NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson taking in the New Tate Modern Museum in London (June 5)

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson taking in the New Tate Modern Museum in London (June 5)

Who would be able to pay attention to the art on the wall when living art is just casually walking through the exhibits?? Here's Rob getting his gift shopping on with *aliens in the background.

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*type of women that would not be passing out with such close proximity to Rob....or seem to notice him at all! The black cap is the new glasses.

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson is "a true and kind gentleman"

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson is "a true and kind gentleman"

This isn't just a lovely picture but the caption is especially lovely:
#RobertPattinson invited me to come and photograph him at a party he was hosting with @Dior in Cannes. We had our own section to sit quietly and get to know one another through imagery. It is always calming to meet a fellow Brit in such a unique and foreign situation, to which he was a true and kind gentleman.


NEW: Robert Pattinson on the cover of Good Time soundtrack + first single featuring Iggy Pop

NEW: Robert Pattinson on the cover of Good Time soundtrack + first single featuring Iggy Pop


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You can listen to the first single from Good Time by Oneohtrix Point Never, The Pure and the Damned featuring Iggy Pop. You'll recognize it from the trailer!

We also learned it will be the song in the closing scene of the film.
The soundtrack will be released with the film, August 11th, and won the 2017 Cannes Film Festival Best Soundtrack Award. You can check out the full track listing HERE with Pitchfork.

NEW: Catch a glimpse of Robert Pattinson

Catch a glimpse of Robert Pattinson in the background

Here Is...... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson

Here Is...... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson 

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Here Is...... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson

Here Is...... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson 

image host

ROBsessed Giveaway: Another great summer read from one of our fave authors - Dating You/Hating You by Christina Lauren!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Another great summer read from one of our fave authors - Dating You/Hating You by Christina Lauren!

We have a new summer read for you guys from Christina Lauren of Beautiful Bastard fame and their other sexy series, Wild Season. Dating You/HatingYou is their first standalone romance novel released today, June 6th. This romantic comedy will have you flipping through the pages while you lounge by the pool, take to the skies for a vacation or curl up on the couch with a glass *coughbottle* of wine. Check out the synopsis:
 photo 71b4yv3BLzL.jpgDating You/Hating You (on sale June 6th) - Everyone knows that all's fair in love and war. But these two will learn that sabotage is a dish best served naked.  
Despite the odds against them from an embarrassing meet-awkward at a mutual friend's Halloween party, Carter and Evie immediately hit it off. Even the realization that they're both high-powered agents at competing firms in Hollywood isn't enough to squash the fire. 
But when their two agencies merge - causing the pair to vie for the same position - all bets are off. What could have been a beautiful, blossoming romance turns in to an all-out war of sabotage. Carter and Evie are both thritysomething professionals - so why can't they act like it? 
Can Carter stop trying to please everyone and see how their mutual boss is really playing the game? Can Evie put aside her competitive nature long enough to figure out what she really wants in life? Can their actor clients just be something close to human? Whether these two Hollywood love/hatebirds get the storybook Hollywood ending, or just a dramedy of epic proportions, you get to enjoy Chistina Lauren's heartfelt, hilarious story of romance in the modern world.
Giveaway details:
  • There will be 2 worldwide winners!
  • You can enter the giveaway once a day through the Rafflecopter and/or Twitter.
  • The giveaway will end Sunday night, June 25th.
  • Good Luck!

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