Spanish interview

Here is an interview he gave in Mexico. Unfortunately I don't speak Spanish and tried google translator, which was craptastic :-) From what I gather he says the same things, like wanting to be in the movie because of Kristen etc.

For our Spanish reading audience here is the link:

Es Pattinson vampiro gracias a Stewart


Dani said...

Gozde can we say things got out of hand on the RPL. My o' MY! I wonder who it was that e-mailed Michelle about all that business. Really this is so trivial and weird, I hope the poor girl isn't too offended but I am really glad that you started your own blog and you are super fun so keep it up. I am off to watch some movies and run some errands, I will check back later. Your comments over there however were much appreciated by me. Thanks for the back up and this is all a bit silly.

Gozde said...

It is so silly. They created drama out of nowhere! And I am so offended at this point. They are blaming the wrong people for the Anne bashing comments. And after all the things we've said they still didn't come out saying "we weren't blaming you" or "thanks for your kind words" or anything.

So much drama. They sucked all the fun out of my favorite Rob site :-(

I hope we can keep it up here :-)I feel like I know you guys by now and I KNOW you weren't the ones with the vicious emails.

I am just sad that we have become the scape goats in the whole drama.


Dani said...

Okay I really have to go my husband is shooing us out the door but Gozde I adore you and am 100 percent with you. None of us would write such vulgar comments dispariging Michelle or her blog. That is just blatant childish behavior. We liked it over there but hey this is an new and awesome place to hang and I'm blessed to have met so many wonderful people.

Lynn and I spoke about this last night and laughed at how silly and ridiculous it is. Drama over the net about people you will likely never meet. It is just shenanigans I tell you! Email me your email. That just sounds like a bad sentence, anywho mine is I think I had yours at one point but you didn't get the one I sent you a day or so ago. I must have put it in wrong. Talk to you later love.

Gozde said...

I'll email you in a sec! Have fun :-)

babbles said...

Hi girlzzzz... Wish i had a min to chat but gotta run - I read the post on RPL!!! WOW...
Anyway, off to halloween parade with the babes! Lata

p r i s c a said...

*shocked face after reading all that RPL mess*

actually i do, just one.

Anonymous said...

I agree I don't really comment much over at the other blog but wow WTF?

Rose said...

I am speechless as well as to all the 'drama' that has gone on. I must have missed the comments attacking RPL/Michelle...the only people I saw who said negative things...were all 'anonymous'.
I'm sorry that things have gotten blown so out of proportion. It all seems so silly and trivial.

*picturing Rob standing by a car door and saying "GET IN THE CAR"*

Ahhhh...that's better. :)

p r i s c a said...

Ahhhh, P.ok, Soooooo much better! :)

Dani said...

I'm in a horrible movie with my husband. Ahhhhh Max Payne, I thought it would be good. Did see the Twilight trailer up close and HUGE! Ahhhhhhhhhhh "Say It" yes sir "Vampire!" tooooooo gooooood. Ah Rob and Kristen's kiss super hot all over that theatre! Yummy. Okay gotta go my hub is looking a little "what the Hell Dan" at me. Much love to you all.

Save the drama for ya mama!

Cadiwyn said...

*pops in* Hello girlies, how is everyone?

@Dani: Aw you're so lucky. I haven't been to the cinema in ages; I'd love to see the twilight trailer on the big screen.

Lynn said...

Gozde--I wish that I was at work, because I have about 10 co-workers that could easily translate that piece. GQ Rob is still my favorite (aside from the Interview pic)! Rob es guapo! Rob me deslumbra! Ay papi!

Kat said...

Wow, just came from RPL. Did they delete the whole blog? What on earth? All from a few obnoxious posts from anonymous'! I'm so confused.

Gozde - again, very cool that you started this up so we can post without being "reprimanded" for nothing. I feel for Michelle, but I do feel that she/they are blaming some of the regular funny, witty harmless commentors for things that go out of hand. I don't even know what was said to spark it all.


Kat said...

Gozde... how can I get some pictures to you? What's your e-mail?

Gozde said...

zip zip zip

Kat said...

Gozde... you have mail :-)

Kat said...

Hmmmm.... it had 8 attachments, let me check it went through ~ might have to send in smaller "lumps".

OK. It says it went through. Let me know if you've still not got it.

Gozde said...

:-(( Not coming through. Try this:

I am so curious now!~ :-)

Gozde said...

Oh and this is Gozde of course :-)

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