Premiere Arrival Video


Gozde said...

Jules, this is the video you "missed" :-)

Jewels64 said...

Goz! I love you! Thank you! The hair.... the money shot....

You are the bestest Rob gal ever! Thanks for cheering up a weepy old cougar! Now, I have to go call my boy toy and leave him a nasty message to feel even better! :-)

Ellie said...

Love when he licks those luscious lips--

babbles said...

That dumb girl - "from the heart Rob" Shut Up!
Your like his zillionth interview, leave him be and let him say whatever he wants - plus she was the end of the red carpet so Rob was prob like Shut the Hell up I am almost done - Ok but really, Rob was gracious and humble as always...

Amy said...

Thank you so much for posting this girls! I missed it during the live feed.

babbles said...

Goz ~ I totally have a girl crush on Kristen, I think she is raw beauty, But Nikki was deff in true Rosalie fashion tonight, she looked amazing... The live feed was such a waste of my patience which I was already low on to begin with...

Gozde said...

You are SO welcome :-))

As for the tight pants on Rob. Have you guys heard the expression "he is either gay or European" ? :-)

Me and my friends use it all the time. Euro-guys wear tighter pants, move different than American guys etc. and it's easy to think they are gay :-)

DirtyD said...

Goz haven't heard the expression. I have my own little sayings: HOT PANTS, SEXY PANTS!

kristen said...

Goz - My friends and I say the same thing! "Gay or European?" Of course, being in the Bay Area, it usually turns out to be the former, unfortunately :)

Ellie said...

I went to see "Legally Blonde" on Broadway and there's a song in the show called "Gay or European" (or something to that effect). It's during the court scene when Elle notices that the witness is gay, but others are saying, "No, he's
european". Turns out, he's both-lol. So funny you brought that up.

Gozde said...

lol :-) And Lyla, Atlanta is the 2nd gay capital in US so it turns out to be the 2nd choice here too :-) I'm going up to Chicago and NYC where hopefully guys are straight and cute :PP

Jewels64 said...

Most of my gay friends were drag queens. Hated it when they borrowed my clothes and looked better in them than I did.

Yep, He's many more expressions from around the world.

Like: "howz it hanging? to the left!"

Men and their life long love affair with their little buddies!

Gozde said...

Okay really gotto go pack now.


Jewels64 said...

Safe trip Goz...we'll keep the blog warm for ya!

((((BIG HUGS!!))))

Ellie said...

Safe trip Goz!

kristen said...

Have fun, Goz!! I've never been to Chicago, but really want to go. I love NYC though - how can you not? Have an amazing time, and be safe!

Gozde said...

Thank you ladies :-))

Emily said...

Ugh...that girl was incredibly annoying. "From the heart, Rob" I'll show you from the heart. How about, "I've been answering the exact same questions over and over and over for the past five months until I feel like ripping my hair out because I'm a good person but it's all getting to be a bit much. You should be happy that I'm plastering this smile on my face and talking to you at all. There! How's that?" Yeah, go get your drink of water lady and leave him alone...

Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh. Rob would never say that but sometimes I wish he would. They probably wouldn't even be offended because of his velvety voice and sexy accent.

Anonymous said...

Well he's gone and done it now. He's set a standard of male beauty that no other man on the planet can possibly live up to. He even outdid himself tonight.

Goz and Dani - you are godesses!

kristen said...

Emily - I know, that woman was a bit horrid for saying that. I mean, seriously? He's in the midst of thousands of screaming fangirls, he can barely hear what she's saying, he's probably already been interviewed by 10-20 people, and she's honestly going to call him on "not speaking from the heart"? Seriously? I don't know how he kept his composure and didn't snap at her. Kudos to Rob for being so wonderful and charming (yet again!)

Emily said...

He is a lovely person, that's for sure. I know this was discussed earlier but what is going on with his hair? It looks so dark sometimes (not just in the video but some of the pictures as well.) Am I crazy? Have I been staring at him too long? Okay, yes and yes. Does anyone else see it? I'm loving it but it just looks different.

Amy said...

Ok after looking at all these pictures coming in, you have to see some of the POSTERS that people made. The sayings on some of them are so funny and just so cute!! People really went ALL out with Tshirts, buttons, posters,

MiCh said...

I'm back! Well, not exactly.. I'm just drooling over the "Money Shot" of Rob. He looks unbelievable stunning.

Dr Goz, hope you have a nice trip. You really deserve it, you're a busy bee! Thanks a lot for make this place so enjoyable! Dani, you're a goddess too!

And of course, all you RobKats of this blog, thanks for make this night so wonderful. Good night to everybody!

Lynn said...

ARGH! Fuck! I left around 7:15 and found out later from Audrey that Rob appeared about 5 minutes after I left.

Well, said British boy did not disappoint, because, the modesque suit was smoldering. Rob's hair was simply out of his hands (so to speak), even with the use of an actual stylist. The weather is horrendous, I actually did mine today and it was crispy to say the least.

I wonder who Kristen was wearing, she looked stunning but I wasn't crazy about the overall appearance of her dress...less is totally more for such a waifish girl.

Amy said...


Kristen - wore a stunning asymmetrical red-white-and-silver Balenciaga dress with Christian Louboutin pumps. She accessorized with a cute black Chanel clutch and jewels. Gorgeous!

Nikki - wore a Marchesa dress with Neil Jane jewelry, Rene Caoville pumps and a Kotur clutch.

Rob's suit & lovely shoes (haha!)??? Not sure on those yet.

I'm hoping someone asked him from one of the Entertainment shows :)

Lynn said...

Ahhh, I thought it was a Balenciaga with the assymetrical design and Christian Louboutins are a must. I liked it, but, Kristen is so little that she needs monochromatic and more youth...kudos to her stylist for trying something edgy.

Thank you, Amy! I love the fashion.

Is it me or did Rob look like he could front a mod/ska band in that smokin' suit? Love it!

Kate said...

Ooh thanks so much for putting this up I did manage to catch it last night but it was atill freezing a lot on me so I thrilled to be able to see it here properly.

I'm giggling away here at the gay or european comment, I've never heard that but I think we can safely say that ROb is VERY european!!!
Love the style of the night (thanks AMy for the fashion update) Rob looked fab (of course) in the dark suit amd Kristen is just stunning, I loved the hair , it looks two toned in the photos. She's jusr gorgeous and they look fantastic together!!!

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