HQ-Pics posted above. Keeping the post for the comments :)


Lynn said...

Oh my goodness, Rob looks so young and old at the same time. He looks amazing in blue, possibly a play on his mood. A little punch-drunk and a lotta scruff fuels me!

Thanks for the dose, m'dear Dani!

p r i s c a said...

*breathing accelerates*

*heart thumping loudly*

i don't need words.

babbles said...


The hair is in perfect form, almost overtaking Rob's beauty, Ok ya right - both breathtaking!

Dani said...

He is lovely as usual. And I spy a new jacket! I love it too, oh he is so delicious looking, man just takes a good photo anytime and anywhere.

YQUE! said...


Eva said...

sooo dreamy on the last photo!

p r i s c a said...

Dani, I think I spy a new everything. Those pants look really crisp, the shirt i don't recognize.

I like it!

Lynn said...

I think someone's management team finally took it upon themselves to buy Rob some clothes.

I spy some Italian fashion influence---love it!

Gozde said...

You know, I was walking around campus today and 22 year olds look so young! I wonder if Rob looks that young in person. Kathryn?
He still looks tired, which I can understand. The jet lag to Europe is horrible! When I come back here, I adjust just fine but when you go over there, it's so hard to wake up!

Rusharthi said...

Sooooooo beautiful...he can't be real.....he really takes my breath away....

Thank you!!!

Rose said...

He does look tired. Poor baby.
Thanks again for letting me oogle Robert some more.
You have no idea (well, you probably do) how much it means to me.

Amy said...

OH MY!!! :)

Dani said...

Lynn I think you are right, the Italian style or at least a stylist from the shoot has taken over. Although those are the same jeans from the last 2 days. Gosh I just think he is fabulous looking. Talented and amazing looking, and nice on top of that. This guy just has it.

Amy said...

They probably did this photo call during the day yesterday, in between all the interviews and press stuff and before the premiere. After seeing what his schedule was like in Mexico, I bet Rome was even more intense since Kris & Catherine were there too. Lot's going on in a short amount of time.

So do you all think he will just fly directly to New York from Rome since he has that radio interview on the 4th...or maybe make a stop home in London before heading back to the US?

kristen said...

These photos are lovely. Rob looks gorgeous as ever, and I love the lighting and colours in the photos (the green in the background really compliments the blue of his jacket, and the lighting is doing wonders for his complexion and coloring)... and of course the new clothes are fabulous too!

Thanks for these, Dani!

Gozde said...

Oh man, I forgot about New York. Why doesn't he just phone in? Get some rest boy :-)

Dani said...

If anyone cares to see here are the links to Kristen's portraits.

And poor guy should get a dang moment of peace. Flying all over the place especially since he just flew to Rome and now he's going to New York and then back to LA. This kid needs a break and a cookie, a big glass of milk and to be sent to bed early. Oh and maybe a little kiss before bedtime. I can handle that one all by myself but cannot bake to save my life someone else can take care of the cookies.

p r i s c a said...

I like K.Stew's first pic. Despite the weird pose she looks very comfortable.

Kat said...

Wow, great pics. He's so dreamy.....

Gozde ~ I would say he looks a little younger in real life, but not as young as some 22 year olds I see! Does that make sense? He could easily pass for a great looking 25 year old and not young enough to get carded!!! Now I'm rambling... sorry.

One thing I did notice is his skin. It's perfect. Not a blemish on it, I have expected it to be a little on the greasy side around his hair because of all the hair touching, but no. Truly skin to be jealous of. He's just naturally gorgeous.

Thank you Rob for being naturally gorgeous for us. We are very thankful.

Being a Brit, I don;t really "celebrate" Thanksgiving - but this year I will be thankful for all things Rob.

Lynn said...

Alright, Kristen is just hard core, love the rebel shots! She looks like she's totally in her comfort zone with the Chuck Taylors, skinny jeans, casual top and fun jewelry.

Emily said...

Thanks for the great pictures. They are delicious, as always. Man, can Rob do 'intense' or what? Those eyes are scorching.

Forevereb - does it seem to you like Rob is losing his accent a bit? I imagine it is to be expected after being surrounded by Americans constantly. Maybe he can make a quick stop home to see mum and dad and freshen up that sexy accent again. Not that I still wouldn't listen to him talk all day and all night if I could.

p r i s c a said...

Can you imagine the photo session:

photog: Ok, Robert. I need you to look right at me, very intense. With your eyes, burn thru the photo
rob: *looks at photog*
photog: Yeah good, good. Ok, another shot. Right at me rob.
rob: *stares*
photog: Ok, stop! Look away now. Look at something else, cos i just peed my pants. No! Stop, don't look at meee!

Karla said...

As delicious as always!

Lynn said...

Emily---I noticed the loss of accent thing, too. I would imagine that Rob tends to naturally pick up on others' accents. I tend to do and it's an annoying habit. But, Rob was just giddy at the Rome interview---I love how he took off with the questions.

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