The Tonight Show Screencaps HQ

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Sugar Magazine Scans

Click scan for larger view. Interview with Rob

The interview is HERE. It's a great one and it's long so I'm not posting all of it. Here are some parts:

This movie is about obsessive love. Have you ever experienced it?

Yeah, sort of. I remember there was a girl I was totally obsessed with for about 10 years.

Ten years is a long time.

Yeah, but it’s like I never ever spoke to her. I think that’s the best type of love (laughter). I remember when reading my diaries from the time—whenever anything else would mess up with a girl, I’d be like, she’d better be worth it. When it happens, you can always have this kind of hope and then when I finally told her she was like, “You’ve never spoken to me in my whole life. You’ve only spoken to me about three times and never said anything nice (laughter).”

Can you tell us more about your family background?

My dad is from Yorkshire and he did a bunch of things. In the ’70s, he moved to America for a bit and just worked as a taxi driver. Then he started selling cars in the ’80s. My mom worked as a booker at a modeling agency and now they’re both retired. My mom, sisters and I speak really well. My parents were just very aware of how you’re treated differently in the world if you speak articulately. So it was just the way I was brought up.

What do you look for in a girl?

I’m always shocked by the people who I’m attracted to. It’s always completely random. I generally like people who are a bit crazy but yeah, that’s pretty much my only prerequisite. (Gozde's note: I knew I had a chance! I'm quite crazy :-))

Rolling Stone Movie critic Peter Travers on Robert Pattinson

HERE is a video of Rolling Stone Movie Critic Peter Travers talking about the Rob Phenomenon and how he is handling it. The video has Rob's Hot topic appearances.

Top Movie Heartthrob of the year!

Well we already knew but yahoo named the top heartthrobs of the decade and Rob is this year's :-)

2008: ROBERT PATTINSON - Twilight
Runner-up: ROBERT DOWNEY JR. - Iron Man

After a tumultuous decade, Robert Downey Jr. found a role that truly suited him (literally), and he gained a new legion of fans as billionaire superhero Tony Stark. Yet no one inspired as much screaming, fainting, and generally pandemonium as Robert Pattinson as the pale and prepossessing vampire Edward Cullen.

New Little Ashes Clips

Two clips all together below.

Teen Magazine Scans

Update-a while back we posted the outtakes from this shoot but below here are the actual scans from the magazine.

Click the pics for HQ View.
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