Observing Proper Crassness

Hi guys,

We try to keep things light, fluffy and fun here at ROBsessed. We love Robert Pattinson, we respect him and try to do our best to inform people about him.

Unfortunately sometimes people cross the line in the comments and that gives all of us a bad name. We don't censor. It's against what we believe in. I started Robsessed because we were censored at another blog for nothing in particular.

Please don't abuse our good will by posting hateful messages towards Robert Pattinson or his costars, friends. Please don't abuse our good will by posting NC-17 rated stuff. YOU might think it's funny but others don't want to read about your sexual habits, fantasies, thoughts IN DETAIL. Suggestion is okay, we use a LOT of suggestion as well but don't be crude. Before posting think about this: "Would you say those things to a perfect stranger?" if no then please don't post it in the comments.

I'm sorry for this mod post, I hate making them but we have been getting emails about this and have heard our name is being dragged through the mud in other blogs/boards.

Thank you all for visiting and having fun with us :))

Thanks to FakerParis for the 1st .gif :)) It's one of the funniest gifs ever :))

SFX Magazine With Robert Pattinson

Source via Source

Panorama Magazine with Robert Pattinson (including Translation)


“I’m literally felt into my film career”. Robert Pattinson, actor of the Twilight Saga, is made object of a general frenzy without precedents. Kid oppressed by his sister ( “she dressed me as a girl and called me Claudia”), actor thanks to his father that “wanted to wake me up from my shyness”, today he earns 10 millions $ for movie, he is compared to Marlon Brando and he has two dreams: to record a disc and do not remain a vampire forever.
By Marco Giovannini - Los Angeles

Your character, vampire Edward Cullen, is 109 years old. You just has your 23rd birthday. What do you want to do in the next 86 years?

Robert Pattinson makes a good laugh, and this is a scoop, because in the first two movies of the Twilight Saga, gorgeous, pale and tortured, he practically never laughs.

“I know what I’ll do in the next two years, more or less, because I signed some contracts, but I’m not used to planning anything. I reason with my balls ( in England we call it instinct, in a poetic way), not with my brain. I’m slave of my subconscious”.

He is dressed with his usual dress: ripped jeans, black fade t-shirt under a checked flannel shirt. On his foot, All Star, even them black. A style so casual that it gains a label: “homeless chic”.

New/Old Candids of Robert Pattinson

Gorgeous shirt Rob! Hope you burned it :))And umm Nikki's hand is in a very unfortunate (or very fortunate) place and the expression on Rob's face is priceless :)

Aww the famous plaid!

heart shaped glasses?... Cute rob...very cute...

Big thanks to [info]medicated_mornin [info]lion_lamb for the pictures :)

Cute Japanese Interview with Robert Pattinson

Qs rough translation (by OdameCA):
0:03- What is your favorite scene in New Moon?
0:27- How about the scenes you appear in?
0:49- What if you are in a forbidden love?
1:02- So you are not logical but emotional?
1:15- What do you think of Jacob?
1:42- What is your weakness?
2:09- Are you scared of going to a doctor?
2:51- What is the difference before and after Twilight? for example, you made lots of new friends...?

Spanish Interview with Robert Pattinson

New pics of Rob in Japan

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