Charlie Bewley talks Robert Pattinson

Twilighters Anonymous did an interview with Charlie Bewley (he seems like such a nice guy) and he spoke about Rob.The Audio is on the video below and also the transcript and I've put the times where he talks about Rob on the audio to make them easier for you to find.

Charlie Bewley Interview with Twilighters Anonymous from JACOB BLACK on Vimeo.

(6.36)TA: You filmed scenes with several of the actors in New Moon. What was it like working with such a big cast and did everyone hit it off right away?

Charlie: I guess when you have a series of films like this; people who come in the second installment are obviously going to be like add-ons to the whole thing if you like. I mean in any kind of social contact you can’t just walk into a bunch of people and you know, just instantly be friends with them it just doesn’t work like that. Especially on a film set with a lot of, a lot of trust a lot of friendships get built over a period of time as opposed to like straight off the bat. Remember we’re actors; we’re very, you know insecure and untrustworthy. I mean I felt very accommodated on set, I mean first point of entry is hair and makeup and they’re the most wonderful people. And you make very good friends with them, and they’re just so interested in who you are, and it’s like five in the morning but no one cares and everyone looks like shit but they try and keep you upbeat. And then when you walk on set it’s very sort of professional off the bat. Like first time I kind of saw Rob and Kristen doing a scene it was a very surreal experience the first time you meet someone who you only know through films and through magazines and stuff. The first time you actually meet them you’re actually alongside them in a character context in a film and off the bat we were going like a house on fire.

(12.57)TA: In terms of fans, paparazzi and overall filming, what were the biggest differences in going from Vancouver to Italy?

Charlie: Going from Vancouver where when you’re working you’re actually on set. You’re on set it’s enclosed, you know, no access. It’s locked down. The only time I really encountered any fans, and I really didn’t because I’d only just been introduced and people don’t really know what I look like. Because I really don’t think I look in person, what I look like in my photos. I just don’t think I do, it’s just an energy or something. In Vancouver, I just walked around anonymous, like I’m doing in London, its fine. Plus I haven’t been disseminated that bad, so there was no problems in Vancouver whatsoever. I just did the work and walked home. When we went out to dinner sometimes with Rob and Kristen, that’s when you had paparazzi just swarming the place, like rats on a ship, it was weird. And Poor Rob, you know, he sits down in a corner and is like “This is ridiculous, I can’t believe this is happening. Just leave me alone.” Which is sad, because he can’t leave his house. When you go to a place like Italy; I don’t know why Summit really told everyone they were going to film in Montepulciano a good two months ahead of time. I don’t know why. But when we got there it was just, it’s impossible to keep five thousand girls out of a place as small as Montepulciano. You’d need a thousand extras on set every day. They were just allowed, you know, to ride, go wherever you want. So there was no cordoned- off areas really, as such, apart from the hotels and stuff. So you were always, wherever you went, followed by a hundred to a thousand girls….and boys. They were the Italians. And it was a wonderful experience, a very surreal experience, because you take Montepulciano which is this beautiful, secluded, hilltop Tuscan countryside which is rolling with grapevines and wonderful hay fields and trees and beautiful sunshine. And on top of this mountain is this beautiful, rustic, nine hundred year old village which is untouched by commerciality. There’s just not one trace of a commercial footstep on it at all. Then you have that beauty and a film set, the buzz of a huge Hollywood film set to it, then you have five thousand screaming fans wherever you go. You’re treated like royalty wherever you go, with security guards and everything. It’s just the most surreal experience I think I can ever expect to go through again, really, honestly. The whole everything together was just. I mean I’ve written an article about it and I’m going to put it out there at some point just to try to capture, because my writing is much better than when I talk. I don’t know if you’ve noticed that. It was another world, it really was.

(15.39)TA: Did you have any idea how big the Twilight hype was when you joined the cast?

Charlie: Yeah, I knew what it was going to be like. I didn’t expect the whole Italian thing to be as ridiculous as it was. Not to say I’m not grateful for it at all because I love the Italians. They are wicked, wicked people. Not to mention they make up probably like 87% of my fan base right now. Did I know what was going to happen, the whole hype thing? Yeah, I mean it’s fairly obvious. In Canada, where I was living, Rob was on the cover of every single magazine going. I knew that as soon as our faces were thrown out there and disseminated things were going to get a little crazy. But you know, it’s been okay so far. Being a totally unknown actor, there was a lot more intrigue into me as to other people, I’m pretty sure of that. But it’s you know, going to be fairly steady until the film comes out and then I expect another sort of wave of commitments and paparazzi. I don’t know, I mean I don’t think about it too much to be honest because I just, whatever happens happens. There’s nothing you can do about it. And you can just enjoy it when it comes. It’s a wonderful thing to happen to someone in their life, to be subject to such interest. People can be actually intrigued, have an intrigue into what you’ve done in your life. Especially when you’ve got a back-story like I have, it’s something that’s very exciting.

