itself?
I mean, I’m always kind of curious. Anything where there’s a mass audience — or seemingly an audience for it — I always like the idea of subverting people’s expectations. So there could be some radical way of doing it, which could be quite fun. It’s always difficult when there’s no source material. But, yeah, I’m always curious.
What type of role haven’t you been offered yet that you’re eager for?
I sort of, to a fault, rely a little bit too much on being inspired by things that land on my doorstep. I literally just did this movie called Good Time, which I think is a really interesting role. But I would’ve never, ever predicted that I would’ve liked it. [Pattinson plays a New York bank robber running from the police.] I think that he’s basically the embodiment of an angry commenter on the Internet.
That sounds great.
Well, if you watch the movie you’ll probably be like, “Huh? What are you talking about?” But one of my favorite things to do — this is quite embarrassing — but you know how when you look on Amazon and you see a product that’s got a consumer review that is so scathing, on like an electric toothbrush or something? Like, literally buying this toothbrush has ruined this person’s life. I always click on that person’s buying history, or their other reviews, and I’ll just read them for days and days. And I’m really amused. These people just have to vent this kind of furious anger on product reviews. I’ve always found that sort of character really interesting. [Laughs]
Source: Yahoo
This is a great interview from Yahoo! And so Rob. You're gonna love it. It's fairly wide ranging too! He touches on 5 of his films past, present and future. Enjoy!
How familiar were you with the source material for Lost City of Z? Had you read David Grann’s book?
Yeah, James gave me the book when it was a totally different script. Or I may have read it long before there was even a script at all. I think at the time he was thinking about me to play Percy’s son. Because I must’ve only been about 21. And then I just kind of stayed with it as time went on, and it went through all these different casts. [Laughs]
It sounds like the script changed a lot through the years. What were the biggest changes made over time?
When I first read it, it was a straight action movie, like Indiana Jones. It was this rip-roaring adventure movie, and not this kind of epic, elegant saga that takes place over 30 years.
Costin is a much more minor character in the book. What did you build off of to shape him?
Well, I always thought with Percy’s character it would be a good idea to have a foil. I always interpreted Percy’s character as this man determined to fix the reputation that he thinks he’s deserved, and which his father has ruined for him. … He keeps going back to the jungle again and again and again, just to fix this insecurity. So I liked the idea of Costin being this character who basically had a total disregard for the English aristocracy or any kind of social climbing whatsoever. So he didn’t really want to bring anything back from the jungle, anyway. The entire point for him was just to go because he had nothing to live for in England.
How much information was out there about the real guy? Any sense of his military career?
Well, Costin in reality was a refrigerator salesman. There was an advert in the Times of London saying, “Adventurers Wanted.” That’s actually how he got the job. [Laughs] He was one of the only people who applied for it. But he was in the army — he was a physical fitness instructor. But really, I liked the craziness of just applying to be an adventurer.
You rock some pretty rad facial hair in this movie. Did that look grow on you — pun intended — or did you not care for it?
By the end, I was definitely over it. But at least when you’re shooting a movie with your face covered, there’s very little makeup to be done. It was definitely a “Get out of bed and that’s it” situation. That helped in the middle of the jungle.
You’ve played lead roles, you’ve taken supporting parts — this is more of a supporting role in an ensemble. Do you have a preference these days?
There are certain directors I just really want to work with, and you bring what you can to a part. But in some ways it’s kind of nice [to play a supporting role]. It is a little bit liberating because you don’t have to concentrate on the narrative thrust of the story. You’re just purely thinking about character and just embellishing it a little bit. But with this, I would’ve played any part in it, pretty much.
Costin has some great lines in this movie. I think one of my favorites is when you say to Hunnam, “We’re too British for this jungle.” Did you guys feel out of your element filming in the jungles of Colombia?
No, I really loved it. I guess in some ways, it was kind of hard. But it’s just incredible, going to work every day in a little boat, going up river in the middle of virgin jungle in Colombia. It was very, very close to being on vacation, to be honest. [Laughs]
But the type of vacation where you couldn’t eat anything?
