Robert Pattinson talks to Mark at the Movies about Breaking Dawn and his many lies

Robert Pattinson talks to Mark at the Movies about Breaking Dawn and his many lies

I feel like this was up before but I'm slightly behind in videos and this one needed to be posted since Rob confessed something...

Rob admits he's a big fat liar! He makes up stuff all the time. *cries* So when he told me he'd marry me, he was lying?? Why Rob, WHY?!

Joking aside, we know this already. Fabrication is his middle name. At least he says he's worse with journalist. This again is reason to not hold anything Rob says at the absolute truth. He is the King of sofas and white lies.

His example is funny too. Breaking Dawn was basically a snuff film. Oh Rob...

srpro.112011matmbdctintvws by officialspunkransom


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