*NEW* Oh Hot Damn HQ Pics Of Robert Pattinson From "Le Grand Journal"

*NEW* Oh Hot Damn HQ Pics Of Robert Pattinson From "Le Grand Journal"

I'm running out of words to describe Rob so I'll just stick with Oh Hot Damn.
Take that as your warning too before you look at these pics!



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Proceed with Caution
MORE After The Cut

Robert Pattinson's "Cosmopolis" Gets An 8 1/2 Min Standing Ovation

Robert Pattinson's "Cosmopolis" Gets An 8 1/2 Min Standing Ovation


From Cosmopolisfim.com

We only spoke to Martin to congratulate him on the successful premiere but he shared the news we’ve all been talking about. How long was the standing ovation at the conclusion of Cosmopolis? Here’s a cap from his email:

Congrats to "Cosmopolis" and all involved

Video Of the Cast entering the Theatre

And of the Applause at the end of the movie

Thanks to Sky for the tip

*NEW* More AfterParty Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart

*NEW* More AfterParty Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart

Strut that stuff Rob


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MORE Pics After The Cut

NEW: Robert Pattinson press interviews at Cannes + fan footage from Le Grand Journal

NEW: Robert Pattinson press interviews at Cannes + fan footage from Le Grand Journal

UPDATE: Added a translation to the 3rd video down :)

From USA Today, Rob squashed the crazy THG rumors and shared more wonderful things about being in Cannes:
Some rumors are so good, that they even get the movie stars involved believing. Even if it's only for a few minutes.

Robert Pattinson woke up Saturday morning at the Cannes Film Festival, the morning after his triumphant premiere in Cosmopolis, and saw internet reports that he was being considered for Catching Fire, the sequel to the The Hunger Games.

"I woke up this morning and saw all these things about me being cast in The Hunger Games," Pattinson tells USA TODAY. "I was kind of curious for a second. So I called my agent."

The response?

"My agent was like, 'No,' " Pattinson reports.
"(My agent) was like no one's going to offer you that part," Pattinson says, breaking into a laugh. "I was like, thanks for the reassurance."

But Pattinson was riding a high after his new film Cosmopolis (due out in the U.S. in August) received a standing ovation in Cannes with girlfriend Kristen Stewart in attendance.
Even that was stressful. The ovation came after director David Cronenberg warned him that the Cannes audience can be harsh.

"David tells me the night before, 'I'm fully expecting some boos,' " says Pattinson. "I was literally like, 'Why are you telling me this?' "

"I literally didn't watch one second of the movie, I was waiting for people to walk out," says Pattinson. "I was expecting a fight."

It was only hours afterwards that Pattinson was able to wind down at the film's afterparty.
"It took a full three hours of continued panic," says Pattinson. "Full adrenaline. It was just too weird."
Love it. Love that they spoke to Rob the morning after. :)

We posted this before but it wasn't the full interview yet. The interviewer loved what Rob did in Cosmopolis. :) Intellectual Rob is on display and wonderful. Please make sure you don't miss him.

MORE Rob and David interview after the cut! Plus a sexy fanvid of Rob heading to LGJ!

Robert Pattinson 2012 Cannes Portraits

Robert Pattinson 2012 Cannes Portraits

Oh my good God he looks good




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*NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson At The Premiere Of Reese Witherspoon's Film "Mud"

*NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson At The Premiere Of Reese Witherspoon's Film "Mud"




@anatolium: Standing ovation hallucinante pour Mud. Jamais vu ça a ‪#Cannes‬ . Le film est sympa. De la a...


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Source | Screencap

High Praise For Robert Pattinson From Pierre-Ange Le Pogam

Pierre-Ange Le Pogam (who is the French Cosmopolis Distributor) had some hig parise indeed for Robert Pattinson.
Check it out below


The movie just got screened for the press, did you get any reactions yet?

I did and so far I only got compliments for David Cronenberg on the movie. A lot of people were thrilled to finally discover the movie. I read an article in a daily newspaper that David will be the winner of the ceremony by K.O. It's a phrase that's delightful to hear even if I saw other movies at Cannes that are really good and on a high level. We know that Cosmopolis is a big movie that is extremely contemporary and modern. I told you when we saw each other a few days ago, I recommend everyone to go see it because it has not only a great director and a strong subject but it's also Robert Pattinson and the other actors that give everything they've got, and who act on an amazing level.

A little word about Robert Pattinson, he's attracting all the attention today and he took a lot of risks by working with David Cronenberg. Do you think he succeeded on his big break since Twilight and that he became a credible actor when it comes to cinema?

It's obvious that he's a big start when you see the crowds he draws in on the croisette. He's a huge star but he's incredibly serious, an extraordinary movie fanatic and he's incredibly intelligent compared to the image the media tried to paint him with for a few years now. He's such a wonderful boy, he's a movie star in the popular cinema for sure but he belongs in the auteur cinema too, in such a natural way. He's an amazing guy! He has looks that help him become an actor but he uses them, put them on a different level. It's all about his spirit, his heart and the emotions he has that talk and express themselves in this movie. He doesn't show off/uses his looks. He's really, really good.
Translation Source

I think after that and everything the last few days we need to bust out Proud Mama Steph.
Anyone else feeling proud of Rob?


Video & More NEW AfterParty Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart

Video & More NEW AfterParty Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart

Holy Jawporn




The madness that is Cannes

Youtube Source / Original vid here
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Round-Up Of Cannes Videos Featuring Robert Pattinson

UPDATED Again Another new vid (2nd one)
UPDATE Added another Video (4th one)

Round-Up Of Cannes Videos (Red Carpet/Press Conference) Featuring Robert Pattinson

Full Red Carpet Video

Rob signing autographs outside the press conference
Robear Robear

Rob & Kristen at the 0:50 mark
Cannes is scary!

More After The Cut

CUTE Robert Pattinson Doing Press In Cannes Today

CUTE Robert Pattinson Doing Press In Cannes Today

I did not think I could love this guy anymore than I do already but when he pulls those funny faces GAH
Can't wait to see this interview


Cannes Photo Diary: Day Eleven
"Chatting Cosmopolis with the always charming (and funny) Robert Pattinson… "

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