If you would like to read the rest of the transcript please visit Twilighters Anonymous

"How To Be" Us DVD Trailer

Because I LOVE RobArt.

You can order How To Be in US here and UK here.

United States United Kingdom

Robert Pattinson Doesn't Do His Own Stunts

Well that's good. None of us want him hurt :)

Oh and I thought Ted would say "I asked for a stunt double once and they brought in a chimp".

Billy Burke Tweets About Robert Pattinson

I love Billy Burke. If you're not following him already on Twitter you can do so here

Robert Pattinson"The Haunted Airman" Screencaps

For loads more "Haunted Airman" screencaps visit RobertPattinsonBrasil

Robert Pattinson in "One" Magazine (France)

Ok this pic has got to get the OH HOT DAMN Warning.
Sorry I have to go and recover from all that hotness.

Source via Source
These are the parts that Rob is featured in.
For scans of the rest of the magazine go here
Thanks to Iwry for the tip

Robert Pattinson In Joy Magazine

Click for Larger:

Robert is the perfect example of what the media and fame are capable of doing. It’s a huge stroke of luck, brutal and well-aimed that all of a sudden launches you to the highest peak of worldwide attention, away from good and evil. Something very tempting and are.“I wasn’t expecting having this much success. It’s something I still can’t understand. The truth is that in certain occasions I feel dizzy and I still don’t know how to handle so much attention” he expresses, in a very shy voice, almost like a whisper, as if he was telling us a secret. His eyes, so clear they’re almost transparent, stare attentively at us and distract us. It’s not easy resisting his charms! His honesty wins us over though, because far from finding a male diva, we discover, little by little a sensitive man. Warm and charming. We don’t hesitate in sharing with him what we really think: luck, yes, it’s fundamental, but if it doesn’t come hand in hand with talent and magic, everything remains just an anecdote. Robert smiles, he likes the idea. For now he knows that in talent he has exceeded expectations but he worries that he might not be up to the hype and the phenomenon that he’s become. It’s clear to us; charisma is authentic. And after this interview, there’s no doubts about it.

Last time we saw you, Twilight was about to be released and you said you didn’t know what to expect of the movie, and that everybody was looking forward to it. After all the success and box office numbers, how do you feel?
It’s very strange. I can say that everything has happened very fast. Like I’m fast-forwarding through life. Like everything around me is happening at 1000 m/p. The way you fast-forward a movie, just like that. I never thought the movie would cause such a stir. Seeing girls screaming around me is so bizarre. Sometimes I can’t believe is all about me. It’s like I’m living inside a movie, but I wake up and it’s all real. I see that it’s real and how much my life has changed. I still don’t know in which ways my life has changed, I’m still figuring that out. And I don’t know why but I think it’s going to take me a long time to figure it out. I guess it’s normal, don’t you think?

Of course! But we can’t deny that you’re already such a phenomenon by yourself. You have fans waiting for your next movie and wondering what you’re up to. Are you aware of that?
Yes, in fact, that’s the most strange part of it. For instance, I haven’t been able to see the final cut of New Moon, and I’ve read so many comments and opinions about it already. It’s something I can’t understand. It’s like everyone else can read into your future or, like they have more information of your life than you do.

Does that generate any pressure for you? Has it affected your work or changed you freedom in doing other things, or taking chances for fear of not acomplishing what others expect of you?Honestly, no. In that sense I feel like I’m the same person i’ve always been and I feel I have all the freedom in the world. I’m still doing my job as best as I can, and most importantly, I still enjoy it. I admit that I do feel more safe in movie sets that on the streets. I never thought that one day that would happen, but I feel that in movie sets I can be myself, and be more relaxed and focused on what I have to do. When I go out for a walk, I have to be aware of everything that’s around me and that’s out of my control. On a familiar set at least you know what to expect most of the times (laughs).

