M Magazine (Germany)

This picture is photoshop Hell

"I don't feel like I am an actor. I want to create something, a character for a movie. And while I'm doing it, there are different experiences that slip into that character, because I change with every movie that I make. I care about the outcome of my work, the creative process, not so much about myself, because there are tons of people who pat you on the back and then they proceed to drop you. You have to be careful not to lose sight of who you are. That's why I love the British understatement. I'd rather understate my own effort (laughs)"

Go HERE for the rest of the scans and the interview translation, there are no new images in the scans.

PIcture Montage- RIP SEX HAIR


Sugar Magazine Scans

Eddie looks maaaaaddd!

If Zach McSucksBigTime Efron is #1 I will shoot myself!

Your Awwwww Moment of the Day.

Does it make you miss the mop...just a little???

London Press Junket Interview

New Little Ashes Stills

Year In Review: AccessHollywood.com’s Top 10 Searched Stars

Access Hollywood has their year in review and Rob comes in at #10:

#10 – Robert Pattinson

2008 was a big year for celebrities, and though he only began capturing headlines in the latter half of the year, Robert Pattison had enough people looking for information on him, that the “Twilight” hunk managed to earn the 10th spot on our list of Most Searched Terms leading folks to AccessHollywood.com.
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