Showing posts with label German Magazines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label German Magazines. Show all posts

*New*/Old Robert Pattinson Pictures in ONE - Magazine Germany

Well they aren't NEW for those of us that have seen the "forbidden" Mark Segal pictures :)

This is one of the Entertainment Weekly outtakes. Rest is HERE.

You can see rest of the scans at the source: schnuffel1990 (via our affiliate RP Australia :))

*New* Robert Pattinson Interview in Bravo (Germany)

Bravo: Tell me Rob: How do you become a Hero?

Rob(laughing out loud): Am I a Hero?

B: For the fans you are. You play the out­sider, who every­one loves…

R: It’s great to be an outsider

B: Are you talk­ing from experience?

R: I was a loner in school. But you know what? It’s a com­pli­ment and the best thing that could have hap­pened to me. When you are dif­fer­ent from every­body else, it helps to be creative.(thinking) Maybe my point of view is a bit too romantic.

B: It’s ok to be romantic…

R: (grabs his hair and looks to the ground): I love being dif­fer­ent. I don’t want to lis­ten to other peo­ple or adjust myself, to ful­fill expec­ta­tions. As an out­sider I became what I am.

B: Are you the same in relationships?

R: In rela­tion­ships and friend­ships you have to adjust, so that it works together. Isn’t it the best proof of love to work on your­self, because you love the other per­son so much. But you shouldn’t fake it just to be liked.

Tay­lor: At school I didn’t have many friends either. Most of the time I was alone.

Kris­ten: We all feel like out­siders from time to time. Like today I felt like an out­sider and I’m sure that the most pop­u­lar girl felt lonely and mis­un­der­stood. I know how it feels to be unpop­u­lar. It shouldn’t bother me what peo­ple say about me but some­times it’s hard, even for me.

B: In the movie you are per­fect heroes. What about in your pri­vate life? Would you change some­thing there?

T: I want to be so wild and strong like the werewolf-boys. I’m often shy and silent. Some­times I want to be more extroverted.

R: I want to be a bit shorter.

K: (rolls her eyes): You are such an idiot, Rob! I don’t under­stand why you say such stu­pid things (Rob smiles embar­rassed. Kris­ten shakes her head) What is going on with you? Did you drink to much coke? (Gozde: I love this :))

UPDATE: pbirdie told us that the translation is missing Robs reaction to Kris comment mentioned by the interviewer:

Rob lacht noch Lauter. Er scheint es zu moegen, when Kristen in so Neckt...

Rob laughs even louder. Looks like he likes it when Kristen teases him...

R: I have really long arms and legs and I’m a total klutz. It isn’t very ele­gant. If I ever had to dance on a stage I would die of shame. I’m not afraid of nor­mal appear­ance any­more. I hope I can remem­ber this moment 20 years from now.

B: Rob, you’ve accom­plished a lot? Is it easy for you?

R: Some­times I have to be moti­vated, to move my ass. I have the bad habit of hang­ing around. I have two options: either I want to do ever­ything at once or I don’t want do anything.

B: And if you’re heart­bro­ken, do you lock your­self up?

R: Oh no! You should never drown in sadness

B: …like Bella after the breakup?

K: I think it is impor­tant to go through a break up. Look at Bella: In the end she is stronger than before, because she found her­self. Girls always want some­body who watches over them. But first you have to be strong. Then u can have a happy relationship.

T: I think the love tri­an­gle is really hard, in the movie. I feel sorry for Jacob, because Bella doesn’t love him back. When I read the book, I was like I don’t wanna expe­ri­ence that!

R: Being heart­bro­ken always feels ter­ri­ble. You have to go out­side, meet some friends. But you shouldn’t ignore the pain, because some­day it’s going to come back. But when you are young it doesn’t mat­ter – after 5 days you fall in love again with some­one else.

sources: Translation by Tina1287, scans, thanks to Thinking of Rob

Round-Up Of German Magazines with Robert Pattinson



Jolie Magazine

Big thanks to Darja For the scans
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