Showing posts with label Oh The Hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oh The Hair. Show all posts

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson out and about in Los Angeles (March 20)

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson out and about in Los Angeles (March 20)

The first day of spring and Rob appears! Super grainy but it's a drought reset :) It's reported that he was leaving a meeting in Beverly Hills.

Update: More pictures added to the thumbnails. Rob's hair has always grown crazy fast. ChiaRob. ;)




Mole, watch, fingers....SMP.



MORE after the cut!

New Pictures of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Paris (March 3)

New Pictures of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Paris (March 3)

We posted this set of Rob already but these are different shots. The picture with Kristen is from them exiting a car to go to a restaurant.


Click to view larger :) 

Reminder: We don't post private interior pictures taken with a long lens. There is video from this set of pictures but contain the restaurant interior. You can click HERE to view.

Source | Source | Thanks Stormshadow for the video link

Torture Tuesday starring Robert Pattinson

Torture Tuesday starring Robert Pattinson


Since it's Valentine's Day, I'm going to keep the torture light. We get to see Rob this Friday (EEEEEE!) and I can not wait for his press conference. He'll not only be talking Bel Ami in depth but hopefully discussing a couple other things that are hotly discussed - what's his next project and *sings to the tune of Where Did Our Love Go* baby, baby, baby, where did the hair gooooo?

It dawned on me that we didn't check and see what the dark recesses think! For shame! So tell us...where do YOU think the hair went?

Our guy will be here before we know it and you know he's gonna be asked the question, "baby baby baby where did the hair go?" We'll see if the winning guess matches. ;)

New/Old Fan Picture of Robert Pattinson at New Moon Premiere (2009)

New/Old Fan Picture of Robert Pattinson at New Moon Premiere (2009)

Oh my gosh...what a throwback. Everything seems ancient now that BuzzcutRob exists in my life.

Photo caption: check out my pic with Robert he was so nice people shouldn't be nervous to approach him

This is from the New Moon Premiere in Los Angeles.

Source | Via: RPNews

More Cute Fanpics Of Robert Pattinson At Comic-Con

A few more cute fanpics of Robert Pattinson at the "Breaking Dawn" Panel at Comic-Con.

I don't think we had these before. I'm a bit confused to be honest (they all look the same to me now) but you have gotta love Rob and his onesided do. And how cute is that smile?



Click for Larger

These look more like screencaps to me (but still cute as ever)

Source | Source via KStewAngel & Robstenation

*Possibly New, Possibly Not* Old Pics of Robert Pattinson on Ellen in November '09

I would never tire of watching Robert Pattinson being interviewed by Ellen, she brings out the bashful in him. Here are a few new pics of his appearance way back in November 2009.





And just for giggles here's that interview again...

Photo Source: Ellen

Old/New Robert Pattinson Candid

Old/New Robert Pattinson Candid I've never seen before :)

Thanks to Thiago for sending us the picture today :)

And the video from that day (most of you have probably seen this one before:))

Thanks to FePattz :)

New/Old Pics of Robert Pattinson at Melbooks Library 2008


Get Robert Pattinson's Highlights

Erin Green from The Huffington Post researched how Rob got his bronze highlights for Twilight:

The colorist who gave Robert Pattinson his signature bronze “Twilights” dishes on how recession-savvy ladies can get the look – and save some cash – using his hair highlighting technique.

The color chief and co-owner of the Gavert Atelier salon in Beverly Hills, Stuart Gavert, has a solution to make color grow out in an economic fashion: Twilights.

Twilights are like normal highlights; they’re just strategically placed to optimize grow-out time. Instead of hitting the salon again a month or so after the first color, you go once a quarter and no one is the wiser.

But, why the oh-so-clever moniker? It turns out the technique is the same one used on Robert Pattinson’s head in the Twilight movie. Gavert should know — he’s the man who gave the year’s most famous vampire his signature color for the first movie.

(If you haven’t read the books and at this point are wondering why on Earth anyone would care so much about the color of a vampire’s hair, just trust us. Pattinson's, er Edward Cullen's bronze locks play a central role. Some even wondered if Pattinson's coif was responsible for the movie's success. It's a girl thing.)

Gavert couldn’t be on the shoot highlighting the stars' hair every day, so he developed a grow-out friendly technique and used it on Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and the rest of the stars. The color gets put in under the part in the hair, masking the demarcation line for weeks.

The Birth of Twilights

"They didn't want [Robert] to look dead-dead. Just a little bit dead," said Gavert on the day I visited his salon for my own Twilights session.

The lead hair stylist on the first movie, Mary Ann Valdes, told Gavert the vampire make-up was washing Pattinson out, in a bad way. Not in a sexy-vampire, Edward Cullen way.

"Mary Ann called me and asked me what I thought," said Gavert. "I said, ‘Put some warmth in his hair. Don't make him a redhead or anything. But the warmth will reflect on his skin.’"

Warmth meant bronze highlights. But that created a new problem. Highlights grow out too fast and affect the continuity on a movie shoot. In other words, the filmmakers may shoot the entrance to a scene one week and shoot the rest of the scene a month later. Hair starts looking grown out at that point and people start realizing they're watching a movie and not hanging out with Edward Cullen.

How Do I Get Twilights?

The easiest way to get Twilights is the same way I did: schedule an appointment with Stuart or one of the stylists at his salon. Sessions with Stuart are pricey, $250 a session – he did touch Robert Pattinson’s hair after all. But you can get a junior colorist to do it for less. They've even got training sessions for stylists; that’ll get you rock-bottom hair color for about $40.

If you can't get to Los Angeles, the recession-friendly color can be explained to your own stylist. Gavert explained the key points for us:

• No putting highlights on the exterior of the hair. Keep one-quarter inch away from the part, so you won’t see the highlight right on the part.
• Pick a color (or two) that are close to the natural color. You want something that warms up the face and works with the natural color, not against it.

For the record, Pattinson got two colors. Gavert put four or five gold highlights up front, to bring out the would-be vamp’s amber contacts. I got one color. I already had some gold leftover from my old hair days, so Gavert picked a single mid-tone that worked well with my natural head and gold leftovers.

Source: Huffington Post

Another Challange For "The Hair", "The Eyes" and "The Teeth"

In Style has a 5 part vote going on. They compare True Blood's Eric and Twilight's Edward but of course the real comparison is between the two guys that play the characters. Robert Pattinson vs Alexander SkarsgĂĄrd since it's their hair and their eyes :)

Rob's are contacts but nice eyes they are...

What do you think? Comment & check to vote :)

"The Hair" Makes The New York Times

The New York Times for Delo (A Slovenian Newspaper). Thanks to Darja for the scan. We need material to get through these dark days of "No Rob in sight". Hope it's not like the big drought of 2008 where he went to London and disappeared :))

Thanks to RP Source for always having the best picture gallery and for sharing the love :)))
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