Well, yeah. There’s a certain degree of harshness, and we were trying to lose as much as weight as possible in a really short period of time. So I guess there’s that element to it. But there’s a reason those guys wanted to keep going back as well. It’s amazing.
Do you consider yourself pretty adventurous? Could your relate to that thirst for exploration?
Yeah, definitely. I do sometimes find myself gravitating toward a job just because it’s shooting out in the middle of nowhere. If I’m shooting in a city, generally it can become a repetitive scenario. If you have anyone taking pictures on their phones, it just constantly reminds you of the reality of your life. And I find it becomes a little more difficult. Whereas if you’re out in the jungle and everyone is on the same page as you, you just sort of believe in character a little bit more.
What is your own personal Amazonian adventure? What is the biggest risk you’ve taken in your career so far?
I don’t know: I’ve done things which I thought were going to be really risky, which ended up not being risky at all. I generally try to keep finding ways to push the envelope as much as I can, and whenever I get the opportunity to do it, I generally try to take it. But I don’t really worry about taking risks, to be honest.
What’s something you thought was risky that ended up not being so?
I did this movie years ago called Bel Ami, which was at the height of all the Twilight stuff. It was this Guy de Maupassant novel about a guy who seduces women specifically to screw them out of their money and ruin their lives. I thought that was a relatively subversive choice to make at the time. [Laughs] And no one really seemed to think the same thing.
What is your relationship with your Twilight fan base these days? Has the madness that surrounded your life calmed down at all?
It’s definitely calmed down in terms of my everyday life, but mainly because I spend more time in London, which is totally different. And I’m doing more parts that just sort of interest me, while in a lot of ways taking a little bit of a step back just to learn and get better. I guess I’ve never really acknowledged what the fan base is, or even if I have one. [Laughs]
Oh, you have one.
But, yeah, I’m always pretty curious about what people say afterward, and who turns up, who likes the movie. It’s always kind of random. But I love it when someone who you just really wouldn’t expect says, “Oh, I liked you in this.”
What films have been most unexpected?
It’s always just really strange. I’ve done a bunch of movies which I thought might’ve been impossible to be seen. There was this film Little Ashes, where I played Salvador Dalí, from years and years ago, and just the other day I was walking down the street and somebody came up and said, “Oh, that’s my favorite film!” You kind of forget that people even watch your films. [Laughs]
What do you think of all the universe building that is going on in Hollywood right now and the possibility that they could reboot Twilight and expand its world? Could you ever see yourself playing Edward Cullen again?
Really, they’re expanding it? So I’ll get my own spin-off? [Laughs]
Potentially! It could be called Edward: Homecoming.
Yeah, exactly.
But would you ever dip back in if the opportunity presented itself?
I mean, I’m always kind of curious. Anything where there’s a mass audience — or seemingly an audience for it — I always like the idea of subverting people’s expectations. So there could be some radical way of doing it, which could be quite fun. It’s always difficult when there’s no source material. But, yeah, I’m always curious.
What type of role haven’t you been offered yet that you’re eager for?
I sort of, to a fault, rely a little bit too much on being inspired by things that land on my doorstep. I literally just did this movie called Good Time, which I think is a really interesting role. But I would’ve never, ever predicted that I would’ve liked it. [Pattinson plays a New York bank robber running from the police.] I think that he’s basically the embodiment of an angry commenter on the Internet.
That sounds great.
Well, if you watch the movie you’ll probably be like, “Huh? What are you talking about?” But one of my favorite things to do — this is quite embarrassing — but you know how when you look on Amazon and you see a product that’s got a consumer review that is so scathing, on like an electric toothbrush or something? Like, literally buying this toothbrush has ruined this person’s life. I always click on that person’s buying history, or their other reviews, and I’ll just read them for days and days. And I’m really amused. These people just have to vent this kind of furious anger on product reviews. I’ve always found that sort of character really interesting. [Laughs]
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