Get In The Limo With Robert Pattinson (Updated)

Get In The Limo With Robert Pattinson (Updated)

As you know "Cosmopolis" opened in MORE theatres on Friday (31st) and will open in even more next Friday (7th Sept), we'll have news of those places on Tuesday but until then we have a few things to tell you about.


First off if you're in Detroit then make sure to head over to our twitter and enter our contest for a chance to win 2 tickets to a "Cosmopolis" screening on 7th Sept! And that's not all you will be arriving to the screening in............... a limo! So you really will have a chance to "Get in the limo" (unfortunately not with Robert Pattinson)
Entering is easy...... Details HERE. Winner will be picked on Wednesday.
Thanks to EOne for the prize

Second thing we have to tell you about is that if you are in London our reader Julia contacted us to let us know that the Odeon, Panton Street is extending it's run of "Cosmopolis" until 6th Sept so if you haven't managed to see it there yet (or if you want to go again) there's still time! All the details you need are HERE

And lastly the US Theatre List is After The Cut

44 Days Of Robert Pattinson: Day 35 - Favourite Portrait Picture Of Rob For Press Conference/Junkets

44 Days Of Robert Pattinson: Day 35 - Favourite Portrait Picture Of Rob For Press Conference/Junkets


Oh my God, can you believe we are on Day 35 already?
And this one was a tough one too!
Favourite Portrait Picture Of Rob For Press Conference/Junkets
Almost impossible to pick one!

I went with this one because it's an old long time favourite of mine.


And Tink chose this one. OH MY........


There are SO many great Press Conference/Junket Portraits, what is YOUR favourite.
Tell us in the comments below, leave the link to your favourite.

Links are moderated so note that we'll have to approve them as you comment. Might take time.

Want to know all the days ahead of time? Check them out after the cut!

Showcase Saturday With Robert Pattinson

Showcase Saturday With Robert Pattinson

I love this video by Olia.She picked the perfect song and did a terrific job on it (as always)

SO much work went into this great video which is a tribute to Rob's films. It's a collab so was made by more than one person.

And last but not least, one of our readers Mika39 made this gorgeous video using comments from all of you
Thanks Mika39 for making it & sending it in to us.

NEW: Robert Pattinson interview during Cosmopolis NYC promo - "It's my life. You sort of want to read it."

NEW: Robert Pattinson interview during Cosmopolis NYC promo - "It's my life. You sort of want to read it."


Part of this was posted already HERE but now there's more from this interview.

From Syndicate:
As you may have heard — it has been in the news here and there — Twilight stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart broke up this summer.

Actually, everyone has seen the stories — including Pattinson. “Yeah, I read it,” the 26-year-old British actor says during an interview at a New York hotel. “It’s my life. You sort of want to read it. You feel like you need to read it. It’s one of those things where you keep picking a scab. You know you shouldn’t be doing it, but it’s a weird kind of addiction. You desperately want to stop.” 
About a month ago, a tabloid published photos of Stewart, Pattinson’s live-in girlfriend of four years, in an embrace with her Snow White & the Huntsman director, Rupert Sanders. Since then, the media seem able to talk of little else. 
“At times, I find the whole thing pretty funny,” Pattinson admits. “It is pretty funny. My life is kind of ridiculous to me. It’s so absurd at times.” Pattinson would rather talk about his new film, the David Cronenberg drama Cosmopolis. When the noted independent filmmaker, whose credits include A History of Violence (2005) and Eastern Promises (2007), gave Pattinson the script for Cosmopolis — based on the Don DeLillo novel — the actor could see himself as Eric Parker, the 28-year-old billionaire asset manager whose world falls apart around him as he rides in his stretch limo to get a haircut while wagering his company’s massive fortune on a bet. But Pattinson had one problem.
“I was honest with David and said that I loved his script, but I didn’t fully understand it,” Pattinson says. “I knew, if I tried to have a BS conversation about it, that David would call me out.” 
Cronenberg, too, had some reservations — about Pattinson. “Could this British guy do a New York accent where it’s not agonizing?” the filmmaker recalls wondering. “Could he play that age? Does he have the charisma to hold the audience for the whole movie, because he’s literally in every scene? “I did my homework and watched Little Ashes (2008) and Remember Me (2010),” Cronenberg says. “I even watched interviews that Robert did. I wanted to know what this guy was like when he was just being himself. I wanted to get a feel of what he was like as a person. I wanted to know that he had a sense of humor, and he does. 
“I finally said, ‘OK, this is the right guy.’  ” 
Most of Pattinson’s films have required him to forgo his natural British accent, so he had no problem finding Eric’s New York speech patterns. 
“I don’t even know what accent I was doing half of the time,” he admits. “I always found that the dialect was written in the lines. The voice was also part of the preparation. I wasn’t even trying to get a New York accent.”
His next film is, of course, the series-ending Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2, due in November. Cosmopolis is nothing like that, which is by design. “I try to do something different from vampire Edward Cullen each time I’m not doing a Twilight film,” Pattinson says. “I even try to make him different each time I do Twilight.” 
As a child growing up in London, Pattinson had dreams of stardom, but they involved music. That he ended up as an actor still bemuses him.   “When I’m asked to write down my occupation, it’s still hard for me to write actor.” 
After auditioning for Troy (2004) but not getting the part, Pattinson was cast in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) as the handsome, charming and doomed Cedric Diggory. Three years later, he began his turn as soulful vampire Edward Cullen. For “Twi-hards” dreading the end of the film franchise, Pattinson offers some words of hope. “I’m sure they’ll have a Twilight TV-series spinoff soon,” he says. “They’ll do it again.” That presumably wouldn’t involve Pattinson. There is talk of a film prequel, however. Would he be willing to play Edward again? “Who knows?” says Pattinson, laughing. “The only thing that creates a little bit of a problem is that I’m supposed to be 17 forever.”
Via: Those British Boys

*NEW* Covers For Robert Pattinson's "Cosmopolis" DVD & BluRay In The UK (& Pre-Order Links)

UPDATE: Added DVD & BluRay Extras Thanks to Gossipgyal
*NEW* Covers For Robert Pattinson's "Cosmopolis" DVD & BluRay In The UK (& Pre-Order Links)

New look "Cosmopolis covers for the UK DVD & BluRay. I can't wait for 8th October. I want this now!


DVD Extras (listed on

Citizens of Cosmopolis - An Exclusive in-depth documentary


Citizens of Cosmopolis - An exclusive in-depth documentary
Interviews with Cast & Crew

You can Pre-order it below

At Amazon
DVD & BluRay

DVD | BluRay

44 Days of Robert Pattinson ~ Day 34: Favorite on-set photo of Rob

44 Days of Robert Pattinson ~ Day 34: Favorite on-set photo of Rob

UPDATE: Added Kat's fave photo :))


The ROBlympics continues...

Day 34: Favorite on-set photo of Rob

Kate and I forever twinners :) We LOVED us some on-set Robenberg...

Tink's pick


Kate's pick


Kat's pick


So we're totally on a Cosmopolis high but are you? What on-set photo do you love of Rob?? Share in the comments :))

Links are moderated so note that we'll have to approve them as you comment. Might take time. 

Want to know all the days ahead of time? Check them out after the cut!

Things that make you go hmmmmm: Guy Pearce talks about starring in The Rover with Robert Pattinson

Things that make you go hmmmmm: Guy Pearce talks about starring in The Rover with Robert Pattinson

Hmmmm he says his involvement is not 100% definite yet.... hmmmmm

Production on The Rover is slated for Jan. 24, 2013

Via: RPNews
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