Does it affect you what tabloids say about you and seeing yourself in the cover of these magazines?
Not at all. I don’t like to read them or be aware of what they say. At all. It’s something I avoid completely. I do my work, live my life and follow my intuitions. I make my decisions the best way that I can and that’s it. If you pay attention to any of that, you’ll lose. I’m aware of that and I try to be very careful about it. I try to live away from that, saving my self disgusts and headaches.

In Twilight we got to see some sexual tension between Bella and Edward. That’s something very enigmatic. Will that continue in the rest of the movies?
I don’t think there was sexual tension, nor do I think that that’s the focus of the movies. I don’t see it that way. I think it’s a stroy about what it means to commit to a feeling and to the person that you love. Above all, it’s about finding someone to love despite having to fight so many problems that might show up. What hooks you about the movie, I’m convinced about it, is that it talks about the fear of what can happen to you if you fall in love and give yourself away completely. Realising how far you can go for love, passion and being amazed by it. People identify with it more than you can imagine. To me it’s not even a story about vampires, but about feelings that we’ve all felt before. It talks about the fear of feeling those things. It’s a movie with so many meanings, that’s why I like it and I think that’s why people like it too.

Tell about how you can’t expect what’s going to happen when you go out.
Yes, it’s something I’m still taking in. I’m plain, I like normal things. But now there’s rumors about the places I like to visit, and I can’t go to those places anymore. One time I tried. I wanted to celebrate my birthday on the same place I always go to, and it was a total failure, There was so many people, I couldn’t have a good time. From that point on, I try to avoid places where I can be seen and become the object of paparazzi and curious people. I also avoid the hip, famous places where people think I might be at. I’ve changed them for darker places, those dodgy places where there’s good food and music. It’s sounds crazy, but I’ve had to develope strategies to go out with my friends and have a normal life. It’s the dark side of fame. But I don’t complain. I just asume that I have to deal with it now. Not everything can be perfect. I have so much already, having the oportunity of living from acting. It would be unfiar to say that I’m unlucky.

There are actors who would die to be in your shoes. Would you say that it’s a double life? The one that you live in front of the cameras, in red carpets and the one you live intimately?
Yes. In the end you have your real life and the one they make up in inteviews, not caring if what they’re saying is true or false. What’s true is that I’m too normal and I give them no material to write, so I’m an easy prey for make up stories. I should go wild and do crazy things so they have something to write about. My flaw for those tabloids is that I’m too calm and quiet (laughs).

And in those moments of intimacy and privacy, is it true hat you like to play the guitar? What do you do when you’re by yourself?
I do play the guitar. I have friends in Vancouver and I get together with them to play the guitar, listen to music. We spend the nights singing and swapping stories. I also do that when I’m at hotels. It’s relaxing. Music is my other passion. I hope I never leave it.

Speaking of passion and music, we know you write songs. What can you share about it?
I’m trying to write some songs for the next movie. I don’t know if it will be possible because of my schedule, but I want to do it. Music is the other side of me, it’s one of the things that complete me and I wouldn’t want to leave it aside for anything in the world. I have the intention of evolving in that aspect. It’s something I want to develope just as much as acting. I want to have a balance between those two things.

What other artistic endeavours are you interested in?
I always wanted to be a pianist and live in the south of France (laughs). But I’ve learned that it’s not important how you do things, but the final outcome. In life you always end up doing what you like. And nothing completes you more than that.

Do you have a spiritual side?
I believe in Karma. I believe it exists and whatever you do in your everyday life makes the eprson that you are. What you give in life comes back to you. I’m convinced of that, so I’m sure that everyday you have to be a good person and treat everyone with respect. We’re all connected.

We know you can’t say much about New Moon, but don’t leave before you tell us, did you have to go to some place dark to play this vampire again?
Yes, the truth is that the way I wanted to play Edward was less powerful. He’s a character that can’t change his condition, he didn’t choose his fate. He was unconcious when Carlisle turned him into a vampire. When he woke up, three days later, he realized that in oder to survive he would have to kill people. Imagine what would you feel like if you knew you would never grow old and that you would live forever. And what’s worse, you didn’t look for it. You become a sort of Superman without even wanting to be that, you were just a 17 year old kid. You must feel a huge impotence and frustration. Instead of believeing you’re hero, you’re a person who can’t find himself and doesn’t know who he is. Understanding that has been fundamental in understanding Edward. That very human side of him is what I love about him and I feel like I can relate to that. There’s something we all find hard to change and face about ourselves.

Than you to Twilight Poison for the scans and Translation. Please link back to them if you Repost.
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